Chapter 122 Beware of Sudden Death!

"If you want people not to know, unless you do nothing!"

Seeing that the other party was pretending not to know, Lu Heng sneered and said, "Poverty has already been counted in your past."

"Now in front of everyone, Pindao will tell you what you did in the past!"

"Indeed, as you said, when you were young, your family was considered well-off, and you were considered a respectable family in the village."

"But what does this have to do with you? It's all the result of your parents' hard work!"

"And you? As a rare only child in the family, one doesn't go to school, and the other doesn't work, and hangs out with those hooligans all day long."

"When you were here, you became even more addicted to gambling!"

"In order to pay off your gambling debts, you secretly sold your family's farm cattle, which made your father mad!"

"Your mother thought you were young and ignorant, so she took the initiative to find a matchmaker, trying to find a wife for you, so that you can take care of her."

"The girl the matchmaker introduced to you is a good girl from all over the world. Because her father is seriously ill and needs money for medical treatment, that's why she married you, you gambling dog!"

"In the next few years, you didn't go out to gamble anymore. Your mother thought you had reformed yourself, but you didn't know that because of the crackdown in those years, you didn't have the courage to go out to fool around."

"After that period of time, you reverted to your old ways, leaving all the farm work to your wife and mother, and going out alone to fool around and gamble."

"Pindao asked the time of your son's birth before, but you couldn't even name one of them. That's because when your wife was pregnant and gave birth, you were out gambling, and the sky was dark. How can you remember your mother, wife and children?"

Hearing this, Old Sixth Uncle's face turned livid, and he pointed at Lu Heng on the phone screen, his lips trembling, unable to utter a word.

And the water friends in the live broadcast room are completely blown up at this time!

"This old guy is really not a good bird!"

"It turned out to be an old gambling dog!"

"No wonder you don't even know the time of your son's birth, you should be damned for betting on dogs!"

"Made! How important was a farm ox at that time? It was actually sold to pay off the gambling debts, what an idiot!"

"I feel really sad for his father, who raised such a useless gambling dog!"

"Hehe! Whether it's the past, the present, or the future, betting on dogs is always the same. Dogs can't change eating shit!"

"I said before that I make a living by farming, so how can you farm?"

"Married to this old gambling dog, it's really bad luck for eight lifetimes!"

"When the crackdown was severe, why didn't this old thing be pulled out and shot?"

"So, the story about his wife eloping with another man is also fake?"

"Fuck, instead of spending the rest of my life with this kind of man, I really support his wife elope with someone else."

The attack power of the water friends is quite terrifying.

But it's a pity that the old sixth uncle has some presbyopia and can't see these bullet screens clearly.

Lu Heng continued: "You said your mother was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital, but why didn't you tell the reason for her illness?"

"That's because you dare not say it, and you don't have the face to say it!"

"That year, you lost a large sum of money at the gambling table, and in order to pay off your debts, you secretly sold your house and land."

"After your mother learned the truth, she was so angry that she suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and finally died of hatred in the hospital."

"You made your parents mad one after another, but you still don't change your mind, and often steal money from the family to gamble."

"What are you talking about when you go out to work and your wife doesn't want to, you really have the guts to say that!"

"No matter how capable your wife is, she can't stand a black hole like you, and even in the end, your eldest son can't even afford tuition and miscellaneous fees."

"Later, before you quit your gambling addiction, you became addicted to alcohol again!"

"Every time after drinking, you take out your anger on your wife and children, beating and scolding at every turn."

"Where did your wife's leg accidentally break while working? It was obviously broken by you after drinking!"

"But what about you? You don't know how to repent at all!"

"Under the shadow of such a family, your two sons have become more withdrawn and introverted..."

It was another direct speech from the old man, which made the sixth uncle tremble all over, and his lips turned white.

The water friends were also very angry.

Gritting their teeth one by one, they wished they could directly follow the network, reach Xiong Xiong Yue'er's side, and beat up the old guy.

"I want to review my previous words. I was deceived by this old guy, and I shouldn't blame his wife and son."

"I also want to apologize to the aunt who left and the two elder brothers!"

"CTMD! I was wrong before. Marrying him is not bad luck for eight lifetimes, but bad luck for eighteen lives!"

"This kind of pressure is either gambling, drinking, or domestic violence against his wife and son. Why don't they die sooner?"

"Before I saw him with a dirty face and tattered clothes, I was quite distressed. But now, I just want to say - he deserves it!"

"Didn't Old Sixth Uncle know his mistake? It's still too late to correct it!"

"That's right, the Taoist priest said a bit too much, after all, who doesn't make mistakes?"

"Fuck, we still have the Virgin Mary in the live broadcast room?"

"I also think that Uncle Six knows that he is wrong, so please ask the two saints upstairs to take Uncle Six home to take care of him for the elderly!"

