Chapter 83 Suspicion Report
Yang Luo.

This was one of the three deaths related to Shengyi before the 8 incident.

But from the bright side, he should have nothing to do with Wang Ruo and Huang Cheng's death.

The first thing Lin Heng searched for was the death record of this name.

According to Zong Yuan, Yang Luo had suffered from a heart tumor before his death, and his life was not long.

In such a state, Lin Heng would not be surprised even if his name had already appeared on the information page of the deceased in the police station.

——However, there is no such name. The name "Yang Luo" found on the police station's intranet shows the latest status as "alive".

This relieved Lin Heng a little.

The living can always provide more information than the dead.Although it seems that Yang Luo has nothing to do with the 8 case or the deaths of Wang Ruo and Huang Cheng, at least there is an information channel here.

Moreover, in the process of tracing, a living person suddenly appeared among the "dead" and "dead", which really made people feel a little relieved.

The intranet database not only contains Yang Luo's survival information, but also his household registration address and travel path.However, wherever an ID card or valid certificate is required, it will be recorded in a networked database.

So Lin Heng continued to pursue, and Yang Luo was hospitalized in the "Qingxia Sixth People's Hospital" on July 7 and the previous ten days. After leaving the hospital on July 15, his whereabouts were uncertain, but on August 7, Yang Luo went to Qingxia Railway Station and got on a train to the city where his registered permanent residence was located, a third-tier town in a southwestern province.

After that, his path of action has been staying in that third-tier town and the capital city of a certain province in the southwest.

The places where his identity information verification data appears are mostly five-star hotels and large-scale provincial and municipal conference sites. At the same time, there are several companies under his name, the largest of which has a registered capital of more than 2000 million.

……and many more?
Lin Heng felt that a certain nerve in his brain was touched.

He stared closely at the information displayed on the computer screen, showing a puzzled look.

From the information obtained from Zong Yuan, he can confirm that Yang Luo is a tragic employee who was terminally ill and dismissed.

Moreover, according to his household registration information, Yang Luo's parents are also farmers in the countryside, and there is no rich or powerful person in his related family members-but why, after returning from Qingxia City, he should be poor because of physical illness He was extremely embarrassed, but suddenly changed and reached the pinnacle of life?
...And Yang Luo's hometown city somehow gave him a very familiar feeling.

Lin Heng left to open the relevant materials of the 8 major case, and confirmed that the feeling was not an illusion.

Because just before the 8 major case task force collected clues from the general public, there was a piece of information that "a third-tier city in southwest China reported that a newly emerging company in this city is arrogant and domineering, no matter what industry it is."

And the name of that city is the city where Yang Luo is now.

The company that was reported was the largest company under Yang Luo's name.

——Is this just a coincidence?
— Could it be a coincidence?
Lin Heng stared dryly at the computer screen, and finally felt that he had faintly touched the periphery of a whole big incident—starting from Wang Ruo and Huang Cheng, and then to the 8 big case, everything seemed to be able to be combined together.

Although he still doesn't understand the chain of their specific combination and the evolution process of the event form, Lin Heng can be sure that he seems to have grasped something crucial.

"Suspicious points... all revealed."

Lin Heng was talking to himself.

"The next step is to handle the case in a different place and investigate it with relevant departments. I don't have that much power, but I can write a suspicious report and submit it to the special case team... This should overturn the preliminary conclusion formed before."


In the following night, Lin Heng wrote a preliminary doubtful report in the office of the Provincial Department, and sorted out all the information he got along the way and attached it to the report.

Then, he napped on the sofa in the office for a few hours—although not asleep at all, his mind was foggy.

All the chaotic clues were circling in Lin Heng's mind, forming flocs like clouds and fog, turning Lin Heng's sleep into a mess.

In his mind, the appearances and photos of the relevant people emerged - Cai Xin, Zong Yuan, Wang Changming...Wang Ruo, Huang Cheng, Yang Luo...

Finally, when he finally woke up in the morning, Lin Heng only felt a little blocked in his head, as if too much garbage had accumulated in his brain due to his light sleep last night, until he washed himself in the sink. After washing his teeth and face, he finally lifted his spirits for a while.

Next, Lin Heng did not go home, but left the provincial department, took his work certificate, law enforcement recorder, and transcript, and went to relevant places to investigate and collect evidence non-stop.

The first is the "Sixth People's Hospital of Qingjiang Province".

There are several attending doctors on duty in the Department of Cardiology. Lin Heng was lucky today, and Yang Luo's attending doctor happened to be there at the time.After taking out Yang Luo's photo and questioning him, Lin Heng got an affirmative answer.

"Yes, this is the patient I treated at the time, and I was very impressed with him."

The doctor nodded.

"He had a heart tumor, one of the least common tumors, and he had a huge tumor mass."

"My statement may be presumptuous, but... Is it possible that he was misdiagnosed?"

Lin Heng asked carefully.But the doctor shook his head, no offended look on his face.

