Chapter 42

Glancing at Ye Enze, who was crazily chasing lemons next to him, Wang Mo didn't go too far, enough was enough.

Being afraid of your wife is never something to be ashamed of.

In fact, to be honest, Wang Mo is really envious of the love between Ye Enze and Ye Mu. Unlike before he traveled through time, the love has completely changed, and there is no real relationship. The relationship between the two is full of falsehood and money.

There is true love, too, but so little that it is almost invisible.

The three talked and laughed.

Sometimes Wang Mo would bring the topic to Ye Enze, so that he would not feel uninvolved while sitting next to him drinking tea.

Happy times are always short-lived.

The sky outside quickly darkened.

The servants in the mansion had already prepared dinner, and after half an afternoon of in-depth communication, Mother Ye became more and more fond of Wang Mo.

After the servant came to inform that dinner was ready, he pulled him ahead with a smile on his face.

Ye Enze, who was left behind, felt sore in his heart.

Although my status in the family is not too high on weekdays, it is not as low as it is now.

What's the matter.

Fortunately, Ye Lingling's caring little padded jacket was not too airtight. Seeing her mother pulling Wang Mo ahead, she gently grabbed her father's wide sleeves.

Ye Enze's eyes filled with tears.

I shouted in my heart that these years have not been in vain.

After dinner, she seemed to realize that she had neglected her husband, so Ye Mu took Ye Enze to the backyard.

And Wang Mo came to Floating Leaf City, how can he not see the night scene here.

After chatting with Mother Ye, she dragged Ye Lingling out of the Ye Mansion and onto the street outside.

Yang Hengdong didn't know where he went, and he didn't see him in Ye Mansion.

However, he is also a soul king powerhouse, in a sub-third-tier city like Floating Leaf City, there is no need to worry about his safety at all.

It was Zheng Yelong, the city lord.

Wang Mo and Ye Lingling had just walked half a street when the chubby figure of the City Lord appeared at the end of their sight.

There are quite a lot of pedestrians on the street at night, what's wrong with the city lord walking around the street?
Neither of them cared.

However, after shopping around a street, Wang Mo found that this guy was still there, but he followed him far away and never approached.

I exchanged glances with the masked elementary school girl, followed by a light bulb weighing more than 200 kilograms, how can I go shopping in this street?
Asking Ye Lingling to wait on the spot, Wang Mo walked over with a sad face.

"Hey, what a coincidence, Mr. Wang, you also come out to visit the night market." Zheng Yelong smiled awkwardly but politely.

Raising his hand as a stop gesture, Wang Mo said calmly. "I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry, I thank you for the afternoon, but now, please stop following us, thank you."

Nodding politely to Zheng Yelong, Wang Mo turned back to Ye Lingling, pulled her and quickly disappeared into the night crowd.

Zheng Yelong who was giggling was left alone.

After a while, a soldier in plain clothes came over and looked at the city lord who had a fat face with a smile on his face.

"Sir, do you still need to continue to follow?"

"Fuck me, I'm fine, let's go home." Zheng Yelong waved his hand, and several people who didn't quite get along with the ordinary pedestrians around him disappeared immediately.

Seeing this, Yang Hengdong, who was hiding in a certain corner next to him, pressed the bamboo hat on his head and stepped back slowly.

the other side.

"Didn't you just finish dinner? How can you still eat?"

While paying, Wang Mo was really curious as he looked at Ye Lingling who was puffing up from the corner of the veil.

Is the primary school sister's stomach a bottomless pit?
Thinking about it, he glanced at her flat abdomen again. She couldn't see her gaining weight after eating so much. Could it be the legendary special physique?
Then he looked at a certain part of her that had begun to take shape, or what he ate, gave all the nutrition to the place where it should be given.

"What's your look like?"

Wrinkling her small nose, Ye Lingling clenched her fist and waved it at him. "This is my family's territory. If you dare to bully me, I will tell my father and let him beat you."

It can be seen that Ye Lingling has become more courageous after returning home.

"Jie Jie Jie, senior sister thinks that I won't dare to bully you on your territory, right?" Wang Mo grinned ferociously and made a vicious expression.

"I even dared to hit an avalanche in the academy. Do you think your father is a little viscount, so I don't need to be afraid of him."


Stunned, Ye Lingling looked at Wang Mo timidly, and swallowed the food in her mouth with difficulty.

Seeing Ye Enze beat him out of Ye Mansion with a broom in the afternoon, she thought this bad guy was scared.

At this moment, when she heard the other party talk about it, she remembered that the bad guy in front of her had a lesson from the past!

If he knew that he was afraid, he wouldn't be in the Tiandou Imperial Academy, and Shangui was the fourth prince of the empire, Xue Beng.

Biting her lips lightly, Ye Lingling grabbed the hem of her clothes with both hands, and the fear that disappeared after returning home surged up again.

"I lied to you, I promised I would never bully you again, manly man, every spittle is a nail."

Reaching out and twisting her beautiful face, Wang Mo grinned.

Ye Lingling lowered her head and dared not speak.

Seeing this, some passing civilians walked away from the two of them, their eyes full of forbearance and anger.

In broad daylight, these sons of aristocrats are really too much!
Not far away, a two or three-year-old boy took his mother's hand, pointed at the two people here, and asked innocently.

"Ma Ma, are those two brothers and sisters playing some fun game?"

The mother hurriedly knelt down and picked him up, and walked away from the scene of the accident. "That's a bad guy, he's bullying my sister, don't follow him."


Seeing the terrified eyes of those around him, Wang Mo was indignant, I am such a sunny boy, am I so scary!
"A superficial bunch."

With a cold snort, Wang Mo took Ye Lingling's hand and continued walking forward.

"My son, you haven't given it yet"

Seeing that he was about to leave without giving the money, the snack vendor subconsciously reminded him, but he didn't dare to say anything after seeing Wang Mo looking back.

Life is not easy, the peddler sighed.

If it's a big deal, it will be snatched by the dog.

"It's wrong for you to do this. If you take something from someone else, you have to pay." Although she was a little scared, Ye Lingling still whispered to correct the wrong behavior of a bad guy.

"I gave it." Wang Mo remained expressionless.

"Where is the money, I haven't seen it." Ye Lingling looked directly into Wang Mo's eyes, although she was a little frightened and flickering, but she never moved away.

Pointing to a golden soul coin placed alone on the hawker's stall, Wang Mo put his hands on his chest.

"It hurts, it hurts too much, I am such an upright and kind person, senior sister, you don't believe me."

"Integrity", "Kindness".

Ye Lingling bit her lip lightly and lowered her head without making a sound, that was so upright and kind.

(End of this chapter)

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