Online fortune-telling: Xiaoyou, your son has another father

Chapter 597 The problem of second-hand houses

Chapter 597 The problem of second-hand houses

After listening to Xu Jie's story, water friends had different feelings.

"It turns out that rich people like Brother Xu will also encounter such a situation. Then I will have a psychological balance."

"What the hell? What's going on? Could it be that Xiongtai's wife also got pregnant out of wedlock and gave birth to a child to her first love boyfriend?"

"This is such a sad thing! Smile with side eyes"

"Brother, my condolences! Living a good life together is better than anything else."

"It still depends on whether you can accept this situation. If you can accept it, we can grow old together. If you can't accept it, we will pull you down."

"Then you have to see if the other party is deliberately hiding it from you. If you tell him in advance, it's not bad. The most disgusting thing is, just like this one, he hid it from Lao Xu from the beginning to the end."

"Sure enough, we got divorced because of the children!"

"Brother just said the first point, what about the second point?"

"This is enough, what else is needed?"

"It's a pity that it's rare for a woman to have a common topic with my brother, but it still ends in divorce."

"If you ask me, this woman should have confessed from the beginning. Didn't she just trick my adoptive father?"

"Good boy, call me uncle!"

"It makes sense. You can't have children. You should have informed me in advance before getting married. But not only did she not say anything, she also perfunctory me for nearly two years. It was definitely intentional!"

"Well...Brother Xu, can you give me the contact information of your second ex-wife? I either want to eat soft food, or I simply don't like children."

"Okay, who can't see your thoughts?"

"Damn it, you actually saw my intention? Do you also want to adopt Lao Xu's second ex-wife as your godmother?"

"Huh? Aren't you just eating soft food? Why did you become your godmother?"

"I'm convinced, the road I never imagined!"

"You are really a heifer with a big head - a cow × soaring to the sky!"

Seeing everyone's constant stream of weird comments, Xu Jie's somewhat depressed mood improved a lot.

After adjusting his mood, he continued: "As for the second point of my divorce from her..."

"It's because I found out that she is a real workaholic!"

"Normally, I consider myself a workaholic."

"In the words of my first ex-wife, I was a boring man who knew nothing but work."

"But after marrying her, I realized that I was not a workaholic at all."

"Because she can devote all her time to work except sleeping."

"She goes to work earlier than me and gets off work later than me. I want to ask her out to watch a movie or go on a date or something, but I keep putting it off."

"At this time, I finally feel how my first ex-wife felt..."

Xu Jie said, unable to help but smile bitterly and shake his head.

He then sighed: "After we had a frank discussion, both parties chose to divorce amicably."

"She can't give me what I want, and I can't accompany her on what she wants to do."

"So, we just have to bless each other."

"And the failure of these two consecutive marriages has made me almost completely disappointed in marriage."

"I stayed single for the next few years."

"Even if the elders in my family ask me to go on a blind date again, I will find an excuse to avoid it."

"I originally thought that I would be single for the rest of my life."

"When I reach the right age, I will go to the orphanage to adopt a few children to comfort my original wish..."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, barrages from water friends filled the entire screen.

"If I really want to adopt a child, why don't you consider me?" "How old are you, and you just want to be a son?"

"I just turned eighteen this year..."

"Brother Xu is single, and I am also single... Rounding things off, does that mean I am also a successful person?"

"People are single because they don't want to find a woman, but you are single because you can't find a woman. Is this the same?"

"Damn it, this critical blow hits the soul directly!"

"Brother, don't you want to continue looking for another one?"

"That's right, let's find someone who can have children!"

"Learn the lessons from your two ex-wives, find another one and be done with it."

"Ahem...don't you see that my brother looks like he's not having enough fun?"

"What do you mean? Is there a third term behind this?"

"With Lao Xu's temperament, appearance, family background, personal wealth, ability, etc., I'm afraid there must be at least two more in the future."

"I think it's the same. If he only had two ex-wives, he wouldn't go to the live broadcast room to ask the old Taoist priest to tell his fortune."

"666666! No wonder there are so few good houses now. It turns out they are all monopolized!"

“Those with good housing types, good school districts, and good locations have all been preempted by others.”

"Actually, it's not bad. Isn't it better to free it up for you in the end?"

"After the house has been flipped, doesn't it become a second-hand house?"

"It must be a second-hand house. Just like a car, once you get it, it is a second-hand car!"

"In fact, second-hand houses don't matter. The key is that second-hand houses always want the price of first-hand houses."

"Yes, yes, there are some second-hand houses that are really bad. The owner doesn't tell you, so he keeps it secret and wants to sell it to you at a high price."

"Nowadays, second-hand houses are everywhere, and the quality is even more uneven. There are still people driving up second-hand housing prices. It's really embarrassing."

"You don't understand the needs of some house buyers. They don't care whether it is a second-hand house, whether there are any problems with the decoration, or whether anyone has died in the house. Anyway, if they buy a second-hand house, they are considered homeowners!"

"What's even more frightening is that even after you buy the house, the property rights of the house may not be yours."

"What about selling one house for two?"

Xu Jie glanced at the barrage and was surprised by the association ability of these water friends.

But in his situation, there is no need to consider the issue of second-hand houses at all.

Of course, if you are cheated, it's a different story.

He took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and then continued: "After I was single for a few years, my parents really couldn't stand it anymore."

"They can't stand me living alone, and they always like to force me to go on blind dates and find a girlfriend."

"As for blind dates, things are still the same as before."

"It's just that the people I'm dating have changed from my peers to my nieces and nephews..."

At this point, he couldn't help laughing and said: "This kind of blind date always gives me the feeling of an old cow eating young grass."

"As for me, I'm a little resistant, but I can't go against my parents' wishes."

"Because I don't want to see them frowning and sighing over my personal problems."

"During the blind date with the next generation, I found that I was really behind the times and couldn't keep up with the thinking of these younger generations."

"But I'm obviously only in my thirties, so I'm not that old. Why have I been abandoned by the times inexplicably?"

"Just when I understood that there was a generation gap between me and the younger generation, I met her..."

(End of this chapter)

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