above the galaxy

Chapter 256 Death!It’s just death!

Chapter 256 Death!It’s just death!

"Chickens and dogs can still achieve enlightenment, but a scum becomes a grandmaster. What's so surprising about this?" Shen Xinglan said aloud.

One product, one mountain, one realm, one heaven.

Although he is now at the top level of Ruyi, it seems that he is only one step away from the master level.

However, this step has cost countless practitioners their entire lives.

The chasm that is difficult to cross in a lifetime, the other side that cannot be reached.

From the first moment of contact, Shen Xinglan noticed the gap between himself and Fen Rong.

He entered the Tao with a tyrannical heart, defeated all laws with one force, and struck down with a sword, which really had the power to split the sky and split it.

When Shen Xinglan felt that he could not resist it, it was already too late. The yin and yang energy surged in and knocked his body away.

Unexpectedly, the Tang bandits' sneak attack also failed. They worked openly and secretly, one behind the other, two against one, and they actually failed.
"Hahaha, well said, well scolded. Chickens and dogs can still achieve enlightenment, so it is only natural for a scum like me to become a master." Fen Huang grinned and laughed, not angry at Shen Xinglan's ridicule. .

His eyes looked back and forth on the faces of Tang Bandit and Shen Xinglan, and he licked his thick lips and said with an evil smile: "Looking at you two with such delicate skin and tender flesh, it would be a pity to tear them alive while waiting for me to play with them." If you're tired of it, I'll leave a whole body for you."

"." Tang Bandit's chrysanthemums tightened.

Unexpectedly, this guy is not only cruel, but also a pervert who likes to use the back door.

Tang Bandit looked at Shen Xinglan and said loudly: "Brother, this bastard actually covets your beauty. Let's work together to kill him."

Shen Xinglan was extremely disgusted with Fen Rong, and also disliked Tang Bandit's words.

His body was floating in the air, and after giving Tang Bandit a condescending glance, he said coldly: "That's exactly what I meant."

"Hahaha, you two have to work harder. If it's just the three-legged cat kung fu like that just now, I'm afraid you won't be my opponent." Fen Zhuo grinned broadly and said arrogantly: "Show off your special skills, I will I also want to see what’s so surprising about the great master’s disciples.”

"There is nothing surprising about the disciples of the Grand Master, but the Grand Master is very surprising. When my master strikes down with his sword, the sword energy stays in the air for a month." Tang Bandit looked at Fen Huang with a look of contempt on his face and said, "You Have the ability to challenge our master"

"." Fen Huang was horrified.

A sword is slashed out, and the sword energy stays in the air for a month. What kind of magical operation is this?
Is it possible that the realm of a great master is already so advanced?

When will I be able to reach such a state?

"Forget it, I'm sorry you don't dare to challenge the Grand Master. Not to mention challenging our master, as long as you have the ability to go to Bailu Mountain, my senior brother can put you in the position you want."

"." Shen Xinglan.

Seeing Shen Xinglan looking at him with an angry expression, Tang Bandi quickly explained: "Don't worry, senior brother, he doesn't dare to go."

"Hahaha, you vicious-tongued kid." Fen Huang stared at Tang Bandit with unkind eyes and said, "Do you believe I pulled out your tongue? Let's see if you can still say such vicious words?"

"Letter." Tang Bandit replied readily.


This left Fenhuo speechless.

He had killed countless people in his life, but he had never seen a guy like this that confused him.

Is this guy really a disciple of Xuanyuan Mingjing?

The Grand Master’s vision isn’t very good either.
"I believe you dare to pull out my tongue, but I don't believe you dare to challenge my master. Do you dare to go to Bailu Mountain?"

"Boy, don't try to use this kind of provocation to trick me. Xuanyuan Mingjing is the great master. I am not as good as him, I admit it. But one day, I will go to Bailu Mountain to meet him."

"But before that," Fen Huang stared at Tang Bandit fiercely and said, "I will tear you apart first."

"Liar, you just said you would leave a whole body for me." Tang Bandit said angrily.

What about the little grandmaster?He is simply a villain who does not keep his word.

"." Fenhuo.

Am I on the wrong set?
What romantic drama line is this?

Shen Xinglan didn't laugh, nor did he get tired of Tang Bandit. He even felt some admiration in his heart.

Because he already understood the deep meaning of Tang Bandit's move.

Just now, he and Tang Bandit attacked Fen Rong at the same time, but he was knocked away with his sword and punch.

Both of them were physically injured at the same time, the yin and yang qi were out of harmony, and the internal organs were disordered and could not be calmed down.

His mean words and tricks were to buy them time, allowing them to take a breath and quickly adjust their internal organs and yin and yang energy.

Otherwise, when Fen Huang takes the initiative to attack, with his domineering and brutal attack methods, the two of them can only fight with injuries and quickly fall into the rhythm of his attacks.

In that case, there is only death waiting for them.

His junior brother.
His character is worrisome, but his ability to survive is extremely strong.

In order to live, do whatever it takes.

While Tang Bandi and Fen Huang were arguing, he had already secretly activated the "Lotus Jue" to adjust his inner breath, causing the yin and yang energy to flow rapidly through the meridians throughout his body.

The yin and yang energy after an injury is like a large car accident scene. It is difficult for the yin and yang energy to circulate, and the blood stasis will become more severe.

When he takes this opportunity to mobilize his skills and let the yin and yang energy flow again, he can conflict with obstacles and adjust his breathing.

