In the city of Rome, in the basement of a courtyard, a group of Roman believers gathered here.

Rome persecutes Christianity very hard, and there is a reward for reporting a believer in Rome.

Although Rome has relaxed its persecution of Christians because of its previous alliances, these believers are still used to gathering in the shadows.

Today, basically all the important Christian figures in Rome are gathered here, and the manager here is a wise man. It would not be a problem if a spiritual talent was born in the Central Plains.

Cyprian, who looked to be in his early twenties, felt very headache looking at the crooked melons and cracked dates in front of him.

Originally, he just thought it was interesting to criticize these believers who believed in gods. His hobby was to criticize Christianity. At first, he took it as a hobby to criticize Christianity.

But Christians were kinder in the Roman system and were not angry. Instead, they found out and filled in the gaps in his opposition to their doctrines and made up for their mistakes.

Cyprian also followed along in this process. In the end, he established a framework for operation, operation, and management of Christianity, and then he himself became a bishop.

Originally, these were nothing. He even planned to sell all these believers to Rome to see if he could sneak into the Roman Senate based on his merit. After all, Rome was the beacon of civilization in the West these days.

Even Jesus was killed by Rome, so Christianity should be held back a little bit.

However, God actually lived and appeared in reality. This time, Cyprian was completely confused. What was going on?

Before he could react, he had already been captured by the God of Light.

He originally wanted to report it directly and then run away.

Regarding the loyalty of the sect, can you believe that a guy in his early twenties who wants to fight against this sect and find trouble in the sect has any loyalty?

But after listening to the God of Light's explanation, he found that the task assigned to him by the God of Light seemed to be more interesting.

Destroying Rome or something, it was so exciting.

Anyway, attacking Christ is also an attack, and attacking Rome is also an attack.

No matter what time it is, young people will become impulsive when they get involved. Just like now, Cyprian simply found it interesting, so he participated in such a big operation and was even the leader of the operation.

But even though he is the leader, Cyprian also understands that he is just an opener. It is really exciting to follow the boss to build Rome's rebellion, so let's do it!
"Let's begin!" Cyprian waved his hand.

A large number of blond barbarians in front of them immediately began to prepare their rituals. This ritual was taught to Cyprian by the God of Light. After analyzing it, Cyprian discovered that this thing should be a space teleportation anchor.

As a big boss, Cyprian can master technology as long as he has a theory.

After analyzing the ritual in reverse, Cyprian discovered that another anchor point for this thing should be in the legendary kingdom of heaven.

But the strange thing is that the kingdom of heaven seems to be completely different from what is taught in the teachings. He used the reverse summoning ritual to put his consciousness into that world and conducted extremely detailed observations.

There are heavenly boats and angels in the kingdom of heaven. Although it is impossible to directly observe these existences due to technical problems, he can piece together the contents of the kingdom of heaven by observing other places.

The Kingdom of Heaven is empty, or in other words, everything except the Heavenly Boat is empty. There is no such thing as the legendary Garden of Eden.

But this is nothing. While Cyprian determined that there were many inconsistencies between the kingdom of heaven and the myth, he also confirmed that there was indeed a large army of angels in the kingdom of heaven.

And it seems that it is at least much stronger than the Barbarian Legion, and there are a lot of them. This is enough, enough for Cyprian to help the Kingdom of Heaven launch the ceremony.

As a wise man with a normal mind, even if he doesn't say it with his mouth, he still knows it in his heart. Even if he can't directly state the statement that God has several legions, it is absolutely impossible if he doesn't have some thoughts in his heart.

But now, Rome faces a powerful enemy head on, and faces the angels of heaven behind its back.

Cyprian didn't know if there was any agreement between the kingdom of heaven and the enemy on the other side, but he was sure that it was enough to make Rome drink a pot.

Especially now that the war is fierce outside, a surprise attack from behind by a surprise soldier is enough to make it difficult for Rome to take care of both ends.

"Master Bishop, we are ready!"

The blond man walked up to Cyprian and asked for instructions.

