Starting from selling lunch boxes at the construction site

Chapter 214 Do you want to do something big?

Chapter 214 Do you want to do something big?
Lu Haiyu accidentally saw the topic of [Hell Braised Meals] while surfing the sea, and he was aroused by the topic to learn more about it, and finally found the account of the owner [Xu's Catering] .

When he found this account, it happened to be the last day to participate in the activity of giving away lo mei by commenting and liking.

He couldn't surpass those accounts that had been accumulated for more than two days in one day, but he resorted to the trick of "money is everything" and hired data migrant workers to refresh his data.

This decision was very wise, and in the end, two of the three comments he provided won the prizes steadily.This time, the European spirit exploded, and the remaining one was actually drawn by the system!In other words, he can get three packs of braised vegetables from Xu's Braised Meat Shop!
Almost on the night when the results came out, he received a message from [Xu's Catering], reminding him that the prize had been sent.

From the moment he saw the news, he was full of anticipation.I don't know, among these three lo-mei, is there any hell-flavored lo-mei that I have been thinking about!
However, this good mood only lasted for a day. After get off work and dinner, I came home lazily and wanted to surf my phone and surf the waves to relax.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I turned on the phone, I saw the overwhelming topic of [Food Safety Issues]. When I clicked on it, my eyes went dark. The merchant who had the accident was actually [Xu's Catering]!
I kept looking for all kinds of relevant information on the Internet, and finally pieced together the complete picture of the matter.

Law enforcement officers came to the door, food samples were taken, and all businesses were closed before the inspection results came out. A conclusion can be drawn that the probability of accidents in Xu's catering has reached [-]%!

This made him furious. He had spent real money to get the prizes of the lucky draw!Now the prizes are on the way, after receiving them, should I eat it or not?I'm sorry for the money I spent if I don't eat, and I'm sorry for my body if I eat it!
The more he thought about it, the more unhappy he became. He found the [Xu's Catering] account from the attention column, and started to output crazily under the blog post that announced the results yesterday.

'Unscrupulous business!Regardless of the health of the public, close down quickly! '

"The embarrassment has been thrown to the whole country. Haishi is really ashamed of you for having a company like you!" '

'Liar, lose money! '


After sending more than ten messages in a row, the system detected that he posted too many comments in a short period of time, and finally stopped when he was not allowed to post. I felt a little calmer, and finally had the mood to read the comments under this blog post. other comments.

Hold down the screen with your finger and pull down, the page is refreshed quickly, and brand new content appears in Lu Haiyu's eyes.To his surprise, he was not the only one who broke the defense. Almost all the participants in the activity who were sincerely and frantically soliciting the help of relatives and friends before broke the defense. Among the first ten comments, eight and a half said they were scolding.

This made him feel very happy. As long as I am not the only unlucky person, he will feel that he is not so unlucky.

Hey, it's like spending money to buy a lesson.

Just when he was about to exit the page, a message reminder box suddenly appeared at the top of the screen.

'The [Xu's Catering] you follow has released new updates, come and grab the front row! '

yo!The Lord actually dared to stand up, could it be that he wanted to save his lost reputation by apologizing and guaranteeing?

Don't even think about it, just watch how I spray you into autism!Spraying will have a psychological shadow for the rest of your life!

It took Lu Haiyu a second to scan the blog post published by [Xu's Catering]. Just as he was about to start spraying, his fingers fell on the keyboard, but the keywords in this one-sentence blog post suddenly appeared in his brain ——Hundred times compensation!
He stopped in disbelief, and read this simple blog post almost word for word.

'If the inspection results prove that there are food safety problems in the stores under Xu's Catering, you can get a hundred times the compensation with the consumption receipt! '

There is also a picture accompanying this blog post. The text on the picture is exactly the same as the content of the blog post. The point is that it is actually stamped with an official seal!And the owner's autograph!
real or fake?Stop bragging!

Although he was skeptical in his heart, his desire to spray Xu's Catering to death was slightly reduced, and he felt a little regretful. He was not in Haishi, but he had never consumed in a store under Xu's Catering.Even if the boss does what he says, he won't get any compensation!

He stopped trolling and chose to refresh the page to see what other netizens thought of this blog post.

'It feels like it's true. The official seal will have legal effect. How big is Xu's restaurant, can it afford compensation?If I can't afford it, will it be enforced? '

'How dare you say such words as a hundred times compensation, how do you feel that the family has been maliciously reported? '

'Damn, I haven't spent in Xu's restaurant, but I got their lo mei in the lottery, can this count as money? '

When Lu Haiyu saw the third comment, his eyes lit up!
That's right, although I haven't spent in Xu's restaurant, I have won a lottery!Even if the product received is the lowest-priced vegetarian stewed dish in Xu's Lo-Mei Shop, it will still be two five yuan, a hundred times that is two hundred and fifty!

The money I got for someone to swipe the data by myself will come back now, and I can earn more than 100 for nothing, so I can go to have a big meal!

