above the galaxy

Chapter 247 The place where the bones are buried!

Chapter 247 The place where the bones are buried!

Words are unfounded, seeing is believing.

Let that Wei Qingtuoba confidant and the outstanding young people in the royal family have a fight with Shen Xinglan. The winner will be No. [-] in the sky, and the loser will be...
Dead people in the starry sky.

Thinking of this, Tang Bandit's heart surged, and he wished he could use his own money to organize a "King's Cup" challenge for them.

Unexpectedly, the rosacea was not fooled at all. He sneered and said, "I don't know them, why should I let them go to fight with Shen Xinglan?"

"I don't know who you think they are, number one in the starry sky?"

"What? You are only allowed to brag that Shen Xinglan is the number one in the starry sky, but I am not allowed to brag about others being the number one in the starry sky? Isn't the number one in the starry sky contracted by your family?"

Tang Bandit stared at Rosacea with wide eyes, always feeling a sense of déjà vu.

Xiaopang looked up at Tang Bandit and said, "Brother, his speaking style is similar to that of a man."

Tang Bandit suddenly realized, he dug out the rosacea and cursed: "Shameless."

"You are shameless"

"Okay, okay." Ran Ran looked dumbfounded and said loudly: "Have a good meal, why do you get into a quarrel with someone? No matter who is number one in the starry sky, what does it have to do with you?"

"That's true." Tang Bandit nodded, and then cursed at the rosacea man: "Tang Bandit is also rubbish."

"Hmph, you short-sighted guy. When he becomes famous and stands proudly at the top of the starry sky, you will know how bad your vision is."

"I don't believe there will be such a day."

After Tang Bandit looked down upon him, he turned around and stopped talking to Rosacea.

Ran Ran looked at Tang Bandit with a playful smile and asked aloud: "Even scolding yourself?"

"I just want to hear how he praises me." Tang Bandi said.

He had a bad feeling in his heart. He didn't know who this rosacea was, but he admired him very much.

He also said that he would have the opportunity to stand proudly on top of the starry sky.
These words sounded flattering, but this kind of praise gave Tang Bandit a sense of insecurity.

If a stranger has such vision and insight, what will those who observe him at close range think?
Where is Zhong Daolong?Will he still feel that he is a "bumpkin" from the old country?

Does this mean that my "hidden clumsiness" is actually quite a failure?
Also, where did he see himself dueling with others?
If he saw himself fighting with someone, why couldn't he recognize the person in front of him?

Or rather, he had already recognized it.
Which one are we playing?

Tang Bandit was full of doubts. When he turned around and looked over, he found that Rosacea was eating and drinking.

He picked up large pieces of hairy belly and yellow throat from the spicy hot pot and stuffed it into his mouth. After swallowing it wholeheartedly, he picked up the wine gourd on the table and took a big gulp.

He didn't look like he was here to eat hot pot, but more like he was looking for a few dishes to go with the wine in the gourd.

Most of the guests in hot pot restaurants drink iced drinks, and even if they drink alcohol, they drink iced beer.

But Tang Bandit could smell it. What came out of his wine gourd was the spicy taste of white wine.

Tang Bandit stood up and walked over, sitting down on the chair opposite Rosacea.

After Rosacea ate a large piece of beef and drank a large gulp of strong wine, he looked at Tang Bandit and said, "Eat the hottest pot and drink the strongest wine. One gulp will make your body feel like it's on fire. That makes you feel alive."

He handed over the huge wine gourd in his hand and said, "Want a sip?"

"I won't come." Tang Bandit refused.

"Don't you dare drink strong alcohol?"

"No." Tang Bandit shook his head and said, "I'm afraid of getting your saliva on me."


Tang Bandit looked at Rosacea and asked, "What do you call it?"

"Everyone calls me Jugulu," Rosacea said.

"What's my name?" Tang Bandit asked again.

Rosacea glanced at Tang Bandit, then grinned and said happily, "How do I know what your name is? You don't know who you are, but you come to me and ask me who you are? Do you think this is funny or not?" "

"You know who I am." Tang Bandit said decisively.

Rosacea sneered and said, "That's not necessarily the case. You're not a celebrity idol, how do I know who you are?"

"I am Bandit Tang." Bandit Tang stared into Rosacea's eyes and said aloud.

"That trash?"

Tang Bandit also squinted his eyes and laughed, saying, "Yes, that trash."

"I don't know." Rosacea picked up the wine gourd and took a sip. He said loudly: "I'm here to drink wine and eat meat. If you are willing, just drink with me for a few sips. If you are not willing, just Get out of here now. Don’t disturb me here.”

Tang Bandit stared at Rosacea for a while, nodded, and said, "Then I won't disturb you."

Tang Bandit returned to his seat. Ran Ran and Xiao Pang were already full.

Tang Bao swiped his card to pay the bill, thought about it, and then helped pay the bill for Rosacea's table.

Let him owe you a favor first, and then ask him to kill someone for you later.

Bai Wuxin is a good example.

Coming out of Xiaolong's Hot Pot Restaurant, Ran Ran said goodbye to Tang Bandit Xiaopang, and then drove away in his car.

Xiaopang looked at Tang Bandit and asked curiously: "Brother, do you know that weirdo?"

