above the galaxy

Chapter 216 It’s not rebirth, it’s biological!

Chapter 216 It’s not rebirth, it’s biological!

Tang Bandit refused simply and neatly, without any delay.

A firm and decisive attitude that this matter is not negotiable.

Zhong Daolong was very relieved to hear Lao Huai, and he was also a considerate person.

He knows himself.

However, acting requires a complete set.

Prince Philip and the leaders of the Austrian Empire delegation were watching from the sidelines. Tang Bandit's refusal was really embarrassing, and it was easy to damage the relationship between the two countries.

After all, he just said that he wanted Tang Bandit to do this "little favor" for him.

Therefore, Zhong Daolong looked at Tang Bandit with an unhappy expression and asked, "Why don't you want to?"

"Your Majesty, originally I didn't know much about this new material, and I didn't know its value. At that time, I just thought that I could get a good result in the mechanical competition, win glory for Phoenix, and win glory for the Lord. , and I won’t lose my master’s face.”

"You also know that my senior brother is Shen Xinglan. He is a direct descendant of the Shen family, the head of the nine major families. He is a martial arts genius and the proud son of heaven. Compared with him, I am not even qualified to carry his shoes."

If you are a brother, come and praise me.

Tang Bandit felt that when he was with senior brother Shen Xinglan, he would have the opportunity to express his love in front of the palace, so he must say more kind words for his senior brother.

His success is his success, his honor is his own honor.

When he takes off, I hold his thigh
Let him know what a real burden is.

Sure enough, after hearing Tang Bandit's words, a kind smile appeared on Zhong Daolong's face, and he seemed to think highly of Shen Xinglan.

Zhong Daolong looked at Tang Bandit and comforted him: "Shen Xinglan is indeed excellent, but you don't need to belittle yourself. Everyone has his own destiny, and everyone has his own future. As long as you are willing to work hard, you will inevitably have a great success. Wealth and honor are waiting for you ahead."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Tang Bandit bowed his thanks and said, "I will work hard and never let down the Majesty's high expectations."

"This is very good. Young people should have the ambition to reach the clouds."

"Yes. Lord." Tang Bandit thanked him again and said: "But I also know in my heart that the distance between me and senior brother is very different. Before the Tiandao exchange meeting started, he said that he was the best in martial arts. , and sure enough he became the number one in martial arts.”

"." Philip.

What do you mean?
Before the Tiandao Conference even started, you have decided to be number one in martial arts?

Have you taken our delegation from the Ossian Empire seriously?
What made him even more uncomfortable was that Shen Xinglan succeeded.
And he used the winning method that extremely humiliated the Ossian Empire.

Because of Tang Bandit's words, Prince Philip and all the members of the Aussie delegation hated Shen Xinglan +10000000086.

To attract hatred, Tang bandit is professional.

"They are all disciples of the great master. The senior brother said he wanted to be number one in martial arts, so he won the first place in martial arts. I didn't want to embarrass the master. I just wanted to take a shortcut and see if I could win the championship in the mechanical competition."

"Although my championship is not as valuable as Senior Brother's, this is already the limit of my ability. Because I know that if we compete in martial arts, I will be far inferior to Senior Brother's opponent."

"So, I begged my classmate Lu Whisper to help me design a mechanical beast that can fight and win. Lu Whisper was of great help to me. Not only did he help me design the golden armored unicorn, but he also designed it for me at home. The new material being researched was brought to me. Without the help of the Lu family, I would not have won the championship in this mechanical competition."

Tang Bandit's gaze shifted to Prince Philip's face and he said aloud: "The reason why I am unwilling to agree to Prince Philip's request and fulfill his wish is not for myself, but for the sake of the country."

"Why did Prince Philip want to ask for a piece of this new type of material? That's because he knew that it was beyond the reach of their current technological level. I used it to make a mechanical beast, and it performed equally well, passing all levels. Apart from being nearly blown up by a member of the Ost Empire in violation of regulations, we have almost never encountered any real opponents."

"When Prince Philip gets this new material, he will definitely let his country's scientists crack it and imitate it, right? When the Ossian Empire cracks the new material, it will naturally be mass-produced. Where will they put this material? field?"

"Firearms? Battleships? Mechanical beasts? Or other weapons of mass destruction?"

"I'm new to Nova, and I don't know the relationship between our country and the Ossi Empire. But I know that competition between countries is inevitable."

