People in Hongwu, from heavenly master to emperor master

Chapter 424: Immortal jumps, the picture is poor and the dagger is seen

Chapter 424: Immortal jumps, the picture is poor and the dagger is seen
If it was just a simple repair of the Taoist temple, Zhang Yi did not need to alert the court.

But since the Guanyin slaves are imprisoned in the Taoist temple, this work is destined not to be done by anyone else, but by the craftsmen from the Ministry of Works who have been interrogated by the Jinyiwei and determined to be reliable.

When these people are working, they will be controlled by Jin Yiwei.

Zhu Yuanzhang could not calm down for a long time, and Zhang Yi's stingy image of him was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Lao Zhu is so angry, he can't look down on himself.

No, I can’t let him look down upon me...

Zhu Yuanzhang gritted his teeth:

"I paid this money..."

The expression on Lao Zhu's gritted teeth made Zhu Biao and Zhu Chong smile again.

Zhu Biao was the second best. Zhu Xi had rarely seen such an emperor, and he was slightly surprised.

The emotional bond between Zhang Yi and his father seems to be deeper than he imagined.

"Second brother, please find an opportunity to ask Zhang Yi about his thoughts on the military academy..."

Zhu Yuanzhang left the task to Zhu Ping. Ling said whether the military academy was established or not, but he was very concerned about the thing called standardization that came about because of the military academy.

Zhu Xi said:
"The construction period of repairing the Taoist temple will take about one month...,
Zhang Yi told Erchen that he would stay in Chaotian Palace for a while!

If I have a chance to meet him, I will grind out more things! "

"Second brother, thank you for your hard work!"

Lao Zhu patted Zhu Xi on the shoulder to express his appreciation. He remembered another thing.

Ask Zhu Biao:
"I remember that there are also craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry on the list monitored by Jin Yiwei?"

When Zhu Xi heard this, he was immediately horrified...

Father, what is this going to do?
Zhu Biao replied:

"That's right, Jin Yiwei has monitored many people along the line, and indeed one of them is a craftsman and was recruited by the Ministry of Industry!"

"Then think of a way to let him go to pure mind to meditate and repair the house!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes revealed a murderous intent.

"If I kill that maid, those people will be scratching their heads and ears anxiously. Let someone go in and let them see the current situation of their princess to reassure their hearts...

Catching mice cannot make them feel desperate. If they feel that there is nothing they can do, how can they expose their whereabouts?

This time, I will let them all be exposed to me!
I will kill them all! "

Only then did Zhu Xi know that the emperor used Guanyin slaves to set up such a large net just to clear away the garbage in Yingtian Mansion.

A few years ago, when my father was assassinated, the streets of Yingtian Mansion were stained with blood.

Countless officials and common people lost their lives in that storm, and the reputation of the Jin Yiwei was fully demonstrated in that massacre.

To this day, even ordinary people are still secretive about the massacre that year.

But even if Zhu Yuanzhang scanned it once, it turned out that there were still so many lurkers in Yingtian Mansion.

The previous dynasty left far more garbage than they imagined.

"After all, the Mongols have existed in this land for hundreds of years. It will take me three to five years to clear them out, so there is no need to rush!"

Lao Zhu looked at the design drawing that made him bleed, and approved it with a stroke of his pen!

One thousand two hundred and eighty six taels of silver, md, Zhang Yi can enjoy more than him...

"Let the Ministry of Industry also renovate the palace. Your mother's body is not in good shape. I am going to use a fireplace for her...

And the flush toilet and water tower are all arranged for me!

There’s no reason why I’m not as good as a Taoist priest…”

Zhang Yi's metal fireplace is really comfortable.

Lao Zhu has long wanted to change it.

Hearing this, Zhu Ping raised his hand:
"Where is the prince's palace..."

Lao Zhu glared at him angrily:
"You can change it yourself!"

Zhu Xi couldn't laugh or cry immediately.

The salary set by Lao Zhu, the prince in the early Ming Dynasty, was supposed to be [-] shi of grain. Later, after careful consideration, it was changed to [-] shi.

However, Zhu Xi had never seen this salary of ten thousand shi.

After he refused to marry, Lao Zhu asked the Ministry of Household Affairs to stop his money.

Although he is not too poor, Zhu Xiang has absolutely nothing to do with being rich. If the Ministry of Industry does not provide money, he will renovate the palace.

"Okay, okay, I'll find the money myself..."

Zhu Xi was stunned and did not dare to say more to the emperor.

He found an excuse to get out quickly.

Lao Zhu looked at Zhu Ping's leaving figure, feeling a little dazed.

"Boss, do you feel that the second brother's recent behavior is different from before...?"

"is it?"

Zhu Biao was baffled. He was not as sensitive as Zhu Yuanzhang.

