"Has Chu Di's problem been solved?"

Taking the battle report passed by Bai Qi, Mu Yi rubbed his teeth and was a little surprised.

In fact, as soon as the problem on Chu Di's side was solved, he started to sense it. After all, he was within the scope of Jiuding, and he could clearly feel that the concentration of heaven and earth had increased.

After all, in the mythical world of Chu, after Donghuang Taiyi was hacked to death by Guan Yu with the help of the will of the army, the entire mythical world of Chu collapsed. The chain reaction of this collapse was the manifestation of the essence of heaven and earth.

Although it is not the drastic change that happened in the previous world, it at least increased the concentration of heaven and earth essence in the Central Plains by more than ten percent, and accelerated a wave of internal energy cultivation among the people in the Central Plains in a short period of time.

After all, after the concentration of the essence of heaven and earth increases, even breathing can inadvertently complete the achievement of inner qi entering the body, allowing people to have one or two strands of inner qi. If the food supply is sufficient, most people may be able to do so. Have inner energy stably.

The ratio of inner Qi condensation and inner Qi forming into a gang will also further increase, but the ratio of inner Qi leaving the body will decrease. After all, the higher the concentration of heaven and earth essence, the more control and guidance the heaven and earth essence and oneself have for inner Qi leaving the body. The more difficult it is to fuse the inner energy.

For other empires, this aspect would be more difficult, but it does not exist for Mu Yi.

Although he does not often use the ability to break through boundaries for others, he can definitely make these people advance. After all, it is easier to advance if the pseudo inner energy is separated from the body than the inner energy becomes a gang. After experiencing the realm of inner energy separation, , and then the success rate of completing the breakthrough will be greatly improved.

It is also because of this that the proportion of internal energy masters in the Xinghan regular army is much greater than that of other empires, and only Kushan can barely catch up.

The main force of their army has not yet produced results. Bai Qi not only completed the task, but also over-trained an ultimate body Guan Yu.

I was thinking before that I should allocate some resources towards the Wuhu world and clean up that world, but this is completely unnecessary.

With Guan Yu's command ceiling and Zhang Fei's command floor, as long as he figures it out, there is no way anyone on Wu Hu's side can be his opponent...

Mu Yi thought for a while, and it seemed that there were indeed several opponents. The timeline of Wuhu's world had been messed up due to the evil spirits, but it should be roughly during the Sixteen Kingdoms period.

Therefore, one of the possible opponents is Murong Ke from Xianbei. He was selected into the general academy of the Martial Temple. His ability is extremely outstanding. Combined with the evil situation in the Wuhu world, it is not easy to judge the strength, but the command of the large army is still quite stable.

The other was Ran Min. Ran Min was the adopted grandson of Emperor Wu of Later Zhao Dynasty, Shi Hu. Although the tyrant Shi Hu was dead, Ran Min was not dead and did not even appear.

If it was a normal world, Ran Min and Liu Bei might get along, but in this world... Mu Yi is not sure what state Ran Min is in now, but judging from the original intelligence, Shi Hu has been completely demonized by the evil god, and Ran Min is probably not much better. .

Ran Min was defeated by Murong Ke, but after defeating Murong Ke many times during the battle, it was hard to tell the difference for a while. After all, there was a huge gap in the national strength of the two sides.

After considering the input and output, Mu Yi decided to let Liu Bei fiddle with it on his own. Due to population restrictions alone, Liu Bei would have no desire to attack in more than ten years. It would be a big trouble just to have no one to garrison the land he conquered.

It is better to focus on the strategy of the Song Dynasty. If you win the Song Dynasty, the number of people under Xinghan will basically increase several times. The population will increase, and it will be easier to make other arrangements.

After looking at Bai Qi's final conclusion about the end of Chu Di's myth, Mu Yi simply threw the information aside. Bai Qi had said so, and he didn't want to pursue the issues behind it, so he just closed the case.

As long as it is nailed, it doesn't matter how it is nailed.

After throwing away the information, Mu Yi looked at some of the elite backbones selected from various legions in front of him. As Han Xin was unreliable, Mu Yi had no choice but to train the new legion himself.

Mu Yi strongly condemned Han Xin's perfunctory attitude in using Hou Yi's army as a fill-in and randomly fabricating a dual-talented army as the Taiyin army.

However, seeing that Han Xin still had the task of forming an auxiliary corps and the breakthrough task of the Miracle Legion, Mu Yi could only kick Han Xin away and take action himself.

Although the military flag has not been withdrawn yet, this is not a problem at all for Mu Yi who can control the sun and lunar light at will.

