above the galaxy

Chapter 211 Handle!

Chapter 211 Handle!

"Zhong Daolong wants to see my genetic test results?"

"Why does Zhong Daolong want to see my genetic test results at this time?"

"Is he suspicious of something?"

"Did he already know my identity? Know my relationship with Tang Li?"
Fenghuang's simple words set off a storm in Bandit Tang's heart.

Phoenix didn't know, but he knew his true identity.

He is the son of Tang Li, the biological flesh and blood of the former Imperial Generalissimo who was executed for treason.
If Zhong Daolong knew that he was Tang Li's son, or even had a slight similarity in the genetic sequence, they might raise their butcher's knives against themselves, and it would be in their best interest to kill them all.

However, the genetic test report can clearly present all this in front of Zhong Daolong.

There is nothing to hide.

How can this be good?

Seeing Bandit Tang's silence, Fenghuang asked suspiciously: "What's the matter? Will this embarrass you?"

"No, no." Bandit Tang quickly denied, no matter how shocked he was, he never showed any abnormality on his face, and said with a smile: "I'm just curious, why do I have to do this test all of a sudden? I've never done it before. Genetic testing."

"Living on Xinxing, everyone will have a genetic code." Fenghuang explained aloud: "When you and Xiaopang migrated here, I directly issued an order to the household registration management department through the royal family, and asked them to help you two. All the move-in procedures”

"However, the level of your genetic testing code is still vacant. This can be regarded as a supplementary procedure. It's no big deal."

"Oh. I understand when you say that." Bandit Tang nodded and asked, "Where are we going to do this genetic test? I'll do one tomorrow."

"Father entrusted this matter to eldest brother, and he will send someone to take you to do it." Fenghuang said aloud: "All major hospitals and genetic testing institutions can do it. It's very simple. Just take a drop of blood. able to produce results”

"Do you still need to trouble Your Highness for such a trivial matter? I will find a hospital to do it myself tomorrow." Tang bandit said straightforwardly: "When I get the genetic test report, just hand it over to the First Prince. In this way, the First Prince It also saves a lot of trouble.”

"I'm afraid you have to discuss this with my elder brother." Fenghuang said. "If he attaches great importance to this matter, he may take you to do it himself."

"Success, then I'll wait for news from the First Prince." Bandit Tang nodded, not paying attention at all.

"Well, you don't have to worry, it's actually not a big deal." Fenghuang said with a smile: "Father wants to read the genetic test report, just to make sure that you have nothing to do with that person."

"That person? Who is it?" Bandit Tang asked curiously.

"Tang Li." Fenghuang looked into Bandit Tang's eyes and said, "I told you about a very special person."

"Oh, it turned out to be him." Bandit Tang's heart was beating violently, but his expression remained the same, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Isn't he dead? He's been dead for decades. I'm an old man. What relationship can I have with a refugee from the soil?"

"There are quite a few bloodlines of the Tang family left in the folk." Fenghuang was unwilling to discuss this topic in depth, because it involved too many royal family secrets.

What's more, she also couldn't bear the bloody way the royal family dealt with the Tang family.
After so many years, hasn't it been killed?
"I understand." Tang Bandit nodded and said, "I would rather kill three thousand by mistake than miss one."


Seeing Fenghuang's expression and reaction, Bandit Tang knew her attitude on this matter.

Obviously, she is a "sympathizer" and does not approve of the bloody cleansing of the Tang clan.

"Isn't that a good way to describe it?" Bandit Tang said with a smile, "Then I would rather kill three hundred by mistake."

"Don't talk nonsense like this in the future." Fenghuang reminded.

"Understood. I am only lawless in front of you." Bandit Tang said: "Be cautious in front of other people."

"I know." Fenghuang nodded, she remembered Tang Bandit's respectful and careful look in front of her elder brother, he was indeed growing, and for his own sake, he was also working hard to polish his edges and corners to hide his sharpness.

Thinking of this, I feel a little sweet in my heart.

Seeing Fenghuang's drunken eyes, Bandit Tang said aloud, "Are you tired? Go and rest."

"Yeah." Fenghuang scratched Qiuqiu's curly hair irritably, and said, "I'm so sleepy, I can't open my eyes, I want to lie on the bed and sleep, but I haven't taken a shower yet."

"I can't do this kind of thing for me." Bandit Tang said.

"You're beautiful." Fenghuang gave Tang Bie a coquettish look, and said, "I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to take a bath."

