above the galaxy

Chapter 208 A Perfect Match!

Chapter 208 A Perfect Match!

Shen Xinglan was just ignoring family affairs, not ignorant of world affairs.

In this world, there are many things that can be mastered.

Those with great wisdom can see everything clearly and clearly at a glance.

Most people are stuck in the quagmire, muddle-headed, and spend their lives in a daze.

Hearing Shen Boyu say "I'm afraid", he instantly understood what he was worried about.

The family is big and the business is big, so I am afraid.

The Shen family's industries spread all over the planet, and they also accounted for a very large proportion in the Oss Empire.

The Xinghai exploration ship and the ore ship have to pass through the military waterway of the Os Empire. If the relationship with them becomes too tense, they will directly ask the military to block the waterway or intercept their transport ship. It will not be a heavy loss. ?
Besides, the reason why the Shen family's status is so detached is that it is based on the Phoenix and maintains a proper relationship with other countries.

They won't make the mistakes that Tang made back then, and they will stick to defending the Phoenix Empire, leaving no way out for themselves.

As a result, when the royal family cleared the door and raised the butcher's knife against them, there was not even a place to take refuge or escape
There were no other countries or important figures to speak for it, and they were killed completely.

If the relationship between the Shen family and the Aussie Empire is too bad, it is tantamount to cutting off their own way.

At that time, whether to round you up or beat you flat, cut off your arm or remove your leg, isn't that a matter of the royal family's words?
If you have nothing, this kind of thing is a trip to fame instead, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so what is there to be afraid of?
"I'm sorry." Shen Xinglan apologized aloud, and said, "I only cared about my own happiness, and didn't think much about the family. I made it difficult for Second Grandpa."

"What's so embarrassing?" Shen Boyu said with a smile: "I can understand your thoughts. Those of you who practice and break the way, don't you just care about one that suits your mind? If your mind is not clear, your heart is not smooth, and you add things out of thin air. caused countless troubles.”

"Under such circumstances, where can we improve? Where can we improve? One against six, a young sword god, and a sword against a country are all flattering words, but I am happy to hear it."

"I'm telling you this just to give you a shot. Someone is watching you behind your back and wants to use this to cause trouble and do evil to our Shen family."

"Does Second Grandpa know who it is?"

"I've sent people to investigate, but I haven't got any definite information yet." Shen Boyu said aloud: "However, the method is dirty, the attack is ruthless, and the timing is precise. The opponent is a master."

"If it's a master plan, I'm afraid I won't find any useful information. Even if I can find a thread or two, I'm afraid it's a deliberate confusion. How could they expose themselves at will?"

Shen Xinglan nodded, and asked aloud, "What are we going to do now?"

"Just focus on your own affairs, and don't be distracted by such trivial things outside." Shen Boyu said earnestly, "Leave us to deal with such confusing things. Don't think about it." This is a waste of time and energy."

"Yes, second grandpa."

"By the way, I saw that the boy surnamed Tang is as popular as you. How is it? Can he bring you so much pressure?"

Shen Xinglan was silent for a moment, then said out loud, "This person is a bit strange."

"Oh? What a strange method?"

"He obviously has nothing, but it's hard for you to ignore him. You can't help but treat him as a real opponent."

"There are more heroes than reckless emperors." Shen Boyu agreed with Shen Xinglan's words, and said aloud: "The first time I saw him, I thought this kid was as vicious as a wolf, as treacherous as a snake, and as shameless as a human." "

"Can bend and stretch, stand up, and lie down. How can such a young man be so bad?"

"What's more, he doesn't really have nothing. That girl Xiuxue is standing behind him. This is a double-edged sword. Although it is very dangerous, if it is used well, it will also have unimaginable benefits."

"Regardless of Xuanyuan Mingjing's motives for accepting him, at least on the surface, he has become the apprentice of the great master. With this status, how many people above Xinxing would dare to attack him? That's not to beat Xuanyuan. Mirror's face?"

"In addition, he won the championship of this mechanical competition, and the public voice on the Internet is also good. His fan team is special and united. It seems that he doesn't care about him at all, but he is always thinking of him. In terms of loyalty, maybe your "starlight" is not as good as his lying fei. "

"If you think about it carefully, do you find that he doesn't have nothing?"

"Besides, he came to Xinxing from the old land, and he has entered the public eye in less than a year. He has become a figure that cannot be ignored. How many people can do it?"

"Second Grandpa, I understand. I will be careful." Shen Xinglan said aloud.

"Also, do you still think that the last time the eldest prince made a fool of himself in public was poisoned by him?"

"Can't be sure, just intuition."

"That's strange." Shen Boyu said with a smile: "What is the purpose of him doing this kind of thing? Is it just because the eldest prince looked down on him? He is not the kind of person who doesn't care about the importance and regardless of the gains and losses. "

"I don't know either. Maybe there is some other hatred with the First Prince?"

