Conquering Myriad Worlds from the Mythical Three Kingdoms

Chapter 237 The First Meeting of Sun Ce, Ma Chao and Gan Ning

Chapter 237 The First Meeting of Sun Ce, Ma Chao and Gan Ning

Mu Yi's wedding was in winter, so there were many rules, but in the end they were simplified and merged. After all, the new empire was established, and some things must be separated from the past.

Mu Yi proclaimed the emperor and established the country, and he made a lot of preparations in the early stage.

Among them, the calendar, marriage system, laws, and other things need to be promoted.

For ancient times, the calendar is a very important thing.

The so-called calendar, simply put, is based on the natural laws of celestial phenomena, measuring longer time intervals, judging climate changes, and heralding the coming of seasons.

For the common people, it is related to the busy farming, which can be regarded as the root of the root.

However, Mu Yi doesn't need to worry too much about these things. Others need to adjust the calendar according to the weather, but he doesn't need to. He can adjust the calendar based on the calendar.

So after Huang Tianji calculated and gave a new calendar, Mu Yi adjusted the time and set up a new department called Cheng Tianjian, which attached the ability to adjust the time to a star. assigned to this department.

The members of this department are basically from the Yin-Yang family, and the outstanding scholars of the pre-Qin philosophers have also been found out. Although they have declined a lot because of the exclusive respect for Confucianism, they are derived from the ruling class in charge of astronomy and calendar in ancient times. It is still very difficult to survive with astronomy and calendar.

Relying on the amulet of astronomy and calendar, he even escaped Li Ru's butcher knife.

In this way, if there is a disaster in some areas, they can also make adjustments. However, before searching for wood and planting all over the Central Plains, they still need to travel around the country to make adjustments according to local conditions.

This is also a system that Mu Yi learned from the fate and god system.

He attached the corresponding ability to the stars, and those officials who were approved by the stars and could arouse the power of the stars could directly mobilize the corresponding abilities.

The stars hanging in the sky are like gods, and the officials are like believers. As long as they pray through appropriate rituals, the gods can give blessings.

It's just that compared with the Shinto system, it's people who master these abilities.

Just as the new year was approaching, a carriage under the protection of nearly a hundred soldiers entered Chang'an with several carts of gifts.

Zhou Yu in the car opened the car window and looked at the tall city wall, the bluestone cement floor, the straight street, the endless flow of people on the street, the bustling shops on the left and right sides, and the endless flow of merchants and hawkers.

He grew up in Luoyang back then and had seen the aura of the imperial capital back then. Today's Chang'an is far more resembling a dragon than the imperial capital back then.

"It is said that Mu Zhengping is a god-man descended from heaven, and now the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the prosperity and peace under his rule is far behind me!"

Zhou Yu thought about what he saw along the way, and finally he could only let out a long sigh.

It would be fine if only Chang'an was like this, but along the way, he saw too many scenes of prosperity.

Although Jiangdong under the governance of him and Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong is not a paradise on earth, it is definitely prosperous.

But he is afraid of comparison in everything. He has witnessed a lot along the way, and he deeply understands that Jiangdong's development is far behind that of Mu Yi's.

"Yangzhou Envoy, Xu Gongming has been ordered to come and meet you!" Xu Huang stopped Zhou Yu's carriage with a team of headquarters.

"Why... stop me here?" Zhou Yu frowned and walked out of the carriage. It should not be near the embassy yet, and it was Xu Gongming, a general under Mu Yi's command, who came.

As for Mu Yi wanting to kill him, it is completely impossible in Zhou Yu's eyes. When Mu Yi's marriage is approaching, if Mu Yi messes around with a moth, it is purely for himself to find something to do, just like Li Shimin would never do it if he had a choice. The one who killed his brother and imprisoned his father.

He, Zhou Gongjin, is not so important that Mu Yi needs to use his reputation to entrap him.

"General Sun..." Xu Huang thought for a long time, but finally couldn't think of a suitable word to describe it.

Zhou Yu covered his face, Xu Huang raised his head, and he knew what was going on. It must be that Sun Ce made trouble again, and even made him have to wipe his ass.

Before Sun Ce ran away secretly, he was almost mad, but now he is even more ashamed to face others.

"Sir, come with me!" Xu Huang scratched his head. To be honest, he didn't expect Sun Ce to have such fun.

Sun Ce actually did nothing, but was beaten unconscious by Dian Wei together with Gan Ning and Ma Chao, and then sent to the Chang'an Urban Management Team to sue them for obstructing official duties.

It didn't matter at all, but the problem was that after waking up, the three of them pestered Dian Wei to discuss, Dian Wei was extremely irritable, and finally sued Xu Huang.

