The movements of the Song Dynasty army were completely under the control of Xinghan.

Using the White Horse Volunteers as scouts, they might not be able to outrun even if their internal energy left their bodies, so the action routes of the elite backbone of the Song Dynasty have always been under Yue Fei's control.

"It's almost the same as expected. Are you trying to force my army to return by besieging Wei to save Zhao?" Yue Fei looked at the intelligence with a sneer.

Zong Ze’s plan was good, but Yue Fei was one step further than him. Yue Fei didn’t play any strategic games with Zong Ze at all.

The sooner the war ends, the less suffering the people of Song will suffer.

Therefore, Yue Fei had already prepared a burial place for this Song Dynasty army.

"Does Commander Yue really want to do this?"

Zhu Wu looked at Yue Fei with great concern. He was more or less a spiritual counselor and was transferred here to assist Yue Fei. A counselor could still play a supporting role in a large army.

"This is the best way to win!" Yue Fei said calmly.

"Organize the troops and set off!" Yue Fei directly interrupted Zhu Wu's persuasion, jumped on his horse, and led all the soldiers to the designated ambush site.

When Yue Fei led his troops to the battle, Sima Yi pressed his hand between his eyebrows, looking at the intelligence sent back by the scouts and Yue Fei's orders to him, his face turning a little dark.

"Stupid! Stupid! How can you be so stupid!" Sima Yi almost roared in anger.

He couldn't believe that this was a plan made by Yue Fei, and he looked like a madman.

At this moment, Sima Yi had no idea what Yue Fei was thinking. His own troops were already at a disadvantage, so it was a brilliant move for him to use his cavalry advantage to cut off half of the enemy's army.

But the problem is that Sima Yi has no idea how to accomplish what Yue Fei wants to do.

Yue Fei brought 30,000 elite soldiers and 20,000 new recruits, and actually had to confront Zong Ze's 300,000 imperial guards head-on.

This is no longer arrogance, but complete madness.

The gap in troop strength is six times, and the enemy is composed entirely of elite troops. Even if there is a lack of cavalry, it will still be a fierce battle.

However, after the frenzy, Sima Yi quickly understood Yue Fei's subsequent arrangements from Yue Fei's arrangements.

"Use yourself as bait to encircle and annihilate them all?"

Sima Yi held the intelligence in his hand and quickly scanned the layout on the map.

The various troop movements that had been sent out with great fanfare before should have received Yue Fei's message and would arrive at the designated location at the designated time and in the designated manner.

Judging from the map, it is indeed possible to carry out a siege and pincer attack.

"The Song army is not stupid. There is no place to hide on the plains, so the fastest they can reach the battlefield is 50 kilometers..."

"Even if Xiahou Miaocai's army and Cao Chun's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry can arrive at the scheduled time, Yue Pengju will have to hold out for at least half a day. How is this possible!"

Sima Yi's face had an uncertain expression. He was walking on a tightrope, and it was a very extreme tightrope. If he was not careful, he would be doomed.

They were not too close to the battlefield chosen by Yue Fei. Even if they set out early before the enemy and us fought, it would be too late by the time they arrived.

"Order Xiahou Yuan and Cao Chun to immediately organize their troops and follow the scouts to the battlefield for support! Order Cao Ren, Xiahou Dun and others to begin preparing for the city defense!"

Sima Yi made two arrangements with a gloomy expression. No matter what the situation was on the front line, the infantry corps under his command could not get there in time. The only ones who could get there were the troops led by Xiahou Yuan and Cao Chun, who were nominated by Yue Fei.

Now he can only believe in Yue Fei's ability. No matter what the situation is, Yue Fei is walking on a tightrope.

For this reason, Sima Yi had to disperse his forces and cautiously deal with the possible emergence of the Song Dynasty's army. Now he imagined that Yue Fei kept them behind to prevent the Song Dynasty from dividing its troops and launching a surprise attack.

After making the arrangements, Sima Yi immediately sent out a large number of scouts to investigate the current situation everywhere. For safety reasons, he even began to accumulate rain clouds in an area of ​​about one county.

Once there is a problem, they will immediately use artificial rainfall to delay time and wait for reinforcements to arrive from the rear. They will never give up the area they have just occupied.

On the other side, the Song Dynasty army also approached the battlefield built by Yue Fei.

The scouts of the Song army found Yue Fei's position. As long as Yue Fei was left alone, they knew Yue Fei's position and number of people.

Zong Ze rubbed his temple. The situation was a bit bad. He didn't see that Yue Fei wanted to annihilate them all in one breath, because the Song Dynasty had been beaten for years, so how could it have such momentum and determination to swallow up mountains and rivers.

But what made Zong Ze feel worse was that Han Shizhong in the rear sent a message that the follow-up troops would not be able to arrive for a while, which meant that he now only had these 300,000 troops.

