Chapter 86 Probing
The sun was low.

Seattle city.

Apart from the demon hunting agency building standing tall in the setting sun, there were no high-rise buildings.

The city totem of Seattle - the Space Needle has become a pile of broken copper and iron randomly piled on the ground.

"Pacific Science Center" no longer has an elegant white gothic atmosphere, but has more "modern Greek aesthetics"——

That is: after being plundered by the bastard colonists, the ruins destroyed by a fire.

Standing on the Witcher Building.

Looking around, it is like a high-rise building on the plain, which can be seen at a glance.

Eyes go straight to the waterfront.

The sparkling waves of the sunset flashed golden strokes, and the luster of the sea spread out, catching the eyes.

The dilapidated look and the refreshment brought by the sea breeze constitute a contradictory picture.

Lane Station is set on a high platform overlooking the city.

After looting the cafeteria of the Seattle Demon Hunt, he chose to come to the balcony to get some fresh air.

“Great seafood in Seattle.”

Lane sighed.

After a delicious meal, the [energy gap] caused by the release of power has been completely filled.

He feels that he is in great shape now.

Overlooking the city, there is no one below, just like a ghost town.

I don't know where those civilians were sent.

Ryan put his hands on the railing, a little lost.

The battle in Seattle has only just started, and what is exposed behind the scenes may only be the tip of the iceberg of the conspiracy.

But even if it's just the first step.

Hundreds of thousands of civilians have already died.

In order to avoid the surveillance of the demon hunting agency, they must have been extremely careful and acted quietly, allowing the [weird] to replace the humans in the city.

As one can imagine, progress must have been slow.

But it was such a "tiny" action that in the end caused huge damage to 10 people.

They must have been brewing for a long time.

"These bastards won't let it go, maybe, I killed these [weirds] just because of their wishes."

Ryan scratched his head a little annoyed.

The enemy is dark and we are bright.

Slippery like catfish.

Lane hated this feeling.

"It's all a mystery."

He squinted his eyes, enjoying the breeze on his face.

These weirdos—where did they come from?

Knuckles knocked on the railing, Ryan was silent for a moment, then turned around decisively and walked towards the inside of the building.


Push open the door of the central control room.

Under the huge dome, there are countless agency operatives who are busy.

Ryan strode forward.

He walked straight towards a tall and graceful figure.


Li Lisi heard footsteps, she looked away from the big screen in front of her.

Looking back.

A young face came into view.

"Operator Winston."

Li Lisi's icy face seemed to move slightly for a moment, but soon, she returned to that frozen face.

"How is the recovery going?"

Li Lisi should be concerned.

But the tone of speaking is always questioning.

"It is in good condition and does not affect work."

Ryan looked at the three-dimensional image of Seattle on the screen and said indifferently.


"You can choose to take a longer break."

Li Lisi said lightly.

Ryan waved his hand.

He is very solid, but he is hungry, not empty.

On the contrary, he is a hard worker, and only then "ignites". After a long rest, his body will rust.

"How's the situation in the city?"

Lane blinked.

"very quiet."

Li Lisi turned around and faced the screen.

Together with Ryan, she put her eyes on the three-dimensional image, folded her hands behind her back, and said, "The evacuation officer settled the people, and they returned to the city. They are still patrolling."

"There was no movement, it was eerily quiet."

Ryan tilted his head.

"How are the two bastards in the agency doing?"

Speaking of those two, Minister Li Lisi frowned obviously: "It's also very quiet."

"Upper respiratory tract infection, even if you want to make a fuss, you can't make a fuss." Ryan said.

"No, I mean, they're limp in jail."

"Brain waves and electrocardiograms show that they are still alive." Li Lisi frowned and said slowly.


"It's like an extremely real puppet." Ryan added in a flat tone: "If you lose control of the [string], you can only lie limp on the bed."

Li Lisi nodded slowly.

"A good analogy."

"At the same time, it also proves the fact that they are being manipulated by others."

Ryan nodded indifferently.

From these two bastards, it is estimated that there is no useful information to be found.

"Are you still investigating the forest where the weirdo once appeared?"

Ryan still misses the birthplace of [Weird].

He had a hunch that there must be some useful information to be found there.

"We never gave up on exploring those places."

Minister Li Lisi responded coldly: "But the progress is not fast."

Lane nodded.

Seattle is a city surrounded by mountains. Although these mountains are not high in altitude, the peaks are so long that it is absolutely difficult to find out at once.

In addition, the target of [Weird] is relatively "small".

The traces of their haunts are naturally not as obvious as those of large beasts.

If there are still some mysterious powers to cover.

More like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Now, there are still elite demon hunters in the mountains?"

Ryan asked Minister Li Lisi.

"Only the drone is working. To prevent accidents, the witcher has returned to the city."

Seattle is not like some unlucky city with frequent disasters.

It is very "peaceful" for a long time.

Therefore, the highest combat power of the demon hunting organization here is the elite level.

After the previous riots.

In order to avoid another sudden disaster in the city, resulting in a shortage of manpower, the elite demon hunters really need to be on standby in the city.

"Only drones won't work."

Suddenly, Ryan smiled.

Minister Li Lisi turned sideways slowly.

She stared into a pair of indigo eyes.

Seeing the smile on the young face, Li Lisi raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Operator Winston, do you want to investigate?"

"I said it." Ryan looked at her: "My eyes are quite special, and I may be able to find clues that others cannot distinguish."

Li Lisi was silent for a moment.

As the only pioneer witcher, Ryan Winster should guard Seattle.

Li Lisi, who likes to keep the situation firmly in her hands, is shaken in her heart as a perfectionist.

Finally, she spoke slowly:

"The helicopter is ready for you and ready to take off."

"The coordinates have been sent to your communication terminal, you can check it."

"as well as."

"Do you need a team to accompany you?"

Li Lisi asked.

The sudden concern made Ryan feel a little weird.

"no need."

"I can do it by myself."

After pondering for a moment, he knew that Seattle was still exposed to danger, and he could have as much power as he could.

He doesn't care.

"If the city is in danger, I can come back soon."

Minister Li Lisi nodded slowly.

After that, Ryan turned around.

Straight out of the control room.

(End of this chapter)

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