Chapter 670 Kane wakes up

Kane felt like he had a splitting headache, and his body and soul seemed to be torn in half.

Under the painful stimulation, he opened his eyes with difficulty.

At this time, he found himself lying in a wooden house.

Why am I here?

what happened?

Why does my head hurt so much?

A series of questions appeared in Kane's mind.

At the same time, his memory began to recede.

He still remembered that before leaving Stone Temple Village, he reached an agreement with the villager who possessed Diego's body.

He promised to take him out of Shimiao Village, and the other party repaid him with extraordinary abilities.

After that, the villagers abandoned their previous bodies and used ritual methods to possess him.

Then, he lay down in the pit dug before.

At first, he encountered various hallucinations that forced him to open his eyes.

But fortunately, the villager reminded him that he did not open his eyes and successfully escaped from Shimiao Village.

But what he didn't expect was that his small actions with the villagers would be discovered by the powerful Dragon Kingdom transcendent.

And it was pointed out directly by the other party.

Thanks to Marco's help, he was saved from being shot to death on the spot by Natasha, that crazy woman.

When the Eagle Kingdom Navy warship arrived, he was filled with joy, thinking that he had escaped death.

However, what he did not expect was that after boarding the warship, he was imprisoned directly by the commander of the warship, Colonel Adams.

Later, they followed the warship and arrived at Yingguo's base in Changyi.

After that, he met with the base's director, General Wilson.

When he just walked out of the admiral's office, he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in the back of his head, and then he didn't know anything else.

When he opens his eyes again, that is now.

"Fake! Where is this?"

"How did I end up in this damn place?"

Kane cursed as he slowly stood up from the ground.

He looked around at his surroundings, then frowned involuntarily.

The cabin he was in at this time had nothing superfluous except for a burning bonfire in the center.

"Why does this arrangement look so familiar?"

Kane's brows furrowed deeper and deeper, almost twisting into knots.

He tried to remember everything he saw.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

He finally remembered where he had seen a cabin arranged like this.

Aren't these the cabins in Shimiao Village?

Did he return to Shimiao Village again?

Thinking of this, Kane's eyes suddenly widened and his face was full of disbelief.

He had clearly left Shimiao Village, so how could he come back?

Just as his heart was beating fast and he was filled with fear, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Kane, my friend..."

"do you remember me?"

Hearing this voice, Kane was so frightened that his heart stopped.

He quickly turned his head and looked up and down, left and right, but there was no one in sight.

"You...who are you?"

" did I get here?"

After Kane swallowed hard, he pretended to be calm and shouted.

"My friend, have you forgotten our agreement?"

The voice sounded again, making Kane feel more and more familiar.

"It''s you!"

He suddenly remembered that the owner of the voice was the villager from Shimiao Village who had reached an agreement with him, wasn't he?

"Yes, it's me!"

"I'm glad you remember me, my good friend!"

There was joy in the villagers' voices, as if they were happy that Kane could remember him.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Kane questioned while slowly moving towards the door. "I don't want to do anything, my friend."

"I just want you to fulfill our original agreement..."

The villager replied calmly.

"What agreement?"

"I have fulfilled our agreement and brought you out of Shimiao Village!"

When Kane heard this, he frowned and emphasized.

"No, no, my friend..."

There was a hint of smile in the villager's voice: "You only completed the first part by taking me out of Shimiao Village."

"There's still a second part that's not finished yet!"

"What second part, why didn't I know?"

Kane was inexplicably shocked and had a bad feeling.

"The second part is to give your body to me!"

"In this case, wouldn't you have extraordinary abilities?"

The villagers replied jokingly.


Upon hearing this, Kane immediately took a breath.

It turns out that the other party has been coveting his body!

The agreement he had reached with the other party before was more like a deal with the devil!


Kane couldn't help but curse, turned around quickly, and wanted to open the door and escape from the cabin.

But he desperately found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not push open the door in front of him.

"My friend, you have to be trustworthy, right?"

"Give me your body!"

"I'll show you how I changed the world..."

At the beginning, the villagers' voices were still very normal.

But at the end of the sentence, there was a bit of madness and ferocity.

Kane was so shocked that he tried to push the door open with all his strength.

Unfortunately, the door remained motionless.

At this moment, several black ghost hands suddenly stretched out from the burning bonfire in the wooden house.

These ghost hands were extremely fast, and before Kane could react, they were already wrapped around his arms and calves.

"let me go!"

"You damn liar!"

Kane gritted his teeth and kept trying to struggle.

However, these ghost hands were like iron ropes. No matter how hard he tried, he could not resist them at all.

"Let me go...let me go..."

As he roared and struggled, ghost hands dragged his body and slowly pushed him towards the bonfire.

"no no……"

Kane's eyes were broken and he kept roaring and hissing.

But in the end, he was completely swallowed up by the bonfire...


A painful groan escaped Kane's mouth.

He opened his eyes with a confused look on his face and found himself lying in his family's villa.

It's strange. Wasn't he dragged into the bonfire in the cabin just now?

Could it be that everything I just experienced was a nightmare?

Although Kane looked confused, he still pushed himself up hard and sat up from the bed.

He briefly checked his condition. His whole body was intact, but his head still felt a little dizzy.

"It's so weird!"

"The dream just now was too realistic, wasn't it?"

Kane moved his neck and muttered to himself.

At the same time, from the corner of his eye, he caught another person on his bed...

(End of this chapter)

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