How do you defeat an opponent who is superior to you in every way?
This is a difficult problem facing Zong Ze.

"Ming Jin, withdraw your troops!"

However, Zong Ze was experienced after all. He was not intimidated by the strength of the Beiwei Army. His focus was always on the overall situation on the battlefield.

Yue Fei's counterattack was decisive, but a problem was exposed during the counterattack, that is, Yue Fei did not have enough manpower.

Among the 50,000 people in front of him, nearly half were new recruits.

Therefore, Zong Ze decisively ordered the withdrawal of the first and second fronts. Since Yue Fei's elite troops on the front line were strong enough, they should avoid their sharp edge.

The area occupied by 50,000 people is neither large nor small, but it can create a considerable offensive advantage for them.

"Fully shrink the defense line! Cavalry units move in a roundabout way to both wings!"

Yue Fei understood that Zong Ze had taken the bait. It was worth it that he had specially set up a trap to lure Zong Ze into the trap of dividing the troops to surround him.

Indeed, Zong Ze’s choice of a comprehensive encirclement and attack was correct.

No matter how powerful Yue Fei was, the current shortage of manpower was a fact that he could not avoid.

The biggest problem for new recruits is their ability to withstand stress, because there are too many unknown things on the battlefield for them. Once faced with strong pressure, it is easy for the highly tense nerves in their minds to break and fall into confusion.

Even if Yue Fei chose to shrink the defense line, the circle formed by 50,000 people could not be so crowded no matter how much it was shrunk. The space left for each other to move and cooperate was not a small amount.

"Cavalry, drive away the enemy cavalry and don't let them re-enter the battlefield!" Seeing Yue Fei's response, Zong Ze waved his hand and sent out the only cavalry team he had, and also sent two mixed legions to guard against them.

It is futile for infantry corps to guard against cavalry in most cases, but Zong Ze has no better way now. It is better to be in vain than to leave it alone.

"What on earth are you planning to do... so recklessly..."

After completing the battle arrangements, Zong Ze frowned.

To be honest, he vaguely felt that Yue Fei's idea was more than just delaying time.

Even in Zong Ze's opinion, Yue Fei's behavior was quite immature and stupid.

What were the surrounding cities? For a general like Yue Fei, Zong Ze was willing to exchange an entire state for him. Once Yue Fei was captured, these lost cities would still be theirs.

After much thought, Zong Ze could only attribute this to the arrogance of youth. He believed that Yue Fei was a little arrogant and felt that he had an invincible army and could dominate the battlefield.

Although it was a little difficult to understand, Zong Ze finally came to the conclusion he had thought of before - youthful recklessness.

Of course, Zong Ze also had to admit that Yue Fei had the capital to be arrogant.

As long as the elite soldiers under his command do not make mistakes in parrying and use the reinforced steel layer at the core of the large shield to block, they can withstand not only ordinary soldiers but even the attacks from the internal energy leaving the body.

Up to now, Zong Ze has not seen the opponent make a single mistake on the battle front. The opponent is really calm and steady like a mountain when defending.

When Zhang Jun retreated from the front line to the second line to reorganize his troops, he was horrified to find that Liu Guangshi was dead. His scalp immediately went numb. If he had not been a step slower, perhaps he would have been the one to die this time.

The death of a rabbit makes the fox mourn. Zhang Jun suddenly felt a sense of despair in his heart.

Apart from Liu Guangshi, he might be the only one who knew how powerful the opposing legion was.

That kind of monster was an invincible force for any legion on their side.

Because he had suffered a head-on blow once, Zong Ze was obviously much more cautious in deploying his troops this time, at least much more cautious than last time.

The army slowly pressed forward in a goose formation. The intention was simple, which was to exert pressure on both wings and finally form a complete encirclement of Yue Fei's army.

If the difference in troop strength is not that big, this thing will actively disperse the troops and artificially create a weak line of defense.

However, there was a huge gap in the strength of the two sides. Once they were successfully surrounded, they would have to bear the same defensive pressure at every point from all directions.

The combat area is enlarged. Once the veterans are killed or wounded, new recruits are used to fill the defense line, which will become a weak spot that can be breached.

Zong Ze's mentality was very stable. He was not moved by the death and injury of thousands of people. Zong Ze didn't care about things like injuries in war and loss of combat effectiveness. For such a mighty army of 300,000, the loss of a little combat effectiveness would have no impact at all.

After simply confirming that Zhang Jun was only injured but not dead, he stopped paying attention to him and instead mobilized more troops to the battlefield.

For Zong Ze, the difficulty of this battle is how to maximize the advantage of military strength, increase the limit of military forces that can be deployed on the battlefield, and exert heavy pressure on the opponent.

