Chapter 98 Compensation
The Eighth Office, like the Ninth Office, is a subordinate organization of that secret department.

In the past ten years, because of the outstanding achievements of the Ninth Division and the leadership of Jiang Chaoan, who is thoughtful and skilled, the Ninth Division has basically surpassed the Eighth Division and became the representative of the secret department.

And Jiang Chaoan himself was almost unanimously recognized as the successor of the next secret department.

However, in the past two years, the situation has changed slightly.

——Because a man named Xu Jingyuan appeared in the Eighth Office in the past two years.

Although in the general direction and the accumulation of achievements, he has not reversed the general trend that the Ninth Division has overwhelmed the Eighth Division, but because of its rapid development speed and the rapid accumulation of work, it has already given the Eighth Division a vague chance to catch up with the Ninth Division. trend.

And Xu Jingyuan also has a very big advantage - that is his family background.

The Xu family is a large family of the Dragon Kingdom.

And Xu Jingyuan is the leader of the Xu family's generation, enjoying a lot of resources. Compared with Jiang Chaoan's ordinary and innocent family background, it can be said that there is a world of difference.

If it wasn't for Jiang Chaoan's superiors who were very optimistic about him, from the moment Xu Jingyuan entered the Eighth Division, with the background of the Xu family, Jiang Chaoan would have stepped aside.

However, even so, the current Xu Jingyuan has almost become a successor candidate as hot as Jiang Chaoan in the secret department.

Of course, the difference between him and Jiang Chaoan is that becoming the head of the secret department is Jiang Chaoan's upper limit.

But for him who was seven years younger than Jiang Chaoan, even the position of chief of the secret department was just a springboard to a higher position to some extent.

And the rapid development of the eight places in the past two years has also benefited a large part from Xu Jingyuan's resources.

Therefore, the moment Xu Jingyuan appeared from Yang Luo's side, Jiang Chaoan's expression changed.

"Xu Jingyuan, what do you mean?"

Xu Jingyun looked at Jiang Chaoan who was yelling at him sharply, and just smiled slightly, with the gentleness and leisure cultivated by the big family on his face:
"Director Jiang, competition produces progress, and the right to contact extraordinary people cannot be monopolized by your nine offices alone. Mr. Yang Luo wants to choose our eight offices as a contact channel, can we still object?"

"This is an action specially authorized by the Road Bureau to our Ninth Division, and with the support of Mr. Fang..."

Jiang Chaoan stared at him sharply, but Xu Jingyuan didn't care at all.

"After hearing Mr. Yang's request, I also asked Mr. Lu, and got his approval, and my old man also came out and said something-'A thing as powerful as Chaofan is more important than the atomic bomb. How can it be controlled by an organization? What about monopoly?'”

As soon as the word "monopoly" came out, Jiang Chaoan knew that he would not be able to take anyone away today.

After being silent for a while, his face returned to normal, and he smiled slightly at Xu Jingyuan.

"Director Xu is indeed right. For a matter as big as Chaofan, we will definitely not be able to deal with a single department of the Ninth Office, but Director Xu must also be careful-seeking skins from tigers, you don't know what's going on... If you are too proud, be careful to backlash itself."

"Director Jiang's warning, Xu will keep it in mind."

Xu Jingyuan nodded in response, with a calm expression on his face.


Jiang Chaoan waved his hand, and was about to leave with the others, but at this moment, Yang Luo, who had been watching the confrontation between him and Xu Jingyuan with great interest, suddenly spoke again.

"Director Jiang, wait a minute—I heard that a new transcendent has been discovered now?"

Jiang Chaoan's heart tightened, when did the Nine Offices become such a sieve?

But on his face, he just looked at Yang Luo and said "oh" calmly:
"Is there such a thing?"

But Yang Luo was not fooled by him at all, and smiled grimly:
"Director Jiang, after you go back, you can remind that little policeman that if he wants to come to me for revenge, I will accompany him at any time... However, as a 'disciple of Yanshen', I still have to pay attention to some fellowship. Will leave him with a dead body."

At this time, Jiang Chaoan has not concealed his disgust towards Yang Luo in the slightest, he said coldly:

"I see."