“In the past, he felt like he was carrying something, always bitter and full of resentment!

The last time I saw him, I still felt like this!

But at this time, it was gone! "

Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a moment and described his feelings.

"Maybe the knot in my second brother's heart has been resolved!"

Zhu Biao replied casually, and immediately, the father and son were shocked.

They have been avoiding the issue of Zhu Ping's heart knot. The so-called heart knot refers to further ambitions for the prince.

As a father, Zhu Yuanzhang actually felt very uncomfortable.

He couldn't handle the balance between the emperor and his father.

If Zhu Xi really lets go, it will be a great joy for them.

"I spent this money on that brat, and I suddenly don't feel bad anymore..."

The father and son knew who made Zhu Xi change.

Lao Zhu smiled happily, his eyes even a little red.

"I'm hungry. Let me bring you some food and wine. You can have a drink with me..."


Zhang Yi did not expect that the emperor would be so generous, but he would take care of the repair work of his Taoist temple.

For a time, many craftsmen came to the Ministry of Industry.

Jinyiwei temporarily invited Guanyin slave to guard Yaoyuanzi. He, the master of the Taoist temple, had already packed up and left.

When he went to Chaotian Palace, his daily pleasure was to watch Xu Da train those meritorious disciples.

Perhaps because he changed the outcome of the Battle of Lingbei, Xu Da, who was supposed to return to the front line, never left.

He was very interested in Zhang Yi and would chat with Zhang Yi no matter what.

After this back and forth, the relationship between Zhang Yi and Xu Da quickly became closer. Coupled with his friendship with several princes, he lived well in the days of Qingxinguan...

When the days were free, Zhang Yi began to look for trouble. With the support of Deng Zhongxiu, he began to force the Taoist priests in the Taoist temple to learn culture...

The so-called culture is naturally subjects such as physics and chemistry...

This has almost become a required course for Taoist priests on Longhu Mountain.

When Zhu Xi found Zhang Yi, he was leading a group of young Taoist priests to recite the periodic table of elements and teach them basic physics.

Zhu Xi tried to listen at the door for a while, and suddenly felt dizzy.

Compared with learning, this thing is no less generous.

Zhang Yi found Zhu Xi and asked the Taoist priests to continue their studies. He came out and paid homage to Zhu Xi.

"What you Taoist priests are learning is indeed the Book of Heaven!"

Zhang Yi smiled when he heard that mathematics, physics and chemistry were very scary things in later generations, let alone the ancients who had no foundation.

"You asked Deng Zhongxiu to ask for ultimatums from the emperor, but all these young Taoist priests were saved?" Zhu Ping looked at the energetic young Taoist priests in the Taoist temple, thoughtfully...

Zhu Yuanzhang's ultimatum to monks and Taoists has been tightening over the years.

It is extremely difficult to become a Taoist priest.

Even in Longhu Mountain, if you want to accept a disciple, you still need special care from the emperor and issue an ultimatum.

Zhang Yi asked Deng Zhongxiu to ask for fifty ultimatums. If the palace allowed it, it was already a wide-open policy!
This is mainly Chaotian Palace, not just a Taoist temple.

The Ming Dynasty studied history here, princes trained their troops here, and foreign envoys who came to pay tribute would also stay in Chaotian Palace.

The business of Chaotian Palace was very busy, but Zhang Yi recruited young Taoist priests for these fifty orders.

In fact, these little Taoist priests cannot help alleviate the busyness of Chaotian Palace. It might be better if some adults can be recruited.

"But they are the future..."

Zhang Yi understood Zhu Xi's doubts and gave him an answer casually.

After realizing that it would take many years to spread knowledge, Zhang Yi wanted to cultivate a group of his own team, people who could lead them to move forward together.

Apart from some craftsmen, Taoist priests are probably the most suitable candidates for training.

In ancient times, especially in the Ming Dynasty under the rule of Zhu Yuanzhang, those who could become Taoist priests were probably not from bad backgrounds.

With the guarantee of cultural level, Zhang Yi can quickly train them into qualified candidates, and there is no need to worry about them focusing on the imperial examination...

This is a completely different training route for scholars.

"I always feel like you are doing something great!"

Zhu Xi did not dwell on this issue, but carefully asked Zhang Yi about the military academy.

As soon as Zhang Yi heard this, he knew that the emperor was interested in this matter.

He thought there was something interesting and said:

"In the future, I can write a book for your Highness's reference..."

Seeing Zhang Yi readily agreeing, Zhu Fang also beamed:

"Then I would like to thank you very much, Zhang Yi. We brothers will not say too many polite words. I will remember your kindness, by the way...

Regarding standardization..."

He once again raised the issue of standardization that Zhu Yuanzhang cared about.

Zhang Yi said:
"It just so happened that Pindao wanted to write to my uncle from the Huang family recently, suggesting that he do this. I would like to give him a reference as well..."