Fortunately, Yue Fei specially chose a plain area. The difficulty of deploying troops on a large battlefield is much lower than that of complex terrain.

"Have you deployed all your elite troops to the front? Is this your plan..."

Zong Ze instinctively felt a bad mood. He noticed that under the pressure of the siege, the elite troops of Yue Fei's army were still all gathered in the front and did not disperse as expected.

"It's about time we found out!" Yue Fei glanced at the situation on the battlefield.

The Song army's goose-shaped formation had passed by both wings and began to gather towards the rear, preparing to block Yue Fei's retreat while gradually compressing the living space of the Xinghan army.

"Get into formation!"

Seeing that his retreat was beginning to be blocked and a large number of soldiers began to gather towards the rear, Yue Fei no longer hesitated and directly ordered Zhu Wu to burst out his mental energy to the limit to stabilize the cloud transmission, while he himself began to change the formation.

The original square and circle formation instantly turned into the new ultimate Xuanxiang military formation - the Liuhe formation. The already unfolded cloud gas suddenly shook violently, and a part of the cloud gas of the Song Dynasty Legion connected to it was suddenly drawn away and supplied to the Xinghan side.


Yue Fei merged the cloud energy that he had forcibly absorbed into his own cloud energy, and then injected it into the army formation by inertia, transforming it into a powerful effect that was attached to the soldiers.

The increase and decrease in strength in just a short moment caused the strength of the Song Dynasty soldiers that the Xinghan army was facing to decline suddenly, while the strength of the Xinghan army soldiers also increased sharply.

"go ahead!"

Zong Ze’s idea was good, but from the beginning Yue Fei had never thought of holding on. He had never thought of holding on and waiting for reinforcements to come and encircle him.

What he always thought about was how to defeat the Song Dynasty army, and then let the reinforcements surround it from all directions and annihilate the defeated Song Dynasty soldiers.

This is what Zong Ze has always felt was inconsistent. After all, the military generals of the Song Dynasty were influenced by the culture of the Song Dynasty court. Before the situation became clear, it was difficult for them to have the intention to kill the enemy.

What they are thinking about more is how to win this war and defeat the other side.

However, Yue Fei was thinking about how to wipe out the enemy completely. The difference in their thinking led Zong Ze to misjudge the situation.

Zong Ze never thought that Yue Fei wanted to annihilate him completely. Until this moment, Zong Ze believed that Yue Fei was under great pressure and chose to give it a try to break out.

"Planning to break out? That's a wise choice!"

Zong Ze nodded with satisfaction. He felt a little sorry for Yue Fei's stupidity before, but now he was relieved to see Yue Fei correct his mistake immediately. He was indeed a young hero of the Song Dynasty. Even though he was a little younger, he was still able to adjust quickly.

However, as he watched, he felt that something was definitely wrong with Zong Ze. Why were you getting closer and closer to your main camp instead of breaking out from the side where the cavalry had support?

"Hold the front! Reserves, get on with it!"

When the second line of defense on the front was torn apart and the Xinghan army rushed towards the third line of defense like wolves and tigers, Zong Ze shouted loudly without caring about his demeanor.

As a general of the Song Dynasty, he knew very well that once he was beheaded, even if the troops under his command still had an advantage, it would be a fantasy to expect victory.

After all, war is not a matter of one person. It relies on the command of generals, the cooperation of soldiers and the coordination and organization ability of the legion. It is a group fight of wisdom and strength.

Once he died, the remaining generals and officers would have no way to face Yue Fei.

"Use a crossbow!"

Wu Song almost roared the order as he led the team to charge at the front, but he was unable to break the situation.

The Song Dynasty's imperial guards had no other abilities except resistance. Even heavy infantry was difficult to disperse, let alone the imperial guards led by Wu Song.

Even if the imperial guards on the Xinghan side have some advantages, the fight between the two types of soldiers defending the city walls may not be able to determine the winner even if the fight lasts for ten days or half a month.

Wu Song, who was leading the charge, was also helpless. Even though he was quite strong, he was still powerless to attack the imperial guards' tight defense line head-on.

No matter how powerful an individual is, he is extremely vulnerable when facing a large army.

So Wu Song had no choice but to use his trump card.

Following Wu Song's order, the soldiers on the front line had almost no hesitation. Facing the opponent's counterattack, they took out the customized crossbow machine and the super-powerful crossbow, and shot at the closest close range.

The sound of vibrating steel wire appeared for a moment, and then the powerful power of the wire twisting crossbow directly ignored the armor of the imperial guards. The special crossbow arrow, which was only as thick as a finger, even blew a hole almost as big as a bowl when it passed through the opponent's body.

As long as this kind of injury occurs in the upper body, even if the internal energy leaves the body, it will take away most of the life. Even if it hits the vital points, it is enough to kill the person on the spot.

