Chapter 30 Next stop, Tokyo
Taking back the "Brutal Flame" ability obtained from Yang Luo, Xi Gu returned home.

After searching the Internet, I found that the scene where I tested my abilities in the Pacific Ocean really caused chaos to human society.

Whether it is the Dragon Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, or the United States, France, and Australia, the headlines on the homepages of news websites in various countries are all changes that occurred in the Pacific Ocean.

"Abnormal energy fluctuations have occurred in the center of the Pacific Ocean, and high-energy radiation has caused weather satellites to fail!"

"A high-energy reaction in the ocean, suspected of an unknown nuclear test!"

"The violent radiation particles, the sudden extreme weather, what is the reason?!"


The above headlines are relatively normal, while some self-media headlines are even more sensational.

"The precursor to the advent of alien civilization, or the relics left by prehistoric humans? The myth of Atlantis may come true!"

"The mysterious change in the center of the Pacific Ocean may be related to the mystery of time travel!"

"The Wuchang aircraft carriers are all ready to fight. Who made them treat them as enemies? The legendary star gate finally appeared!"


The list goes on and on.

However, this did not surprise Xi Gu.

When he was looking for superpowers and dark organizations other than himself based on rumors on the Internet, he had already experienced how a piece of news would be distorted after being magnified by the media.

What's more, if people know that the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees was rubbed out by their own hands, and it also naturally triggered the fusion and fission reactions of the atoms around them, I am afraid that this matter will not be less sensational than the appearance of aliens.

Moreover, even if they don't know the truth behind this, this high-energy mutation in the Pacific Ocean is enough to attract the attention of many countries.

"Presumably many countries will think of it as a secret weapon hidden by a certain country-but neither the test site nor the trace of the satellite can be found, and with such great power, I am afraid that the international situation will be tense for a while. gone."

Xi Gu browsed the news on the Internet and thought so in his heart.

However, Xi Gu didn't care much.

"However, what does all this have to do with me? I'm just an ordinary young man in the suburbs of Qingxia."

He smiled.


After turning off the news, Xigu put this incident and its subsequent impact behind him.

For him now, another thing is more important.

"Well... According to my perception, Yang Luo has already returned to his hometown, and his recent thoughts are to settle down a bit, to be with his parents, and to wait for the times to change, and the 'gods' I call come to the world.

"In this way, the pace at which the social order is impacted by the extraordinary has been slowed down a lot, and the extraordinary power is still hidden in the dark.

"Actually, this is exactly what I want... Dragon Kingdom is my mother country after all, if it is too turbulent here, I will not be very comfortable.

"It's just that the 'Extraordinary Era Creation Project' still has to go on—especially in this situation, I also learned that my 'evolutionary blood' can become the 'key' for other human beings to awaken new extraordinary abilities , and the ability they obtained through 'spiritual change', I can also copy it into my body through the 'connection' of the 'evolutionary blood'...

"In this way, creating superhumans is no longer simply an entertainment that caters to my taste and makes me feel interesting. It is also of great significance to my ability itself.

"... Then, next, I will start looking for a second 'superhuman', and through the new superhuman's 'spiritual transformation', I will gain new abilities."

Xi Gu was meditating, and his index finger began to tap the table regularly.

"...Yang Luo is a very good precedent. His experience has a very high reference value for me - the extreme heart, the extreme pure spirit, under the incomparably unified emotions, will pass through my 'road of evolution' Blood' breeds 'possibility'. This 'possibility' is the symbol of a new extraordinary ability that belongs to the realm of idealism.

"...If I use him as a template, then I can now summarize the characteristics that the next Transcendent I'm looking for should possess——

"First, he or she should be in some kind of depressive situation, with many dark emotions accumulating inside;
"Second, he or she has no help around him or her, and there is no way out of the predicament he or she is in. He or she can only wait for an opportunity from heaven to change his or her destiny;

"Third, there is a personality different from ordinary people hidden in his or her mind. Once encountering a mutation, he or she can release the true self and have the possibility of making the spirit highly cohesive. After awakening the ability, they will not Satisfied with ordinary wealth and power, but in the collision with the social order, it will stimulate its own spirituality and constantly break through itself."

Thinking about these things in his heart, Xi Gu suddenly showed a vaguely wry smile.

"Hey... Let's say this, isn't the extraordinary person I selected with the potential for awakening like the protagonist of a web novel? First, he was frustrated and slapped in the face in Chapter Three of Gold, and shouted 'Don't bully the young and poor'; then It’s the rise of adversity, ‘pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger’; and finally laughing at the sky, ‘my fate is up to me’... Hey, it’s a bit similar when you think about it.”

Shaking his head, throwing this weird thought out of his mind, Xi Gu continued to think.

"...Well, I'm sure to follow the above template to find a new transcendent, but next, I'd better not look for this new transcendent in China.

"Now it's just Yang Luo, who has only been an extraordinary person for more than ten days, and already has dozens of lives in his hands. One of the top ten rich men in the country died. If there is another extraordinary person, I am afraid that this society will change. Turned upside down.

"—In that case, where is the best place to put this second extraordinary person?"

Xi Gu was thinking, and his eyes moved to a world atlas on the computer desk.

"Then let the dice of fate decide."

He picked up the world atlas casually, closed his eyes, and threw it up randomly, waiting for the map to fall, revealing a random page in it——

In fact, at the moment of throwing upwards, he can now know which page will be opened with the perception accurate to the molecular level, and he also knows which area will be lucky due to this random throw, or Unfortunately he was chosen.

"...So it's here?"

Xi Gu couldn't help being dumbfounded, a little surprised that there would be such a dramatic result.

When he opened his eyes and looked at the open page in the atlas, sure enough, the expected result appeared in his eyes.

—Tokyo, Japan.

A place that has been destroyed more than 800 million times in various commercial movies and ACG works, and the number of destruction times is more than the number of gods in Japan!
(End of this chapter)

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