above the galaxy

Chapter 239 Welcome to the new world!

Chapter 239 Welcome to the new world!
After listening to the old man's story, let alone saving Bai Wuxin's life, it was only natural to give him his own life.

His life was bought by countless lives, and he owed too much to others.

"Bai Shizhen is unparalleled in loyalty and righteousness, and Li Zexian is the heroine." The old man said aloud: "The couple are people I admire very much. In such an environment, it is really not easy for them to achieve such a level."

"Yes." Tang Bandit nodded, looked at the old man and asked, "So, you asked him to capture Ling Yunxiao in the first place?"

"He is the most suitable candidate." The old man said aloud: "He is new to the job and has good kung fu."

"I ran into him when I came out of the basement. It proves that he was deliberately waiting for me nearby. He wants to know what kind of person I am?" Tang Bandit looked at the old man and asked aloud.

How can there be so many chances and coincidences in the world?It's more of a deliberate effort.

"Of course he is curious." The old man nodded and said, "He also wants to know if this person is the person he is waiting for, and if this person is worthy of his help."

"Fortunately, I didn't let him down." Tang Bandi said.

Bai Wuxin didn't have the money to pay for the roasted chestnuts with sugar, so he paid two hundred star coins for him with a wave of his hand.
He must feel warm in his heart and feel that he is a good man, right?

The old man was not surprised that Tang Bandit would give him such an evaluation. He always had a high evaluation of himself.

"He is someone who can be absolutely trusted." The old man said aloud. "In a sense, he is more reliable than Fatty. At least, there are many things he can do that Fatty can't do."

"I understand." Tang Bandit nodded and asked, "Who is behind Bai Wuxin? Do the people in that welfare home where he is staying know his true identity?"

The old man looked at Tang Bandit and said, "If you have the chance, you will see him."

"Because of this incident, I have been targeted by the Oversight Council. They suspect that I am harboring a murderer." Tang Bandit said with a worried look: "If they persist, it may be inconvenient for us to do things in the future. Including my visit to the Lu family this time, they must have known about it."

"Since you asked Whisper to pick me up, you should have already thought of this. There won't be any problems, right?"

"Yan Wenli," the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes, "This is a real mad dog. You must be careful when facing him."

After a pause, he said comfortingly: "But don't worry too much, you. With your current status, not even the Overwatch Council would dare to attack you easily. Just be careful in the future and don't let them catch the real reason." ”

"I understand." Tang Bandit nodded.

"The higher your status, the less they dare to take action easily." The old man looked at Tang Bandit and said loudly.

“I’ve finished holding all the thighs I can hold, and the rest I can only rely on my own efforts.”

"Yes." The old man looked at Tang Bandit and said, "The resources of the Lu family can also be put to use. There are many good things in their technology arsenal and weapons arsenal."

"Like the bionic gloves you gave me?" Tang Bandit asked.

He also used those bionic gloves to erase the traces of his own murder. Otherwise, the Overwatch Council would be able to confirm his identity from those corpses.

Science and technology are always the primary productive forces.

"That's the most insignificant technology." The old man said aloud: "Go, whisper outside, and let her take you to see it."

The Tang bandit didn't move.

"What's wrong?" The old man looked at Tang Bandit in confusion and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"I want to confirm something." Tang Bandit said: "I am the son of the general, and Bai Wuxin is the son of my father's adjutant. Where is Xiaopang? Who is he?"

The old man glanced at Tang Bandit and said, "You will know about it in the future."

"Can't you say it now?"

"Yes." "Then why didn't you tell me?"

"I do not want to say."

Tang Bandit came out of the secret room. Lu Wuyu looked at him with strange eyes and said sarcastically: "Are you done talking?"

The two of them would often lock themselves in a small, sealed house and chat for a long time without going out, which made her feel very unhappy.

Is there anything you can’t hear?
I've helped you wrap things up so many times, but when it comes to important topics, I exclude myself?Do you still consider yourself a family member?

"We just drank a pot of tea inside and chatted about some old things." Tang Bandit looked at Lu Xiyu and said with a smile: "I thought you might not be interested, so I didn't invite you in."

Lu Whisper rolled his eyes and sneered: "Do you think I am an idiot? You are the only one who can tell lies so naturally."

"He can do it too." Tang Bandi said modestly.

Lu Xiuyu knew who Tang Bandi was referring to. After all, it was her father. She couldn't say any more unpleasant words and said, "I have already said hello to the technology warehouse and weapons warehouse and applied for entry permission." Come on, I’ll take you there now.”

"Okay." Tang Bandit's spirit was lifted.

The biggest gain from this trip is that I have an extra grandfather, and the second is that I can freely access the Lu family's technology and weapons arsenal.

That is the Lu family's arsenal.

Ingenious and unparalleled in the world.

It’s the Lu family we’re talking about.

"Our own family."

Tang Bandit added secretly in his heart.

Led by Lu Whisper, they took a light rail boat that looked like a pangolin and entered the depths of Luban Mountain.

After arriving at the "Tianji" platform, the pangolin slowly stopped.

"Why is it called Tianji Station?" Tang Bandit asked aloud.

"I heard from the elders at home that every creation of a work seems to reveal something secret to the world. It should not exist in this world. It should be the realm of gods." Lu whispered in explanation.

"I see." Only then did Tang Bandit understand the origin of Tianji Station.

After many verifications and password inputs, they finally entered an elevator.

After Lu Whisper entered the access code on the elevator, the elevator quickly descended all the way down.

There was no speed display in the elevator, but Tang Bandit could feel the whooshing sound.

I don’t know how long it took, but Tang Bandit felt that they had reached the depths of the mountain, no, the bottom of the planet.
When the elevator door opened with a "ding" sound, a giant silver technology hall appeared in front of Tang Bandit.

Countless intelligent robots and researchers in white coats are walking around hurriedly inside. It seems like an underground world, a city of steel.

In the center of the hall stands a giant steel sculpture of Master Zuluban, the Mechanical Master.

Lu whispered deeply to the statue, then made an invitation gesture to Tang Bandit and said: "Welcome to the new world."

 Dear friends, happy Mid-Autumn Festival, may you be reunited and everything goes as you wish!
(End of this chapter)

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