"What does this mean? An empty city plan? Or a delaying tactic?"

Zong Ze looked at the map solemnly. They were not aware of Yue Fei's shortage of manpower, so when Yue Fei stood in front of them, they would only think that this was the vanguard.

And a vanguard appears here, maybe there are other enemy ambushes nearby?

Zong Ze had no idea what Yue Fei was thinking, whether he was trying to delay time or had made a strategic mistake, because they were speeding up in batches and other troops had not yet arrived.

"In the worst case scenario, the attack on our rear was premeditated by the enemy. So their purpose is to intercept us? To provide time for the large army to attack the city?"

Zong Ze was in a state of confusion because Yue Fei and his men appeared in front of him, which led to a very embarrassing problem. If they wanted to defeat Yue Fei and his men in one go, they had to stop and reorganize their troops, and then advance in a square formation.

But this method is too time-consuming, and he is currently unable to judge the situation of the combat defenders, so he can only consider the worst angle.

"Send out all the scouts. Don't miss any one within a fifty-mile radius!"

While thinking, Zong Ze made two preparations. First, if the scouts discovered other enemies, he would organize his troops and divide them into groups to delay Yue Fei and rescue other troops.

Second, if no other enemies were found, he would lead his entire army to crush them and kill Yue Fei directly, thus reducing the enemy's manpower.

Considering the worst case scenario, that is, the city has already fallen, the worst that can happen is that we can take it back!

Although attacking the city is difficult, this is their territory after all, so there will always be a way.

Zong Ze felt that there were layers of fog in front of his eyes and he couldn't see clearly at all. However, he was sure that Yue Fei, who was standing in front of him with the flag with the word "Yue" on it, was definitely the core of this layer of fog.

"You are so young, you are indeed a young hero!"

Zong Ze showed undisguised admiration for Yue Fei. To him, the Northern Expedition was his lifelong dream. He thought it was hopeless in this lifetime, but he did not expect Yue Fei to suddenly appear and directly destroy the Jin and Liao dynasties.

He should have been a hero that people should be proud of, but unfortunately he is now standing on the opposite side of the Song Dynasty.

"Pass the order down, organize the troops, take turns to rest on the spot, and prepare to meet the enemy!" Zong Ze was not in a hurry and directly ordered people to set up camp on the spot.

Since Yue Fei was standing in front of them, he became an obstacle that they had to overcome, so Zong Ze suppressed all his unnecessary thoughts and only thought with the mindset of a commander.

“Just as expected!”

Yue Fei looked at the Song army camping and smiled with satisfaction. Zong Ze's reaction was within his expectations. Only Sima Yi and he knew about the shortage of troops, so there was no possibility of leakage.

Zong Ze is a veteran with rich combat experience. His fighting style is steady and textbook-like.

Although it is not a bad thing to proceed step by step, it lacks a bit of enterprising spirit.

He separated Zong Ze and Han Shizhong in order to allow Zong Ze to fully display his own style.

"I will win!"

Yue Fei took a deep breath. After all, he was outnumbered against a larger force. But for some reason, he did not feel nervous at all. Instead, he felt the hot blood in his chest. It turned out that a general should be on the front line of the battlefield himself.

"Military Advisor Zhu, provide assistance and leave the rest to me!"

Yue Fei's eyes revealed a rare confidence. Today he was going to demonstrate how to defeat the enemy with a smaller force or surround and annihilate them all.

In fact, Yue Fei was not very good at this tactic of encirclement and annihilation. The one who was really good at it was Bai Qi, who aimed at annihilation warfare and the elimination of living forces.

"I will definitely win."

Yue Fei's calm expression was filled with strong self-confidence, so much so that although Zhu Wu beside him was a little crazy, he still chose to believe Yue Fei.

Looking at Yue Fei's face, he always had a feeling that Yue Fei would definitely be able to create a miracle.

"Haha, kid, this empty city plan is quite bold. Let me see if you have the courage to face the army head-on!"

On the other side, Zong Ze, after receiving the report that there was no trace of the enemy within a radius of fifty miles, immediately laughed out of anger.

"Order Zhang Jun and Liu Guangshi to attack immediately! Attack from both wings!"

Zong Ze did not hesitate at all and directly concluded that Yue Fei was using the empty city strategy to make them afraid to act rashly.

Since there are no friendly troops, we will first take on Yue Fei, the fresh force.

Yue Fei looked at the Song army rushing over from both wings, ordered the deployment of a goose-shaped formation, and asked Zhu Wu to sort out the clouds, greatly strengthening the army's defense in the form of a military formation.

"You're on the left, I'm on the right. The main force is in the front, and the auxiliary troops are in the back. Don't hold back. Hit the opponent as hard as you can. If it doesn't hurt, the auxiliary troops will retreat to the rear and cooperate with the old general to launch a second attack."

