Conquering Myriad Worlds from the Mythical Three Kingdoms

Chapter 350 The different world exploration plan begins


Mu Yi threw his head on the table, but Cai Zhaoji in front of him was not moved at all. After Mu Yi came back from Northern Xinjiang, he had to perform every once in a while, and she was completely used to it.

"Emperor, there are 57 documents that need your personal approval today!" Cai Zhaoji placed a stack of documents on Mu Yi's desk without any sympathy.

"Zhaoji, why do these smart people always quarrel?" Mu Yi looked confused.

The documents that could be sent to him were basically sent to Mu Yi because the counselors had a quarrel and could not directly pass Huang Tianji's test.

There are also other documents, similar to Zhuge Liang's. He handed the documents to him and asked him for craftsmen and manpower.

"Because they are all smart people and they all think their own is the most correct!" Cai Zhaoji said flatly.

She had already been hit by reality and realized the cruelty of reality. She was once a talented woman and had spiritual talent. But the problem was that after she gained spiritual talent, she discovered that there was a gap between herself and Zhuge Liang and others. difference.

She thought she could catch up with these people, but the facts told her that it was completely impossible. The more plans she saw around Huang Tianji, the more she was in awe of people like Zhuge Liang, because reality seemed to be moving according to their plans. , every step was guessed by them.

In fact, the documents sent to Mu Yi can be solved by every solution, but the difference lies in the methods and processes used, which reflect the respective beliefs of each counselor.

It's as if Cheng Yu's acting style is completely different from Xun Yu's, but according to their respective plans, they can achieve the same goal.

"Let's do this, Zhaoji, choose a plan according to your ideas, and then give it to Huang Tianji to announce and implement it!" Mu Yi flipped through the documents for a while and threw all the controversial documents to Cai Zhaoji.

"Here!" There was no emotion on Cai Zhaoji's face. For the first time, she still felt like she was being valued. She carefully analyzed every plan, compared the pros and cons, and even showed it to Mu Yi a second time when she couldn't make a decision.

But when she saw Mu Yi flip a coin with her own eyes and choose one of the plans, she felt that she was actually a coin tosser.

After Mu Yi dumped most of the files to Cai Zhaoji, he picked up some files that he couldn't get rid of.

"Lack of people, lack of people, lack of people, lack of people everywhere!" Mu Yi complained. After the Battle of Northern Xinjiang, Xinghan temporarily entered a period of rapid development.

The chain reaction is a shortage of labor. This shortage of labor has even begun to make Jia Xu regret killing Zahu Qingzhuang.

There is really a shortage of people. Looking at the past, construction is going on in every place in the country and there is a shortage of people.

In the past, it was completely sufficient to rely on the productivity of the Song Dynasty to maintain military needs. However, now that development is beginning, not to mention that the craftsmen of the Song Dynasty cannot be transferred, even if they are transferred, it is completely insufficient.

In the entire Central Plains, almost every state and county has written to request support, but Mu Yi has no manpower to send. He cannot dismantle these legions in Northern Xinjiang and let them go to work.

Then weren't they all in vain after working back and forth for so long?

The domestic problems have not yet been resolved, and Yue Fei and Zhuge Liang have created new problems for him.

He wished he could just let the front line shrink, but the problem was.

Congling can give up, but can the Western Regions give up?
Moreover, there is no reason to give up the place that has been occupied by others. If you eat it, you may starve to death, but if you throw it away and waste it, it will really be a waste of natural resources.

"Where can I find ready-made labor and ready-made craftsmen here?"

Mu Yi's head was so big that it was too late to train apprentices, but he couldn't stop work and delay it any longer. After three years, his development had not yet started.

"Can we only focus on developing part of it first?" Mu Yi frowned and stared at the map. Where to develop first and where to develop later is a problem. Then there will only be more problems.

"Western Region...Western Region...we have it!" Mu Yi pondered for a long time before thinking of a new way.

"Zhaoji will take note and notify the Western Regions to gather the craftsmen and prepare to transfer them back to the Central Plains for distribution!"

Cai Zhaoji was stunned for a moment.

