above the galaxy

Chapter 258 3 dragons and 3 elephants can destroy the master!

Chapter 258 Three dragons and three elephants can destroy the master!
I will die if you ask me to die?

I'm not going.

So, Tang Bandit looked at Shen Xinglan and shouted: "Brother, I'm injured, can you hold on for a while?"

Shen Xinglan glanced at Tang Bandit and without saying a word, he took the initiative to rush towards Fen Huang with his long sword in hand.

His body transformed into countless figures in the air, and the sky at this time also became windy and full of ghosts.

However, Shen Xinglan's true identity has been hidden. Everyone is him, and everyone is not him.

"Ghost Sees Sorrow"!
This is the unique skill of the Shen family. Tang Bandit encountered it when he fought with Shen Qingping and suffered a lot from it.

Fortunately, they chose jungle terrain, and he was able to use the familiar terrain to make up for his lack of physical skills. Otherwise, he really wouldn't have been able to win that battle easily.
However, this set of exercises used by Shen Xinglan was completely different.

More sinister, more hidden, and more powerful and aggressive.

Before Shen Xinglan took action, you would have thought that Shen Qingping was really powerful and lived up to the reputation of the Shen family.

After Shen Xinglan performs it, you will think that Shen Qingping usually spends too much time eating, drinking, being lazy, and not practicing properly?

The gap in talent determines a person's upper limit.

With the same set of exercises, Shen Qingping is like Shen Xinglan's replacement.
Fen Huang looked at the countless Shen Xinglan in front of him, sneered, and shouted: "They are monsters and demons, they have little tricks, that's all."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw stars falling all over the sky.

"Starlight Sword Technique"!
In the sky, it was like a meteor shower.

Shen Qingping also used this sword, but the sword rain was like a shuttle, and the distance was only one or two meters.

However, the power of Shen Xinglan's sword actually enveloped Fenhuo for more than ten meters in the center of the circle.

Fen Gao shouted loudly, brandishing his long sword and rushed into the sword rain.

Cut out.

Just like a rainbow appearing in the world, the scorching sun rises into the sky.

This is the strength of the Grandmaster Realm, this is the full blow of the Little Grandmaster.

The wind stopped, the rain stopped, and the sword rain disappeared without a trace.

Shen Xinglan's body fell heavily to the ground.

Although he was protected by the voyage suit specially made by the Shen family, a huge gash was still opened on his chest.

The skin and flesh were turned out, and blood spurted out.

The injuries looked extremely serious.

Sure enough, there is one level of mountain, one realm and one level of heaven.

Although Shen Xinglan is already at the top level of Ruyi, he is only one step away from the master level.

However, he is not a master after all.

After Fen Gao seriously injured Shen Xinglan with a knife, he turned around and slashed at the Tang bandit.

Tang Bandit raised his sword to block, and the long sword in his hand was instantly broken into two pieces.

Fortunately, he retreated quickly, otherwise he would be split in half by this knife.

When Fen Huang was about to pursue him again, Shen Xinglan had already gotten up from the ground and once again raised his sword and charged towards him.

"act recklessly."

Fen Huang swiped his sword and sent Tang Bandit and Shen Xinglan flying away at the same time.


Tang Bandit vomited a large amount of blood from his mouth.

Shen Xinglan was even worse. He was stabbed hard by Fen Huang, and his chest was filled with blood. His white voyage suit was almost stained red.

Fen Gao soared into the air, looked at Tang Bandi and Shen Xinglan condescendingly, and said sternly: "Let's finish it, it will delay my drinking."

While speaking, he raised the long knife in his hand and slashed at the Tang bandit.

Night long dreams.

He had lost his patience and wanted to resolve this battle quickly.

The longer you delay, the more detrimental it will be to you.

If other expedition teams come out from here, then he will have to kill more people.
Tang Bandit's body tensed up and the hairs all over his body stood up.

Looking at the long knife that was about to fall, for the first time, I felt that death was so close to me.

At your fingertips!

Are you going to die?

Die in this desolate burial ground?Die at the hands of this ugly savage?
Headed off
Is it even possible to be eaten flesh and drink blood in such a humiliating way?

"I don't accept it!" The ferocity in Tang Bandit's bones burst out, he gathered all his strength and punched the sky.

Three giant silver dragons emerged from the sky and soared high into the sky.Above the black clouds, dragons roared in the sky.

Three giant silver elephants rushed out, raising their trunks and roaring to the sky.

The silver light shines brightly, lighting up the dark sky
Wherever he went, he was destroyed.

This is the power to destroy the world.

At the critical moment when his life was hanging by a thread, Tang Bandit actually broke through the shackles and advanced to the third level of "Dragon Elephant Demon Subduing Technique".

Fen Gao had a ferocious expression and his pupils were swollen.

He sensed danger.

because of this power
He was difficult to contend with.

However, the power of the sword has become old, and now it is too late to change the attack.

If you hesitate even a little, you will be crushed into pieces by that huge force.

Now, he can only strengthen his faith.

The master cannot be humiliated!
Fenhu's long knife struck the three dragons and three elephants. Upon contact, a majestic force swept over them like a landslide and a tsunami.

Fen Huang's body was blasted away.

His entire chest was squeezed and deformed, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

Before he could fall down, a blazing light suddenly appeared above his head.

Brilliant and dazzling, it was like a blazing sun suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Great Sun Sword Seal"!
Fenhu's head was chopped off and then raised high.

He stared at Tang Bandit with wide eyes, watching everything that happened in front of him.
There was also half of his body that was falling rapidly.

He couldn't understand why this was the case?
Isn't he just a ghost?A thing that can be killed with just a few moves of your hands.

Why. Why do you have such ability?

Don't rest your eyes!

This was the sound of Fen Huang's body falling to the ground.

It was the sound of a head hitting the ground.

Tang Bandit was lying on the ground breathing heavily. It was too dangerous, it was too dangerous.

If he hadn't broken through at the critical moment, if he could only blast out the power of two dragons and two elephants, could he have blocked Fen Zhu's knife to the head?

After Shen Xinglan's body fell from the sky, he collapsed directly to the ground. That sword was already the last sword he could strike.

a long time.

a long time.

Shen Xinglan looked up at the sky and said, "Kill him."

Tang Bandit was anxious and quickly denied it, saying, "You killed him."

He didn't know Fenhuo's background or who he was working for, but he knew that there must be a powerful person or a huge family standing behind him.

Is it not just a simple person who can ask the little master to run errands for him?
As for his claim that he came here to kill people and get goods, Tang Bandit didn't believe it.

He didn't believe that a little grandmaster traveled thousands of miles to come here just for the unknown treasure.
Tang Bandit didn't want to offend the people behind him.

If possible.

Shen Xinglan stopped talking and stared blankly at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

Tang Bandit stopped talking and tried hard to recall the wonderful feeling of the punch just now.

The power of the three dragons and three elephants is so terrifying that it can destroy the master.

When he breaks through the ninth level of "Dragon Elephant Demon Subduing Technique" and reaches the Nine Dragons Initiation, will there be any opponents in this galaxy at that time?
At that time, revenge was not an easy thing?

With the sword raised, which family would not bow down and surrender?Even the royal family can be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Tang Bandit felt his heart beat faster and his blood boiling.

Be alive no matter what.

To live is to have hope.

At this moment, a dazzling silver light appeared in the sky.

Tang Bandi and Shen Xinglan looked up and saw that a star saucer with an egret flying high on the fuselage was slowly falling.

The star saucer arrived to greet them.

(End of this chapter)

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