Of course, the results of training are always unsatisfactory. Mu Yi is now more or less a big boss. If something is not good enough, he will be stronger. Even if it is illogical, he can create it first. Logic and other things, he can use his will to distort reality and force it. It's reasonable.

After spending a long time with Han Xin and the others, Mu Yi came up with a universal method, that is, flying bricks with great strength can solve 99% of the problems, and the remaining 1% is mostly due to insufficient strength.

First create a framework, then use the will of the empire to charge it, and directly distort the reality with will to stabilize it. After that, it is a routine of adding water to the water and adding water to the surface.

To put it simply, the design is full of all kinds of breakdowns, but Mu Yi really couldn’t handle it because the resources at hand were strong enough, so he just relied on this method of solving problems where there were problems, and finally got it done. In short, this kind of thing Full of inhuman feelings.

As for saying that it is difficult to distort reality with will, this is true for other people, but for Mu Yi, it is not much harder than breathing.

Relying on the miraculous logic of flying bricks, Mu Yi forcibly changed the elite talents several times, and finally came up with two elite talents that seemed to be what they wanted, and others could rely on this legion to copy them.

The previous elite talents were basically anchored. Even if the legion was given to Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang would not be able to copy it.

Comparison itself is illogical. Although Zhuge Liang is tyrannical, Zhuge Liang cannot mobilize the will of the entire empire. Without this major premise, Zhuge Liang cannot handle it.

Just like the troublesome thing like Rome's Fifth Skylark, it looks very simple. In fact, except for letting the legion replenish its own troops and prepare a reserve army, you just can't copy the second legion.

What Mu Yi wanted was a legion that could be copied, at least a cavalry regiment like the Xiliang Iron Cavalry and the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry, which could not only build a complete troop recruitment system, but also be able to reproduce and expand themselves.

After all, there are many legions. Once the number increases, the strategic significance will be completely different.

"Very good! From today on, I will name you Sun and Taiyin, and I hope you will perform well!" Mu Yi looked at the two cavalry phalanxes in front of him with satisfaction.

"Ma Er, Bai He, go for a run and bring back the two military flags for me!"

On the way back after getting two military flags from Han Xin according to Mu Yi's order, Ma Er and Bai He's faces were almost all dark.

Only when they actually got the Sun Army Flag and the Taiyin Army Flag did they realize what these two military flags meant.

Mu Yi can control the stars, and according to the current simple astronomical concepts of the public, the Sun Star and the Lunar Star are almost the most important stars besides the Ziwei Star, and are even above the Big Dipper and the Southern Dipper.

But now, what they were holding in their hands were actually the flags of two new legions that Mu Yi personally trained, formed, and named.

It was obviously them who came first, but as a result, they still don't have an exclusive military flag. Although they can't use it, this thing is the same as the direct lineage certificate. It doesn't matter whether it is used or not, but whether it is available or not.

The moment when Ma Er held the military flag horizontally, he was paralyzed. The solemn expression before could no longer be maintained at this moment. Ma Er, holding the military flag in his hand, unconsciously exerted force, representing the miraculous power of the Huangtian Army and the military flag. The power of the stars above collides.

I really want to break this thing, but I can't control my hands at all. Jealousy makes me change beyond recognition. The power on the horse's hands is getting heavier and heavier, and the power of the stars on the military flag begins to shake.

"Ma Er, you bastard, stop exerting force, this thing was made by the emperor himself!" Although Bai He's hand holding the flagpole also exuded a miraculous light, he still restrained himself and did not squeeze it.

Ma Er, who was reminded by Bai He, came to his senses, dissipated the miraculous power in his hand, and threw the flagpole to Huang Tian's soldiers behind him with a dark face. His face was full of sadness. Although he was greeted by Bai He, he came to his senses. , but I still feel very unhappy. "For the glory of the emperor, we need to train them well!" Bai He choked out a sentence after being silent for a long time.

Ma Er instantly looked up at Bai He. The two looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts instantly.

"As a senior, you should help the juniors improve!" Ma Er showed a cruel smile.

"That's right! They must make good progress so that they can live up to the emperor's expectations!" Bai He also showed a warm smile, but it was chilling no matter how you looked at it.

On the day of return, Ma Er submitted an application to Mu Yi to go to the Nordic world. After all, some things could not be done under Mu Yi's nose.

Although he was confused, Mu Yi still agreed to Ma Er's application, and then at Ma Er's strong request, the Sun Legion and the Taiyin Legion embarked on a journey to the Nordic world.

"Why do I always feel that something is not right?" Mu Yi looked at the three legions leaving, his face full of doubts.

