Chapter 80 On the Bridge
Lin Heng heard Shen Yunxi's joke, but he didn't show a joking expression. On the contrary, he showed a thoughtful look on his face:

"...If there is a person with superpowers—if he breaks the social law, then I will definitely find a way to bring him to justice."

Shen Yunxi stared at him blankly.

For a moment, the noisy sounds around the barbecue restaurant seemed to be separated by a distance.

But after Lin Heng said such righteous words, he seemed a little embarrassed:
"Oh, I said that, is it too loud?"

"No way."

Shen Yunxi shook her head and looked at him with shining eyes.

"Such words can only be said by the Xiaoheng I know."


After eating the barbecue, it is a walk that should be carried out according to common sense.

The two walked slowly along the sidewalk, and the cool evening breeze lingered around them.The yellow leaves of Qingqiu fall on the sidewalk, making a "chacha" noise when stepping on it.

Because it’s a buffet, they all had a full stomach. Fortunately, one is a policeman, one is a doctor, one has physical training, and the other has to stand for several hours a day for surgery and ward rounds. panting.

Shen Yunxi naturally tightened Lin Heng's hand and pressed his body tightly against him, without any embarrassing expression on his face, still as calm as the beginning.However, Lin Heng, who was single and didn't meet Shen Yunxi until half a year ago to end his single career, is still blushing and heartbeating about the normal behavior in love, and his palms are sweating unconsciously.

Walking slowly along the sidewalk, Lin Heng secretly glanced to the right, and found that although Shen Yunxi had a calm expression on his face, the roots of his ears were a little red. hand.

At this moment, the woman turned her head and met Lin Heng's eyes.

Lin Heng turned his head sideways.

"Did you peek at me just now?"

A mischievous voice sounded in Shen Yunxi's mouth.


Lin Heng was a little embarrassed.

"I don't need to explain, I understand that I am the trace element that Xiaoheng needs. If you can't see me every day, you will have poor digestion and loss of appetite-this is the so-called "clothes are getting wider and you will never regret it" in ancient poems. People haggard because of Yixiao', alas, Liu Yong, who wrote this poem, must be an expert in nutrition in modern times."

What Shen Yunxi said was so funny that Lin Heng couldn't help laughing.

"Yes, yes, Xixi, you are my life."

There was no sound from Shen Yunxi for a moment, and Lin Heng almost thought that he had unconsciously moved away from her, but when he paid attention, he realized that the two people's hands were still tightly held together.

He looked over curiously, only to see a blush welling up on Shen Yunxi's face, biting his lip and looking at himself.

"Usually he acts like a straight man, but suddenly he did this to me. It's a bit of a foul, student Xiaoheng."

It was only then that Lin Heng noticed that he had just said some very straightforward and bold words of love, and a wave of shyness welled up in his heart, but looking at Shen Yunxi who was showing a shy expression different from the past, he felt a little refreshed, So he smiled and asked:

"Don't you like to hear it, Comrade Xixi?"

With a "hum" from his nose, Shen Yunxi narrowed his eyes and laughed:
"Of course I like it, so Lin Hengyi can say a little more in the future, preferably twenty sentences a day, and can't repeat it. Give me more electrolytes."


Not to mention how Lin Heng asked Shen Yunxi to withdraw the request of "twenty love words a day" with a bitter face. It also shifted from pure love to the previous discussion.

"When we talked about superpowers just now, why was Xiao Heng's expression so serious?"

The footsteps of the two stopped on a riverside bridge, riding a somewhat cold dinner, Shen Yunxi looked at Lin Heng's profile curiously.


Lin Heng thought for a while, how should I say this——

"Do you still remember the 8 case?"

"Of course I know, isn't this the case you are investigating? And this case has been spread all over the Internet."

Shen Yunxi nodded and said with a smile.

"After all, the victim, Wang Changming, is a well-known entrepreneur across the country, and the company 'Shengyi' has tens of thousands of employees. In addition to games, it also has music, email, e-commerce and other businesses. It is considered one of the top ten Internet companies in China. Well. I heard conspiracy theories on the Internet that he seemed to be killed by a competitor. It is said that in order to solve him, he directly invited a team of killers from the Siberia training camp to perform a scene of a large war~"

Lin Heng smiled wryly and shook his head.

"It would be great if it was really a Siberian killer team... As long as it is a team of more than ten people, it will inevitably leave a lot of traces. Relying on these clues to trace the source, there is no unsolvable result-but the current Condition……"

In order not to leak the secret, Lin Heng spoke very vaguely, but Shen Yunxi understood what he meant.

"Are you saying that there are no clues at all in this 8 case?"

Lin Heng nodded ambiguously.

"More than that, because there are no clues, so based on the existing information, everyone can only draw a conclusion that there are obviously many loopholes-I don't trust this loophole, because he still has many doubts that cannot be resolved..."

Lin Heng moved his eyes to the bottom of the bridge, and the surging river water, and even the distant river scene, all came into his eyes for a moment.

"...So, when I saw that video just now, the thoughts in my mind suddenly jumped out - if there is an existence like the protagonist of the video behind this case, would it be... Many doubts can be explained... But that should be just my delusion. Maybe I'm too obsessed with this case, I'm a little crazy..."

Out of the corner of his eye, there was a silhouette of a building that caught his attention. While talking, Lin Heng moved all his eyes there, and then suddenly froze.

On the other side, Shen Yunxi squeezed his hand to express comfort:

"Okay, okay, you are just a low-level member of the special case team, so don't waste too much thought - just like our resident doctors, you don't have so many rights, but you don't have so many obligations. If the sky falls, someone else should take care of it." Stop it, you don’t have to be a hero.”

As she spoke, she suddenly noticed that Lin Heng wasn't listening to her words, but was looking at another place with rapt attention. She also looked suspiciously and saw the building standing in the group of buildings with a large The building of the word "goodwill".

As a result, Shen Yunxi's face suddenly became gloomy.

Lin Heng came back to his senses, and smiled flatteringly at Shen Yunxi.

"Xi Xi..."

Shen Yunxi looked at him with a cold face.

"Student Xiaoheng, it's time to rest now, please don't bring work content into love."

But Lin Heng still looked at her pitifully, his eyes full of pity, like a puppy trying to fight for the right to go out for a walk with its owner.

After a long time, Shen Yunxi finally waved his hand helplessly to express his agreement.

"Okay, okay, I'll take a look with you."

Saying that, seeing Lin Heng's joyful expression and the movement of jumping up and cheering uncontrollably, Shen Yunxi supported his forehead and sighed up to the sky.

 The love plot is really not very smooth to write, but writing this excessive plot is mainly to pave the way for the following.Not just in terms of story, but emotionally as well.

(End of this chapter)

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