Chapter 15 The King's Regret

Yang Luo was lying on the hospital bed, staring blankly at the snow-white ceiling.

Wearing the hospital gown, the strong smell of disinfectant poured into his nostrils, making his mood get closer and closer to freezing point.

This is the ward of the "Qingxia Sixth People's Hospital". More than ten days ago, he was sent here by the company staff after he fell into a coma.

...Although he was paid a hospital fee in advance, Yang Luo didn't feel the slightest bit of gratitude to the company in his heart.

Quite the opposite—only intense hatred.

In addition, in a certain corner of my heart, there is still an unbelievable incomprehension of reality.

"……How did that happen?

"Why did you come to this point?"

His eyes moved to the Clivia on the window sill by the hospital bed, and Yang Luo's mind became dizzy.

The pain in the chest was not so noticeable because I had taken painkillers and pazopanib a few hours earlier.

However, with each passing day, I can feel more clearly that my body is deteriorating at a faster rate.

If the operation is not performed as soon as possible, I am afraid that he will soon be dying.

But even with surgery... there are not many years to live.

Yang Luo smiled wryly, and his gaze fell to his pillow again. There was a mobile phone there, which displayed the messages sent to him by the team leader a few days ago.

A voice message, which he had already heard—

"Our conditions still apply. Five."


But Yang Luo knew very well that this was the result of the other party trying to avoid leaving written evidence.

Both he and the other party knew what this was talking about.

After so many days, Yang Luo had already figured it out.

For a long time, the company has regarded itself as a hard-working cow and horse.

People like the team leader are people like HR Huang Cheng, and their actions are just a manifestation of the company's intentions.Perhaps only this kind of person can adapt to the kindness and feel like a duck to water in it.

As for himself... he's just a self-righteous clown.

In the past ten days, he recalled the scene in the conference room that day, and finally understood the intention behind the pen-holding action made by HR Huang Cheng at that time.

At that time, Huang Cheng was actually asking the team leader if he had secretly brought a recording pen, but the team leader who knew him well shook his head to indicate that he could not.

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

Yang Luo showed a mocking smile, mocking himself, laughing at his stupidity and ignorance.

After being treated as a burden by the company and being thrown away cleanly by it, Yang Luo completely understood that the so-called "home" and "family" were just his own wishful thinking.

In this world, apart from my hometown thousands of kilometers away, where is there a place where I will not regard myself as a burden at any time?
Laughing at his own innocence, Yang Luo's eyes were extremely gloomy.

However, at this moment, the screen of the mobile phone lit up, and a familiar call came.

——It’s my mother’s phone number.

Yang Luo grabbed the phone, looked at the name of the person on the other end of the call, paused for a long time, adjusted the expression on his face to a brighter one, and finally connected the call.

"Hey, mom...

"No, I was working just now, ah yes...

"I will take care of my health, you and Dad should also take care of your health...

"I'm fine, really, there's nothing... I'll let you and Dad live a good life, um... I won't talk to Dad, no, I'm too busy at work."

The phone hangs up.

Yang Luo's eyes became dark again.

He still didn't dare to tell his parents about his current situation, and he couldn't bear to let the hopes of the two elders be shattered for many years... What's more, he didn't want them to work hard for themselves when they were over fifty.

Even though he knew that after telling the truth, his parents would definitely sell the house they just bought in the county town, and bring half of their life savings to see him and treat him.But even if the operation is successful, they can only live for one or two years longer.

Once a white-haired person sends a black-haired person, after his own death, at that time...the parents who have no savings left, what should they do?

"...I can't get better from this illness, but at least I have to leave a sum of money to my parents so that they can spend their old age in peace after my death."

Holding the phone tightly, Yang Luo made up his mind.

At least for now, you can't be so depressed!

In the next few days, Yang Luo started his own actions.

Although he was lying on a hospital bed, the Internet is now developed, and even Tianyahai can communicate with each other, so he wants to use the current Internet public opinion to counterattack the company and make them pay a greater price to compensate him.

The first is to post on the intranet, hoping to resonate with other colleagues - but his corporate WeChat account has been banned, and there is no login permission on the intranet. It seems that Shengyi has already anticipated his move and made preparations in advance .

Yang Luo was not discouraged, and then contacted a few colleagues through social software who had a little communication outside of work, hoping that they would help him out on the internal forum.

The few colleagues expressed sympathy for him, but they were all fooled by his request.

Out of anger, Yang Luo questioned them, but found that he was blocked after a few words, and only one of his colleagues was kinder, and told him the reason:

"Yang Luo, when you were in the company, you were almost a paper king. You worked overtime every night until three or four o'clock. Every year, your superiors used you as a benchmark to suppress other people's performance. So now you are terminally ill, and many people in the project think that You are 'seeking benevolence and deserving benevolence'.

"Besides, there are network supervisors inside the company, and they all know which account is who. If you post a message on the internal network for you, you won't get any benefits, and you might even be fired. Why bother?"

Yang Luo suddenly realized.

Looking back on his past, he was no longer in the mood to blame that colleague.After thanking him for his outspoken words, the two sides completely broke off communication.

Thinking about her eight years of work experience, Yang Luo couldn't help but sigh.

That's right, Juan Wang... the scab... When he saw this kind of evaluation on the Internet before, he was still very unconvinced.You are obviously working hard for your own happy life, so why are you ridiculed by others?

However, now that he is terminally ill and faced with such a situation, Yang Luo finally came to his senses - no wonder others would make such comments, and going around would only make the working environment worse and worse.

Memories of the past reappeared in his mind, and Yang Luo suddenly remembered that in the month when he joined the server team of this project, a brother in the same team was fired.

The old man was 36 years old at the time, and his skills were good, but he couldn't work overtime, and his work efficiency was only [-]% of the average level of the same group.

Moreover, after his arrival, the work efficiency of the server group has further increased.

So, one day, after seeing that old brother and hr walking out of the meeting room together, he silently packed his things and left.

I remembered the look in that old man's eyes when he left.

Before packing up and leaving, the old man once took a look at himself.

His eyes were full of hatred and anger.

But at that time, he didn't say anything, just turned his head and left the company.

Yang Luo noticed that look at the time, but at that time he didn't care, and he didn't feel any guilt.

At that time, he still felt a little uncomfortable about it——

Your own work efficiency is not high enough, and you have been fired, why do you look at me like this?
——It’s not that you don’t work hard!

Thinking contemptuously, Yang Luo concentrated on his work again.

It was just a trivial matter at the time, and I thought I had forgotten it.

But now, on the sick bed, the look in that look at that time reappeared in his mind.

In retrospect, there is a thrilling feeling.

Yang Luo lay silently on the hospital bed, feeling deep remorse in her heart.

If he could go back to that time, back to the time when he just changed groups, no, even when he just entered Shengyi, he would definitely...

Yang Luo shook his head and smiled wryly, - until now, there is no medicine for regret.

Now he can only work hard to look forward and leave a property that can help his parents spend their old age peacefully.

So, throwing out the remorse from his mind, Yang Luo started a new round of actions.

(End of this chapter)

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