Conquering Myriad Worlds from the Mythical Three Kingdoms

Chapter 473: Expanding the Fall of Timur

"God King!" Brünnhilde bowed to Odin, but Odin just waved his hand, and then began to think about what to do now.

What was before him was the ironclad fact that he could not defeat Timur.

And he felt the fluctuation of the army rushing from the direction of the Hall of Valor.

After all, he is the God King, and this world is also his tomb, so he has some operating authority. Although he was chopped off by Han Xin with a sword and most of his authority was lost in the Hall of Valor, he still feels the distribution of power in the Nordic world now.

In his perception, Han Xin led the army and was approaching them at high speed.

He can't beat him, he can't beat him at all, Odin knows it very well.

The mythical creatures in his hands looked very strong, but they were just a mob. Without the bonus of the talented organization, it was impossible for these creatures to compete with these armies.

If Odin, who had not escaped before, felt that as long as he was allowed by destiny to live a new life, even with more than ten thousand heroic spirits, he would be invincible, then after being slashed by Han Xin, Odin felt that something was wrong. .

But he is still very confident in himself and thinks that he has escaped, so the next step is to return to the top.

However, after being pushed to the ground and beaten violently by Timur, Odin realized the reality. Humanity is completely different from the past. The current era may have truly entered the era of humans.

"Is this the distant future after Ragnarok, the era of mankind that we know from looking far into the future?"

Odin sat on his mount with a bit of emotion. The anger of being killed in the tomb before was a bit lighter. After all, being strong is indeed the basis for doing whatever he wants.

After all, Odin is a supporter of fistism. Is it really because of his wisdom and prophecy that he became the God King?

Obviously not. The real reason why he became the God King is because his fists are the biggest and hardest.

Frost giants, dark elves, dwarves and all the other mythical creatures were all defeated by him, allowing him to unify the so-called nine realms and become the supreme god-king.

But now, today is different from the past. The power of the hymn has dissipated into nothing, and now even the power of the golden elixir does not exist. He even doubts that even if he gets the power of the golden elixir, he may not be able to defeat the leader of the army head-on. enemy.

"I am Odin. Even if I have nothing, I will definitely rule the nine realms again!" Odin stared at the sky and decided to give it a try. This is his home court no matter what.

Since mythical creatures can't deal with these perverts, let's pull the heroic spirits of the past out of death.

But to complete this step, he needs to get back the power of the Hall of Valor first.

As for the requirements of destiny, I can't control that much at this time.

"Brünnhilde, use all your strength to continue to suppress the opponent. Unless you receive my order, you will attack any enemy within sight!" Odin gave the command calmly.

"Yes! God Lord!" Brynhildr did not hesitate at all, and then took over from Odin as the commander of the army, but there was still no difference, she was still pressed to the ground and rubbed.

"What a terrifying power!" Odin took a deep look at the expanded Timur, then escaped into the shadows without hesitation and ran towards the other side.

Before taking back the power of the Hall of Valor, he needs to make some preparations. At least he must get back all the weapons and armor he once had. With those things, he can become stronger.

On the other side, Han Xin wiped the sword in his hand with excitement. The reverse summoning ritual may be considered weakening to others. After all, the body and equipment formed by the summoning ritual cannot be brought in.

It's not like in Mount Tai, where equipment reserves can be mobilized directly from the country. The weapons and armor are all made of the essence of heaven and earth, which is a weakening in itself.

But for Han Xin, the most useful thing about reverse summoning consciousness is that he can rush troops.

The things about the Mongolian Fantasy Soldiers and the Roman Fantasy Soldiers have been spread back by the observing immortals. Things that Han Xin didn't understand in the past were revealed in an instant. It is not difficult for Han Xin to follow the gourd and draw the scoop.

The soldiers formed by reverse summoning consciousness are themselves just a polymer of the essence of heaven and earth. As long as the fantasy soldiers are filled with the essence of heaven and earth, the number of soldiers at hand can be doubled.

For others, the fantasy soldiers produced by this method are basically mentally retarded and difficult to command, and they will interfere with the command if they are mixed in the army.

But for Han Xin, these soldiers are the best soldiers, and he can learn the talents he wants by himself, as long as these soldiers can obey the simplest orders and fight.

As for the number of people, it's only about 600,000, which is a lot.

