Chapter 559 Framing
The national sentiment in Japan is extremely high. They have resorted to burning, looting, smashing, and killing. They originally planned to use it on East Africa. Unfortunately, they were misled by the East African Defense and Security Bureau. The East African Defense and Security Bureau immediately acted after the incident. Just evacuate, it would be a disaster if you stay where you are and get caught.


The lively Russian Embassy fell silent instantly, and everyone was stunned.

With a gunshot, the soldiers of the Russian embassy opened fire, and a Japanese thug was killed on the spot. This matter was completely unacceptable.

"You thugs, we must ask your king for an explanation. This is an insult to the great Russia!"

But before he finished speaking, the Japanese became even more angry, "The Germans killed people! The Germans killed people!" Of course, there were also people who shouted that the Russians killed people, but the momentum was not as great as the former, which completely confused the two. .

The crowd at the door of the East African Embassy, ​​mainly the group of students, was confused. They also heard gunfire and at the same time heard "The Germans killed people!" But wasn't the door of the East African Embassy not opened?How did the Germans kill people?

Of course, no one stipulates that Germans must be East Africans, and no one stipulates that Germans must stay in the embassy.

Many people heard the gunfire and went in the direction of the gunfire. Their strong curiosity drove them. Although it was potentially dangerous, it did not scare the Japanese. No one stopped them and naturally some people came to watch the fun.

The Japanese police who disappeared from the streets must be blamed here. The embassy district is also an important area, so security was very good in the past, but today the police have disappeared.

Naturally, the Japanese police did not disappear for no reason. They had been waiting for the opportunity. When gunfire rang out in the embassy area, someone knew that something was going wrong.

At this time, the Japanese police who were running around began to evacuate the crowd in the embassy area. When the police arrived, the agents of the East African Defense and Security Agency passed them by.

"The idle staff should leave immediately and don't stand outside and cause trouble!"

The crowded crowd makes it difficult for the Japanese police to enter the scene, so they must first clear out some of the people on the periphery.

At the same time, they also want to know what is happening inside the embassy area now. If East Africa beats Japanese citizens to death, that would be perfect, so that the subsequent international public opinion will be biased in Japan's favor.

Of course, these Japanese police were not yet exposed to this level, but when they were suddenly transferred in the morning, they felt that today's matter was not simple, and that the higher-ups must be trying to do something!
Under the stick education of the Japanese police, no one dared to cause trouble. When the core point of the conflict was reached, they were dumbfounded.

" this the Russian Legation?" a police officer asked uncertainly.

At this moment, the Russian legation was in a mess, with broken glass everywhere, and tables, chairs, and sofas scattered all over the place. Someone originally wanted to move them out, but they couldn't squeeze out, so they had to grab small items to make it easier to escape.The furniture was staggered here and there, the floor was covered with footprints, and even the walls were blackened by a fire set by someone unknown.

And the most important thing is that there are a group of wounded people lying in the embassy, ​​and there is also a Japanese corpse lying in the hall, with a bullet clearly piercing the chest.

"What happened here?" The Japanese policeman was a little surprised, and suddenly he realized that something was wrong!

"Quick, we can't let them escape, arrest everyone!"

"Boss, who are you arresting?"

"Of course they are the troublemakers! Now someone is dead, and they are Russians. This matter has become a big deal!"

"There were too many people just now! Unless we block the entire street here, and I'm afraid many people have already run away, we don't have enough manpower."

The Japanese policeman, who was called the leader, said with a livid face, "Let us cordon off the entire block and arrest as many as we can! If the suspect runs away, you will be responsible for anything that happens."

"I can't afford it."

"Then why don't you go and arrest someone?" He said and kicked his subordinate's butt.


At this time, a Russian got up from the ground. Seeing that the Japanese police had dispersed the danger, he stood up and said, "Who is in charge!"

The little devil who just showed off his power to his younger brother quickly stepped forward to apologize and said with a smile: "That's right."

"Who are you?" "Edo City Roppongi Police Chief Aizano Sasa."

When he heard that it was the police chief, the Russian slapped Aizano directly on the left side of his face and cursed angrily: "You bastards, why don't you help Minister Chersevsky quickly? If something happens to the Minister, then you have Don’t even think about it, even one person!”

After being slapped, Xiang Tianzuo dared not speak out in anger, and said humbly: "We have neglected our duty, I'm sorry, Your Excellency!"

As a result, he received another slap.

"I asked you to save people, not to apologize. Minister Chersevsky was hit by thugs just now. He is still in a coma. Find him quickly and send him to the hospital!"


Ignoring the swelling and pain on his face, Aizano Zuo slowly directed his men to rescue Chersvsky.

"Still breathing, okay, okay."

"Sergeant, there are too many people outside. I'm afraid it's difficult to send him to the hospital."

Aang Tianzuo said with a dark face: "Your Excellency the Minister's life is the most important thing now. Even if the crowd is crowded into rice balls, they still have to squeeze out a way for me. Anyone who is in the way will be beaten hard by me!"


After most of the day's work, the Japanese police gathered most of the police forces in Edo and arrested more than 5 people at the scene. Prisons and detention centers were overcrowded.

The senior police officials looked so gloomy that they could squeeze out water.

"Bagayalu, why didn't the East African embassy do nothing, but instead rushed into the Russian embassy? Can't these idiots not be able to distinguish the national flags? I have never seen the East African flag, so I should know the Russian flag, right?"

The subordinates did not dare to speak and listened to the lectures given by the chief of the Edo Police Department.

"How is Minister Chersevsky doing now?"

"It's nothing serious. I just got hit a few times, stepped on a few times, and got a few bruises on my face."

Bang, a crisp slap sounded.

"Asshole, if Minister Chersevsky is killed, then none of the fools here, including me, can escape punishment. Moreover, Minister Chersevsky was injured on the face. This matter is already very serious. Diplomatic accident!”

"Chief, I don't think our police department should be blamed for this matter. This time we did not cause it because of negligence of duty, but because of the requirements of the military and the government. We arrived at the scene too late, so the blame should not be placed on our police department. bear."

"Hmph, you think I don't know? The problem is that from the moment they broke into the Russian embassy, ​​we were involved in the blame."

Speaking of this, the chief of the Edo Police Department was also furious. The order was issued by a superior, but he knew that he was likely to take the blame, because the Russians would definitely cause trouble for the Edo police. After all, the police were responsible for maintaining security in the embassy area. The Japanese government is just trying to show its support, but it also wants to use itself as the first person responsible to set an example.

"This group of damn students have failed more than accomplished anything. They can't even tell the difference between East Africa and Tsarist Russia. Well, you should find the 'murderer' quickly, otherwise..."

"Captain, the scene was too chaotic at that time. It was impossible to find the murderer. Even if we could find the murderer, it would probably take a long time. At that time, it would be enough for the Russian government to launch an attack!"

"If there is no murderer, then the person who took the lead in making trouble will be charged. Even if they are not the murderer, they are now!"

"But, Sheriff, the leader this time is Edo No. [-] Boys' High School, where students are either rich or noble..."

"I don't care. Someone has to share our pressure on this matter. These powerful children are just right, so look for more. It is said that the law does not punish everyone."

This was a blatant frame-up, but the chief of the Edo Police Department felt at ease. If he was responsible for it all by himself, he might really become a scapegoat. If he hired more powerful men, things would be much easier to handle.

(End of this chapter)

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