Chapter 850 Immigrants
1892 6 Month 12 Day.

Far Eastern Empire, Jiaozhou.

As time went by, Jiaozhou became more prosperous than before. As the most important trading port in East Africa, Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the Far Eastern Empire, Jiaozhou's development was no worse than several coastal trading ports in the south.

Jiaozhou's permanent population has exceeded 400,000, ranking among the top cities in the north and becoming the north's economic window to the outside world.

The Jiaozhou area is already very developed and prosperous, and it ranks first in the north in terms of industry. Most of the industries are invested by East, Germany, and Austria. There are also businessmen from other countries gathering here. Of course, there are also agents from a certain ambitious country in Jiaozhou. Activities, it can be said that the bustling Jiaozhou has been coveted.

Of course, the Germans in the Jiaozhou area are relatively powerful. After all, there are three great powers as the background. Even countries such as Britain and France cannot do whatever they want here, so the ambitions of a small Pacific island country can only be restrained.

After a large African country released a batch of immigration quotas, it received a positive response. Less than an hour after the notice was posted, a long queue formed in front of the East African Consulate in Jiaozhou.

It is different from the past. In the past, East Africa used all means, including coaxing and deception, to get immigrants. Now, East Africa itself can attract many people to willingly develop in East Africa.

"The immigration environment at that time was very different from today! Let's take the ships heading to East Africa. The interior space was small and the space as big as a palm was packed with people. It was a little better than the slave ships of earlier years. ”

Wang Defeng stood in the queue and recalled the scene of immigrating to Africa. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Back then, he was only fourteen years old. In order to get a boat ticket, he lied about his age and finally went to East Africa. This was his most correct decision. .

Naturally, Wang Defeng's younger brother and his family couldn't understand German, so they looked at Wang Defeng nervously.

I saw a "pale"-looking staff member sitting on a chair and said directly: "IDs!"

As an East African citizen, Wang Defeng still has some privileges. For example, his team is actually a fast track.

During the conversation, the door of the consulate opened, and the staff began to check the list. People talked excitedly, with expectations for a new life shining in their eyes.

Wang Defeng's East African name is Dave Wang, but now he naturally uses his real name in the Far East Empire. This time he came to the Far East Empire in the hope of bringing his family to East Africa to live a good life.

Now, he took his whole family, mainly his younger brother's family, on the ship back home.

Now that East Africa has released a number of places for people to return home to visit relatives, he took advantage of this opportunity to return to the Far Eastern Empire, the homeland where he was born and raised.

Wang Defeng smiled and then recalled: "Isn't that right? At that time, everyone had to go to East Africa to develop in order to survive. Many people themselves were quite skeptical about the situation in East Africa, and after arriving in Africa, it was indeed different from the propaganda. The gap is small, it is much better now, the country is developing better and better, and I also have the opportunity to come back. Once the visa is over, our family will go to East Africa to apply for naturalization. The Kingdom has just conquered a large territory, and it is the time when there is a shortage of people. You have far more development prospects in East Africa than here."

The little nephew next to him asked curiously: "Uncle, I heard you say that the conditions for going to East Africa were very difficult in the past?"

Wang Defeng took out his ID card and said to the staff member: "Mr. Wilson, I am returning to China to visit my relatives this time. I also hope that my family here can live with me in East Africa."

After briefly checking Wang Defeng's ID, Wilson returned it to him. After all, he could speak fluent East African German, so there was no doubt about his identity.

However, he still reminded: "Mr. Dave Wang, of course you can bring your family, but you have to sign a guarantee. After all, the procedures are strict now, and we are afraid that someone will take advantage of the loopholes." Wang Defeng responded: "Of course, there is no problem. This is my brother’s family. They are all honest farmers and I can guarantee that they will not cause any trouble to the kingdom.”

Wilson nodded and said: "Okay, you are a soldier worthy of respect. I believe you, then go inside to complete the formalities. Once it is implemented, there will be no chance of regret."

Wilson said this not because he was afraid of people running away, but because he was afraid of wasting time. After all, the transportation capacity is still relatively tight now.

East African immigration in the Far East has been shrinking in recent years, so many immigrant ships have been converted into merchant ships. A sudden increase in the number of immigrants is somewhat inadequate.

Wang Defeng took his younger brother and his family to the consulate compound, and then followed the signs to find the place where visas are issued.

After a simple physical examination and identity confirmation, the family successfully obtained a visa to East Africa, which was also the ticket to board the ship.

"You have to wait until you get to your home country to get naturalized. The consulate doesn't have the relevant authority. But I'm afraid we'll have to separate when we get to East Africa. Your family will most likely go to Mozambique or Angola, or even Orange. But don't worry too much. If you have any questions, contact me by letter or telegram. You must remember my address and name."

Wang Defeng's younger brother Wang Desen nodded and said: "Brother, we have been mentally prepared for this for a long time. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid we wouldn't even have a chance to go to East Africa."

The immigration threshold in East Africa is so high now that it is difficult for ordinary people without special skills to obtain a visa, especially farmers like Wang Desen.

After all, growing crops in the Far East is different from that in East Africa. The climate and environment in East Africa are completely different. It took a long time for East Africa to develop a systematic, comprehensive and accurate farming experience.

Only with the recommendation of Wang Defeng, an East African citizen, did the Wang Desen family have this opportunity. This is also the privilege of people returning home to visit relatives, or the privilege of East African citizens.

Wang Desen held the visa in his hand tightly and secretly vowed in his heart: He must work hard and live in the new land to live up to his brother's expectations.

Wang Defeng: "Of course, going to East Africa is just the first step. In fact, I don't know how the government will arrange it. But based on my previous experience, you will gradually get used to it, including language, habits, etc., and the government will teach you step by step. Children like Shuanzi still have the opportunity to study. When Shuanzi understands it in school, it will definitely help you integrate into East Africa faster. "

Wang Desen was not very surprised by what Wang Defeng said, because his brother had already told him the general situation before.

To be honest, it would have been nice if my parents could have taken the two brothers to East Africa together, instead of having to be separated from my eldest brother even if the family went to East Africa now.

I heard that my eldest brother had given birth to six children, all of whom were healthy. I also wanted to see my little nephews, but unfortunately I might not have the chance to see them again in a short time after going to East Africa.

Wang Defeng said with relief: "Well, I'm actually overthinking what I said. I won't know the specific situation until I arrive in East Africa. Maybe I can settle in with you first. My vacation is not over yet, and it will take some time before I can return to East Africa. , maybe I can follow you to the place to take a look."

After all, Wang Defeng is a fighting hero. Only those who have made meritorious service to East Africa can get the quota to return home. So he still has some connections in East Africa, but his connections are mainly in the army. Now he has actually retired. I just don’t know if he can do it. Makes sense.

(End of this chapter)

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