"Pay attention. If you can find out the truth of this matter, it will be interesting. Just think of it as satisfying the curiosity of an old man like me."

"I will." Shen Xinglan agreed, and said aloud: "By the way, the mecha used by bandit Tang to participate in the mechanical competition this time is a new raw material provided by the Lu family. A new technological material that the royal family does not know .”

"The bandit Tang has a close relationship with the Lu family? Why did he fall into the eyes of the Lu family again?"

"I've checked. He has a close relationship with that young lady from the Lu family. It is said that they made the golden armored unicorn together."

"It is precisely because of the participation of the core members of the Lu family that they are willing to spend this money and use such precious materials."

"The Lu family." Shen Xinglan pondered for a moment, and asked, "Is there no trace of the mechanical master who was called the double wall of the empire with Tang Li back then?"

"Perhaps, the royal family wants to know where he went. Unfortunately, after so many years, no one has seen him." Shen Boyu said with a smile: "It may also be hidden by the Lu family. Don't worry about being decent, you can't send people to attack Mount Luban, right?"

"They dare not." Shen Xinglan said in a deep voice.

"Of course, they dare not. This is a matter of shaking the foundation of the country." Shen Boyu said with a smile: "Tang Li has fallen, and someone else will take his place. The Shen family can do it, the Qin family can do it, the Dongguo family can do it."

"But if the Lu family disappears, no one can replace it. This is a technical job that ordinary people can't do."

"The Aussie Empire should be very interested in receiving the Lu family and the core technology they possess."

"Which country is not greedy? This is also the reason why the royal family dare not touch the Lu family. They know that the Lu family will not run away, but they also know that if the persecution is too urgent, the method is too harsh, and the appearance is too ugly, the Lu family may really run away. The empire cannot afford such a large loss."

After a pause, he said again: "It's so far away, why are you talking about this? When will you come back? I got another box of good tea here. I will open it when you come back, and we two can enjoy it together."

"I'll be back in a few days." Shen Xinglan said out loud, "New Year's Eve is here."

"Yes, New Year's Eve is here." Shen Boyu nodded and said, "It's not easy to pass another year safely."

"Second Grandpa will live in peace for many years."

"Hahaha, that's a good relationship. Safety is a blessing. Well, let's not talk, I have to go to bed. The old man can't stay up late. You should go to bed earlier."

"Good night, Second Grandpa."

"Good night."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Xinglan sat on the sofa in a daze.

"I am being watched by others, which party is taking the opportunity to make trouble?"

"Are they targeting me or the Shen family? Or are they trying to destroy the Shen family in the name of messing with me?"

"Is it the action of the royal family? They want to create a rift between the Shen family and the Ossi Empire?"
All of a sudden, my mind was filled with confusion.

Phoenix Palace.

Zhong Tianque and Fenghuang also rushed back and were reporting to Zhong Daolong about the situation of the Tiandao exchange meeting.

Zhong Tianyi was also called back, and sat by to drink and listen.

Zhong Daolong already knew the result of the game, and now listen to Zhong Tianque's talk about what happened during the game and how he dealt with it.

Seeing the big from the small, from this competition to assess his organizational ability, decision-making ability and on-the-spot adaptability.

"Shen Xinglan won the championship of the Martial Arts Competition, which is completely reasonable. Although the Shen family likes to hide their clumsiness, Shen Xinglan's talent cannot be hidden. Under the starry sky, it is difficult for the younger generation to have rivals."

"Bandit Tang actually won the mechanical competition championship. It's beyond reason. He only came to Xinxing for a few days? How could he win the mechanical competition championship?"

"Is it because he is too strong? Or is the others too weak? What he has learned in one year is worth the hard work of other students for ten or twenty years? Should the education department reflect on this issue?"

Zhong Tianque glanced at Fenghuang, originally thinking that Fenghuang would speak for Tang bandits.

Unexpectedly, Fenghuang just drank tea with his head down, looking at his nose and heart, and had no intention of getting involved in this topic at all.

Zhong Tianque had no choice but to explain aloud: "I also asked Bandit Tang, and he said that he was very interested in mechanical knowledge when he was in the old soil. As long as he saw all the electrical appliances that could be dismantled, he would dismantle them. "

"After arriving in Xinxing, he studied mechanical skills at the First Military Academy of the Empire for half a year. Moreover, he was able to make a golden armored unicorn this time because of the help of Lu Jialu whispering. He alone does not have such great ability. of."

"One's surname is Tang, and the other's surname is Lu." Zhong Daolong's eyes were slightly stern, and a sneering smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "It's really a perfect match that complements each other."

Feng Feng, who was drinking tea with his head bowed, remembered the old case, and his heart was beating violently.

(End of this chapter)

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