Chapter 13 Malignant Tumor

Yang Luo sat across from the doctor, numbly holding a thin medical certificate, looking back and forth over a piece of paper.

The words on it are not the kind of scribbled handwriting, but typed documents.

But...why does it look so dizzying?

"...Ultrasound showed multiple hyperechoic clusters, nodular shape, wide base, protruding into the heart was diagnosed as primary cardiac sarcoma...malignant..."

"what is this?"

Yang Luo looked at the words above in disbelief, every word hit his retina, and the thoughts in his brain were completely frozen.

"Heart sarcoma...malignant tumor...Doctor, this can't be true, can it?"

Yang Luo looked at the doctor slowly, his eyes seemed to be pleading.

"This is the result of the CT scan. Of course, our hospital's diagnosis may not be accurate, and there may be some mistakes in the middle. You can check it several times in our hospital or other hospitals to avoid misdiagnosis."

The doctor wearing a mask folded his hands on the table and said to him in a relieved tone.

It seems that he has seen many patients like Yang Luo.

Nodding blankly, Yang Luo picked up the medical certificate and left the hospital hall.

Maybe it was a psychological factor, or maybe it was the disease in his heart that was stamped by the hospital, and there was another stabbing pain in his chest.


Letting out a low breath, Yang Luo comforted himself in his heart.

"No, no, how can I be so unlucky, I have this disease at the age of 31, I just bought a house, and my salary is raised every year, it is impossible for such a small probability to happen to me It's..."

"Misdiagnosis, it should be a misdiagnosis... go to another hospital to see."

Slowly speaking in his heart, Yang Luo's mood also improved a little.

While the weight of reality hangs in the air like guillotine knives, at least there's room for some fluke.

Yang Luo picked up the phone and called the team leader.

"Hey, team leader..."

"Oh, brother Luo, didn't you have a physical examination today? How's the result?"

The team leader on the other end of the phone said casually.

"...Well, don't I still have more than ten days of annual leave? Next, I will ask for a few more days off. I hope the team leader can help me mention it."

"A few more days off... how many days do you want?"

The group leader's tone suddenly became hesitant.

"The project is currently in a critical period for version updates. Please take leave at this time... Hey, Brother Luo, did you find out something wrong?"

"...This, it seems to be serious, but there is a possibility of misdiagnosis, so I want to ask for a few more days off, go to a few more hospitals, and look around."

"That's it."

The team leader comforted him.

"...Well then, brother Luo, let's go check it out. Don't worry, it's only a few days, we can deal with it. If you have any serious problems, you must tell us. If you are seriously ill, the company will not ignore you. "

Thanks again and again, the call ended, and Yang Luo put down the phone.

Although there was still some gloom in his heart, under the comfort of the team leader, Yang Luo still felt that he was surrounded by warmth.

"Sure enough, it's a really good company... If it turns out to be a misdiagnosis, I will definitely work harder for the company in the future."

Sniffing, Yang Luo took the medical certificate, half sad and half comforted, searched for information about other hospitals, and left the hospital lobby.


After five days.

Standing at the door of Qingxia Central Cancer Hospital, Yang Luo looked at the large stack of test sheets in his hand, and his eyes turned black.

Despite the sunny weather, he seemed to be submerged in icy water both emotionally and physically.

During these five days, I went to seven or eight hospitals, took CT scans again and again, and saw one doctor after another.

But no matter where it is, the final result is unique.


A type of primary cardiac tumor.


Although the cost of the operation is only tens of thousands, plus the preoperative and postoperative diagnosis and treatment recovery, as well as related medical expenses, it will cost hundreds of thousands. Now he can only take out a loan.

The most important thing is that, even with this fee, according to the doctor, the location of his tumor is very "delicate", and the success rate of the operation is less than [-]%... Even if the operation is successful, the prognosis and recovery will be very difficult. No more than two or three years.

--Difficult to accept.


"I'm only 31 years old, and I haven't even touched my girlfriend's hand...I studied hard all the way from a rural elementary school, came to a big city, and finally settled down at home...Why did this happen?"

Thinking back on my life, I have endured so many years of hard work, relying on my own hard work and the choice of graduation to take root in a big factory. It is hard to get what I am today. How did it become like this? !

"Besides, I just bought a house for my parents not long ago, and I originally thought about taking them to Qingxia City in the future... What should I do in the future?"

Sitting in a daze on the steps of the hospital gate, Yang Luo had tears streaming down his face before he knew it.

I don't know how long he sat there until the sun was setting and the sky was covered with shadows. He finally regained his spirit and found a little light from the dark reality.

"By the way... I still have a company, don't I?
"A company as humane as Shengyi will definitely not leave me alone—and I am also an eight-year veteran.

"Yes, that's it... Maybe the company will help me contact foreign clinics and treat me!"

Thinking of "kindness", Yang Luo's mood improved a little. He quickly picked up his mobile phone and called his team leader again to explain the situation.

"Ah... Brother Luo, you have a malignant heart tumor? You won't live long?! How could such a thing happen..."

"I can't think of such a thing..."

Yang Luo smiled wryly.

On the other end of the phone, the team leader hesitated for a while, as if thinking about what to say next.

"Brother Luo, I'll contact HR to see how to solve this situation. Come to the company tomorrow afternoon and let's have a chat."


Yang Luo hastily agreed.

He still wants to chat with the team leader for a while, although the other party is a person much younger than him, but at this time in this city, he is the only one who can talk.


Yang Luo opened his mouth and was about to say something, but a busy tone came from the other end of the phone, "Du...beep...".

Holding the phone, Yang Luo was stunned for a while.

"What a young man, too impatient, help me to contact the company after speaking."

Shaking his head, but there was some self-comforting smile on his face.

"Well, tomorrow afternoon... I don't know how the company will come up with a way to help me get through this.

"Sure enough, people still need to have an organization in order to live well."

Thinking of this, Yang Luo rubbed his heart, flinched, got on the bus home, and waited for the next day with great anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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