He could even explode more soldiers, but Han Xin didn't intend to do that. He wanted to use a relatively fair way to send his opponent back to the west, so that the opponent could die with as little regret as possible.

Han Xin led an army of 600,000, adjusted his talents, and then bypassed the direction of the mythical creature and launched an attack directly towards Meng Yuan.

At the moment when Han Xin took action, Brünnhilde's rationality wanted her to sit on the sidelines and let the two sides fight to death. However, Odin's order replaced her rationality, and she continued to drive the mythical creatures forward to launch attacks at all costs. charge.

Although each resurrected individual inherits all the information of the previously deceased mythical creatures, they are all brand new individuals, so there is no fear of war at all. They are like a tide that continuously impacts the Mongolian and Yuan armies and the newly emerged ones. Han Xin’s army.


Han Xin grinned as he looked at the Meng Yuan army exuding terrifying aura. Their average strength was much stronger than before, but their speed was much slower than he expected.

He thought there would be 300,000 soldiers as high as the sky.

With only 300,000 average guardsmen, Timur's expansion was too slow.

This point is that Han Xin misjudged the expansion of Timur. It is not that the expansion of Timur did not work hard, but the existence of Odin and the Hall of Valor weakened the speed of the Meng Yuan army becoming stronger. Otherwise, what is really appearing in front of Han Xin now It will be a three-talented army of three hundred thousand, as high as the sky.

"Army attack!"

Han Xin's sword pointed directly at the expanded Timur, and he could easily determine the opponent's position from the fluctuations in Meng Yuan's command line.

The next moment, Han Xin's body bloomed with golden brilliance, and this golden brilliance spread to the surroundings, then converged towards the center, and finally spread again with the Huangtian Army as the center.

The soldiers, who originally had only 600,000 pairs of talent levels, exuded the fluctuations of a military soul army in an instant.

"Crush them!"

Ma Chao at the front roared and rushed forward with his bodyguards. The high-speed iron cavalry exploded completely under the powerful blessing of the spread of Han Xin's military soul. Several special effects fully bloomed on them, charging like a dump truck. It slammed into Meng Yuan's defense line. The defense brought by the high speed was extremely strong, allowing Ma Chao and his guards to completely ignore the forest of guns erected in the front, and used unparalleled impact to directly fly away the Meng Yuan soldiers in the front.

Under Han Xin's operation, Ma Chao's legion directly added an additional elite talent effect, that is, rigid collision, which can directly knock the opponent away. This is an effect specially used by Han Xin to deal with heavy infantry defense lines.

Meng Yuan, who was knocked out, did not directly lose combat effectiveness due to the secondary impact damage. After being knocked to the ground, they got up not long after and continued to return to the battle line as heavy infantry.

Ma Chao's army, which had lost its speed, should have been at its weakest moment. However, when the nearby heavy infantry began to surround Ma Chao's personal guards and began the siege, Ma Chao and his personal guards were fierce and did not care at all about the loss of speed. They were terrifyingly ferocious.

Seeing such a brutal scene, Kuangkou Timur's expression darkened. Ma Chao's legion was too outrageous at this moment. Although it had lost its own talent effect, the power projected by Han Xin gave Ma Chao's headquarters a level of ferocity that was as high as the sky. combat effectiveness.

The prerequisite for heavy infantry to restrain heavy cavalry is that everyone must be on the same level. Today's Ma Chao is completely focused on heavy infantry.

Before Timur had time to mobilize the Mongolian cavalry to deal with Ma Chao, Han Xin followed closely and commanded and dispatched like a butterfly in a flower.

He came here to kill Timur and throw Ma Chao out. He just hoped that Ma Chao could find some improvement in the desperate situation and use it to train Ma Chao. After all, according to his understanding, an intuitive monster like Ma Chao could use The training of life and death is the most effective.

Although there is no life or death in the reverse summoning ritual, Ma Chao's own strong desire to win is enough for Ma Chao to try his best.

He didn't expect Ma Chao to do anything. He didn't need Ma Chao to explode or anything.

Only the weak need to explode before the battle. The strong only need to calmly exert all their strength, which is enough to kill the opponent.

Han Xin fired his bows left and right, and the supporting legions began to attack, in full-front strangulation mode.

This simple and crude tactic shocked Timur, because Han Xin did not hide his purpose at all, which was to directly kill Meng Yuan with command and dispatch.