The smoother the yin and yang energy circulates, the healthier and stronger his body becomes.

Only when he saw that the faces of Tang Bandi and Shen Xinglan gradually returned to normal, and that fresh blood no longer flowed from the corners of their mouths, did Fen Huang realize that he had been deceived.

He stared at Tang Bandit with ferocious eyes and said harshly: "Good boy, I have fallen for your trap for a while. I will definitely take good care of you."

"The elders and younger ones are in order. With my senior brother here, how can I stand a chance to get ahead?" Tang Bandit said with a smile.

He was punched in the chest, and like Shen Xinglan, his internal organs were in disorder, and his yin and yang energy was in constant turmoil.

While using his words to hold back Fen Huang, he also mobilized the "Imperial Court Sutra" to repair the five internal organs and adjust the inner breath.

Now his feeling of surging energy and blood has disappeared, and his body has returned to its best condition.

On the battlefield, time is life.

Fen Huang didn't dare to answer, for fear of falling into the Tang bandit's language trap again.

With eyes like bells and a face like an evil ghost, he rushed towards the Tang bandit with a long knife in his hand.Rumble.
The body was like a hill, rushing towards the Tang bandits.

His feet stepped on the soil, leaving deep footprints one after another.

This is not a sign of insufficient yin and yang energy, but because his yin and yang energy overflows severely, leaving a "cyclone" wherever it passes.

"Kid, die."

His body jumped up high, and the Yanyue knife in his hand slashed hard at Tang Bandit's head.

If it is pressed hard, Tang Bandit's body will be split into two instantly.

Sure enough, a man's mouth is a deceiving ghost.

I agreed to "take good care of him" and "keep the whole body intact", but as soon as he came up, he wanted to split the person in half.
"Senior brother, save me."

Tang Bandit didn't dare to answer the question forcefully. While shouting words to distract Fen Huang, his body rolled rapidly and evaded to one side.

Where Tang Bandit had just stood, a huge gap more than one meter deep appeared.

Tang Bandit's heart palpitated when he saw it. Is this the strength of the young master?Is this the power of the little grandmaster's sword?

He thought of his master's sword again, which made him feel a deep sense of frustration that he could not resist or attack.

While Fen Huang slashed the Tang bandit away with his sword, he held the sword with both hands and swept across. With a "bang" sound, Shen Xinglan, who was about to attack from the side, was shot away.

The joint attack between Tang Bandi and Shen Xinglan failed again.

Having learned the lesson from last time, Fenhuo no longer gave them a chance to recuperate.

He held a long knife in his hand and chased after Tang Bandit and Shen Xinglan.

His attack movements are extremely simple, they can be chopping, slashing, sweeping, or lifting.

However, just these few moves have brought a huge crisis to Tang Bandit and Shen Xinglan.

Because he was so arrogant and overbearing with all his moves that he was unreasonable.

If you can't force it, you will be chopped away by his knife.

There is nowhere to dodge, and once you dodge, you will be caught in the force of his sword, one after another, like the Yangtze River, endless.

The further back you get, the more difficult it becomes to avoid.

Fortunately, Tang Bandi and Shen Xinglan are two people. The two brothers are helping each other and rescuing each other.

When the Tang bandits are in danger, Shen Xinglan will attack in time.

When Shen Xinglan is in danger, Tang Bandit will immediately intercept him.

It was precisely because of this that the two of them were able to persist under the attack of the little grandmaster for half an hour.

However, continuing like this is not an option.

Because they all know that after entering the realm of a master, the energy of yin and yang can cycle back and forth endlessly.

But Tang Bandit and Shen Xinglan used less and less, and the more they fought, the more tired they became, until the oil dried up and the lamp went out, and they were no longer able to resist.

They teamed up to kill the Yin Jiao, and then ran around in the black mist for many days. They didn't get enough rest, didn't get enough nutrition, and even drank all the water in the end.

After finally walking out of the burial ground, I originally thought I had escaped, but I didn't expect that I would be ambushed by the young master again.

In this battle, there are more bad luck than good luck.

Fenhu swept across with his long sword.

Tang Bandi and Shen Xinglan, who were in mid-air, were knocked out at the same time.

Before their bodies had time to hit the ground, Fen Zhuo's body accelerated directly in the air and flew towards them.

He rushed forward, then raised his sword again and swept towards them.

He wants to cut them into quarters
Killing two opponents with one sword, if word spread about it in the future, it will only increase his reputation.

Shen Xinglan's expression was determined, his eyes flashed coldly, and he raised his sword to face the long blade.

The long sword glowed with silver light and its blade buzzed.

This is the energy of yin and yang infused to the extreme, and even this top-grade famous sword can hardly support it.

Swords clash.

Shen Xinglan's body was shot and flew away.

When Shen Xinglan raised his sword to block, the long sword behind Tang Bandi was instantly unsheathed.

This was the first time he drew his sword.

In the previous battle, he had been using the "Dragon Elephant Demon Subduing Technique" to consume Fen Zhu from a distance, and he was also consuming himself.

His body curled up in a weird way, but then instantly stretched out in a posture that defied common sense.

Instead of avoiding it, he took the initiative to bump into Fen Zhu's body.

It's like a baby bird falling into your arms.

He ignored the long knife that was cutting across him, and ignored the fate that was about to be cut in half.

He ignored everything.

In his eyes and heart, there was only the sword in his hand.

Only this sword.

The third sword of "Scroll of the Netherworld":

There is death!

There is death!

(End of this chapter)

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