Conquering Myriad Worlds from the Mythical Three Kingdoms

Chapter 453 No destruction, no establishment

Rome is not made of clay. As an empire on the rise, they have the desire to expand their territory and are not afraid of war at all.

However, the difference in size caused them to be beaten on the head by Meng Yuan, and they continued to lose territory, so much so that they had now reached the gates of Rome.

This is unacceptable and unacceptable to Rome.

However, the successive failures made them place Meng Yuan in a very high position. They used 200% seriousness to test Meng Yuan's strength, called allies in various ways, and exhausted all means, just to Defeat Meng Yuan.

Now, the opportunity was before them, and they had to think about whether this would be their only chance in this life. So when they were sure that Meng Yuan's manpower was equal to theirs, they chose to attack without hesitation. .

Allies like Ardashir were defeated when they were defeated. No one had good intentions anyway, but Zhuge Liang's performance so far was worthy of their status as allies. They were all fighting hard. How could Rome retreat?

"Fight!" The Roman army rushed out of the city of Rome like tigers descending from the mountain.

"Fire arrows!"

Filippo gave a loud order. With the addition of a large number of elite soldiers, relying on the burning of the empire's will and the rendering of the fourteenth combined legion, he once again filled up the legion.

He knew that there would be very few opportunities for him to take action. The size of the archers on the opposite side was not comparable to that of Rome, and they absolutely could not match up with their opponents, so now was their only chance to take action with all their strength.

Thousands of arrows were released from the Fourth Eagle Flag headquarters. They were just paddling in the water before, and finally waited for this opportunity.

In an instant, the entire front line heard the piercing scream, and a large piece of the wandering Mongolian cavalry was harvested like wheat. Even though these cavalry were protected from arrows, they fell instantly.

After a simple evasion by the Mongolian cavalry, Filippo instantly aimed his spear at the heavy infantry regiment in front.

He had already seen the Mongolian horse archers starting to move in their direction. Once the two sides started fighting, they would not have any spare power to cover the frontal battle.

However, in the face of this rain of arrows, the Mongolian and Yuan heavy infantry on the front line withstood the rain of arrows and launched a counter-charge to suppress the charging Roman heavy infantry.

"Damn it!" Filippo roared angrily.

"Give up the second talent completely and only keep the first talent!"

Filippo saw that the Mongolian heavy infantry completely ignored the rain of arrows from their legion, and even completely ignored the binding effect of the second talent. In the moment of rising anger, he directly cut down his second talent.

Caesar glanced at Filippo, stretched out his hand to mobilize the will of the Roman Empire, and blessed it on the Fourth Eagle Flag, leaving it to death and resurrecting it. Filippo had a good idea, so he directly gave it a helping hand.

After all, compared to gaining talents, it is not difficult for a powerful legion to cut off the power they once had. With one blow, the elite Scythian shooters at the Guards level fell directly to the level of one talent.

"Why pursue those fancy effects? Archery is just archery. There is only one way, only one way, and just arrows are enough!"

Filippo roared in a low voice as if he was roaring, but also as if he was swearing.

The elite Scythian archer's momentum instantly surged, surpassing his original momentum and becoming stronger.

The combination of strong will and armor-piercing arrows appears on the bowstring of the elite Scythian archer.

"go to hell!"

Filippo raised his bow and shot an arrow. There was a slight crash, and countless arrows entwined with bright will were shot out.
The ultimate archery skill, the height that has always been expected, was finally achieved by the Scythian Legion at this moment. At this moment, the Scythian Legion touched the essence of the Shesheng Camp.

Condensing the spirit, energy, spirit, and the will of the empire on the arrow, the arrow shot out. From the moment it was released, it shot out with an explosive scream, and finally reached the ultimate power.

The heavy infantry on the Mongolian and Yuan fronts did not expect it at all. They did not realize what they had encountered until an arrow pierced the chest and the terrifying power created a bowl-sized hole behind the comrades in front of them.

"Block and dodge!" Hundreds of soldiers were taken away in a wave. The commander of the heavy infantry was almost stunned. He immediately roared and ordered the soldiers to parry.

However, at this moment, the Roman heavy infantry on the front seized the gap created by Filippo, seized the flaw in the battle line, and began to attack fiercely.