Zhang Yi has been to the factory in Zhejiang, which is also one of Zhang Yi's long-term meal tickets.

Under the assembly line management and advanced technology, Uncle Huang's factory has long become the leading factory in Jiangnan. Next, Zhang Yi considered asking the other party to set standards.

Although such things as standards may not be achieved immediately.

But once it is done, the impact will be huge.

"it is good!"

After receiving Zhang Yi's affirmative answer, Zhu Xi turned and left.

Zhang Yi had nothing to do, so he simply changed his clothes and went out.

"Where are you going to go?"

"Go buy some acid-making materials..."

Lao Mo originally planned to drive Zhang Yi, but Zhang Yi refused.

He went out alone and went to Kong's house first!
As Kong Ne dismissed his servants, the Confucius mansion in Nuoda was empty.

Zhang Yi took a walk around and prepared to wait for Kong Na to tell him to send a loyal old servant back from Qufu.

He went out and closed the door of Confucius' mansion, but he heard someone calling him:

"Master Zhang, I finally found you!"

Zhang Yi suddenly turned around and saw that he was an acquaintance.

Run Yutang, Chen Man!

Zhang Yi was deeply impressed by this guy.
Chen Man usually has a low sense of presence, but Zhang Yi has interacted with him because of his status as a "servant".

It's just that when he looked at Chen Man today, he always felt something was wrong.

"His steps are very light..."

Zhang Yi muttered to himself, but didn't take it too seriously.

"It's Brother Chen, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing serious. It's just that shopkeeper Chen saw you alone in the capital and wanted to find you for a drink. But you are also difficult to find. We searched for you several times but couldn't find anyone!"

Zhang Yi chuckled:
"I'm just wandering around the capital, looking for a way to survive!

Brother Chen, let’s not talk about this. Since it is shopkeeper Chen who is waiting for me, let’s not keep him waiting for a long time! "

Chen Mandao:
"Today we are going to a special place. Shopkeeper Chen asked me to personally take you..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi did not doubt that he was there. He arranged his car and got into Chen Man's car.

The car was not going to the Zuixian Tower where he often went, but to another small, remote courtyard.

The courtyard is well-proportioned and very quiet.

"Brother Chen, where are you?"

"A place where I will bring you to see the world..."

Chen Mao winked at Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi looked around, hearing the sounds of warblings and swallows coming from time to time.

He seemed to understand somewhat what kind of place this was.

Zhu Yuanzhang had a government-run brothel in the capital, but officials were not allowed to enter.

Since official brothels are inaccessible, certain market segments will naturally appear for certain people to enjoy.

Chen Man explained in a low voice, it was just as he suspected.

Zhang Yi was angry and funny. It turned out that Chen Ke brought him to prostitute today?
It's okay to visit a brothel, since I don't really carry a gun anyway.

"Brother Chen!"

As expected, Chen Ke was waiting for Zhang Yi in a private room. When he saw Zhang Yi coming, he went over to greet him enthusiastically.

"Shopkeeper Shen isn't here?"

Zhang Yi did not see Shen Wansan, Chen Ke said:
"He went back to Zhouzhuang and will come back in a while. It's my fault that I was negligent. Mr. Kong has been gone for so long and I haven't entertained you properly...

Come on, let’s do something different today…”

Chen Ke winked at Zhang Yi: "In the past, you were with Mr. Kong. He had to take his status into consideration, and we couldn't take him to have fun. Today, I specially reserved the number one card in the yard for you..."

Zhang Yi's identity and personality naturally did not allow him to refuse.

Anyway, he wouldn't resist if he could witness the life of a decadent feudal landowner.

This small courtyard is divided into different private rooms. After Zhang Yi entered, there was indeed a delicate-looking woman waiting for him.

Although she was not as good as the other women I had seen, she was so charming that I felt pity for her.

Chen Ke waited for him to come in and directly gave the woman a handful of money.

"My host and guest today is this little brother, please take good care of him..."

Zhang Yi pretended to be unfamiliar with the world.

She stayed with Zhang Yi silently, and her service was really considerate.

Zhang Yi has never seen such a scene. After all, he has never been to such a place in his previous life, and Chen Ke persuaded him to drink.

The atmosphere in the private room suddenly became lively.

Chen Man stood outside the private room with a strange look on his face, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"Brother Zhang, drink first while I go to the toilet. This man is old and can't drink as much as a young man..."

Chen Ke walked out of the private room amidst the accusation. ,
He winked at Chen Man:
"are you ready?"

Chen Mandao:
"Master, it has been prepared for a long time. He must get on our ship tonight..."

While the two were talking, someone's noise was heard not far away.

"I want to see who takes possession of my young master's people...?"

(End of this chapter)

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