"Emperor, do you plan to give up the territory outside the Western Region?" Cai Zhaoji was a little unbelievable. Spitting out the land she got was not a good sign.

"Of course not!" Mu Yi waved his hand. There is a reason to spit out whatever he has eaten. Since he has occupied it, this place should be named Xinghan.

"I plan to grab a batch!" Mu Yi said fiercely, "Give me my order, Kong Ming will understand!"

Mu Yi said and walked towards the outside of the palace. It had been a long time since he had opened a different world. It was time to cast a wide net.

Unlike any other time before, this time he did not plan to send a large army to invade. Instead, he planned to directly organize several vanguards and go directly to explore other worlds.

There is only one goal, and that is to find craftsmen. Of course, if you can find labor force, that’s fine!
Anyway, now, Xinghan as a whole is lacking a lot of things.

Except for the most basic food, which was solved by Shennong's technology, the rest, including the problem of meat, was a huge problem. Gan Ning's fleet did not continue to expand its scale, but allocated all its resources to fishing.

Before the northern pastures were fully formed, the only source of meat in most places in Xinghan could only be salted fish and cured meat.

After thinking about it, Mu Yi realized that there was no other way to reduce expenditures. As the saying goes, "open up the money, open up the money ruthlessly."

Anyway, the army is idle, so let him explore another world.

Less than a day after the news was sent out, Ma Chao and Sun Ce almost faced each other and wanted to rush into the hall. Ma Er and Bai He stopped the two people with black faces, then punched and kicked them, and finally threw them away. go out.

But obviously, the enthusiasm of Sun Ce and Ma Chao was not deterred by the violence of Ma Er and the others, and they ran in again, but this time they came in through the process, so Ma Er and Bai He could only stare at them fiercely. People, then let them go.

"Emperor! I heard that you are going to explore other worlds. Can you leave a place for me? I will definitely be better than ordinary soldiers!" Ma Chao leaned in front of Mu Yi with a shy face.

Sun Ce on the other side also turned his face towards him, his face full of desire to explore another world.

"Do you want to go too?" Mu Yi looked at the two Erha in front of him with a headache. Anyone with some brains can figure out the reason why they chose people from ordinary soldiers.

He almost forgot that not everyone has a brain.

"There's a chance you won't be able to come back!"

Mu Yi could only tell the two of them the risks. This was also the reason why he recruited an expedition team from elite soldiers. The risks of exploring another world were too great.

For soldiers, the risks of going to the battlefield and exploring another world are similar, and it may even be safer to explore another world.But for generals, once they are lost, it will be an unbearable pain in life. It is difficult to find a general who can easily win a thousand armies.

After hearing the danger, Sun Ce and Ma Chao's eyes lit up. This kind of excitement is what they want!
Seeing the two people who couldn't listen to anyone's words at all, Mu Yi didn't bother to continue to emphasize that people walk their own roads. If the two of them are willing to go, then go.

Mu Yi raised his hand to open two world space doors labeled with war, craftsmen, and civilization, and then watched Sun Ce and Ma Chao dive in.

He will reopen it every other month. If the contact period exceeds one year, he will directly eliminate the spatial coordinates. This is also the last guarantee he gives to these world explorers.

There were more applicants who were willing to explore than Mu Yi imagined. He even asked Ma Er and the others to screen them, select the 3000 strongest among them, and send them out in groups of ten.


"The concentration of heaven and earth essence is abundant. According to what is said in the exploration manual, we may be in trouble!" Team leader Li Heng looked at the light emitting from the heaven and earth essence detection stone in his hand with a look of pain.

This thing was developed by the Mohists and is a by-product of studying lighting. The more essence of heaven and earth, the greater the light it can emit. To a certain extent, this thing can also be called a light bulb.

"Make a mark and we're going to start exploring around!"

Li Heng crushed the detection stone, then dug a hole under his feet and buried it in. This thing would not be extinguished as long as it contained the essence of heaven and earth. It would only be troublesome to carry it around, and it could only be destroyed on the spot.

