Chapter 34

Si Gu sat behind the counter of the bookstore, quietly sipped a sip of tea, watched the girls behind the glass door leave one by one, shook his head boredly.

Since opening a bookstore here, it is not uncommon to see scenes like the one just now.

In the thousands of days after the awakening ability, along with the continuous improvement of physical fitness.Naturally, Xigu also showed many characteristics different from ordinary people in his body.

Although in terms of appearance, he has not become less human, nor has he grown an extra limb.But there were no parasites left on his body, and the pores of his skin seemed to be completely smoothed out, making it extremely smooth.

As for the colonies in the body, no matter the probiotics or the harmful bacteria, they have been completely excreted by him. From the top to the bottom of the body, there is absolutely only Xigu's own will and his life system.

Although this is a situation that violates the laws of biology, since Xigu has already crushed the laws of physics to slag, it seems that it is not a big deal to subvert a biology.

Of course, just because Xigu's body has deviated far from the realm of normal people, his appearance has become a very eye-catching category in the human world when he is not paying attention.

——Brave but not strong, beautiful but not charming, mysterious and indistinguishable, pure and clean...

All kinds of words that seem to be added to the secular world can be used to describe himself.

and so……

"Isn't this a by-product of evolution?"

Shiko was fiddling with the teacup boredly.

"But what's the point of that? I just want to sit here quietly, looking for the possibility of the next supernatural person and spiritual transformation, creating more and more kinds of supernatural abilities in this world, both to feed back to me By itself, it can make the world more interesting.

"...How could I possibly want to fall in love with those ordinary human women whose parasites are gushing out of every pore, whose body skin is full of mites, and whose intestines and stomach are wriggling and pooping all the time?"

Shaking his head, Xigu put these boring things out of his mind, and instead remembered the experience during this period.

"Sitting in the bookstore in the past ten days, I have met a total of 350 ordinary humans... However, from the current point of view, it seems that no one has the potential for spiritual transformation. Even if one of them is found to give evolution I'm afraid I won't be able to produce surprising results.

"Although human temperament will change with changes in experience, status, and identity, natural endowments also play a big role. If you are a pure superhuman user, you will not be able to condense your soul and purify your spirit. After becoming a superhuman, you will still be aggressive. Wouldn't it be boring if there was no further possibility?"

Yang Luo's existence has spoiled Xi Gu's taste.

At least for now, Xigu still wants to implement the "boutique strategy" before he decides to spread it on a large scale, completely shake the social structure, and turn everyone into a superhuman.

"If there is really no other way, from the people I have seen so far, pick someone who has more 'potential', and see how far the other party can display his extraordinary power."

Thinking like this, his eyes moved to the glass door, and suddenly he found a girl who was hesitating at the door.

That is……

The girl stood outside the door, looking inward through the glass door, staring closely at the side of the bookshelf.

After noticing Xi Gu's gaze, the girl Youyou's eyes narrowed and her face turned red.

Shigu went straight over and opened the door.


The girl stood at the door, shrinking her hands and feet, as if she was a little ashamed.

Xi Gu looked at her, looked directly at her and said:
"I remember, you are the companion of the girl named 'Lucia' just now. What can I do?"

Mizuhara Manami twitched a bit.

"My name is Manami Mizuhara... um, um... When I just left, I saw a book on the bookshelf..."

"what book?"

Shigu showed an amused smile.

"It's on the third row of bookshelves, the one on the far"

The girl muttered, pointing with difficulty towards the bookshelf over there with her right hand.

"Come in and talk."

Shitiya opened the door directly, and Manami Mizuhara walked into the bookstore.

The girl leaned forward, said "Excuse me" softly, then walked into the bookstore, and then walked to the side of the bookshelves with steps that could not restrain her excitement——


Mizuhara Mana picked up the book from the shelf with the tone of winning a prize, but the moment her fingers touched the spine of the book, she turned her head and confessed to Shitiya:
"That... can I touch it, please?"

Shigu nodded.

"It's okay, you can take it off."

The girl let out a long breath, couldn't hide her excitement and said thank you, then grabbed the book from the shelf, opened the preface and table of contents, and let out a whimper:
"Sure enough, it is true—it is really "Hermes Wise Words" written by Claudine Casveni... Woohoo, 'Detailed Explanation of Jade Record', 'Three Great Souls of Alchemy', 'Astrology and Runes', 'Saint Silhouette'... are exactly the same as the catalog circulating on the Internet..."

"Do you know this book?"

Shitani, who was standing aside, looked at Manami Mizuhara and asked with a smile.

"of course I know!"

At this time, Mizuhara Manami has completely withdrawn from the previous shy and trembling posture. She has never been so energetic and her voice is loud:

"This is Casveni's "Hermes Sages" - a work recognized by the occult circles with the deepest understanding of the preface to "Jade Record". In order to study and get close to the three great prototypes of "Hermes", Casven Nee analyzed each passage of the "Jade Record" in the preface in ancient Greek, Latin and ancient Egyptian respectively, and successfully combined the triple meanings of 'Thoth', 'Hermes' and 'Mercury'. Greatness is linked with occultism.

"And Casveni is also one of the most famous alchemists in history. It is said that in this "Hermes Sages", he put his lifelong research on alchemy and the mystery of 'Hermes' The scientific research has been unified, and obtained the "Eternal Spirit of the Philosopher's Stone". Because of so many origins, this "Hermes Sage" has always been regarded as the supreme masterpiece in the field of mysticism, But it is a pity that when this book was published, it was the period when the church was crazy about witch hunting, so it could only be printed secretly, and it has been handed down to no more than five copies. This book is just a legend, I never thought I would be able to see it here today..."

Mizuhara Manami talked endlessly, it was the first time she had the opportunity to tell others about her occult accumulation outside the Internet, and this excitement made her so happy that she was about to fly.Not to mention that I still have mystical works that only exist in rumors.The superposition of multiple joys made her eyes become extremely bright, her body was dry and hot, her breathing was short of breath, and her face was flushed unnaturally.

Excited, Mizuhara Manami leaned closer to Shitiya, even tighter than Yoshiko before, and the light fragrance of the girl flooded into Shitiya's nostrils:
"That... store manager, where did you get this book? Are there other books related to occultism? Why did you collect this "Hermes Wise Letters"? You are also interested in occultism Is it? Really? Same as me? Manager, manager, manager?"

Manami Mizuhara stared wide-eyed, even through glasses as thick as a glass bottle, she could see that there was no bloodshot between her eyes, full of excitement.

However, Shitiya's reaction to the girl who was crazily approaching was——

" were too close."


Mizuhara Mana was stunned for a moment, only to realize that she was only a few centimeters away from Shitani's body at some point, and was even close to touching his chest, and immediately took a few steps back "thump, thud, thump" with her face flushed. , bowed to Shigu in a panic:
"Yeah, I'm sorry... I'm like this when I talk about exciting things——Guobanasai, I lost my composure!"

The girl leaned down, bowed nearly ninety degrees, with a book between her palms, and apologized to Shi Gu with her palms together, her attitude was extremely sincere.

Seeing Manami Mizuhara's performance, Shitani showed a thoughtful expression and smiled slightly.

"This... Manami classmate, judging by your appearance, you should like the fields related to occultism very much, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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