However, the Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Guards were ultimately a type of city wall troop that defended the front line. This ultra-close-range, high-power crossbow could even kill two or three ordinary soldiers with one arrow, but it could only barely penetrate the armor of the Imperial Guards.

However, because the distance was close enough, after a wave of explosive crossbows were fired, a large area of ​​Wu Song's front defense line was directly cleared out. In an instant, the originally tight defense line was directly emptied.

Wu Song immediately seized the opportunity and launched a charge with his personal guards, directly tearing a huge hole in the defense line.

With the last line of defense being torn apart, the frontal defense line set up by Zong Ze could be said to have been completely broken.

The Song Dynasty's encirclement was not yet complete, but Yue Fei's attack had already begun.

"All troops, attack with me and go straight to Huanglong!" Yue Fei rode his horse to charge forward, leading the Beiwei Army to charge towards Zong Ze.

As we all know, the best way to defeat a larger force with a smaller one is to rush forward and directly destroy the opponent's commander and command line.

As long as the enemy's command line is broken, no matter how many people there are, they are just a mob.

Finally realizing what Yue Fei was planning to do, Zong Ze sneered twice and began to shrink his defense directly, and mobilized soldiers on the left and right sides to start outflanking.

"General, the cavalry troops in the northeast have already started fighting. Our army is at a disadvantage. Please request support!" The message from the messenger made Zong Ze narrow his eyes.

Coincidence? Or was it a plan, with the intention of going straight to Huanglong from the beginning?

"If you want to destroy me head-on, I'll see if you have the ability to do so!"

Although they fell into Yue Fei's trap and dispersed their army, the number of elite imperial guards on the front was still greater than that of Yue Fei's side, not to mention that the troops on both wings were still encircling them from the rear.

As long as Yue Fei was blocked for a moment, this place would be Yue Fei's tomb today.

Zong Ze, who was so angry that he laughed, devoted himself to the front line defense.

The Imperial Guards, who had a numerical advantage, relied on their excellent defensive attributes to directly block the unstoppable Yue Fei. Even the Military Soul Corps could not destroy the multi-layered defense line built by Zong Ze in a short time.

"Raise your shield to defend against arrows and spears!"

The moment he was blocked by the frontal defense line, Zong Ze launched a chain of attacks.

The soldiers on the battlefield naturally looked up. They saw a dense rain of arrows and spears like locusts attacking the Xinghan army from the front and back from afar.

"Raise your shields to defend!" Yue Fei, who was in the army, roared immediately.

"Ding Ding!"

The sword and shield soldiers held their shields high and withstood this wave of arrow rain. Many arrows even pierced the steel shields. For a moment, the soldiers holding the shields looked grim. To be able to have such power at such a distance, the opponent's quality was not to be underestimated.

"The wait is finally here!"

Yue Fei was not panicked at all. It seemed that he was surrounded by enemies on all sides, but at this moment Yue Fei was truly sure that he had grasped the victory.

"Beiwei Army, the military spirit blooms, attack!"

Yue Fei never thought of using his troops to kill Zong Ze in one wave. Although he can indeed do this now, it is not enough for Yue Fei.

What he wanted was not only to defeat these people, but to annihilate them completely.

If he wanted to wipe out the enemy completely, the first step was to set up an encirclement, which he had basically accomplished through his deployment.

The second part is to disintegrate the enemy’s military structure, making the enemy’s soldiers unaware of their generals and their generals unaware of their soldiers!

Facing the enemies swarming in from all directions, Yue Fei sneered and naturally mobilized a team of Beiwei troops whose military spirit had fully blossomed to charge to the side and interrupt the assault rhythm of the enemy's charge.

He then mobilized a team of Beiwei troops to block the position where Zong Ze was preparing to deploy troops, and then ordered his personal guards on the front to attack and kill the enemy who had protruded.

"The corps at the junction of the left wing and the center army retreats, the flank line extends forward, the right wing retreats, the rear army spearmen shrink and move toward the center army, and the sword and shield soldiers line up for defense."

Yue Fei coldly dispatched the troops to suppress the enemy that was several times larger than his own. It was a simple and effective method.

Because of Yue Fei's assault, the original goose-shaped formation had been stretched into a mess, and now part of the command line had been cut off by Yue Fei's command and dispatch.

The army's organizational structure began to collapse in an instant.

With random arrangements, they blocked Zong Ze's dispatches every time and successfully blocked the new organizational structure formed by Zong Ze's next dispatch. They forced Beiwei in, cut off the opponent's dispatches, artificially created loopholes and then inserted ordinary elite troops.

Because of Beiwei's invincible fighting power, the imperial guards were unable to confront him head-on. This method almost dismantled Zongze's frontal organizational structure in two or three moves. (End of this chapter)

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