Chapter 69 Happy Cooperation
The Prime Minister's face displayed on the projection screen showed a rare excited expression. After some impassioned speeches, Fang Shican's expression changed slightly, and Kishibe Zoran quietly left the room long before the Prime Minister could speak.

But only Mio Ito still just sat there thoughtfully, expressionless.

"Let Japan rise among the nations of the world... Do you mean that you want me to expel the U.S. military?"

"It's not simply expulsion. I hope Miss Ito Mio can use your strength to become Japan's support. If the international situation and the world undergo major changes, it will still firmly support the Japanese archipelago."

The girl looked at him and raised her eyebrows slightly:

"Why did you choose me?"

Since it is a choice, it means that there are at least two or more goals in front of him.

If placed in this context, the only other existence corresponding to the "choice" mentioned by Ito Mio is the United States.

However, the girl put herself on the same level as the United States without any scruples. Both the Prime Minister and Fang Shican showed no difference, as if they had already accepted her statement in their hearts, and compared her with the overlord. The number one powers of the world for decades are tied together.

The power of the extraordinary can be seen.

"Judging from the strength Miss Mio has demonstrated, it is actually possible to deal with you."

The Prime Minister, who was born in the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Tokyo, was talking to Mio Ito on the opposite side of the screen.

"Although in terms of the power that Ms. Ito Mio has shown, the kinetic energy that can be exploded to the maximum is not inferior to small nuclear weapons.

"However, based on the principle of nuclear fusion, the power of a hydrogen bomb made of hydrogen isotope atoms is almost unlimited. As long as a sufficient price is paid, it is bound to be possible to create a weapon that is more terrifying than the Tsar Bomb back then—5000 In the face of a nuclear bomb with a yield of 6000 tons, [-] million tons...or even [-] million tons, even Miss Mio might not be able to survive the shock waves sweeping hundreds of kilometers and the high-temperature flames of tens of millions of degrees;
"Secondly, virus biochemical weapons with great lethality can already be researched in modern laboratories. Through characteristic induction and bottomless catalysis, they can completely create large-scale virus transmission aerosols that can spread hundreds of thousands of kilometers. It can threaten your life, Ms. Mio Ito.

"In addition, laser weapons, space-based weapons, electromagnetic weapons... the potential of modern military technology is unimaginable to ordinary people. If Miss Ito Mio is regarded as a public enemy of the world, you will face even more encirclement and suppression of fxs by the Allies— Please believe me, no matter how powerful you are, you will never be able to escape from the wisdom and strength of these billions of people."

The Prime Minister stared at Mio Ito with a burning gaze. It was clearly a negotiation, but he listed a bunch of threatening items in his mouth.

Mio Ito looked at him with a half-smile:
"As you said... Since there are so many ways to destroy me in the world, why are you negotiating with me here and wanting to cooperate with me?"

There was a slight wry smile on the Prime Minister's face as hard as a stone.

"—Miss Ito Mio, you must be able to understand, right? Although, as I said above, there are these powerful lethal technological means in this world, which may kill you.

"However, these methods—without exception—are also enough to kill tens of millions of people in mainland Japan.

"Your Excellency's strength has been evaluated by the experts of the research institute, and the conclusions drawn are as follows——

"1. With the technology and military strength of Japan alone, it is absolutely impossible to eliminate you;
"2. If all countries in the world—especially the United States, regard you as an absolute threat, and release all kinds of maximum lethal means for the purpose of destroying you regardless of the cost—the most optimistic estimate is the number of victims in Japan More than 800 million people will be destroyed, the urban area of ​​Tokyo will be basically destroyed, and Japan's GDP will fall out of the top [-] in the world;

"...In the most pessimistic scenario - the entire territory of Hokkaido, Shikoku, Honshu, and Kyushu sank, and the 1.2 million citizens on the archipelago were all buried with your death. Since then, 'Japan' has become a country that only exists in history textbooks noun!"

The prime minister stared at Mio Ito closely, and spit out a series of shocking numbers. Although it was not obvious on the face, the words were filled with surging emotions.

It was the first time Fang Shican heard this series of data, and his face changed suddenly.He has never been so deeply aware that the girl in front of him is most likely the greatest danger Japan has faced in the 800 years since the Mongolian expedition.

... the same, and perhaps the greatest opportunity!