The corner of Jia Xu's mouth twitched at the side. Not only was something wrong, but the fact that the perverts from the Huangtian Army took the initiative to leave Mu Yi and go to the Nordic world was outrageous enough.

With just a simple thought, Jia Xu understood what Ma Er and the others were thinking. However, from Jia Xu's point of view, this would indeed be beneficial to the growth of the Sun and the Moon.

Moreover, they have stayed in Rome for too long, and it is time to put an end to this.

The process of rescuing Roma with loans and supplies and taking away resources from Roma has almost been completed. We are currently in a honeymoon period with Roma.

Having achieved their goal, after taking care of the Nordic side, it was time for them to go back and concentrate on conquering the various small worlds, as well as the world of the Song Dynasty.

It’s almost time to take a break from the back and forth war.

Although the current atmosphere in Xinghan has a feeling of ecstasy after hearing about war, only proper peace can make people realize the significance of war.

"Emperor, Rome invites us to attend the ceremony tomorrow!" Zhuge Liang walked in from outside to report.

"After trying for so long, you still gave up?"

Jia Xu raised his eyebrows. It was not surprising that after Rome paid some price in exchange for the expansion of Timur, it was not in a hurry to put him on trial. After all, the intelligence in the mind of a military god is very important to the empire. is the greatest benefit.

However, Xinghan has no way to extract the memory of Timur, and Rome can't do it either. With Timur protected by the Immortal Sky, if there is any flaw in their operation, it will explode directly, leaving them in vain. .

The expansion of Timur had no other meaning to Xinghan, but for Rome, a complete and living expansion of Timur was more meaningful than a dead one.

"Three days later, Virgilio, commander of the 10th Knights, will personally act as the executioner to execute the enlarged Timur. Tomorrow is also the coronation ceremony of Caracalla! We are specially invited to watch the ceremony!"

As the future ambassador to Rome, Zhuge Liang has been responsible for contacting the Roman senators recently, and he basically knows everything that happens in Rome.

After all, Zhuge Liang has the spiritual talent of spring breeze and understanding, so it is difficult for even the far-right Roman senators to have any ill will towards Zhuge Liang.

Three days passed quickly, and Mu Yi took some of Xinghan's generals to act as spectators to watch this event in Rome.

The moment the morning sun emerged from the Mediterranean, the Roman public trial officially began.

When the Tenth Knights Legion pressed the expanded Timur to the trial stand, the whole of Rome was boiling. After these days of publicity, Rome naturally understood who was the culprit who caused Rome to suffer heavy losses.

As the supreme commander of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, Timur also naturally became the villain described by Rome.

Of course, before executing Tamerlane, Rome first pulled out all the Christians it collected and executed them.

"The Senate has pronounced a sentence of lenient punishment for the evil Christians!"

Nero announced the Senate's verdict, and the Roman citizens participating in the assembly cheered.

Although Timur was hateful, he was an enemy on the frontal battlefield, a strong man, and worthy of Rome's respect.

But the Christians were different. They not only stabbed them in the back, but also destroyed the city of Rome. They were directly executed by Rome and executed in an almost brutal way.

The First Italian Legion personally enveloped these Christians with a demonic miraculous light, and then executed them with one knife after another. Finally, their souls were crushed and their bones were thrown into ashes.

"The Senate pronounced the verdict and sentenced Timur to be beheading!"

With Octavian's announcement, all Roman citizens held their breath and widened their eyes, waiting for the trial to proceed.

As Virgilio waved his sword expressionlessly, the enlarged Timur's head fell instantly, and was held high by Vincenzo in public.

Taking advantage of the fact that the emotions of the citizens of the assembly were aroused to the extreme, the Senate continued to read out the next decision, which was the decision to succeed Caracalla.

With the support of Christians and Timur, Caracalla's succession did not arouse opposition.

Caracalla was then crowned by Octavian and Nero.

And the first thing after Caracalla's coronation was completed was to directly distribute money.

Amid the treasurer's gloomy face, Caracalla promised to pay half a year's wages to all Roman soldiers. As for the money, it would naturally go into the national treasury, which was why the treasurer had a gloomy face.

Because the matter was announced at a citizens' meeting, there was no room for backtracking.

In essence, this thing is no different from when Caesar lent money to provide benefits to his soldiers. It was easy to stop it in advance, but when it was revealed in this situation, others couldn't stop it at all, and they had to wipe Caracalla's butt.

On the cusp of this crisis, there must be no turmoil in Rome.

"You really underestimate this new first citizen of Rome!"

Jia Xu smiled lightly and immediately attacked the military power. He didn't know whether to call Caracalla smart or stupid.

But what is certain is that Rome will be very lively next time. (End of chapter)

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