The new emperor of the Song Dynasty was named Zhao Zizhen, the father of the later Song Xiaozong and the sixth-generation grandson of Zhao Kuangyin.

Song Xiaozong was the true ruler who revived the Southern Song Dynasty.

Later generations said, "During the reign of Emperor Gaozong, there were ministers who could restore the country, but no monarch who could restore the country. During the reign of Emperor Xiaozong, there was a monarch who could restore the country, but no ministers who could restore the country."

"Luxi Collection: Postscript to the Letter of Xiu Wang Collected by Xie Zhongzhen" says: "When Xiu Wang first started his career, he served as a substitute for Xie Zhongzhen of Kaifeng in the Huaiyang Army. Later, when he came to the Eastern Capital for business, he would first visit old friends and write letters in person. His heroic spirit and righteousness made people admire him."

Originally, the throne had nothing to do with him, but unfortunately, Zhao Guangyi's lineage was almost extinct, and the court officials couldn't find anyone even if they wanted to. In the end, they could only look for a tall man among the living relatives of the Zhao family.

Originally everyone just wanted to find someone to take over, but no one expected that this person would show his fangs right after ascending the throne.

Like Zhao Gou in the early days, he was unwavering in his advocacy of war, thereby winning the support of a large number of pro-war factions.

As the saying goes, power comes from the barrel of a gun.

The pro-war faction basically represents military power. After Zhao Zizhen took control of the military power, he began to kill people indiscriminately, since he had picked up the throne anyway.

The son doesn't feel bad when selling his father's land, there is a kind of beauty in it, like throwing away a broken jar.

He made a big fuss about the death of the retired emperor and the emperor. No matter whether people like Tong Guan had any problems or not, as long as they had a bad reputation among the people, Zhao Zizhen would kill them.

With the destiny in his hands, although Zhao Zizhen operated recklessly, he unexpectedly made the rusty machine of the Song Dynasty start to move.

However, after being promoted to the position, Zhao Zizhen appointed Zong Ze and Li Gang as prime ministers. Zhao Ding, Li Guang, Hu Quan and other famous officials of the Southern Song Dynasty were also appointed one after another.

A series of personnel changes basically promoted all the pro-war factions.

From the emperor's perspective, Zhao Zizhen was very smart, as outstanding as his son Song Xiaozong. He knew that his foundation was shallow, so he simply overturned the table to disrupt the game.

If it weren't for the blessing of destiny, this might have been a death wish, but with the blessing of destiny, it became the fuse for his rebirth from the ashes.

Especially Li Gang, after gaining the support of the emperor, he single-handedly dealt with the peace faction.

This is indeed the case. The peace faction, headed by people like Qin Hui, does not even have spiritual talent. How could they possibly fight against a famous minister like Li Gang without the support of the emperor?

With the execution of Tong Guan, Qin Hui and others, and the demotion of other peace advocates, the Song Dynasty began to gather its forces for war.

However, the situation was too bad to be reversed. Even if reforms were started from top to bottom, the problem was that the Song Dynasty had too many accumulated problems. So many that when Zhao Zizhen wanted to take action, he could not find any angle to start.

Because no matter where you start, it seems like cutting off your own aorta, and even some things like corruption can directly implicate the backbone of the pro-war faction.

After all, despite a lot of problems, the Song Dynasty's prosperity still allowed Zhao Zizhen to launch wars.

As we all know, when a code starts running with a weird architecture, you'd better not touch it.

The current Song Dynasty has this kind of structure. It has a lot of problems, but it can wage war.

After all, Zhao Zizhen had just ascended the throne. Even if he was given the mandate of heaven, it was impossible for him to directly reverse the situation and solve all the problems, so Zhao Zizhen could only turn a blind eye.

When Sima Yi received this news, he was completely paralyzed.

Sima Yi really couldn't understand how a doomsday dynasty that was already decaying and collapsing could suddenly rise from the ashes just because the emperor was replaced.

He was not worried about the Song Dynasty becoming more powerful, but was mainly worried about Yue Fei's mentality.

You have to know that Yue Fei had finally made up his mind and overcome the hurdle in his heart, planning to overthrow the Song Dynasty and rebuild the world. Now that the Song Dynasty seems to be thriving, he is really worried that Yue Fei will waver.

When Sima Yi hurriedly found Yue Fei, he discovered that Yue Fei was not as shaken as he had imagined, but became even more determined.

"Isn't it strange?" Yue Fei put down the book in his hand and looked at Sima Yi who came in a hurry.

"Yes! I thought you would waver!" Sima Yi sat down calmly and looked at Yue Fei with some confusion.