"Suddenly it occurred to me that there is something very important to tell you. You can chat with us while taking a shower." Bandit Tang said with a serious expression.


Phoenix immediately turned off the video call.

Forced Fenghuang to hang up the phone, Bandit Tang immediately jumped up from the sofa.

He walked up and down the room, thinking about how to solve this problem.

Zhong Daolong suddenly wanted to see his genetic test report, which proved that he already had doubts about his identity in his heart, but it was just a question of how much he doubted.
Moreover, he also handed over such insignificant matters to Zhong Tianque.

Zhong Tianque is now following him to observe politics and study, and there are endless things to deal with every day, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a day-to-day management.

Isn't this shooting birds with laser cannons?
However, he told this matter in front of Fenghuang, and he should know that Fenghuang, a little spy, would definitely inform him.
Judging from this angle, his doubts about himself were not that deep.

If you are particularly skeptical, I am afraid that someone will cut you off directly. Once everything is over, what kind of genetic test should you check?
Is it really like what Fenghuang said, because of his outstanding performance in the mechanical competition, Zhong Daolong wants to reuse himself?
If it is the latter, this is a chance to successfully break into the royal family.

It was not enough to just hug Fenghuang's thigh, the tighter he hugged him, the more guarded he would be by the royal family.

He should change his position. From now on, he would hug Zhong Tianque's thigh during the day and hug Phoenix's thigh at night.

This is absolutely safe, and you can get what you want.

Of course, no matter which possibility it is, you must first pass the level of genetic testing.

He wants to ensure that the genetic test report has nothing to do with that person.
If it was before the old man told him the story, he might have readily agreed to do this genetic test.

He, a refugee from the old land, has nothing to do with that traitorous general?
Now that I know my identity, this genetic test is absolutely unacceptable.

If you don't do genetic testing, you will be suspected by the royal family.

After a genetic test, the relationship between him and Tang Li was confirmed.

Ask Lu Yu if everything is undecided!
This kind of thing can't be delayed because Tang Bandit doesn't know when the eldest prince will suddenly rush over to take him for a genetic test.

Or take a drop of your own blood in person
Bandit Tang immediately found the special phone number, and entered a long string of characters that Xiaopang could never remember in his life, and then dialed the old man's number.

The phone was connected instantly, and the old man asked aloud, "Is there something important to call so late?"

"Zhong Daolong wants to see my genetic test results." Bandit Tang said aloud.

The old man was taken aback, and asked aloud: "He doubts your identity? I will arrange for you to evacuate."

"It's not to that extent." Tang Bandit said aloud: "I'm not sure yet. I don't know whether he is doubting my identity or whether he wants to reuse me. If he really doubts my identity, he should use Take me away by force, not by giving advance notice like this."

"Where did you get the news?"


"Then it can't be faked." The old man said aloud: "With the Phoenix here, we will have more time to prepare. This matter is not trivial. Please tell me the whole story, and don't miss anything."

"Okay." Bandit Tang responded.

He started talking about the video call between himself and Fenghuang, and when Fenghuang suddenly mentioned this matter, he narrated the whole process of the call between him and Fenghuang.

Except that he wants to play a video to watch Phoenix take a bath.

In the heart of the old man, he has always been a strange man with a stable and noble character, and he doesn't want to destroy this impression.

After listening to the old man, he pondered for a moment and said, "It seems that they didn't seriously doubt your identity. Given the way the royal family treats Tang's direct descendants, if he really doubted you, he didn't need to do this at all. Genetic test results."

"Once the suspicion arises, a crime has already been charged. In order to allow myself to sleep comfortably at night, I simply cleared all hidden dangers."

"Perhaps, as Phoenix said, they want to eliminate all possibilities and dangers before employing people. They want to use you?"

"I think so too." Bandit Tang said aloud: "But I can't be sure. How can the mind of the superior be so easy to guess?"

"No matter what the possibility is, the first thing we have to face now is genetic testing." The old man said aloud, "We must ensure the absolute safety of your genes."

"So, I can't do the test myself? Or should I find someone to modify the genetic test results?" Tang Bandi put forward his own suggestion.

The old man shook his head and said, "No way. In this way, it will be easier to be suspected by them."

"Why?" Tang Bandit asked.

"You forgot? You had an operation at the Maritime Hospital, and they have your blood samples and test data there." The old man said aloud, "If the test results this time are different from the last time, what will they think? "

Bandit Tang's face turned pale. It turned out that he had already had a "handle" in their hands.

It's just that they haven't realized it yet.

(End of this chapter)

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