Chapter 54

"Huh... heh..."

Try to calm down and breathe gently.

Manai felt as if she was in the mouth of some kind of giant beast, somewhere in the dark, it seemed that something was watching her.

When she was in a situation where the vision was blocked, her higher-dimensional perception was enhanced to a certain extent. Coupled with the full play of imagination, the girl felt that sweat was oozing from her skin bit by bit, and even her feet The originally solid floor seemed to have become sticky, as if it was in mud, or stepped on a huge, sticky tongue.

"Calm down, calm down..."

Mizuhara Manami comforted herself, and turned her head, wanting to make sure that the stairs she came from were still protected by light, but the moment she turned her head——


Manami Mizuhara's eyes widened.

Because no matter how she looked, the staircase had disappeared into the darkness, and there was only a boundless, dark world like the deep sea left in front of her eyes!

"No, no, no, no, no, no!"

Mizuhara Manami ran in a hurry, crashing on the floor of the second floor in a panic.

She fell, as if swept away by a cloud of black mud, but then got up again.Then fell down and got up again.

She didn't know what she encountered or where she was. The world in front of her eyes turned into nothingness without contours, and it seemed that there were only shadows of contours. The huge and desolate fear captured her body and mind, making her She felt like she was struggling in the mouth of a giant beast.

Finally, just when there was only huge and inexplicable fear left in her mind, her elbows rested on a corner of the wall in a panic, and a crisp voice came:


light is on.

The darkness was dispelled.

The moment the light came on, the fear seemed to go away with the darkness.

There was only an ordinary room on the second floor left in front of him.

——White walls, plain sofas, nothing else.

Manami Mizuhara was lying against the corner of the wall in shock, breathing heavily, feeling that sweat had tightly glued her clothes to her skin.

The room in front of her was so ordinary that it almost made her hallucinate, as if it wasn't the object of the great fear that brought her just now.

Could it be that everything just now was just an illusion?

As soon as this weak thought came to mind, Mizuhara Manami immediately smashed it to pieces.

--how is this possible!

The huge and inexplicable fear just now was definitely not due to simple claustrophobia, or anything else!
Manami Mizuhara gritted her teeth, feeling the careless malice of that great being behind this.

She held on, made herself stand up, turned her head, and saw a large piece of text hanging on the wall:
"Want to know...the meaning of life? Want to...really live?
"--What does it mean?"

After reading that passage word by word, the puzzled Manami Mizuhara looked down and saw a small map pasted on the wall under the text.

On the map, the topographic map near Tokyo was drawn according to the scale, and in the center of the map, where a circle center was deliberately marked, the name of this place was impressively marked:
"Desolate Mountain".

"Baren Mountain? Why does this place name always feel a little familiar..."

Mizuhara Manami searched for the memories in her mind. After a while, when the memory from two days ago was activated in her mind, the girl showed an incomprehensible shocked expression. All kinds of intricate things that she had experienced in the past seemed to be connected together. a line --

Because the shock was too strong, for a moment, she ignored the sweat sticking to her body, and everything she experienced just now, and her thoughts were completely immersed in memories.

"...Desolate Mountain—isn't that the location of the hundreds of meters high 'sacred tree' that has been circulating on the Internet these days? That sacred tree is said to be the incarnation of gods... and the pendant that the store manager gave me It is also the shape of a tree carving, could it be that...

"...the root of everything is actually there!"


Just when the girl locked her eyes on the barren mountain because of someone's bad taste, in the depths of the barren mountain, the "root" was propping up her chin, contemplating carefully.

"Hmm... It's exactly what I thought. As long as I accept my evolutionary blood, even if it's only less than one percent effective, I can establish a certain 'connection'. Through this 'connection', I It can completely manipulate the perception and emotions of the other party, making the other party fall into the abyss or ascend to heaven in an instant.

"However, without the assistance of the sensory pendant, it would not be so clear. This is also one of the characteristics of the Shenmu avatar. The pendant made of its branches is like a signal booster, allowing me to use it as my own. To create various perceptions...

"...Vision, hearing, touch, smell... All human perception of the outside world comes from the five senses and six senses, and the world pointed to by the senses is the absolutely real world for them. If the senses can be manipulated so conveniently... even It is not impossible to create a 'second world' that is absolutely real to ordinary people."

Xi Gu thought for a while, but shook his head again.

"It's still not enough, the current method is too rough, and very unstable... It's not enough to build an almost completely real 'Second World'..."

"...Let's continue to look at it..."

Xi Gu's thinking and research are still going on.

Tokyo, Katsushika Ward.

As the poorest districts in Tokyo, this place, like Arakawa District, exudes a dilapidated and desolate atmosphere.

Despite this, there are also high-rise buildings and Washington residences in Katsushika District, and at the end of a blue-gray street, a red-and-white building stands here, which is painted very cleanly. Marvel at its size.

——This is "Fazhuang", which was a family inheritance place of the Xieyang Chinese a few decades ago, but because of the decline of the family, it was transferred to a certain company, and later changed hands several times, and now it has become a religious legal person The residence of the "Blissful Mingwanghui", where the leader and senior elders all live here, and the monthly "pilgrimage meeting" is also held here.

And today is the day of "holding a pilgrimage meeting".

Members of the King Ming Club in gray robes registered the visitor list at the "Fa Zhuang". The believers who entered through the door included ordinary believers in plain clothes and celebrities with luxurious clothes, but no matter who they were, they were all in front of the door. He wrote down his name respectfully on the registration desk, and then handed over the offering money wrapped in oiled paper to another internal member next to him for safekeeping.

"Next person."

The internal members who filled out their names behind the registration desk didn't look up, but at this moment, a soft voice fell into his ears.

"Excuse me, I don't have offering money, can I go in?"

The registrar's hand holding the pen immediately froze, with an angry expression on his face, wondering where did such an unruly person come from, but when he raised his head and saw the owner of the voice, he immediately froze.

——Whether it was him or the people around him, they all looked sideways, not because of anything else, just because of the beauty of that girl.

"Yes, of course!"

The registrar shouted—

"I still have an additional qualification to participate in the pilgrimage meeting this month. Miss, please wait a moment, and I will show you around then!"

Seeing the girl nodding in greeting, and the envious and jealous eyes of the believers and members beside her, the registrar couldn't help laughing cheerfully, raised his pen again, and asked the girl:
"Excuse me, your name is..."

The girl smiled slightly, and the smile on her face seemed to be more magnificent than cherry blossoms.

"Mio Ito."

(End of this chapter)

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