"Can you answer my questions?"

If he were talking to someone else, Sima Yi would believe more in what he observed, but Sima Yi quite recognized Yue Fei's character, so he was straightforward with Yue Fei.

"Because the glory of the Son of Heaven cannot reach the villages, but the honor of the Emperor can shine in every corner!" Yue Fei's eyes showed no sadness or joy.

War cannot save the Song Dynasty.

He already knew about destiny.

If the Song Dynasty did not send troops, Yue Fei might still be shaken. After all, the lives of the people are what Yue Fei cares about. As for whether he could recover Yanyun, Yue Fei no longer cared about it after experiencing it once.

"No matter how powerful the Song Dynasty is, they are ultimately based on the exploitation of the people. The prosperity of the Song Dynasty was built on the corpses of the people!"

Yue Fei's eyes were cold. The Song Dynasty was the Song Dynasty of Kaifeng, not the Song Dynasty of the people. Even if the new emperor was wise and powerful, those people who were oppressed to death would never come back. This was the real reason why Yue Fei decided to overthrow the Song Dynasty.

He actually didn't care whether he was crowned king or not. If there was a better option, he would even be willing to give up the throne.

"So that's it!" Sima Yi looked at Yue Fei deeply.

He misunderstood Yue Fei. What Yue Fei wanted was very simple, which was the policy that Xinghan was implementing, namely, to improve people's lives.

What Yue Fei wanted was never the rise of a great power, but the dignity of the common people.

"You came just in time. I saved myself the time of looking for you!"

Yue Fei suddenly changed the subject and looked at Sima Yi and said.

"The conscription is going smoothly, so I plan to have a fight with the nearby Song army first. While training the troops, I will force the Song army to speed up their march!"

"You came just in time. I left Cao Ren, Xiahou Yuan, Xiahou Dun and others with their elite troops. You will take command and guard against a surprise attack by the Song army!"

"Are we being too hasty? If those new recruits don't get trained, they may not be able to be of any use!"

Yue Fei briefly told Sima Yi about his strategic plan. Sima Yi frowned. In Sima Yi's view, what Yue Fei was planning to do was risky.

Yes, Yue Fei had the capital to be proud of his achievement as a military god, but it was too risky to use only new recruits.

"There is no war without risk," Yue Fei said calmly.

"The Song Dynasty has recruited those who advocate war, including famous generals such as Han Shizhong. If the other side separates the elite troops from the auxiliary troops and comes directly..."

Sima Yi was speaking, and then suddenly stopped.

"I see, you want them to go in batches!" Sima Yi suddenly realized. He suddenly remembered that although the Song Dynasty was very strong on paper, the biggest reason why it had been suppressed by the Jin and Liao dynasties was not entirely due to command issues, but more to cavalry issues.

The Song Dynasty is not like Xinghan, they do not have enough war horses.

Now that Liao, Jin and Western Xia are almost completely destroyed, the entire northern prairie is basically controlled by Xinghan. Even if the Song Dynasty has a horse farm, how many cavalry can it support? In addition, there is the problem of corruption within the Song Dynasty.

Sima Yi considered the Song Dynasty to be capable because it could muster 10,000 cavalrymen.

"Well, the Song Dynasty is not aware of the fact that our army is short of manpower. As long as I lead the new recruits and divide them into three groups, and make a massive attack on all parts of the Song Dynasty, the enemy will definitely take the bait!"

"Lu Junyi and his cavalry led a long detour to attack the enemy's rear, and before the enemy could gather, they would first discourage them and seize their morale. This is indeed a good plan!"

Yue Fei nodded. Sima Yi was actually only partly right. He thought more than Sima Yi.

After all, compared with the previously estimated situation, the changes in the situation in the Song Dynasty disrupted part of the previous plan, but it also allowed Yue Fei to see some other possibilities.

The biggest problem he faces now is that he has too few people on hand.

Yue Fei never took Zong Ze and his men seriously. What Yue Fei was most worried about was the chaos caused by the war, and the impact of the Song army's defeat on the surrounding villages and towns.

The saying "Soldiers pass by like combs, and bandits pass by like rakes" is no joke.

Judging from the corruption and darkness of the government that Yue Fei had personally experienced, the Song army might be able to do the same thing by borrowing the heads of their fellow villagers as military merits.

Therefore, Yue Fei made up his mind from the very beginning to annihilate this Song army and never let the enemy escape.

Yue Fei did not reveal the entire plan to Sima Yi, because there were many things that he could not see because he was not at that level.

Telling Sima Yi would only cause him more trouble.

He would be in charge of the war affairs, and Sima Yi and his men only needed to ensure logistics, intelligence and internal stability.

