African Entrepreneurship Records 2

Chapter 889 The War in the Far East

Chapter 889 The War in the Far East
So Bales could only write down all the crown prince's requests, and then go back to discuss it with everyone. After all, one person is short-sighted, and if he has a headache, it will be a headache for everyone. He cannot suffer alone.

So after finalizing the specific location in the Rhine City, the main task of Bales and his team shifted to urban planning and design, and finally built a building of moderate scale, alternating old and new cultures, rich in pyrotechnics, and at the same time, the overall structure was regular and the zoning was reasonable. , a new city that meets the positioning of the capital as a political, cultural and diplomatic center and also has some economic and transportation functions.

Of course, Ernst, the client, is not too worried about the construction of the Rhine City. After all, even if a new capital is to be built in East Africa, it will take time. During this period, various problems can be corrected. After all, the Rhine City is a high-rise building built on the ground. It can also be overthrown and rebuilt, and the location of Rhine City means that he will not encounter too many problems, at most he will encounter some minor troubles.


"Your Highness, just yesterday, the Far East Government applied to our country to mediate the dispute over the interests of the Korean Peninsula between it and Japan."

The East African Foreign Minister urgently took the telegram from the East African embassy in the Far Eastern Empire to the Swet Palace to report to Ernst.

What was supposed to come has come, Ernst thought to himself, while holding the telegram and reading it carefully.

On July 6, after the Far Eastern Empire failed to seek help from the British government, the Far Eastern Empire had to place its hopes on other major powers such as Germany, the United States, and East Africa.

Previously, a large-scale peasant uprising occurred in North Korea, and the Japanese government took advantage of this to send troops to North Korea, triggering a new round of political crisis in the Far East.

The last crisis in the Far East was Japan's invasion of the Ryukyu Kingdom, which ended with East Africa's intervention and the separation of the Southern Ryukyu Islands.

For various reasons, East Africa always wants to cause trouble to Japan, but this is limited to this. After all, the Far East is too far away from East Africa. Although East Africa has two fulcrums, the Southern Ryukyu Islands and the Northern Hawaiian Kingdom, they are limited to maintaining East Africa's power. interests in the Far East.

After a while, after making sure that Ernst had read the telegram, Hermann asked: "His Royal Highness, do we want to accept the request of the Far Eastern Empire?"

Moreover, with the end of the South African War, the status of East African countries has significantly improved, so this time the Far Eastern Empire is obviously regarded as a great power in East Africa.

Moreover, Japan actually has the support of the United Kingdom and the United States behind it. One is to restrain the expansion of Tsarist Russia in the Far East, and the other is to further open up the Far East market. Therefore, East Africa cannot prevent the outbreak of this war at all.

Ernst frowned and said: "Of course, after all, we have had some unpleasantness with Japan. So far, Japan is reluctant to leave the Southern Ryukyu Islands. Last time, it was quite resentful of our occupation of the Northern Hawaiian Kingdom. And according to the intelligence department, According to the news, Japan has been carrying out espionage activities in Jiaozhou, and Jiaozhou is well known to be our East African interests in the Far East. It can be seen that Japan has always been a great threat to us in East Africa, so of course we must find some for the Japanese when necessary. trouble."

Ernst had a clear understanding of this, so he said to Hermann: "Show our attitude to the two countries. East Africa opposes the turmoil in the Far East. At the same time, we must win over Germany and Austria-Hungary to oppose us in public opinion." After all, if the war occurs in the northern seas, it will inevitably affect the interests of our three countries. Britain and the United States will not be so kind to help Japan. "

Therefore, under Ernst's instructions, Hermann expressed the attitude of the East African government to Richard, the ambassador to the Far Eastern Empire.

Of course, the end result was naturally fruitless. Although East Africa firmly opposed it, it also affected the attitudes of Germany and Austria to a certain extent. However, the three countries could not directly threaten Japan. After all, the most powerful of the three countries in the Far East was East Africa, and East Africa The so-called Pacific Fleet's strength is simply insignificant in the Far East. It was also divided into two parts due to the new annexation of the Kingdom of Northern Hawaii, and it was unable to influence the situation in the Far East.

Naturally, East Africa could not give up. Three days later, on July 10, the East African government signed a number of military agreements with the Far Eastern Empire. Of course, the main one was an arms sales agreement, including more than 70,000 items from the last South African War. Later, the British-Portuguese equipment seized by the East African Army, as well as the naval warships that had already signed an agreement and were undergoing maintenance at the East African shipyard, were quickly delivered to the Far Eastern Empire government. This was hardware support for the Far Eastern Empire. In addition, East Africa and the public opinion organizations affiliated with the Hechingen Consortium also responded, and a large number of reporters poured into the Far East to report on the war in real time.

This is a very necessary move, because in the previous life, during the war between the Far Eastern Empire and Japan, public opinion in the Far East was unfavorable, just like the evil deeds of the Jews in the previous life were covered up in the Western world.

The Japanese massacre in Port Arthur was automatically ignored by Britain and the United States. In particular, American public opinion completely sided with Japan and called the war a victory of "civilization" over ignorance.

It can be seen that the United States' partiality towards Jews in the 21st century is entirely a traditional art and is essentially synonymous with "evil".

The public opinion organizations in East Africa can only influence the country, but the news newspaper consortium under the Hechingen Consortium is very different. It covers Germany, Austria, France, Russia and other European countries. Although it is not mainstream in some countries, it is quite popular. Influential.

Under the deterrent force of public opinion, Japan cannot ignore the international impact. It would be great if it could prevent some tragedies from happening.

After all, even a colonial country in East Africa has not blatantly carried out purposeful massacres of black people.

It is worth mentioning that with the development of technology in East Africa, today’s news organizations affiliated with the East Africa and Hechingen Consortium have also changed their guns. Some reporters are equipped with portable film cameras, and the three major international giants that produce portable cameras are respectively They are the American Kodak Company, the state-owned Mbeya Optical Factory in East Africa, and the Pffis Company, a subsidiary of the Hechingen Consortium.

Pfisse is a company invested by the Hechingen Consortium and is mainly responsible for business in the European market. It is headquartered in Berlin, while the Mbeya Optical Factory in East Africa is a semi-military enterprise in East Africa.

With the support of new technologies, the public opinion institutions controlled by East Africa can better "monitor" the development situation of the Far East war.

In addition to these supports, East Africa has achieved some diplomatic results. At the insistence of East Africa, Tsarist Russia, Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the scope of this war can only occur on the Korean Peninsula, bounded by the "Two Rivers" on the border. Both sides in the land war are not allowed to use force on this front line.

Although Tsarist Russia did not have "good intentions", it also caused some changes in the international attitude towards the war.

As for the sea, that's another story. With Ernst's deliberate strengthening, if the Far Eastern Empire Navy can still lose the war, it means that the government is incompetent and no one can save it.

Subsequently, the war between the Far Eastern Empire and Japan finally broke out in late July. Although Japan was weak, due to the gambler's mentality, the connivance and support from the United Kingdom and the United States, and the development of militarism, the national strength could not support its exaggeration. The army, especially the navy, has to spend more money, so it is necessary to use "North Korea" to restore blood.

As for the troublemaker in East Africa... I really can't afford to offend it for the time being. All in all, it is better to get North Korea first. This is the Japanese government's most determined point.

(End of this chapter)

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