He knows that the eldest brother is not a generous person, especially when it comes to money.

The eldest brother actually took the initiative to pay the bill for an old man with whom he had a quarrel, which made him quite strange.
The elder brother is not big enough to do such a thing.

"I don't know him," Tang Bandit said.

"Then how do you pay him?" "Do you know how rich people make money?" Tang Bandit asked in return.

"I don't know." Xiaopang shook his head and said, "I don't have any money."

"Investment." Tang Bandi said: "Those wealthy people or institutions will invest in some talents or projects with great potential. Such people are also called angel investors."

"I understand." Xiaopang nodded and said, "Brother, you are an angel investor."

"Yes." Bandit Tang nodded.

"What are you investing in him for?"

Tang Bandi thought for a moment and said, "I think his nose is quite sexy."


Xiaopang was shocked.

He didn't expect that his eldest brother would have such bad hobbies.

The fifteenth day of the first month, the Lantern Festival.

The Yuanxiao family eats glutinous rice balls, which makes them happy and reunited.

Tang Bandit specially bought glutinous rice balls from the mall. When Xiaopang ate the glutinous rice balls, he first praised the delicious glutinous rice balls.

Then he said with a sad face: "It would be great if my godfather was here."

Apparently, during the festive season, Xiaopang misses his parents more than ever before.

Tang Bandit thought to himself, he didn't know when Xiaopang would be able to meet the old man.

Xiaopang has already met Bai Wuxin, so there shouldn't be any problem meeting the old man again, right?
Find time to discuss with the old man and create an opportunity for the two of them to "encounter" by chance.

By the way, the old man's surname is Lu, and the little fat man's surname is Gongshu.

Tang bandits heard Lu whisper that the direct bloodline of the Lu family was named Lu, and the outer disciples were given the surname Gongshu. Anyway, they were all one family.

What is the relationship between Xiaopang and the Lu family?
On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, Tang Bandit returned to Bailu Academy again, and Xiaopang also returned to study at the Empire's First Military Academy.

When Tang Bandi came to Grape Courtyard, his dearest senior brother Shen Xinglan had already arrived in advance and was serving tea to Xuanyuan Mingjing and Si Yinchuan diligently.

The Tang bandit kowtows to Xuanyuan Mingjing and Si Yinchuan to pay New Year greetings. No matter whether he has this etiquette or not, he kowtows first as a sign of respect.

Anyway, there is no money for kowtow.

Xuanyuan Mingjing has experienced it many times and has long been accustomed to it.

Si Yinchuan looked panicked and quickly spoke out to persuade, saying: "Tang Bandit, get up quickly, get up quickly, there is no need to perform such a big ceremony."

"This is the disciple's sincere heart, respecting the teacher, and this is how it should be." Tang Bandit insisted and kowtowed three times.

"." Shen Xinglan.

Respecting teachers and teachings, is this how it should be?
How can a new star have such rules?He didn't knock.

Si Yinchuan was so moved that he personally pulled Tang Bandi up from the ground, and said to Xuanyuan Mingjing with envy on his face: "The dean has accepted two good students."

On the surface he was praising Tang Bandi and Shen Xinglan, but in fact it was mainly to praise Tang Bandit.

After all, he didn't say this when Shen Xinglan was here just now.

Xuanyuan Mingjing remained calm, looked at Tang Bandit and said, "You came just in time. I have something to discuss with you."

"Master, if you have any questions, just ask me." Tang Bandit said humbly.

The master is really too far-sighted. How can he "discuss" with his disciple?
If you don't agree, can you just beat him to death?It’s not like he can’t be beaten.

"An ancient ruins have been discovered in the old soil. You two brothers should go there and experience it. There may be an opportunity waiting for you."

"Old land?" Tang Bandit's expression froze slightly.

I went through all the troubles to hold onto the princess's lap before climbing up, and you want to kick me back?

Isn't this a conspiracy by the old guys against him?

They felt that they were a bit of an eyesore in Xinxing this year, so they thought of a way to send them back?
As soon as they landed, they drove away in the star saucer?
Tang Bandit secretly looked at the changes in Shen Xinglan's eyes to see if he was involved.

If the Shen family were also involved.
Shen Xinglan's expression was as usual, he looked like a wealthy young man who was as determined, calm and elegant as a pine tree.

For him, there is no difference whether it is a new star or an old one.

On the contrary, he was quite interested in the ancient ruins. Maybe he could find what he had been looking for there.

"What? You don't want to?" Xuanyuan Mingjing noticed the change in Tang Bandit's mood and asked.

"Yes. How could you not be willing?" Tang Bandit said with a smile.

It doesn't matter whether he wants it or not. Since the master has proposed it, he has no capital to resist.

"Didn't Master just say that? There are ancient ruins there, and there is an opportunity waiting for us ahead."

"Others wouldn't have this opportunity if they wanted to go. If I weren't the dean's disciple, I wouldn't be qualified."

Tang Bandit looked at Xuanyuan Mingjing and asked aloud: "Master, what is the name of that ancient ruins?"

"The Burial Ground."


Tang Bandit looked stunned.

Is this name very unlucky?

(End of this chapter)

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