Suddenly, Li Heng's movements stopped for a moment, and the teammates around him also visibly stiffened. They all felt some kind of qi lock, and they were discovered.

They gave a tacit signal to their teammates and started setting up camp as if nothing had happened.

Just when Li Heng was casually planning to mark the big tree next to him, a wooden arrow shot at Li Heng's feet, interrupting his movement.

Ellie Kasley, holding a longbow, jumped over from the big tree on the side.

"Stop what you're doing, stranger!"

Ellie Kasley looked at Li Heng and others with disgust.

This is the birthplace of the goddess of nature. How did these strangers get here?

What on earth do those druids outside do to allow people to sneak past the defense line and directly enter the interior of the forest?

They originally came here to detect elemental anomalies, but they didn't expect to bump into a stranger.

Of course, forgetting about getting lost, they actually planned to use weapons to harm those sleeping elders, which was simply unforgivable.

The goddess of nature created elves with the help of the life breath of the forest. In order to repay the life-giving blessings of the mother goddess and the forest, the elves spontaneously became followers of the goddess of nature and founded the Religion of Nature. They began to maintain the forest and protect the natural authority of the goddess.

Every big tree in the forest is an elder to them, and they will never allow these humans to harm these elders.

Without these elders to purify the pollution in the air, how can these creatures continue to survive.

Those who destroy nature are all unforgivable sinners!
Li Heng frowned slightly as he looked at the arrow, which was clearly a wooden weapon but shone with a metallic cold light.

He couldn't understand what the other person was saying, so he could only raise his hands to express his harmlessness.

Looking at the humans who expressed no intention of resisting, Ellie Kasli nodded with satisfaction, put down the long bow in her hand, and motioned to Li Heng and the others to follow her.

"Captain, can we complete the exploration mission?" The soldiers behind Li Heng were a little surprised. Li Heng was also surprised. He originally thought there would be a struggle.

But the other party seemed to be just preventing them from destroying the trees, and looking at the other party, it seemed a bit like the elf creatures mentioned in storytelling. According to legend, they seemed to be nature-loving creatures.

Because of the appearance of the dragon, the novelist's creative enthusiasm was greatly exploded. After interviewing the orc and dragon man, they immediately began to create novels about the different world.

These novel contents became popular in Luoyang, even among the military.

However, as the elves go deeper, the surrounding trees become larger and larger. For the earth, towering trees that take hundreds of years to grow can be seen everywhere in this ancient forest.

From Li Heng's perspective, the diameter of these tree trunks may be as terrifying as four to fifty meters. It is impossible to imagine how many years this giant tree has grown.

The nearly densely growing trees and their supporting crowns completely blocked the sky of the forest. The interior of the forest became dark and gradually became scary.

What's really creepy is that the trees around them seem to have come alive and are secretly watching them, strangers.

This silent, yet highly publicized atmosphere made even the always bold Li Heng feel anxious.

However, due to language problems, they were completely unable to communicate. They could only judge from simple gestures where the other party planned to take them. As for where they were taking them, it was unknown.

"Captain, do you want to stop!" One team member finally couldn't help it.

"No, hold on a little longer. The other party didn't hurt us after all, and... we shouldn't be able to leave now even if we want to!"

Li Heng looked at the old face revealed on a big tree, and finally knew where the sense of surveillance came from.

It turns out that the trees around them are alive!
This discovery surprised Li Heng, but at this point, they could only bite the bullet and go on. God knows what kind of monsters these big trees with human faces are.

Moreover, the threat level emanating from Ellie Kasli is very high. Even if ten of them cooperate, they may not be able to take her down.

After walking for a long time, they finally left the dark and dense woods and came to a relatively open place with sunlight.

However, the sunlight shining down did not make Li Heng and others feel the slightest warmth. Instead, they felt a biting coldness.

In front of them, there was an empty and flat land, and it looked like very fertile black land, but everything on the black land at this moment was particularly chilling.

I saw that in this vast black land, there are countless humans, orcs, and even those weird humanoids who can't find similar species but basically have human body shapes working on this land.

But judging from their appearance and weak bodies, this is definitely not a serious place. (End of chapter)

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