Xu Huang, who was in charge of the temporary duty, had no choice but to come to stop Zhou Yu in order to solve the matter as soon as possible. He couldn't just throw Sun Ce into prison, but considering the law, Sun Ce and the others were intentionally harassing, and they couldn't just let him go. Again, Xu Huang chose to come to Zhou Yu.

He wanted Zhou Yu to release Sun Ce on bail, otherwise he would have to throw Sun Ce in prison for a few days as a warning.

In a small house, Gan Ning, Ma Chao, and Sun Ce were chatting.

Originally Sun Ce wanted to run away, but Gan Ning and Ma Chao held Sun Ce desperately, they are just two ha, not crazy.

Challenging the law at such a juncture is of little fruit.

It was just a coincidence that the three met. After Sun Ce entered Chang'an, he just wandered around, feeling the customs and customs that were completely different from Jiangdong.

I met Dian Wei by chance, and I was happy to see Lie Xin, so I stopped Dian Wei and wanted to discuss, because the movement was too big, and the smoke and dust were brought over, and the pie in Dian Wei's hand was not fragrant in an instant.

Dian Wei had already been harassed by Ma Chao and Gan Ning at that time. Facing a guy like Sun Ce who was blocking the way and even wasting food, Dian Wei was not used to it. He just punched him unconscious, and then threw Sun Ce to Xu Shake this way.

Reported these three provocative bastards in the name of the victims, and then Xu Huang was paralyzed. Ma Chao and Gan Ning could still send someone to notify the family members to redeem them. What should Sun Ce do? Fortunately, he consulted Huang Tianji Afterwards, Sun Ce's identity was confirmed, and Zhou Yu was stopped as soon as Zhou Yu entered the city.

There was no way, Xu Huang didn't dare to act recklessly before the grand ceremony, everything was handled in accordance with the rules and regulations.

Didn't I see that Gan Ning, the governor of the world, and Ma Chao, the Qiang king of Xiliang, were locked in a small house and thought about it.

"I said, let's run away!" Sun Ce is like a dick, he won't cause trouble for a while, and he feels uncomfortable all over. Closing the small black room is simply torture for him.

Speaking of which, Sun Ce went to shake Ma Chao, hoping that Ma Chao would support his decision.

"Don't pull me if you want to die!" Ma Chao patted Sun Ce's hand away and rolled his eyes.

"See if the team of soldiers at the door is gone, activate the cloud array, and take down the three of us easily!" Gan Ning said, pointing to a group of people holding large shields outside the door.

In order to prevent three-headed and two-headed men from demolishing their homes, Xu Huang kept two teams of veterans here, who could raise the clouds of Chang'an at any time.

In terms of the effect of Chang'an's large cloud formation, let alone the three of them with their internal qi separated, even if Lu Bu came with bare hands, he might not be able to defeat these two teams of well-equipped veterans.

I don't believe it was written all over Sun Ce's face, but at least he was a prince. Ma Chao and Gan Ning could clearly see the seriousness on their faces, so they had no choice but to sit down and wait for Zhou Yu to come to rescue him.

"That guy Dianmanzi is really dishonest. He beat us up and even sued us. It's really annoying!" Ma Chao was indignant.

He just wants to compete with the masters, what is wrong with him, what is wrong with him.

"Come on, I've been knocked out ten times in ten days, Dian Wei can endure you ten times, it's already considered his self-cultivation!" Gan Ning was speechless, he really didn't expect that besides himself, there would be someone so mean .

Compared to Ma Chao who refused to mend his ways after repeated admonitions, he was sent here only the second time, so it can only be said that he was implicated by Ma Chao.

Sun Ce was even more innocent. It was his first time, and he was sent here directly.

"I heard that there are many masters in Chang'an, right? Why do you only provoke General Dianwei?" Sun Ce asked a little strangely.

"Don't mention it, General Lu is the emperor's father-in-law. Seeking General Lu at this juncture is no different from courting death!" Ma Chao spread his hands. Want to court death.

"General Zhao Yun handles government affairs in the government affairs hall, and if he goes there, he is looking for death!" Gan Ning added.

"Xu Huang is in charge of security in Chang'an recently. To provoke him is to come here to think about his mistakes."

"General Yue is our immediate boss, that guy Zhou Tai is the captain of the emperor's personal guard..."

"General Huang, General Xu, General Xiahou...these people also have their own missions. The only strong one who is idle now is General Dian Wei!" Ma Chao counted them one by one, and finally only Dian Wei remained.

Dian Wei is not completely fine, but compared to the tasks of other people, Dian Wei is the most leisurely one. He is responsible for maintaining the security of the construction site of the Grand Ceremony. of.

