African Entrepreneurship Records 2

Chapter 874 Promoting the Immigration Place

Chapter 874 Promoting the Immigration Place

Time flies to 1894. In the past three years, East Africa's development of Mozambique and Angola has been quite effective. Mozambique alone has a population of 273 million people, and it is not as desolate as before.

In addition to the continuous expansion of the native population into inland and remote areas, the foreign immigrant population has also reached a small climax in the past three years, but it is still not comparable to the scale of immigration in the previous thirty years.

Moreover, the main foreign immigrants this time are Italians and Chinese, making it more difficult to recruit people in the German region.

One is the rapid economic development of German countries such as Germany and Austria. In the past few years, no German country in the world has developed poorly, including the royal territory of Sigmaringen, with Chad as the core, carrying out colonial expansion. Although the conditions are poor, But it has a vast territory, sparsely populated areas, abundant resources, and considerable development.

Of course, absorbing foreign immigrants is only a temporary measure to provide conditions for the rapid development of Mozambique, Angola, Orange and other places. The native population of East Africa is growing rapidly. Without the help of foreign immigrant groups, it will only take two to three years. East Africa can still Developed Mozambique and Angola to the extent they are today.

The westward expansion movement of the United States and the westward expansion movement of East Africa started almost at the same time. It is carefully estimated that the United States would have left East Africa more than ten years earlier. By the 1990s, the United States had basically ended it, while East Africa's development of Angola had only entered its initial stage. In addition to other There are still a lot of areas in the north and south of East Africa that need to be developed urgently.

Moreover, East Africa’s conquest of the African interior was promoted simultaneously with large-scale wars, and the expansion of American territory had been completed long before the 19s.

In the 19s, Oregon, California, New Mexico, Texas and other places were incorporated into the United States. The Mississippi River Basin, including the eastern part, except for the Florida area, was incorporated into the United States at the beginning of the 19th century.

Judging from these areas that were later incorporated into the U.S. territory, the U.S. actually finalized its overall territory only fifty years earlier than East Africa. The development of the central and eastern regions of East Africa started almost at the same time as the U.S.'s westward expansion.

"Sir, you can't ignore us in East Africa! We all responded to the previous call and traveled thousands of miles to join you. We sold all our belongings just for a ticket to go abroad. If we don't go to East Africa, we will have to sleep in the open. The streets."

As East Africa closes immigration routes, many people arriving upon hearing the news are disappointed.

Those who immigrated to East Africa can get in touch with relatives in their home country through telegrams, letters, etc., and some can even go abroad to visit relatives.



The crowd outside the consulate protested. There was nothing that could be done about it. The reputation East Africa had accumulated over the past few decades had spread to the interior of the Far Eastern Empire, especially the postal system of the Far Eastern Empire as East Africa opened up its relations with Germany. after.

After the westward expansion of the United States ended, the development of East Africa's territory reached its climax. The only change is that East Africa no longer relies on foreign immigrants to develop domestic areas. The current foreign immigrants can only be regarded as the icing on the cake for the development of East Africa.

In fact, this was also the case. After Mozambique and Angola began to take shape, East Africa once again tightened the scale of immigration in 1893. As for the immigrants who did not catch the last train, East Africa directly used resources to transport them to Sigmaringen, Cameroon, Belgian Congo and other regions.

"This year East Africa will no longer wholesale visas on a large scale. If you want to immigrate to East Africa on a large scale, you can only strictly follow the rules."

This makes the situation in East Africa more realistic. The living conditions in East Africa are only considered to be in the middle and upper reaches of the world. But when compared with the fashionable and relatively poor Far Eastern Empire, it is indeed a blessed land. The same conditions are similar in Europe. Not so appealing.

Now European immigrants can choose to go to the United States, to Argentina, and finally to East Africa. There are also countries with colonies, and locals can choose their own colonies first.

Of course, these cannot change the enthusiasm of immigrants from the Far Eastern Empire to East Africa. The most important thing is that East Africa itself has a large number of Chinese immigrants, and it is not as xenophobic as the United States and Argentina. This can also explain why the Japanese are keen to immigrate to Brazil. Brazil is more tolerant in terms of population policy than East Africa, and people of all skin colors can be found, while East Africa is too unfriendly to black people.

"Quiet, this is the consulate, not a place for you to make trouble and quarrel. East Africa's immigration policy is naturally based on the country's development needs. I also know that some people yearn for East Africa, but you are a step late after all. If you could have come two days earlier, I'm afraid That’s not the case either.”

"But some people don't need to worry. Our demand for high-quality talents in East Africa remains unchanged. Those who are interested can take the exam organized by us. Of course, this is difficult."

"Of course, you can't go to East Africa. You can also choose countries around East Africa. It mainly depends on whether you can accept it. If you are interested, we can directly issue you a visa for the royal territory of Sigmaringen."

The immigration channel of the Royal Territory of Sigmaringen in the Far East has always been managed by East Africa, so East Africa can directly issue Sigmaringen visas. This is the same as Haiti, except that East Africa and Haiti are the product of cooperation for the slave trade.

"Where is Sigmaringen? What are the conditions like?"

Everyone knows a lot about East Africa, but Sigmaringen is a completely unfamiliar name.

The staff of the consulate did not hide anything and told the true situation of the royal territory of Sigmaringen in detail.

"There is also a desert! How can that place be better? Lack of water is a big problem..."

"Ahem, don't underestimate the royal territory of Sigmalingen. Although the environment is a little worse, it has a small population and less competitive pressure, and the territory is large enough. It is larger than the three or four provinces of your Far Eastern Empire. Let's just say Shandong is not small in your opinion! Sigmalingen is as big as eight Shandongs, and water shortage is only in some areas. There are many rivers and lakes around it! Uninhabited.”

"Furthermore, there is another advantage of the royal territory of Sigmaringen, that is, you have a large number of Chinese people. There are hundreds of thousands of people there, but they are all your fellow countrymen, so it is definitely better to develop in Sigmaringen than in places such as the United States. At least you don’t need to be a second-class citizen. What a second-class citizen is, that is, you are not treated as one of our own.”

Of course, despite the explanations of the East African staff, no one dared to make an easy decision. After all, in the royal territory of Sigmaringen, the complexity of the name alone caused the death of many people's brain cells.

There are two names for East Africa in the Far East. East Africa and Hechingen do not have more than three words, but the royal family of Sigmaringen is too complicated.

At this time, the consulate staff directly said: "Of course you can hesitate and think carefully. After all, traveling to a place thousands of miles away is an important decision, but it is better to go earlier. Just like the recruitment of people in East Africa in the past, there was no limit. Yes, but it’s hard to find a certificate now.”

"Not to mention too many, Sigmalingen still needs at least one million places. Don't think too much. In fact, it will only take a few years. In a few years, I am afraid that the quota will be like ours in East Africa."

Sure enough, under the urging of this "scarcity", many people gritted their teeth and chose to board the ship first. As for whether it was a "thief ship", it was too late to consider it anyway. After all, there was nothing to lose.

East Africa helps sell tickets for the royal territory of Sigmaringen, which is needed for cooperation between the two countries, and the immigrant groups from the Far East Empire can also choose to go to German Cameroon, Togoland or the Belgian colony.

Of course, East Africa will definitely not recommend them to go to the Belgian colony, although because of East Africa, the Belgian government is a little "merciful" to the Chinese immigrants in the Congo, that is, the status of black Americans.

Moreover, both Belgium and Germany have embassies in the Far Eastern Empire. East Africa must not interfere casually in matters such as immigration.

(End of this chapter)

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