Chapter 71
When the morning sun broke and the sun rose in the clouds, Mizuhara Manami left the barren mountain.

Although I only stayed in this mountain for less than one night, but the moment I went down the mountain, Mizuhara Manami felt like a lifetime away.

At the last moment of walking down the mountain road, when stepping into the rural woodland, Mizuhara Manami turned her head and took a look.

The barren mountain is still standing behind him, looking down on everything under his feet with a posture that seems to be eternal.

This is a mountain that is neither high nor low. Compared with other mountains and rivers in Japan, there seems to be nothing special.

However, the sacred tree in the mountain and the incarnation of the god living in it seem to be standing higher than all the peaks on this earth, staring at everything in the world indifferently.


In fact, Xigu said to her:
"You will stand at the same height as Ito Mio, and see the world in her eyes." At that time, Mizuhara Mana had a doubt in his heart, and wanted to ask him a question——

"If that's the case... then what height do you stand at? What kind of existence does the world in your eyes look like?"

Perhaps Xigu would not answer this question, and just laughed it off as boring redundant words.

Or maybe Xigu will explain to her with interest, and describe to her, just like what he did in the bookstore at that time - but that is a picture that is too grand and untouchable after all.

Therefore, Manami Mizuhara never asked.

Just like this moment.

Mizuhara Manami tightly held the crystal-like blood in her pocket.

Although he did not become a monster like Ito Mio, he surpassed the limits of human beings in all aspects.

But the few days spent with the pendant also improved her physical fitness to several levels.

So with just a little perception, Mizuhara Mana could detect the stress limit of this crystal blood.

As long as you pinch it lightly, the crystal-like blood may burst open.


What happens then?
Even if it goes without saying, Manami Mizuhara can imagine it herself.

That was the scene when the door to mysticism that she had dreamed of was opened.

That is a fantasy shared by at least billions of people in the world.

At that time, she will become a supernatural existence that she longs for and envies.

...However, she did not make up her mind after all.

Until the end, the girl just held the crystal-like blood, silently put it back in her pocket, walked in the field, and left towards the distance.

And just behind him, the mountain still stands.


"Actually, regarding this point, there are some mistakes in your thinking."

"If you ask me—about what height I stand, what kind of scenery I can see—I am not bored. I will not only answer, but also very carefully. Answer. Lively and extremely real, it can make you feel as if you are on the scene.

"But I'm pretty sure that you won't want to see what I can see until your brain is upgraded to a high enough level."

On the barren mountain, Xigu seemed to be talking to himself.

But only he knew that he was not actually talking to another personality or something like an "imagine friend", but was responding to the question raised in the girl's mind just now.

In Xi Gu's eyes, after he liberated all his perceptual abilities, he presented scenes through multiple dimensions, showing the brains and visual organs of ordinary human beings, not to mention "seeing", which is unimaginable even by imagination. magnificent.

——In his eyes, the originally compact soil was refined into individual gravels, and the gap between each gravel seemed to be so big that a mountain could be placed down.

Below the gravel, the soil, strata, deeper groundwater, mineral veins in the earth's crust, and even the extremely deep mantle and core layer - at a glance, he "sees" the entire earth from the outside to the inside at the same time, Even the boiling magma in the deepest part is reflected in the corner of the picture in the vision.

And in the more microcosmic field, the structures of molecules and atoms are clearly visible, and even the spectrum of electron clouds shows a blurred outline in his vision, and the moment he "sees" it transforms into Undoubted existence.

At this moment, the five senses are wonderfully unified, because they have also reached an extremely macroscopic and extremely microscopic level. Sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch are perfectly combined. Xigu smells the robust combination of every particle. , Hearing the fresh fragrance when the electron transitions, seeing the sound of flowers blooming in a Planck time when the quantum cloud of matter around the body collapses...

Sight is hearing, hearing is taste, taste is touch, touch is smell, smell is sight.The five senses belong to one, but they belong to each other. One perception is all perceptions, and all perceptions are melted into one perception.

It is both a wave and a particle, and ordinary human beings can only use mathematical formulas to explain the world with probability. In Xi Gu's eyes, the evolution of semi-real and semi-virtual infinite possibilities.

"Although it has not reached the absolute microscopic level, but...

"...quantum observers...

"...Is my sensory organs and vision almost evolved to this level?
"Maybe when I can truly 'see' the quantum cloud for a moment. At that moment - all possibilities, all futures will be completely in my hands, determined by my heart.

"But... in that case, what kind of boring life would it be?

"So—show me more possibilities, let me see more of life's potential.

"...the world, and the universe."

Xi Gu muttered to himself, and in the next second, his figure had disappeared from the spot.


Qingjiang Provincial Police Department.

It was still in the office of the "Behavior Analysis Section" with house number 527.

On the computer desk, a pile of at least dozens of documents was piled high next to the computer, and the corners of the top hundreds of documents were already a little fuzzy. It seemed that the people who browsed it must have read it a lot.

And just under the computer desk, dozens of empty file bags are randomly stacked, but no matter which file bag they are, they all have the same name:
"Information related to the 8 major case (for internal use only) (confidential)."

In front of the computer desk, a young man named Lin Heng took a document, compared the investigation records displayed on the computer screen, and started his own analysis like an ascetic.

Lin Heng flipped through the documents with red eyes. He didn't know that this was the dozens of times he opened the interview records during this period. However, after a few 10 minutes—as expected, this time, as usual, he found nothing.

Lin Heng rubbed his eyes, put down the materials, and leaned back on the chair with a sigh—similarly, this was the hundreds of times he had sighed like this in a while.

Since the establishment of the "8 Task Force" caused by the manor bombing in Qingxia City, as the only "Behavior Analysis Section" of the provincial department, he was absorbed into the task force together with the section chief.

I thought this would be a good opportunity to solve strange cases and show off my skills, but I didn't expect...

More than two months have passed, and there is still no result!

No, it can't even be said that there is no result - there is not even a valid clue, like a bored donkey circling in a dead end, without even the slightest hope in sight!

(End of this chapter)

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