"That's a good proposal, I agree!"

"An old man in a family is like a treasure! You see how pitiful the sixth uncle is, so hurry up and take him home to raise him!"

"If you don't know people's suffering, don't persuade them to be magnanimous!"

"The Holy Mother whore is disgusting, using everything from others to satisfy your own kindness! If you are really kind, take someone home for the elderly..."

The appearance of the two Virgin Mary bitches quickly attracted everyone's attention.

However, their combat effectiveness was very weak, and after being sprayed by everyone for a few rounds, they went offline and disappeared.

This made other water friends feel unfinished.

Displeased, everyone turned their guns back and continued to spray the disgusting old guy on the screen.

After leading two waves of offensive, Lu Heng still didn't finish his speech.

After the water friends vented their anger, he went on to say, "Your two sons are indeed doing very well in school, and they even hope to be admitted to a key high school in the city."

"But they didn't continue to go to school. Why?"

"Isn't it because your bad gambling and drinking have completely ruined the family, and you can't even guarantee the most basic three meals a day."

"Your wife was able to work, but because her leg injury was not treated in time, she became completely disabled."

"Fortunately, you still have the face to say that you saved up money and took your wife to the hospital for treatment. Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning when you go out?"

"Later, your two sons dropped out of school one after another and went out to work in order to stay away from you!"

"You are well aware of this. You even used your wife and their mother as a threat to ask the two children to send money home so that you can continue to gamble and drink!"

"But one day after you woke up from alcoholism, you suddenly found that your wife had disappeared, and your two sons could not be reached."

"You searched many places, but you couldn't find the mother and child."

"It wasn't until later that you found out from a friend of yours that your two sons took advantage of your drunkenness to go home and pick up your mother..."

After listening to Lu Heng's words, Xiong Xiongyue'er was completely dumbfounded.

She thought she was helping a poor old man.

But unexpectedly, this is actually an old scum who likes gambling, drinking, and domestic violence!
I was actually used by the other party!
Thinking of this, Xiong Xiong Yue'er suddenly became furious, her face turned pale with anger.

And the anger that the water friends had suppressed just now rose again.

"The cycle of karma will eventually be rewarded, who has the sky ever spared?"

"This old thing is disgusting! I used to beat my wife and children every day, but now I need someone to take care of me and take care of me. I don't want Bilian!"

"It's a pity, an old man like this should not be limping a leg, but should be paralyzed all over!"

"Yes, yes, lame a leg, it's really cheap for him!"

"When you were young, you pissed off your parents, beat and scolded your wife and children, and ruined your family property. When you are old, you want your son to take care of you. How shameful is that?"

"If he really had a face, would he still be like this?"

"Watching this old thing slowly rot and die alone, I'm really happy!"

"I hope he never finds out the whereabouts of his wife and children!"

"This old man is really amazing. He still sold himself in front of us. How embarrassing!"

"How can a person like this come back and repent? He just wants to get his two sons back to support him by being pitiful."

"Actually, I support those two big brothers to come back. If you have a grudge, you will get revenge!"

However, even though Lu Heng has made everything clear, Uncle Six is ​​still quibbling and denying.

"Isn't it normal to make mistakes when you're young?"

"When everyone was young, who didn't make mistakes?"

"I've changed my mind a long time ago. Now I want to find my son. What's wrong with that?"

"If I raise him young, he has to raise me old. Isn't that what it should be?"

"You smelly old man, talking nonsense here, pouring dirty water on me."

"Believe it or not, I'll go directly to the court to sue you?"

The old sixth uncle was trembling with anger, and roared angrily.

At this time, his appearance has undergone a 180-degree change from before.

In the past, he behaved pitifully, which made people feel sympathetic.

But now?

There was a fierce glint in his eyes, and he uttered foul words in his mouth.

After all, the true colors were revealed.

Seeing this, Lu Heng chuckled.

People like this never really reform themselves.

They are just old and disabled, unable to continue to commit domestic violence, continue to drink and make trouble.

At the same time, they are also very clear that at this stage they need their wives and children to come back to take care of them.

Therefore, the apologies and confessions that came out of their mouths were all expedient measures.

If they can recover to a healthy period, they will still continue to gamble, drink, domestic violence and so on.

"Pindao sees that your eyes are red and your lips are purple. It seems to be caused by excessive drinking."

"Now you are so emotional, be careful of sudden death!"

Lu Heng reminded him "in good faith".

At the same time, Old Sixth Uncle continued to curse, and the more he cursed, the worse it sounded.

In the end, the veins on his forehead were bulging from the scolding, and his emotions had reached their peak.

"Old man, I..."

Before the last sentence was finished, there was a "plop", and the old sixth uncle fell directly to the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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