"Hahahaha, well done! Filippo!" Leona, the commander of the Macedonian Army who was also the Fourth Eagle Banner, was overjoyed.

"Two more arrows! I will tear this battle line apart!"

However, Leonna waited for a long time and did not wait for Filippo's reply, nor did he wait for the second round of arrows.

"Filippo, you idiot, what are you doing..." Leonato turned his head impatiently and looked in the direction of Filippo.

However, all he saw were corpses on the ground, and Filippo's standing figure, which had been pierced by thousands of arrows.

"Be prepared to guard against arrows, and be careful to block and dodge! The rest will be left to you!" Filippo's voice came to Leonato's ears as if he was hallucinating, and then before he could speak, he felt A force was injected into the Macedonian Legion from a distance.

Leonato turned his head back silently, slammed the tower shield in his hand on the ground, and roared with an aura like a lion.

"Crush them!" Leonardo's roar spread in all directions, and all the soldiers of the Macedonian phalanx roared like Leonardo after accepting the remaining power of Scythia.

Powered by fury and Scythia's strength, the Macedonian legions passed their hitherto unreachable limits.

Arrows like raindrops fell within the Macedonian phalanx. However, this time the Macedonian army did not stand still at all. They withstood the rain of arrows and violently defeated the Mongolian and Yuan heavy infantry on the opposite side, crushing the opposite battle line crazily.

Three talents for decisive battles, the ultimate fearless Macedonia, the third ideal talent, the ultimate evolution of Scythia's archery and the sublimation of Macedonia's own fearless defense.

Instant defense twists all instant attacks into power, which can be used to transform into attack and defense.

Without any movement to resist, he ate the opponent's arrows like raindrops. His speed, attack, and defense suddenly increased by about 50%.

The Macedonian soldiers, whose quality had already been sublimated, with such blessing, instantly dented Meng Yuan's defense line, powerfully tearing open several holes, which directly affected the operation of Meng Yuan's entire defense line.

"Try using bed crossbows and catapults to see if they can withstand the attack! At the same time, use throwing spears and flying hammers to suppress them!" Agula Uragai frowned and made a quick decision.

The first brand-new three-talented legion, they need to test the opponent's talent effect and then make targeted arrangements.

In their three-talented legion in Meng Yuan, there is basically no three-talented infantry legion. The previous first auxiliary was okay, after all, it could not last long, and it had no defensive talent. Only its strength and scale made them extremely afraid, but large-scale arrows And the large-scale gun array can still suppress it. But the current Macedonian Legion is different. This legion is heavy infantry in the orthodox sense and can ignore a large number of attacks. Such a legion is a difficult point for the entire front to deal with.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The crossbows and catapults were furiously attacking Macedonia. Although Meng Yuan came in a hurry, he brought a lot of siege equipment.

A large number of spears, flying hammers, crossbows, and slings fell into the Macedonian phalanx. However, the soldiers of the Macedonian phalanx continued to ravage the Mongolian infantry front as if nothing happened.

There is nothing unnecessary. The Macedonian Legion has always been known for its cooperation, and its old-fashioned and dull combat methods also mean rigid dogma and simplicity.

The movements that have long been burned into the body's instincts, combined with this simple straight thrust, can easily pierce the opponent. The greatly improved Macedonian phalanx is no longer something that ordinary heavy infantry can face.

Stab, recover, and stab again. There is no need to care about other directions. The comrades around them will protect themselves from being killed by the opponent to the distance where the weapon cannot turn. There is no need to pay attention to long-range attacks. Instant defense will allow them to devote themselves wholeheartedly. into a frontal battle.

At this moment, they are enough to compete head-on with any legion.

"well done!"

The heroic breakthrough of the Macedonian phalanx made Perennis overjoyed.

Perennis commanded the Second Triumphal Legion and the Eighth Giant Legion to press forward, and then mobilized the Seventh Eagle Banner and the Ninth Spanish Chisel Formation.

Although Filippo's death made him heartbroken, too much blood had been shed in Rome, so much that even the heartache could not react in any other way.

The battlefield is like this, no one can live forever, anything can happen.

