Chapter 96 The Big Picture
Hearing Jiang Chaoan's question, Lin Heng thought for a while.

But not because he hadn't thought about the problem.

It's because he's worried that his thinking will lead to misjudgment.

"The master of Yanshen Palace..."

Finally, he began to speak in a low voice.

"...He bestows power on the world, and sends envoys to choose extraordinary people, but he has no demand and does not ask for anything in return. From this point of view alone, it can be seen that the power he bestows is very important to him. Said, it should be only a very small thing of little value."

Jiang Chaoan gave a "hmm" sound. It seems that he had thought about what Lin Heng said above.

Lin Heng continued:

"So...a question arises from this—Since the 'Master of Yanshen Palace' has no needs or wants, why does he let some human beings become extraordinary?"

"Why do you think this is?"

Jiang Chaoan looked straight into his eyes and asked earnestly.

"The reasons I can think of are probably the following:"

Lin Heng stated expressionlessly:

"First, because the gods will eventually return to the earth, so he wants to choose a spokesperson among humans to seize the opportunity to be ahead of his own kind."

"But this again contradicts the fact that the 'Yan Shen Temple' has no commandments and no demands."

Jiang Chaoan raised doubts.

Lin Heng nodded, but then shook his head again:
"...Yes, the 'Yan Shen Temple' and the 'Hall Master' do not seem to expect his 'disciples' to accomplish anything, but it is also possible that the selection of 'disciples' is already a metaphysical 'completion'. "

"—In other words, what a transcendent wants to do is not the goal, but the existence of a transcendent is its purpose itself?"

Jiang Chaoan wrote down this passage in the notebook in his hand, and asked Lin Heng thoughtfully.


Lin Heng nodded.

"Just now, Police Officer Lin, you said 'the following points', so... what are the other possible reasons?"

"The second reason—"Yan Shen Temple Master" may not be looking for extraordinary people aimlessly, maybe among the extraordinary people now—whether it is me, Yang Luo... There are some patterns in the body. Although the "yan mysterious medicine ' was released by the envoys, but the action of the envoys releasing the 'mysterious medicine' may also follow a certain pattern."

Hearing these words, Jiang Chaoan's expression became more serious.

"What do you think the law will be, Officer Lin?"

Lin Heng was silent for a moment, recalling the clues he had found on Yang Luo in the past, as well as everything that happened to him.After a long time, he murmured:
"I don't quite understand either... But if we look at the current situation, the common law that extraordinary people follow... Maybe it's—"the fate of sudden fall"?"

Jiang Chaoan understood the meaning of his words, and let out a soft breath:

"That being said... it really feels that way..."

The smile on his face was a bit awkward, but Lin Heng ignored it indifferently:

"...Finally, according to my speculation, there is another possibility——

"The 'Master of Yanshen Temple' chooses extraordinary people among human beings, not because he wants to rely on these extraordinary people to achieve his goals. It doesn't matter what the agent or the law is... In the final analysis, maybe it's just because of one thing——"

"...what is it?"

Lin Heng's gaze suddenly became extremely indifferent:
"...just because He wants to have some fun."

As soon as this sentence came out, even Jiang Chaoan frowned.

"...In other words, the god may not have any foresight in himself, does he just arrange everything according to his own interests?"

"That's right—"

Lin Heng finally laughed, but it was a weak and wry smile.

"—Maybe for the gods, everything in this world is a game. Our human existence is like an ant nest. He just put a red-hot wooden stick into the ant nest out of curiosity, and looked at the things inside. The ants are just running away."

Hearing this, Jiang Chaoan also fell silent.

It took a long time before he showed the same wry smile:

"Ant nest... Isn't this kind of statement too empty?"

"After all, we have never met that god, we don't know his hobbies, we don't know his character, we don't even know his appearance - so for us, whether the god wants to use us as an experiment , or want to use us for fun, or want to build us into an ant kingdom... For humans who can't understand, it's actually the same.

"...Gods are too far away from humans."

Jiang Chaoan had a wry smile on his face for a long time, and finally, he shook his head slightly:
"-Officer Lin is indeed right."

He took a deep breath, as if he wanted to clean up his mood, and the wry smile on his face changed instantly, into a bright and bright smile:
"I've almost finished asking my questions...does Officer Lin want to ask us anything else?"

The wry smile on Lin Heng's face also disappeared.

It's as if those expressions just now were just faked by him.

Staring at Jiang Chaoan.

Not long after, he had already opened his mouth:

"Excuse me...has the country decided to cooperate with Yang Luo?"

Hearing this, Jiang Chaoan didn't have any surprises on his face, as if he already knew that Lin Heng must have asked this question immediately after he opened his mouth.

He considered for a long time, and finally replied:

"Officer Lin, do you know that a superhuman appeared in Japan recently."

"Is that the protagonist in that video?"

"That's right...According to the news we got from Japan, she was called Ito Mio, and she was just a female high school student. After she gained the ability, she killed nearly ten thousand civilians and caused thousands of soldiers to die. There was blood everywhere—but, do you know what the Japanese government did in the end?"

Jiang Chaoan stared closely at Lin Heng's eyes.

Lin Heng lowered his eyes tiredly, and he already understood a lot from Jiang Chaoan's question.

"So... the Japanese government finally chose to cooperate with that girl?"

Jiang Chaoan nodded with a serious face:
"It's not just about cooperation... It's about putting her on the altar. The Japanese Prime Minister is going to make her a god in the new era of Japan and an object of belief in the world. He also wants to rely on her ability to shake the world situation and let Japan get away from America. The subordinates are independent.

"If they succeed...then although Ito Mio killed tens of thousands of people, the changes and progress she brought to Japan afterward cannot be achieved even at the expense of millions or even tens of millions of lives. This is It is the existence value of extraordinary beings, their power can bring about fundamental changes in this world!

"...In today's world, apart from Ito Mio, as far as we know, there are only two superhumans who can be identified—one is Yang Luo, and the other is you. In front of you, if you can integrate the power of the superhuman one day earlier and study the results related to the supernatural power, you will be able to take the lead one step earlier. Police officer Lin, not only Yang Luo... but also you, are opportunities for the country. Some things... …you need to focus on the bigger picture.”

At the end, Jiang Chaoan's head lowered slightly, as if he was pleading.

Lin Heng's face remained expressionless.

After a long time, he finally spoke:

"……I see.

"But...can you let me meet Yang Luo?"

This sentence made Jiang Chaoan raise his head suddenly.

He seemed to be making a difficult decision in his mind. After a while, he nodded slightly, neither affirming nor denying:

"Please wait a moment...Officer Lin, I need to ask for instructions on this matter."

 This chapter is a bit late.two more chapters tonight
(End of this chapter)

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