It is precisely because of this that Dian Wei was able to send the three of them here. If it was just a private fight, Xu Huang would fine them some money at most and warn them. After all, everyone is on their own and has their own identities. Just close your eyes and forget it.

But when Dian Wei brought up the matter of obstructing official duties, he could only leave in accordance with the law. If no one came to bail the three today, they could only be thrown into prison for two days.

"It seems that you are quite at ease!" A joking voice sounded, and Gan Ning and Ma Chao stood up decisively as if struck by lightning.


"The three of you are very good at finding trouble, and you have passed it on to me!" Mu Yi waved his hand to signal the two to sit down, and then found a place to sit down.

The main reason was that Xu Huang went to find Huang Tianji, and when Huang Tianji reported, he informed Mu Yi.

Mu Yi, who felt that nothing was wrong, ran over to see Sun Ce. Both Ma Chao and Gan Ning were regular visitors to the prison, so even if they were imprisoned, they would be fine.

Although there are often troubles, most of them are small cases that can be solved within two days of detention.

"Sun Bofu? You really look good!" Mu Yi said casually.

However, Sun Ce felt great pressure. Sometimes the heart of a child would feel more things than normal people.

He could feel the heavy pressure from Mu Yi. The pressure came from various sources. The beast-like sense of smell made Sun Ce bear a huge impact.

It was as if what was sitting in front of him was not a single person, but the whole world.

But in the blink of an eye, this feeling disappeared again, making Sun Ce unavoidably doubt whether it was his own illusion.

"Yangzhou, Sun Ce and Sun Bofu, have met Zheng Pinggong!" Sun Ce said solemnly, clasping his fists.

"Mu Yi and Mu Zhengping!" Mu Yi also smiled and nodded to Sun Ce, "I didn't expect you to come from Yangzhou this time, where is Zhou Gongjin?"

"Gong Jin and the big troops are behind, I'll get here first," Sun Ce said straightforwardly.

"It's surprising that you can come to my wedding ceremony. I thought Yangzhou wouldn't send people over." Mu Yi said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhengping, we are here to participate in the wedding ceremony, and to seek the throne of King Wu for my father!" Sun Ce honestly stated the purpose of their trip.

Mu Yi was stunned for a moment. Sun Ce was too upright, so that he couldn't keep up with Sun Ce's brain circuit for a while.

For a while, Mu Yi was silent, but Ma Chao excitedly punched Sun Ce.

"Hahaha, it seems that we will be our own people in the future, and the two of us have to learn from each other!"

"It's easy to say, easy to say, watch me beat you into a pig's head!" Sun Ce also punched Ma Chao's chest with his backhand.

"Hmph, you can't do it!" Ma Chao snorted coldly. If Mu Yi hadn't been there, he would have started a real-life PK with Sun Ce at this time.

"Ask for the throne of King Wu for your father, what about you?" Mu Yi finally caught up with Sun Ce and figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

But compared to Sun Jian, Mu Yi was more curious about what Sun Ce was thinking.

"I plan to take people to the south to fight, and then I will also be a king of the southern barbarians!" Sun Ce scratched his head.

There was something wrong with Ma Chao's expression, he understood that Sun Ce was coming for him.

He is the king of the Western Qiang, and Sun Ce intends to become the king of the Southern Barbarians. Isn't this pure competition for good partners?

"Good ambition, you will be a good brother from today on!"

The excited Ma Chao punched Sun Ce again, and Sun Ce punched back without showing any weakness.

"You probably won't be able to become the king of the Nanman. You may not know that there is already a king of the Nanman in Jiaozhou! And he is also in contact with us." Mu Yi rubbed his chin and told Sun Ce the bad news.

"..." Sun Ce was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect what to do if someone got there first.

If it was just the Nanman king, he could rely on his strength to overpower him, but if it was the Nanman king that Mu Yi and the others identified, it would be terrible.

"However, although the Nanyang King is occupied by someone, why don't you give Nanyang King a try and go to the navy to develop!"

"Come, come, the sea is the home of a man!" Gan Ning became excited.

"Let me tell you, your Jiangdong ship is weak, and when I show you the Four Seas, you will know what a real giant ship is!" Gan Ning became excited when he mentioned the Four Seas.

There are two ships of the same level as the Four Seas, but the Four Seas is the only one who has obtained the godhead. The Godhead of the Ocean God who was hacked to death by Han Xin was used by Huang Tianji to conduct an experiment on the Four Seas. group.

The Four Seas has already been born with a ship spirit, and it is still a ship spirit with the authority to control the sea, and its combat power instantly surpasses that of a large ship of the same level.

(End of this chapter)

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