"The patient didn't come directly to our hospital for treatment at that time. He had gone to many hospitals before, and the results were consistent. Moreover, he was already exhausted when he was discharged from the hospital. It can be said that he did not have a few months left to live. However, he Before he left, he said a word to me, and I still remember it—'The biggest terminal illness in the world is poverty'."

Lin Heng narrowed his eyes. Among the doctor's words, what he noticed the most was one sentence.

"Is it certain that this patient has not a few months left to live? What if he is still alive and healthy?"

"If he was hospitalized to remove the tumor, and he had better luck in the follow-up treatment and recovery, then I think it is possible to live up to now, even if he lives for a few more years. But if he does not receive any modern medical treatment after leaving the hospital Technical treatment, if he has not passed away now, and even has the basic ability to move—then I can only evaluate it this way, this is a miracle of modern medicine."

The doctor looked at him and said seriously.

Lin Heng nodded thoughtfully.


Lin Heng left the hospital, but before he left, he copied another surveillance video from the day Yang Luo left the hospital.

The man in the picture is haggard and slow-moving, and it looks like even a little wind can knock him down.

Lin Heng said that this video was saved, and then went to the next place.

——Qingxia Railway Station.

The train station is no different than other places. It is full of strict surveillance cameras, and the surveillance records will be kept for a long time. Lin Heng is sure that there must be a record of the day Yang Luo left Qingxia City.

He also got what he wanted.

In the monitoring background of the railway station, Lin Heng explained his intention and identity to the police, handed Yang Luo's photo to the police, and at the same time told the police about when Yang Luo got on the train, so what is the surveillance record about? time to what time.

But I didn't expect that the police just glanced at it, then loaded the photo into the system, and then clicked a few times, and a section of pictures appeared on the computer, based on the photo provided by Lin Heng, and compared it with the vast surveillance video. The results have been obtained in the time.

"This is... face comparison technology, have you guys used it too?"

Lin Heng was a little surprised.

"How fresh, places like train stations are the first to use face recognition and big data."

The policeman smiled kindly, pointed at the top comparison result on the computer, and pouted.

"No, this, the monitoring record results on August 8th, should be what you want?"

Lin Heng nodded, and the policeman opened the surveillance record, and the man surrounded by red circles appeared in the center of the screen. Upon seeing it, Lin Heng clenched his fists.

——That is Yang Luo.

However, the moment he saw it, Lin Heng could hardly believe his eyes.

——Because, the man who appeared on the screen has a vigorous pace and a mountainous figure. Under the high-precision surveillance record, he can even clearly see the faint arrogant smile and healthy rosy complexion on his face, which is similar to the one in the hospital's surveillance video. Men, almost look like two different people!
He was already seriously ill and dying when he left the hospital, why did he look so healthy at this time?

At this moment, Lin Heng confirmed that he finally grasped the clue of this incident.


He returned to the provincial office with a copy of two surveillance videos and a bunch of interrogation records.

During the following weekend, Lin Heng sat in the office, working overtime to polish and supplement his doubtful report.

Finally, when Sunday ended and Monday morning, Lin Heng finally finished all the work. Looking at the rich investigation data and complete suspicious report on the computer, his heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment and joy.

However, he did not think about submitting this report by himself.One more person needs to have read this thing before submitting it.

So he sat in the office and finally waited for Huang Yuanguang to appear.


At nine o'clock on Monday morning, Huang Yuanguang appeared at the door of the office almost in a hurry, with a newspaper leisurely in his hand.After seeing Lin Heng, who was unkempt and obviously hadn't taken care of himself for several days, he immediately remembered the conversation on Friday.

"What's going on? Your girlfriend broke up with you?"

Lin Heng smiled, and it really was a section chief's opening remarks. He directly cut off the topic, and said straight to the point:

"Section Chief, I visited and investigated the relevant clues of the 8 case in the past two days. Through the interrogation records and surveillance videos of relevant people, I analyzed the doubts in it, and finally got a report-it may subvert Can you take a look at the conclusion of the task force now?"

Hearing the name "8 Major Case", Huang Yuanguang raised his eyebrows, his eyes seemed to say "it really is".

He smiled, put down the newspaper, said "I'll be right there", cleaned up on the desk for a while, rinsed it, and walked to Lin Heng with freshly brewed green tea.

"Okay, let me take a look."

Lin Heng made room for him and looked at Huang Yuanguang expectantly.

And Huang Yuanguang sat in front of the computer desk, slowly looking at the investigation report on the screen, holding his teacup steadily.

As the pages of electronic reports were flipped through and the investigation materials were displayed, the expression on his face gradually became serious from casual.

When the information on the screen was finally read, Huang Yuanguang gently put down the teacup, as if he was thinking about what it meant, and did not speak for a long time.

Lin Heng waited quietly for his reaction, but because he had been working continuously for the past two days, he was a little sleepy, his eyelids opened and closed, as if he was fighting.

After a long time, Huang Yuanguang finally turned his head and said solemnly to Lin Heng:
"Xiao Lin, besides you and me, how many people have read this report?"

(End of this chapter)

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