Chapter 93
Hearing Lin Heng's question, Huiying didn't show much expression on his face, but as a gray dog, he didn't have any expression at all.

"That girl... oh, you mean your girlfriend?"

Lin Heng felt a little weird when he heard a gray dog ​​whispering "girlfriend" as a title that belongs to human society.

However, what Huiying said next had already attracted his full attention, and the weird feeling just now was thrown out of the blue in an instant.

——"That human female... I remember that she should be dead?"


Lin Hengru's pupils dilated suddenly after being struck by lightning.

His body was shaking uncontrollably.

"She...How could it be...Isn't I still alive? I should be the person closest to the center of the explosion...Why was I the one who survived, but Xixi died?"

He looked at Huiying with some doubts in his eyes.

"It's like that in this world. Some dogs are still alive, and some dogs are dead. It's the same in human society."

Gray Shadow sighed very philosophically, the dog's body was solemn.

Then it took out a mobile phone from the furry place under its body.

Just relying on human imagination, I am afraid that it is completely impossible to imagine where this mobile phone was placed before.But Lin Heng has no room to care about these things.

He almost snatched the phone from Huiying's claws, and then quickly turned on the screen.

— but not unlocked.

Huiying took the phone back slowly, clicked on the password one by one, and handed it back to Lin Heng.

The latter took a deep breath, looked at the displayed content on it, and his body froze.

"A few days ago, a truck accident occurred on the Heyun Road section of our city... the scene of the accident, the center of the explosion, the truck driver and a pedestrian died on the spot, and another pedestrian was seriously injured and sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

"...The pedestrian who died was a doctor from the XX People's Hospital of our city...Her name is Shen Yunxi..."

At the bottom of this news, the photos of the two deceased were released, one was a photo of an honest middle-aged man, and the other was a smiling face of a woman.

Lin Heng stared at the photo closely.

He didn't dare to move his eyes away for a moment, as if if he moved them away, the fact of Shen Yunxi's death would be announced completely.

His feet stood on the ground, but it seemed as if he was stepping on quicksand, his body trembled constantly, as if he was receiving an electric shock.

Although this was the fact that Lin Heng had already foreseen the moment he woke up, when this fact was completely presented in front of him, his heart was completely plunged into a bottomless abyss.


He opened his mouth for a while, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't say a word.

After a long time, a hoarse voice came from Lin Heng's throat:

"...Why am I saved?"

Gray Shadow shook his head.

"Because only you are the chosen one, I only have the qualification to make one person extraordinary.

"—and when I arrived, Ni's girlfriend was already dead."

Lin Heng listened quietly to what Huiying said, his eyes still fixed on the phone.

Because of the concealment of the fluorescent light, coupled with the fact that he lowered his head and the mobile phone blocked most of his face, Gray Shadow couldn't see the expression on his face clearly.

——Until Lin Heng put down the phone and handed it back to Hui Ying.

"Please take it, my lord envoy. I already know it all."

Gray Shadow took back the phone cautiously, and carefully studied Lin Heng's face for a while.

However, at this moment, Lin Heng was expressionless, making it impossible for Hui Ying to tell what Lin Heng was thinking.

Don't say that he is just a dog, and he is not very familiar with the changes in human expressions. Even if he is a human being, he probably cannot see any emotions from Lin Heng's stiff face muscles like a stone at this time.

Gray Shadow took the phone and tentatively said to him:

"Are you going to take revenge now?"

Revenge... Do you mean Yang Luo?My lord envoy, did you choose me to be Chaofan just to let me fight against Yang Luo? "

Lin Heng looked straight at Huiying with some impoliteness, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

Hui Ying didn't expect Lin Heng to say such words at all, and was taken aback for a moment.

After a long time, it shook its head and said:

"Of course not—I chose you to be extraordinary just because I think you have higher potential.

"As for Yang Luo, his character is not very good, so... I think choosing you is the right side.

"However, if you are planning to take revenge on Yang Luo, I have to advise you not to be so impulsive for the time being... You haven't even started the body transformation yet, but Yang Luo has already completed the spiritual transformation and awakened his extraordinary characteristics.

"If you fight against him now, I'm afraid you'll lie down in a few moments. You've only lived once, but you'll die right away—what a pity."

Gray Shadow grunted and sighed a few times from his throat.

Lin Heng's face still had that expressionless expression, as if he was wearing a mask.

"Physical transformation...spiritual that's the case, I understand, thank you for your concern."

He turned around, turned his back to the gray shadow and asked heavily:
"Master Huiying, if I want to go back to Qingxia City, where should I go?"

"To your right, just walk all the way... But are you sure you want to go back like this? Are you still naked?""

Gray Shadow reminded Lin Heng.

Because Lin Heng's whole body was still scorched just now, and when the charred parts of his whole body were peeled off piece by piece, what appeared outside was the whole body.

However, Lin Heng didn't seem to care about it. He wanted to turn around and leave directly, but gray shadow reminded him, which is a bit weird.

"...Naked? Thanks for the reminder, I see."

In the next second, black hairs all over Lin Heng's body were stimulated by some inexplicable stimulation to grow rapidly from the skin.

His entire body was completely covered by black hair in an instant, and he looked like an ancient forest ape, as if he had returned to his ancestors.

Just after his body was covered with hair, Lin Heng let out a long roar, and like a real ancient ape, he raised his arms and drove away, staring at his back, the gray shadow slowly opened his mouth wide.There was some doubt in his eyes:

"Strange, why didn't I know that after absorbing the 'secret medicine', relying solely on the evolution of physical fitness, I could control the hair on my body from spreading to this extent?


Seemingly thinking of something, a little shock appeared in Hui Ying's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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