And the Prime Minister, who had experienced all this a step earlier than him, stared at Mio Ito, straightened his body completely and said:

"Since Miss Mio is your imaginary enemy, the result will be so terrible—so, the moment I understood this situation, I changed my mind.

"—If you rely on the United States, and you are an enemy of Ito Mio, you will only get a future of destruction—then, if you cooperate with Miss Ito Mio, then everything will be solved?

"...Moreover, according to the evaluation of the research institute, although Miss Ito Mio's strength is not enough to be compared with the size of the entire United States, as long as you combine your existence with Japan's current national strength, no matter whether it is the United States' No. The Seventh Fleet or other armies are not enough to conquer Japan and bring the whole territory of our country under its shadow. And you alone are a living target, no matter how strong you are, you are like a rootless water; but If you cooperate with our country, then the [-] million citizens will stand behind you, and the whole country will become your support. Even the United States will lose its reputation as a teacher, and even if it is forced to conquer, it will only return in defeat.

"At the same time, you will become the idol of all Japanese people, a more sacred existence than the emperor, the most glamorous hero in history, the reborn Amaterasu, shining like the sun.

"At that time...whether it is your father's hatred—Colonel John Folsom; or our country's national hatred—the United States, which has colonized our country for decades, will also be in front of the rising Japan, It's all over."

The prime minister's eloquence honed through parliamentary struggles was as surging as the tide in Tokyo Bay, and Fang Shican, who was standing by the side, was also shaken by the emotions contained in this eloquence, with goose bumps on his skin and faint eyes. Reddened, breathing became tight, and the US soldiers evacuated from the Japanese mainland one by one faintly appeared in front of their eyes. The Stars and Stripes above the Yokosuka Base slowly descended, and the "Hinomaru" rose in the sunset sea breeze, as if symbolizing the overlord Images of the country's retreat and Japan's rebirth...

However, Mio Ito's expression did not show any fanaticism.

She just looked at the Prime Minister quietly and said softly:

"...Although I said so, how should I explain the tens of thousands of humans who have 'resonated with my flesh and blood' and disappeared into this world so far?"

"So that ability is called 'Flesh Resonance'?"

With this thought in mind, the prime minister nodded and said to Mio Ito:

"Naturally, there must be an explanation, and this is also a part of the cooperation. After the cooperation, I hope Miss Ito Mio will not take the initiative to release this ability called 'Flesh and Blood Resonance', so as not to cause too much confusion; of course, the government I can provide some human beings for consumption, if your ability really needs it—but in this case, I hope that when you use these human beings for consumption, you can let our scientific institutions conduct testing and research, so maybe it will be possible. Can promote your ability development.

"...As for the people and soldiers who have disappeared - we can completely blame the Americans for their deaths. For example, explain to the people that you are actually a peace-loving ability user, but in the United States The collusion and coercion of spies and domestic corrupt bureaucrats led to the occurrence of these bloody incidents; or in other words, the deaths and injuries were all faked by the United States. They all died under the human experiments in the United States, and you are the survivors of the experiments. Luckily Gained ability-anyway, Americans do a lot of this kind of thing.

"As for the dead... I believe that if they understand that their lives can contribute to Japan's independence and rise, they will surely be able to rest in peace under Nine Springs."

The prime minister's resolute voice revealed iron-like firmness and determination, and he had come up with so many solutions in a short period of time, which made Fang Shican beside him amazed.

Just as he was amazed, he suddenly felt his vision distort.

Inexplicably, the world seemed to stand still for less than half a second, and the vision in front of him went dark for a moment.

However, at the next moment, the sight returned to normal, and the scene of Mio Ito and the Prime Minister sitting across the screen was still in front of him.

——It seems that it is just an illusion.

The mood returned to peace.

And at this moment, the girl raised her head.

In Fang Shican's eyes, Ito Mio was looking at the prime minister outside the screen, with a mysterious smile on his lips.

"it is good……

"I agreed."

The expected success finally came.

Fang Shican clenched his fists tightly, as excited as if his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

And the Prime Minister on the other side of the screen was the same, unable to hide the excitement on his face.

It's just, I don't know why...

Looking at the girl's calm figure and the mysterious smile at the corner of her mouth.

——Why, there is a vague sense of strangeness in my heart?
(End of this chapter)

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