Then he left with the others.

And right behind him, Yang Luo stood beside Xu Jingyuan.

In the howling cold wind, he smiled grimly again, with infinite disdain on his face.


Lin Heng was sitting on the back seat of the car, crazily eating all kinds of food.

These are high-calorie foods he just bought.

Although he estimated his food intake limit as high as possible, he still didn't expect to eat so much food to barely reach the bottom line of fullness.

The car stopped and stopped, waiting for Lin Heng to get off from time to time and throw out piles of wrapping paper garbage. On the other side, the two staff members looked at him with increasingly strange and frightened eyes.

"Director Lin, you..."

Looking at their eyes, Lin Heng also showed an embarrassed smile on his face.

"Normal phenomenon, understand."

Driving in such a strange atmosphere, the car finally arrived at the destination that Lin Heng had mentioned before.

It was a funeral home.

The bus stopped outside the funeral home, and Lin Heng entered the funeral home accompanied by two staff members, but while walking, Lin Heng suddenly asked the two staff members with a somewhat embarrassed expression:

"That... my monthly salary should be quite high, right?"

"Of course, the country will definitely not treat you badly."

The entourage looked at him strangely.

Lin Heng scratched his head:

"...In that case, can I advance my salary for the past two months? I bought too much food just now..."

The escort immediately sent a call to Jiang Chaoan. Hearing Lin Heng's request on the phone, he immediately made a decision and transferred 200 million directly to Lin Heng.

"...This is your signing fee, you don't need to think about paying it back, and your monthly salary will be calculated separately."

Jiang Chaoan said to him on the phone with some humor.

"—isn't that a little too much?"

However, it was a bit deliberate to say this, so Lin Heng swallowed the words, thanked him, and then entered the funeral home, walking towards the person he was aiming at.

——It was a middle-aged woman with a face full of wind and frost, and a young man wearing glasses stood beside her. The two of them were looking at the urn in operation with red and swollen eyes.

Lin Heng walked to the side of the middle-aged woman.

His arrival alarmed the woman and the young man. Looking at him and the accompanying people around him, both of them were obviously at a loss.

"Excuse me, are you..."

The young man stood in front of his mother, with a childish look on his face as if he had just stepped out of an ivory tower:
Looking at the two of them, Lin Heng took out a bank card from his arms, with a sour voice:
"Hello, I am a staff member of the relevant department. Because this traffic explosion accident is closely related to our work mistakes, I am here to compensate the two of you—there is more than 200 million in this card, and the password is xxxxx... ..."

Hearing these words, both of them were stunned.

The two looked at each other, but they didn't move for a while, and they didn't take the card.

"Take it, both of you."

Seeing the hesitant two people, Lin Heng's escorts all urged him.

It was probably their urging and the sincere expression on Lin Heng's face that moved the woman. She stretched out her hand tremblingly and took the bank card.

Seeing them accepting the bank cards, Lin Heng put his mind to rest.

He turned his head and left here with the two escorts around him.

But just as he was about to reach the door, the young man said:

"Hey, you didn't come to send money because of some work mistakes, did you?"

Lin Heng paused, but he left the room without answering.

Behind him, the words "Thank you" that the young man said next dissipated in the wind.


After a while, Lin Heng returned to the car with an urn in his arms.

The voice of Jiang Chaoan, who has been silently listening to Lin Heng's actions, has been heard from the mobile phone brought by the staff around him:
"Officer Lin, about your girlfriend Shen Yunxi... do you need any financial assistance here?"

Lin Heng hugged the urn, even though Jiang Chaoan couldn't see what was going on here, he still shook his head:
"... Xixi is an orphan, she has no family, and she and I both came out of an orphanage.

"So now, she only has me...and I only have her."

After that, there was no more words, Lin Heng hugged the urn and looked out the window, the scenery began to change.

The black bus drove forward, and the wisps of smoke from the exhaust pipe were like the accumulated sorrow and regret.

 The update is finished, because I watched the game again at night, I have been writing until now.

  Mad is really annoying, it's really fun to play with a big lead at the beginning of the first game.

(End of this chapter)

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