Cyprian glanced at this guy. He was originally just an ordinary believer. However, he received the blessing of "God" and became a master of inner Qi separation. He is full of fanatical belief in Christ and is an absolute fanatic. believer.

Although Cyprian felt that this guy probably couldn't defeat those Roman guardians, he was indeed much more useful than ordinary believers.

Following him as his own bodyguard, he helped him get a lot of things done, but while he was protecting himself, he was probably also monitoring himself.

As Cyprian put his spiritual power into the ceremony, the light burst out and the ceremony was completely unfolded.

A gleaming golden door appeared from the sky, surrounded by hymns.

The gate opened, and a golden road extended out from the gate. Countless angels flew out along the road like streams of light, and then each angel appeared directly in the city of Rome.

Watching countless streams of light scatter, and then hundreds of thousands of angels appeared, and finally seven archangels flew out of the gate, Cyprian also fell into silence at this time.

The number was more than he expected, which made him not only start to doubt whether what he observed was real.

But although he felt strange, Cyprian's face was still very excited. With a wave of his hand, hundreds of thousands of angels appeared in the city of Rome. This thing was very exciting. It was much more interesting than what he had done before.

But...why do you feel that most angels are not as powerful as the regular Roman army?

It's a mythical species after all, and it doesn't look as powerful as the regular Roman army, which is a bit embarrassing.

"In the name of God, judge the devil Rome!"

However, at this moment, the surrounding believers have all knelt on the ground. No one can understand the pain in their hearts. They have suffered too much persecution in Rome. Now, the gods have finally come to avenge them.

At the moment when the angel army arrived in the city of Rome, Caesar and Severus had already discovered this enemy.

"Damn it!" Caesar finally understood what his opponent was doing.

"Your Majesty Severus, leave it to us, you go and destroy the enemies in Rome!" Caesar sent a message to Severus.

He had no energy left to care about what happened next. The moment the angel army arrived, Timur began his own counterattack.

Defeating Perennis, Nigel, and Arnubis in one go was not an expansion of Timur's arrogance, but that he really had the ability.

Relying on the impact of the flood tide, the command lines of Perennis, Nigel, and Arnubis were completely shaken. Perennis had already noticed the turmoil in the command line. Even though he couldn't see the overall situation because he was deeply embedded in the enemy's army, he could still judge part of the situation, but before he could react.

The expanded Timur began to squeeze directly inward, and struck hard, cutting off one third of the troops behind Perennis.

Then it began to expand directly outwards, not only starting to squeeze the defense lines of Niger and Arnubis, but also completely swallowing Penilens into the army. Together with a large number of long-range attacks and heavy infantry defense lines, Marche was The battle front bites.

The entire frontal front is being restrained by Expanded Timur. If the situation cannot be reversed, and waiting for Penirens to be hacked to death, the rest will be destroyed one by one by Expanded Timur.

"Giulio, unfold the epic of the rise of Rome!"

Penilence roared loudly. He had fully reacted at this time. He was seriously injured, so without any hesitation, he began to form a defensive formation and wait for rescue.

The situation is now doomed. Once the front line collapses, they are doomed.

All he can do now is to stand still and wait for reinforcements. Without the ability to observe the overall situation, any random command will directly ruin Rome.

A bright golden glow bloomed from the body of the Roman Emperor's Guard Corps, and its momentum rose again and again. With the blessing of military souls, a large number of soldiers who had practiced Qi and gained the elite talents of their former opponents, which was a defense comparable to the Thirteen Roses. talent.

"Hehehe, it's really all the traps!"

Caesar's eyes had completely turned cold. The other party's desperate desire to kill Rome had completely angered Caesar.

"Want to defeat Rome? Step over my corpse first!"

Caesar immediately started to rescue. Penilence had to be rescued no matter what. As the most mature real-time combat force on the battlefield, he needed Penilence's performance.

The decision is yours, Arnubis, Nigel, Marche, come on.