"Abandon long-range suppression, attack special types of defensive legions from a distance, deploy iron cavalry for frontal confrontation, carry out long-range suppression on both sides, and cavalry archers to attack the second half. The first column of light and heavy cavalry will kill the two cavalry for me. "

Kuangkuo Timur rushed back from the second battlefield, took over the command, and then quickly dispatched.

"I'll kill them myself!" Seeing Timur's return, Agul-Ulagai simply led his troops and rushed towards the Seventh Eagle Flag and the Ninth Eagle Flag.

In an instant, the situation changed instantly. Timur's dispatch directly cut off the momentum of the Roman army's assault, and there were also problems with the cooperation between them.

Penilens quickly mobilized the Citizen Legion to make corrections, frowning and watching the battlefield. As soon as Tamerlane took action, the pressure was directly increased. The situation that still had flaws just now seemed to be regained by the opponent in an instant.

More importantly, if the opponent turns back, does it mean that the allies on the second battlefield have been defeated?

"Contact the Second Battlefield and check out the situation on the other side!" Penilence said calmly.

"Xinghan's contact has come over. The other side has given up the attack and is now focusing on siege and suppression. Some of the legions have already turned back toward us!" Palmiro quickly passed on the information about the second battlefield.

Penilens felt a little more at ease. As long as Zhuge Liang and the others existed, they would always be a threat to the other side. If they were lucky, they might be able to stab Meng Yuan in the back.

"Shrink the defense line, reduce the engagement area, move forward on the opposite side, and inform the people over there that we have fulfilled our commitments, and it is time for them to fulfill theirs." Timur said coldly.

He was now surprisingly angry. Yue Fei and Roma's left-right and left-right actions allowed him to create an unprecedented record. The military god was forced to retreat by the command of a large legion. He was nailed to the pillar of shame.

At other times, he would have killed Yue Fei even if he tried his best, but now... Tal has invested too much, so much that he, the god of war, cannot even afford to pay for it with his life. If he fails because of him, The other party definitely does not recommend dragging him along before going to hell.

The cold tone of Kuoku Timur made everyone shudder, and they silently began to carry out Kuoku Timur's orders.

Although the defense was shrinking, Timur was very aggressive in expanding its profile. Although the battle line was indeed advancing, Rome was very difficult and was advancing almost step by step.

If the fight continues at this pace, Rome may collapse first.

"Press up from both sides, including the barbarians. If the opponent wants to shrink the defense line, we will increase the engagement area!"

Penirens pondered for a moment, and then directly informed Arnubis and Nigel to attack from both wings.

There have been no new orders from Severus and Caesar, so Penilens simply commanded according to his own understanding.


Taqito's momentum reached its limit, and the soldiers behind him all roared and rushed forward like a pack of wolves following the Wolf King.

For a moment, he was as powerful as a dragon, relying on his fighting will that seemed to have been tempered for thousands of times and his steel-like defense to withstand the opponent's attack and fight to death!
The Mongolian cavalry phalanx was forcibly broken into half of the military formation, and Taqito continued to smash the cavalry phalanx's defense line as if it was invincible.

However, when Tachito glanced to the other side, he discovered an unforgettable figure - Agula Uragai.

"Death to the evil thief!" Tachito roared, turned around and rushed in the direction of Agula Uragai.

Agula Uragai glanced at Tachito indifferently, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and his defeated generals dared to fight.

He led his troops directly towards Tachito and rushed towards him. The two sides passed each other, and Agula Uragai left a faint taunt.

"It seems like you still don't have a long memory!"

As they spoke, the two sides passed by each other. The Mongolian cavalry and the Spanish regiments were fighting together wildly, waving their weapons wildly. In just a few breaths, the two cavalry regiments had already passed each other.

One by one, the Ninth Spain left more than 800 corpses, while the headquarters of Agul-Uragai left less than 200 corpses.

The battle damage ratio was as high as one to four, but Tachito laughed.

"Hehehe, it seems that you are not so invincible!"

Agula Uragai's face turned ugly. Ninth Spain became stronger, and at this moment, the momentum of Tachito and the soldiers behind him began to expand without limit.

Ninth Spain, which broke through its inner demons, began to rise from the ashes. (End of chapter)

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