Rapid division and mobilization, linkage and cooperation, nested command of the legions, covering each other, the 600,000-strong army seemed to have divided hundreds of command lines and then branched out into hundreds more.

"What kind of monster is this!"

Expanding the profile Timur gritted his teeth and quickly adjusted his command and dispatch, and then shrunk the defense line as much as possible, taking advantage of the stronger hard power of their soldiers.

Expanded profile Timur felt that his eyes had been opened. First he met Caesar who could improve other people's command tops, and now he met Han Xin who directly used command tops to reach an exaggerated level.

The 600,000-strong army commanded was as smooth as the 300,000-strong army in his hands. What this meant was basically a catastrophic crushing.

Their level is extremely high, but Han Xin is almost a level above him. This is not against the sky.

With a dark face, Timur shrank his defense line, forcibly broke through a wave of Han Xin's command line, voluntarily gave up the battlefield, and moved the army of mythical creatures led by Brynhildr towards Han Xin's side. .

With the buffer of these mythical creatures, Timur's defensive pressure was instantly reduced by more than half.

Han Xin looked at Timur with some surprise. The opponent's ability to adjust the characteristics of his soldiers was really strong. His command line on the flanks was crushed by the opponent, and he fell before he could save him.


After actually getting his hands on it, Han Xin realized how fancy the so-called military god's special effects of changing the characteristics of soldiers were. What he was targeting was actually a concept. Such idealistic power was really surprising.

Originally, the soldiers who were blessed by the diffusion of military souls would have the characteristic of resisting death, but the opponent adjusted the characteristics of the soldiers in a targeted manner, allowing the Meng Yuan soldiers to have a special attack effect on the military soul. The biggest manifestation was that they directly ignored the characteristic of resisting death. .

However, Han Xin was not surprised. The fight between the military gods was inherently a bastard fist fight, and he expected that the special effects of the military gods on both sides would be offset.

After all, things like the military god's special effects are all made up of energy and spirit. It's fine if they haven't reached this level. After reaching this level, it's normal for them to cancel each other out.

It would be surprising if we encountered special effects that could not be offset at all.

After understanding the strength of his opponent, Han used a more brutal legion strangulation mode to dismantle Timur's expanded front.

As for the immortal mythical army led by Brünnhilde, sandwiched between the two armies, they have no ability to fight back at all. As long as either side frees up a little hand, it can kill a large piece of it like cutting leeks.

This chasm-like gap caused Brünnhilde to give up command and let these mythical armies charge mindlessly. Anyway, there was no difference in the result, so she didn't have to worry about it.

The fierce battle on the front line made Timur more and more unable to achieve his goals. Most of the energy he finally regained from rest was quickly lost in the fierce battle between Han Xin and Han Xin.

With just one oversight, Han Xin dismantled a front line, and Timur was so frightened that he had to muster up his energy to deal with Han Xin.

Han Xin looked at the encirclement that he was about to complete, and looked at the expanded Timur with some pity. If he was in his prime state, he might be a good opponent, but unfortunately, the current expanded Timur is not at all in shape.

If Yue Fei had no knots in his heart, he might be able to kill Timur alone at this moment and achieve enlightenment.

Speaking of which, Timur's expansion was brilliant enough. He was almost exhausted by a double-digit army commander and three military gods. He also took away two army commanders and one. Military God, this achievement can be considered brilliant.

However, the difficulty of the expedition is really greater than that of the local battle. If the roles of the two sides were reversed, maybe Timur would be able to create a better record.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Han Xin launched a fatal blow indifferently. Only then did Timur notice the killing move hidden under the fierce command. However, the next moment he discovered that all the legions suitable for mobilization to cover the defense positions were occupied by Han Xin. All suppressed.

The Huangtian Army had already followed the flaw created by Han Xin, pierced directly into the battle line like a dagger, and then rushed straight in the direction of the expanded Timur.

Caesar's fate played out on him, but the difference was that Thirteen Roses stopped the enemy, but the troops around him couldn't stop the Yellow Sky Army.

Without the light of pseudo-miracle, even the three talents that are as high as the sky cannot stop the surprise attack of the Miracle Legion.

The moment Ma Er broke through the defense and reached him, Timur sighed and prepared to face his own death.

He lost, lost in a mess, although there were many reasons, but losing was losing. Without another chance, he even lost his own life. (End of chapter)

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