"You actually slandered the friendship between the two countries in public?" Prince Philip shouted angrily. "Did you know that Aos has signed a peace agreement with Phoenix a long time ago, and the two countries must conduct all-round cooperation in various fields?"

"What if, I mean what if the relationship is really harmonious, do we still need to sign any agreement? Peace and cooperation bound by agreements will inherently have a lot of uncertainty."

"There is a dispute between the two countries. Are the targets of these powerful cannons the soldiers of our Phoenix Nation? Are they the citizens of our Phoenix Nation?"

"I am a citizen of the Phoenix Empire and I am deeply favored by the royal family. How can I do such a thing to defeat the enemy?"

"I know that if I do this, I may be able to win the trust and favor of Prince Phillip and the Ossian Empire. I will also be given some reward, covertly or covertly. I may even be awarded a very high-level medal."

Prince Philip looked at Tang Bandit with wide eyes, "You are a despicable, shameless and flattering guy with no bottom line. How can I give you trust and favor?"
Besides, when did I say I would pay you?If I did that, wouldn't I become a paid "spy"?

Can the Phoenix Empire still allow me to bring my things back safely?
As for high-level medals, that is even more unrealistic. They cannot be awarded easily.
I just want to plant a thorn between the royal family and the Lu family. What you said
Swear to God, I didn't even think about it.

"But, as I just said, I am born as a Phoenix and die as a Phoenix. I would rather disobey my superiors and be scolded and punished by the king than give our magic weapons to outsiders."


Zhong Daolong was silent for a moment, looked at Tang Bandit with a pleased expression, praised him repeatedly, and said, "Look, look, this is our young man."

"If every young person in our country can be like the Tang bandits, have such a sense of ownership, and have such a sentiment of serving the country and the people, why worry about the country not being rich and the people not being strong?"

"Tang Bandit, he came from the old land and came to Xinxing less than a year ago. He has already integrated into Phoenix and become a part of our country. He loves this country and is also protecting it."

"I remain indifferent to the financial temptations from the outside world, and I am indifferent to honors. Even an ordinary young man can think of these things. To this extent, I, the leader of the country, do not think as comprehensively as he does." "

Zhong Daolong looked at Prince Philip and said aloud: "Philip, you heard what Bandit Tang said, right? Out of etiquette and personal love for you, I do want to fulfill your little wish, but , Tang Bandit’s words touched me, I am the monarch of the Phoenix Empire and the head of this big family.”

"I cannot disregard the safety of the empire's soldiers and civilians for my own personal preferences. Therefore, I cannot give you this new material, and I have no way to give it to you. Can you understand my mood and position?"

Philip was full of anger, but he could only bow and salute Zhong Daolong and said: "The king also has his own difficulties, and I can completely understand."

"That's very good." Zhong Daolong said with a smile.

Philip did not forget the true purpose of his trip, and said with regret: "It's a pity that such a magical weapon could not appear in our Oss Empire. I believe that with the technological blessing of the Lu family, Phoenix will definitely be able to do so again." Leap forward, leaving the Aussie Empire far behind. The Lu clan can withstand a hundred thousand soldiers."

"." Zhong Daolong felt a little uncomfortable again.

The Lu clan can indeed be worth a hundred thousand soldiers.

However, the most important thing is whether they can be [-]% loyal to the royal family, use all their abilities and hidden technologies, be loyal to the royal family and serve the country.

If he and the royal family were not of the same mind, he would even secretly want to have a fight with each other.
The Lu clan is one hundred thousand enemy soldiers.

"Although I failed to obtain that new material, I still want to bring back the magic of this material and let our scientists know how big the gap is between us and the Phoenix Nation."

"The technology of the Aussie Empire has always been at the forefront of the world. I believe that you can continue to lead the development of technology and make people's lives happier."

"Aos is willing to work with Phoenix to do his best for the happiness of mankind."

Philip bowed and then took the Austrian delegation to bid farewell to Zhong Daolong.

After Prince Philip and his entourage left, Zhong Daolong looked at the Tang bandits and said, "Pull out your golden armored unicorn and let me see it. Let me see it too, but the Lu clan, who are one hundred thousand soldiers, studied Come up with something new."

"Yes, Lord." Tang Bandit agreed respectfully.

Soon, the golden-armored unicorn was led to the main hall.