"When necessary, I will send someone to notify you to send troops to attack the Song army!" In order to reassure Sima Yi, Yue Fei specially gave Sima Yi a reassurance pill.

Sima Yi nodded without thinking much about it. After all, the person facing him was Yue Fei, and the effect of deceiving others would be best if he was an honest person.

Sima Yi didn't even think about what Yue Fei was going to do. After all, Yue Fei was just like that. It would be better to ask Yue Fei directly than to guess what he was thinking.

After watching Sima Yi leave, Yue Fei's gaze wandered across the sand table and finally fell on a flat place, which was the battlefield he had chosen.

Since the Song Dynasty had employed famous generals, the original military system would not be as stagnant as it used to be. Yue Fei himself was born in the Song Dynasty army, and with Zhou Tong's generous teaching, he naturally knew that in addition to the imperial guards, the Song Dynasty also had other types of legions.

However, no matter how things change, the lack of cavalry is the fatal flaw of the Song army.

Even though the Song army made full use of its heavy infantry, light infantry, spearmen, and archers, it still lacked mobility.

Therefore, Yue Fei placed the battlefield on a plain in order to leave the enemy nowhere to escape and to maximize the combat effectiveness of the cavalry.

Zong Ze's detailed information has been sent over from the Song Dynasty. He is a powerful man who is good at commanding a large army and scheming and has many talented people under his command.

There is no need to say much about Han Shizhong. He joined the army when he was young, was brave and good at fighting, had strategic plans, and was also an expert in military strategy and military situation.

In addition, generals and officers such as Zhang Jun, Liu Guangshi, Wu Jie, Wu Lin, Liu Qi, Li Xianzhong, and Wei Sheng also followed the army.

It can be said that except for the failure of Zhong Shidao and the Zhong family army to be mobilized, the Song Dynasty sent out almost all of its capable officers.

It was only after noticing the change in the situation that Yue Fei decided to take the initiative. After all, this group of generals and officers were quite powerful, with the addition of the two large legions commanded by the chief commander Zong Ze and the deputy chief commander Han Shizhong.

When the troops are insufficient, it is still very difficult to suppress the enemy.

After all, to put it bluntly, war is fought between soldiers and generals, and the role of the general is to bring their strength into full play.

If you let Han Xin with 500,000 men fight against Han Xin with 1 million men, the latter will definitely be able to defeat the former.

More importantly, even if Yue Fei was not proficient in politics, he understood one thing.

That is, once the war faction is defeated, all problems will be exposed.

After all, traitors and fence-sitters all depend on the person they are dealing with.

Yue Fei's massive move was captured by the Song army at the first opportunity. Sima Yi released this news to the Song Dynasty specifically according to Yue Fei's wishes. However, when doing this, Sima Yi also discovered that the place where they added sand was also added by others.

Since the war had nothing to do with him, Sima Yi immediately dispatched men and began a large-scale investigation in these newly occupied areas.

When Zong Ze received the news from the rear and the front almost at the same time, his face looked extremely ugly. Finally, he sighed and made the same choice as Yue Fei had expected.

"Lead our elite troops and move forward quickly!"

Zong Ze sighed and said that if he had known the situation would turn out like this, he should have gone there in batches earlier instead of training the troops while accumulating momentum.

If we go there early, at least we can form a standoff situation, and there will definitely be no problem with defense.

However, Zong Ze wanted to win, so he chose the most advantageous way.

It's a pity that we haven't even reached the border county yet, and we've been forced to transfer all our elite troops to go ahead. How can we accumulate momentum at all? It would have been better for us to go there in batches as before.

"Good minister, I will leave the training of the army in the rear to you. Although the effect has been greatly reduced, we have no choice but to continue now!" Zong Ze sighed and said to Han Shizhong beside him.

They dare not delay. The domestic situation is unstable. If they lose some more cities, public opinion will explode.

The most important thing is to keep the enemy out of their own territory. Losing territory is fine, but if they sit back and watch the enemy attack the city, it will be a morale-destroying blow for their side.

Even though the peace faction has disappeared now, once something goes wrong, these people will definitely jump out first.

These people have no other abilities, but they are extremely good at being a drag. If the situation gets really bad, the higher their standing as the pro-war faction is now, the harder they will fall in the future.

"General, go ahead and leave this to me!"

Han Shizhong also knew that this was a difficult task. Once they were divided into groups, the other side would definitely use cavalry to attack them.

Cavalry is almost devastating to new recruits.

But the only one who has the ability to command so many people is Zong Ze, so he can only bite the bullet and take on this task. (End of this chapter)

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