Douluo: My Wuhun Tetanus Blade

Chapter 83 From now on, don't bring your little girlfriend around in the woods at night

Chapter 83 From now on, don't bring your little girlfriend around in the woods at night


Feeling Dugu Yan's gaze that looked like a smile but not a smile, Yufeng was sweating profusely for a while, not knowing how to explain it.

He just sighed inadvertently, how could he have imagined that it would lead to disaster.

"Okay, stop making trouble."

Looking at Li Pianran who was slowly walking away with his sister, Yu Tianheng touched his chin. "What did Teacher Li mean just now? What do you mean you can find her when you encounter something that cannot be solved?"

Oslo was deep in thought. "She means that in this Purple Star Academy, we will encounter things that even Mr. Qin and even the chief can't solve?"

"Just kidding."

Fu Ye had a look of surprise and uncertainty. "Our chief is the eight-ringed Soul Douluo, and the dean of the Purple Star Academy is only the Seventh-ringed Soul Sage."

Putting the food on the plate into his mouth in two or three strokes, Wang Mo looked at them quite speechlessly.

Before he said that Zixing Academy had nothing to offer to be courteous, rape or robbery, these guys kept singing the opposite tune, now after Li Pianran said so, they became suspicious again.

Also no one.

He slapped the chopsticks on the table, and Wang Mo closed the coffin. "People just saw me coming here to say hello, so stop thinking about it."

Everyone was not familiar with Li Pianran, they only met each other in the cafeteria of Shenfeng Academy.

The key to this one-sided relationship is their relationship with others.

The reason why she came to say hello was that, as she said before, Wang Mo had already entered the round-robin qualifying round in the Shenfeng Academy's test assessment, but resolutely withdrew and came to this Purple Star Academy.

As the daughter of the teacher and dean of Kamikaze Academy, since I saw it, it is not normal to come here to consult.

As for asking everyone to come to her if they have something to do, there is a high probability that it is just a polite gesture, or because they want to make friends because they have taken a fancy to his talent and strength in leapfrog battles?
In any case, everything is unknown until it happens.

The only thing that can be done is to respond to all changes with the same, and then soldiers will come to cover up the water and soil.

Have eaten.

Yu Tianheng and others went back to the small courtyard, and those who went to the fighting spirit field went to the fighting spirit field, while Wang Mo and Ye Lingling continued to complete the unfinished goals of the afternoon. Walking around the campus.

However, as they walked, the two were dumbfounded to find that they had lost their way.

Purple Star Academy is different from Kamikaze Academy, which is brightly lit at night. There are green plants everywhere, even in autumn, it is still green and shaded.

On the dark tree-lined path, there is only a light every few tens of meters. This light is not a soul guide spotlight, but a slightly yellow oil lamp. The range of light irradiation is really limited.

It was pitch black at night, and there were green plants everywhere in the Purple Star Academy. This was their first time here, and the academy covers an extremely large area.

Under the accumulation of various factors, the two naturally lost their way.

Under the dim oil lamp, two flying insects danced around the lampshade, slamming their heads like they were drunk.

Beside the lamp, two lost boys and girls were staring at each other, not knowing what to do.

The primary school sister was a little scared, and timidly grabbed Wang Mo's wide sleeves.

Wang Mo, who leaned over to pick up the golden soul coin used as a mark at his feet, scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Well, rely on me, rely on me, why don't we go back the same way?"

You must not be able to move forward, because this place is like the ecstasy array in the fucking maze. Go forward in a big circle, and when you feel a little tired, you will find that you are back origin.

Tried it several times in a row.

Wang Mo felt that either there was a strong person secretly preventing them from continuing to explore, or the place had a labyrinth-like structure.

But no matter what it is, there is only one purpose.

Some people don't want people to know that there are some unknown secrets hidden behind that shadow.


Glancing into the darkness, Ye Lingling nodded her head lightly, and she also noticed that something was wrong.

However, this is their academy after all, they are here to study and communicate, since they won't let them in, as guests, they can't force their way in, right?

Holding the hand of the primary school sister with one hand, Wang Mo wiped the golden soul coin used as a road sign on his clothes, then threw it into the storage soul guide, and started to return the same way.

As soon as he walked back twenty or thirty steps, Wang Mo felt it.

There are two completely different feelings going backwards and forwards.

Going forward, there has always been no way out, no way out, no way out, no way out doubt, endless repetition.

And go back.

At the beginning, he was very narrow, and he was able to understand people. After walking dozens of steps, he suddenly became enlightened.

When I read novels before, I saw that the protagonist and the people around him were trapped in a maze and couldn’t get out of it. Wang Mo still didn’t take it seriously. He felt that those people were too stupid.

However, when you really face it, you know that it is not the case at all.

"Hey, why are you here?"

Just after coming out, a slightly familiar female voice sounded from the side.

The two raised their eyes, and a fiery red body and its fiery figure suddenly came into view.

Who is not Li Pianran?

"Mr. Pianran, why are you here?" Wang Mo chuckled.

"What about me, I have something to talk to Dean Liu about."

Li Pianran smiled slightly. "It's you, hurry up and leave. This place is not a place where everyone can come. Be careful not to cause trouble for your teacher and chief."

Wang Mo was taken aback, can't you enter this place?

Seeing that he seemed a little puzzled, Li Pianran pointed to a marble with a size of two or three meters beside him with a slender hand. "Didn't you see that the academy's forbidden area, strangers are not allowed to enter."

The two turned their heads and saw that it was true.

Perhaps it was because I was afraid that others would not see it, so I specially chose a relatively large stone, on which was clearly written in purple-gold ink the eight characters 'Forbidden area of ​​the academy, strangers are not allowed to enter'.

Wang Mo was a little ashamed.

When he went in before, he was talking with the primary school sister, and it was a bit dark, so he really didn't pay attention.

So the reason why they lost their way just now was because they unknowingly entered someone's forbidden area?
"Thank you, Teacher Pianran, for your reminder. If you go in, you will be responsible for it, and you may be blackmailed." Wang Mo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Go back quickly."

Li Pianran pursed her lips and smiled. "In the future, don't bring your little girlfriend around in the woods at night. You are still young, and the task now should be to cultivate hard."

"No messing around"

Hearing this, Ye Lingling blushed with a pretty face, and hurriedly waved her hands to explain, but was interrupted directly by Wang Mo.

I saw Wang Mo pulling Ye Lingling away quickly, while turning his head and shouting at Li Pianran behind him.

"Thank you, Teacher Pianran, for your concern. I don't know what kind of class will be held tomorrow, so the two of us will go back to rest first. Teacher Pianran, you should go to bed early after you finish your work."

(End of this chapter)

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