Zhong Daolong looked at the golden-armored Kirin, which was so dazzling that it was difficult to look directly at it. He stepped forward and gently touched its huge body, sighing and saying: "When the Kirin comes out, all the beasts lie down. The Kirin is worthy of being the king of all beasts."

"Mighty and majestic, with the air of a king. Is this the champion of the mechanical competition? He really deserves his reputation."

"I am willing to dedicate the golden armored unicorn to the king." Tang Bandit said immediately.

"Are you really willing to give up?" Zhong Daolong looked at Tang Bandit and asked.

"What's mine belongs to the king, so feel free to take it." Tang Bandit said with a pious look.

Zhong Daolong waved his hand and said with a smile: "What do I need your golden-armored unicorn for? A sword matches a hero. In your hand, it is an invincible golden-armored unicorn. In my hand, it is a flowery pet. Sculpture. A gentleman does not take away what others love. You should keep it for yourself."

What he wants is materials and technology.

What do you need a mechanical beast for?
"Yes, I listen to the king." Tang Bandit said very shamelessly.

Zhong Daolong looked at Tang Bandit and said thoughtfully: "It seems that you have a pretty good relationship with the Lu family. We haven't seen this new material yet, but we have arranged it for you first. The Lu family treats you very well." Do you value it?"

"That's because of an agreement." Bandit Tang said.

He recounted the story of his first meeting with Lu Xiyu, how he had a grudge, how he was almost bitten by her white tiger, and how he signed the treaty with the help of his teacher.

Zhong Daolong had not expressed anything yet, but Phoenix was relieved after hearing this.

"That's it." Zhong Daolong nodded and said, "The agreement between young people shows their sincerity."

He looked at Tang Bandit and said solemnly: "What others can give you, we can also give you. Whether it is money or honor, we can give it to you."

Tang Bandit said with a look of fear: "How dare I ask for this? If it weren't for the kindness of the king, my brother and I would still be hunting wild beasts in the old land. If we can live and work in peace and contentment in Phoenix, without worrying about food and clothing, I will have Quite satisfied.”

"This is already a new gift. No matter what I do, I can't repay it. If I ask the Lord, please don't give me anything more. That would make me feel uneasy."

"Any merit must be rewarded, and any mistake must be punished." Zhong Daolong said with a smile. He looked at Zhong Tianque and said: "How about letting Tang Bandit take a position in the palace first? Wait until he comes out of Bailu Academy. I have several years of experience and it is easy to arrange.”

Zhong Tianque thought for a while and said, "How about placing him in the Imperial Guard first? First, it is easier to operate under the royal family. In addition, it will be easier to promote him when he is sent to other places in the future."

Zhong Daolong nodded, and said: "Then let's be a vice-captain of the advanced imperial guards. When he returns from his studies, we will see which department he wants to go to."

"Yes." Zhong Tianque nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, Lord." Tang Bandit said with excitement on his face.

Then he bowed to Zhong Tianque and said, "Thank you, Your Highness."

"You're welcome. You deserve this." Zhong Tianque said with an expressionless face: "The royal family will never be stingy in rewarding meritorious people."

"Yes, I will definitely do things with my heart in the future. I will never disappoint the Lord and His Royal Highness."

"Success, let Tianque handle this matter, I still have a meeting to hold."

After Zhong Daolong finished speaking, he led a group of people away in a hurry.

Tang Bandit bowed to Zhong Tianque again and said, "Thank you, Your Highness."

Zhong Tianque looked at Tang Bandit and said: "If you do things well in the future, I will definitely not treat you badly. The deputy captain of the Palace Guards is not a high-ranking officer, but this position is extremely important. You will know it later."

He patted Tang Bandit on the shoulder and whispered: "The ones who can sit in this position are all our own."

"Yes, I am one of His Highness's." Tang Bandi said respectfully, "If Your Highness has anything to say, just ask."

Zhong Tianque took a deep look at Tang Bandit and said, "Someone will take you back."

After that, he also took the people away.

Seeing that Fenghuang hadn't left yet, Tang Bandit boldly walked up to her, saluted respectfully, and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, Princess."

Phoenix raised his face and said arrogantly: "Why are you thanking me? I didn't do anything to help you."

"Without the princess, there would be no Tang bandits. The princess is actually my reborn parent."

Phoenix's pretty face turned red, and she cursed in a crisp voice: "Bah, I'm not your reincarnation."

"It's not a rebirth, it's a biological child. Are you satisfied with this?"


(End of this chapter)

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