His personal ability as Caesar is indeed not outstanding among the military gods. On paper, his strength may not even be able to match the military god opposite him.

But Caesar is a general, and he is not fighting alone.

When Caesar began to operate the dual command system, the three fronts of Arnubis, Nigel, and Marche instantly showed amazing fluency.

Continuous command corrections from high to low, while bursting out the ultimate combat effectiveness, also eliminated the flaws in the coordination, and easily stabilized the originally turbulent front.

"Am I getting stronger?"

Arnubis, Nigel, and Marche discovered this instantly. The commanding abilities displayed by the three of them now were completely beyond their capabilities.

Powerful and strange, the three people instantly realized the source of this improvement.

"Is this the power of Caesar?" With just a simple move, Arnubis, Nigel, and Marche fully understood Caesar's strength.

Caesar's command ability flowed into their command system in some way they couldn't understand, to put it simply.

That is, the special effect of Caesar's military god is to distribute his command ability to other large army commanding generals, thereby improving the general's basic command ability from a basic level.

"Push all the battle lines up and rescue Penilence!" Caesar's order had been passed to them by the Fifth Skylark.

"Yes!" The three of them chose to obey without hesitation.

To forcefully kill the opponent, regardless of what the opponent did, Caesar chose to fight for strength without hesitation.

Stud, he himself is a gambling dog. Even if the life and death of Rome was involved, he would not hesitate to choose Stud.

Just like before, he made a choice between treason and becoming the emperor.

"The dice have been thrown, we can only move on!"

Their advantage is that they have enough large army to command!
Under Caesar's binary correction, each grand legion commander has the ability to temporarily resist the God of War. No matter in which direction, expanding Timur's profile requires a little effort to solve it.

Expanded Timur quickly discovered something was wrong. He was originally using all his energy to directly pin down Penilens to death, but after all, he is the commander of a large army at the top of mankind. Even if he is the God of War, he has to pin down the opponent to death. Take your time and effort.

However, suddenly the various fronts of Rome began to suppress them in turn, and Tarr, who temporarily took over the command, was completely unable to solve the turmoil on the front.

There were already torn holes in several places.

"Trouble!" Timur immediately realized that the military god on the opposite side had taken action, which made him instantly feel in trouble. Although he didn't know what was happening on the opposite side, it was obvious that his purpose could not be achieved.

Just as he was thinking about countermeasures, Perennis began to move.

He was surrounded by Expanded Timur for a long time, punched and kicked, and was almost bruised and swollen, but he still maintained the basic formation and was not crushed by Expanded Timur.

"Assault on Rome!"

As external pressure mounted on Caesar, Caesar's orders also reached Penelens.


After receiving Caesar's order, Perennis roared directly at his son that he needed to let Africanas fight a crushing battle.

As a product of the reorganization period of the Roman Eagle Banner Legion, the original backbone of the Eighth Legion was swallowed up by the new Second Augustus Legion. The Eighth Legion existed in name only, and then Perennis used his own son to step up.

In the past, it was to avoid suspicion, but now that the sky has fallen, it is natural for a tall man to use a tall man.

This is also a trump card that he has always held in his hand, and now he has to reveal it.

Africanas roared when he heard this, and the soldiers of the Eighth Eagle Banner under his command suddenly grew to a super height of 3.6 meters. The weapons in their hands also turned into super huge heavy flails, and they waved them casually a few times. , coupled with the wingspan, the attack range even reaches ten meters upward.

What happens when a force-shaped army has a super long attack range?
Nature is killing without a blade of grass.

A group of giants used the weapons in their hands to cause a bloody storm on the defense line, and their terrifying fighting power forced a bloody path.

"The first line of defense retreats!" Timur's face was a little ugly, but he still asked the first line of defense legions to retreat.

Penilence has already run away, and if he continues to delay, the army will only suffer more serious trauma.

Anyway, Rome is now under attack from both sides. There is no need to fight Rome to the end. It is enough to bite the Roman army in front and prevent them from returning to defense. (End of chapter)

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