So, he clicked into this comment, and together with other netizens, made this comment a popular comment
In the office on the second floor of the No. [-] store of Xu's Fast Food Restaurant.

Xu An, Lu Ziyue, and Gu Jiayi, who just joined the job today, stood behind Tang Wen holding their breath, staring at the computer screen intently. The only sound in the whole office was the 'click' sound when Tang Wen manipulated the mouse.
“[Hundred times compensation] entry has 4.7W page views and 4300 discussions; [Food Safety Issues] entry has 5.2W page views and 7300 discussions”

Tang Wen muttered something, flicked the mouse lightly, and the page on the screen quickly switched back to the [Xu's Catering] account.

"Blog post readings 9.8K! Reposted 2.6W! Likes 1.2W! Comments 8900!" Tang Wen turned to look at Xu An, and said in a trembling voice: "Boss, the drainage is successful, and the data of [Food Safety Issue] entry has increased. Slow down, [[-] times compensation] and the data of our newly released blog posts are rising rapidly!"


Hearing this, Xu An's eyes flickered quickly.

This time it was really a fight to the death. When this kind of thing suddenly happened to Xu’s Braised Meat Shop, Xu An was thinking in his mind that he must shift the topic away from [Food Safety Issues], so he said [Hundred times in a hurry] compensation】.

The topic was indeed diverted from [Food Safety Issues], but Xu An fell into a new crisis.

Although he can be sure that everything from purchasing materials to cooking is in compliance with the law, but thinking that the report came so suddenly, what if the opponent is already prepared to bribe the store staff to do something small?Or, they directly bribed the relevant personnel?
Just as Xu An was thinking about it, Tang Wen's voice sounded: "Boss, the most popular comment on our blog is that netizens ask if the prizes won are considered money, and can they be compensated?"


Xu An felt that he seemed to have captured an inspiration and grasped a key rope.

"Compensation, as long as the packaging is intact and unopened, we will pay according to the store price!" Although Xu An was full of thoughts, his face was calm: "This is the first time our store has been in business for so long. This crisis, this is the first but it will definitely not be the last! In the future, as our business gets better and better, there will definitely be similar crises! Therefore, I hope everyone can work together to overcome this difficulty, Fight a beautiful turnaround!"

"It's very late now. You should get off work, rest, and recharge your batteries. We will use our best state to meet the tough battle in two days!" Xu An's voice was sonorous and powerful, making Tang Wen feel The restless beating hearts of the three calmed down a little.

The three of them hesitated for a while, and finally chose to pack up their things and go home to have a good rest, and fight again tomorrow!
Tang Wen was the last one to leave the office. The moment she stood up, Xu An stopped her. She looked at Xu An in a daze, waiting for the next sentence.

"Go back and have a good rest. When you come back tomorrow, put aside the things at hand. There will be a new task for you tomorrow." Xu An said with a smile: "Only you can do this task."

His mouth moved a few times, and finally he chose to swallow his stomach full of doubts, bid farewell to Xu An and left straight away.

Since we know tomorrow, let’s wait until tomorrow.On the way, Tang Wen took out her mobile phone, logged into the account of Xu's Catering, and continued to answer various questions from netizens.Under her guidance, the atmosphere in the comment area, which was originally full of hostility, gradually eased, and more and more people turned from anger to wait-and-see.
After everyone left the office, Xu An closed the door of the No. [-] store, went straight to the No. [-] store, took out the key and opened the door, walked to the cashier, lit up the computer screen, and recorded the video of the week. All the videos were called up, and they were watched at almost fifty times the speed.

When I was sleepy, I went to wash my face, and when I was tired, I went to drink a can of Red Bull. Just watched it at three o'clock in the morning, and finally finished all the videos of the seven days.

ha!everything is normal!There are no ghosts in my store!

All the ingredients are purchased from formal channels, and the procedures and documents are complete.If the final result is that there is a problem with the food, then it is not a problem in his own store, but a problem in the supply chain of the wholesale market in Haishi.
If there is really a problem with the supply chain, and the situation is such a big mess now, then it is not enough to push Xu's Catering out.
However, this time, there was a greater probability that someone was envious of his business and reported it.

Whether it is the owner of Jinlong fast food restaurant who wants to open a lo-mei restaurant, or the Jinxiu Hotel, which has frequently competed with his own in bidding recently, or the speedy food delivery platform that is doing well but still being suppressed by his own company, there is a possibility of reporting himself.

No matter who it is, I hope this informant can hide better, better!
Leaving her finger from the keyboard, looking at the newly typed document on the computer screen, a creepy smile slowly appeared on Xu An's extremely tired face.

Xu An took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number that had just been stored in the address book. His throat was a little dry because of getting angry, and the words he spoke were obviously so hoarse, but they fell into the ears of the person on the other end of the phone. But like the sound of nature.

"I'm Xu An, the owner of Xu's Catering, do you want to do something big?"

(End of this chapter)

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