"Okay, let's do it!"

Zhang Jun and Liu Guangshi had a brief exchange of ideas and immediately determined their battle plan.

The two men did not command separate legions, but mixed detachments. The two detachments together had as many as 30,000 to 40,000 people, which was similar to the number of Yue Fei's army.

The clouds were one step ahead of the two legions, entwining violently and beginning to cancel each other out and transform into each other.

"The situation is better than I thought. The old general really is too cautious!"

Yue Fei looked at the two armies coming from afar, shook his head and muttered to himself.

Zong Ze's choice was very conservative, neither good nor bad. This mediocre command could not bring about an earth-shattering comeback, but it also would not leave any flaws.

The level of this group of imperial guards is actually very good. Their march is in line, their flags are consistent, and the soldiers are well-equipped. Moreover, when viewed from a distance, they have a sense of strictness and unity, giving people a feeling of being one whole. It can be seen that they are well-trained in their daily lives.

"Want to test my bottom line first?"

"Then let's dampen the enemy's spirit first and wait for the opportunity to counterattack!"

Yue Fei narrowed his eyes. An expert could tell the outcome with just one move. At least the levels of Zhang Jun and Liu Guangshi were definitely not worthy of Yue Fei's attention.

"Move the Beiwei army to concentrate and prepare to attack the enemy head-on. Forcibly tear apart the enemy's formation. The two wings will join forces to directly attack and break through the formation!"

Yue Fei narrowed his eyes and chose Zhang Jun as the breakthrough point.

If you want to attack him from both sides, I'll break one of your arms first and see how you react.

Following Yue Fei's orders and his calm and clear command, the goose formation that was originally ready to defend was changed by Yue Fei into a formation that seemed to be capable of both offense and defense.

"What kind of formation is this?" Zong Ze, who was in the rear, frowned and gave orders to continue assembling the troops while watching Yue Fei's next move.

Just the smooth change of formation was enough to make his heart tremble and he regarded Yue Fei as a formidable enemy. After all, even for him it was difficult to be so smooth.

Moreover, from the changes in the clouds and the slight charm of the changes in the formation, Zong Ze could tell that this was an ultimate Xuanxiang formation that was capable of both offense and defense, and it was the Xuanxiang military formation that Yue Fei created himself.

Seeing that the opposite side changed their formation and Yunqi did not show any sign of panic, Zhang Jun and Liu Guangshi were both awed. They could not do that, and they instantly became alert.

Although they thought Yue Fei was powerful before, they felt more that they had no chance. But now that Yue Fei took action, they instantly forgot those little thoughts in their minds.

On the battlefield, failing to recognize the gap in strength can lead to death.

Zhang Jun and Liu Guangshi activated their legion talents without hesitation.

Zhang Jun's legion talent is to enhance the recipient's ability to perceive the surrounding environment. In fact, it is a weakened perception of danger plus a comprehensive enhancement of reaction and response. This talent effect has a considerable bonus when fighting in close-range hand-to-hand combat.

Very suitable to be a pioneer, relying on excellent perception ability, able to avoid most dangers.

However, after activating the ability, the speed at which Zhang Jun led his troops suddenly slowed down. His intuition and sixth sense told them that they could not move forward any further.

However, he retreated, but Liu Guangshi did not brake. The effect of his legion talent was to strengthen the physical functions of his soldiers and greatly enhance the assault capabilities of his soldiers.

This is also an ability that Liu Guangshi is proud of. It is very suitable for breaking formations. If it were not for the shortage of cavalry, he would actually be more suitable for leading a legion such as assault cavalry or heavy cavalry.

Both effects are very powerful blessing effects, but anyway, no matter how good the talent is, it depends on who uses it and who the opponent is.


Liu Guangshi led the way, waving the spear in his hand and smashing it towards the opposite side, intending to rely directly on his personal strength to open a gap in the opposite formation. This is what he did in the past, using the fastest and most powerful attack to tear open a hole.

However, the spear danced and smashed down, and the next moment, the touch and the huge force that came back made Liu Guangshi drop the spear in his hand instantly, and drew out the sword he carried with him and slashed out.

He saw the opponent slightly bent his body to dodge his attack, then hid behind his shield. His teammates had already taken out their melee spears, waiting to deal a fatal blow to Liu Guangshi.

However, the internal energy left the body after all, and even if he was stunned for a moment, his reaction was faster than that of ordinary soldiers. He took a step back to create distance. The short spear brushed past Liu Guangshi's body and fell on his personal guard, instantly making a big hole in his chest, killing him instantly.

Liu Guangshi was extremely frightened because he was leading fully armored infantrymen, but his attack was unable to break through the opponent's defense.

It was as if a huge mountain was standing in front of them, and they could only feel their own weakness and insignificance. (End of this chapter)

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