Chapter 499 Gulu gulu...

Fortunately, the hillside is still far enough away from the cemetery, so the cell phone cameras of the handsome man with glasses and the middle-aged man with beard did not capture enough details.

The audience in the live broadcast room could only vaguely see that the mercenary who climbed out of the dark room passage was missing an arm.

As for the details, no one can see clearly.

Otherwise, the live broadcast room would have been banned at this time.

But even so, it still shocked everyone.

"Holy shit, shit, shit! What is that thing down there?"

"Made, isn't there a monster hidden inside?"


"What else is impossible? Didn't you listen to what the Taoist Master said? Now that the spiritual energy has revived, there are all kinds of weird things."

"When the immortal Taoist priest talked about 'revival of spiritual energy' before, many people didn't believe it. Look at it now, you can't help but believe it!"

"I said, why didn't those people come out just now? It turns out they were all eaten by the monsters inside!"

"This guy is very lucky. Although he lost an arm, he at least saved his life!"

"Yeah, losing your arm is better than losing your life."

"That's wrong! Why is there something still dragging that person down?"

"The two people next to me looked like they were using their strength to suck the milk, and they were pulling it back hard!"

"Why are the others standing still? Come forward and help me!"

"I was so frightened across the screen and so far away, let alone those people on the scene."

"I guess everyone at the scene was frightened!"

"No! It looks like I can't hold it anymore. The soles of the two people's feet are starting to slip!"

"Wonima, what the hell is that thing down there? It's so powerful!"

"It's over, it's over, I can't hold it anymore! That person is being dragged back again!"

"Damn it, isn't Taiyima scary?"

As the man was pulled back to the dark room again, the audience in the live broadcast room were all frightened.

Even the handsome man with glasses and the middle-aged man with beard who were lying on the hillside some distance away from the cemetery were frightened to the point where their hearts were pounding.

"Damn it, what's hidden underneath?"

The handsome man with glasses licked his dry lips and said with a look of horror on his face.

The middle-aged man with a beard on the side didn't fare much better.

He reached out to cover his beating heart and tried to take deep breaths to prevent his heart from being frightened into something wrong.

The group of people so far away were all scared into cold sweats at this time, let alone the witnesses who were right in the center of the cemetery.

Yang Qingshu's face didn't look very good.

This is the second time he has experienced such a strange incident.

The first time was in Lijia Village, Ming and Qing Mountains.

Fortunately, the ghosts he encountered did not embarrass him or harm him.

And this second time...

Then you can't tell!
The ghost in the dark room had already killed three waves of people.

What the hell, if it rushes up, all the people at the scene will die cleanly, right?
"We can't just stand here and stare blankly. We need to get out of here as soon as possible!"

Thinking of this, Yang Qingshu hurriedly walked to Mr. Ban Han's side and whispered: "Old man, it's too dangerous here. Let's leave as soon as possible!"

"The statue you hid has undergone some horrific changes."

"Once that ghost in the dark room charges up, it will be too late for us to escape!"

After hearing this, Mr. Ban Han nodded slightly.

He also realized the importance of the problem.

The statue he hid in the dark room was probably not a fake.

The evil power contained in it had already exerted its effect at this time, causing terrible changes in the darkroom.

This terrible change made their current situation very dangerous.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall!It would be unwise to continue to stay here!
Thinking of this, he hurriedly turned his eyes to his second son and said loudly: "Kun Shi, I don't know what happened in the darkroom, but nothing good definitely happened."

"Let's leave now, there's still time!"

Hearing this, Kunshi Chinnawa nodded repeatedly and said: "Let's go, let's go now!"

Although he is a deep-minded person and likes to play dirty, he is very precious about his life.

The soldier who was dragged out of the darkroom just now had explained everything.

He didn't dare to stay here for fear of some terrible monster emerging from under the dark room.

As for that statue…

To be honest, he still wants it.

But it's not a good opportunity right now.

Wait until next time, just get a few large excavators and shovel them all to pieces, whether they are monsters or not!
Kunshi Chinnawa swore secretly in his heart.

After several soldiers worked together to close the iron gate, he immediately began to give orders to retreat.


But at this moment, a loud sound came into the ears, shaking the eardrums of everyone present.

Everyone turned around subconsciously and found that the sound was coming from the iron door of the dark room.

The iron door that was still intact just now had a huge hole hammered out.

The loud noise just now came from this.


When Yang Qingshu saw this, he couldn't help but cursed.

Only these two words are suitable to describe his state of mind at this time.

Others also had faces full of shock and fear.

So what kind of monster is hidden under the dark room?

How could he break through the iron door that was several centimeters thick with just one blow?

How much power is this?
If the hammer hits a person, I'm afraid that a living person will be smashed into a pulp with just one blow, right?

Just when everyone was stunned, there was another loud noise.

This time, the iron door was blown away.

Good guy!
Flying directly into the sky!
While everyone was astonished, they all looked towards the passageway of the darkroom.


Following the third deafening loud noise, the entrance to the dark room seemed to have been detonated by explosives.

Objects such as clods of earth, mud, and bricks flew all over the sky in an instant, like a goddess scattering flowers.


Many soldiers with guns were hit by these clods of earth and mud scattered all over the sky, and they screamed in pain.

Menglai Chinnawa also had bad luck. He was hit on the forehead by a stone, and his face was covered with blood in an instant.

After the explosion, the darkroom was gone and turned directly into a semi-open cellar.

"Gulu Gulu... Gulu Gulu..."

A series of strange sounds came from the depths of the cellar.

Everyone's hearts were in their throats unconsciously.

Although the monster hiding below has not yet officially appeared, its two sudden advances have already frightened everyone.

How can a monster that can smash through steel plates, fly iron doors, and explode concrete be an ordinary monster?

"Gulu Gulu... Gulu Gulu..."

There was another strange sound.

Everyone swallowed in unison.

The sound seems to be getting closer...

(End of this chapter)

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