above the galaxy

Chapter 282 Get off the horse!

Chapter 282 Get off the horse!
After reading the file, Tang Bandit had a general understanding of the case.

Of course, this is only what is presented in the written materials, and the specific situation requires inspection and supervision.

However, they knew that they were closely related to the Lu family, but they chose to be the first to attack the Lu family. Is this the intention of the king or Yan Wenli's temptation?
The leader of the country is determined to perform a scalpel on the nine major families. Do the nine major families know about it?
Do they choose to wait for the tiger's flesh and blood, or do they choose to kill the fish and lose the net?
If it is the latter, it is undoubtedly treason and rebellion. Will he end up with the same fate as the Tang family back then?

However, if the nine major families merge, why does the royal family think that it must be the final winner?

Can the empire withstand such turmoil?

Ever since he determined that he was going to join the Overwatch Council, Tang Bandit had thought about these issues in his mind countless times, and also looked for opportunities to have an in-depth discussion with the old man.

However, there is no clear answer until now.

They did not believe that Zhong Daolong would be so stupid and so confident that he would declare war on nine families at the same time.
It would be a smart choice to join forces with other companies to kill the strongest one like his father did.

Although it was Tang Bandit's own family who was killed.

Take one step at a time and see how the chess players move.

Of course, the most important thing now is to get to know your subordinates.

If you want to do something, you have to have people.

He is now the captain of the second team, and this team should be under his leadership and command.

However, a good horse is hard to find and a strong horse is hard to tame. Let's meet them first and see what kind of quality the inspectors under his command are like.

There are eight divisions in the Oversight Yuan, each with its own professional title.

The fifth division is mainly responsible for the black cavalry stationed in and around Phoenix City, arresting bandits, and guarding and guarding. It is the most powerful division in the Overwatch Council.

Originally, this kind of picketing of officials in Beijing was the responsibility of the first branch. However, Yan Wenyuan assigned the case to the fifth branch and placed it in the hands of the new captain, Tang Bandit.

Does he want to use the Tang bandits as swords, and the black knights affiliated with the Fifth Division are his solid backing?
Of course, imagination is beautiful, but he cannot be so optimistic
How can the thoughts of superiors be so easy to guess?

Captain Tang pressed the call button on the table, and a tall, long-legged young woman wearing a black OL uniform came in and asked, "Captain Tang, are you looking for me?"

"Who are you?" Tang Bandit looked at the beautiful woman in uniform and asked.

"Reporting to Captain Tang, I am Tan Yu, the confidential secretary of the Second Team of the Fifth Branch of the Overwatch Council. If you have anything to do, please feel free to tell me."

"Confidential secretary?" Tang Bandi was stunned for a moment. How could a squad leader get such treatment?Give yourself a secretary?
Just now he saw Zhongjiayuan's secretary Hua Juan, who was wearing a tightly wrapped Overwatch Council uniform.
There are no requirements for clothing within the Control Yuan, right?
"Yes." Tan Yu nodded. "Because of the importance and privacy of surveillance work, each team has a confidential secretary."

"Oh. I understand." Tang Bandit nodded and said, "I am new here and I have many things to ask you for advice."

"Captain is so polite." Tan Yu squinted his eyes and looked at the young captain in front of him, and said aloud: "Captain Tang is a name I have admired for a long time."

"Oh? Do you know me?" Tang Bandit asked doubtfully.

"I'm lying down too."

"Lie down?" Tang Bandi was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he still had a fan organization.

He looked at Tan Yu thoughtfully and said aloud: "Isn't it appropriate for a person like you?"

"What Captain Tang means is that I shouldn't chase stars? Or shouldn't I become a ****?"

"Both." Tang Bandit said: "The Overwatch Council is a powerful authority in the empire. Most of the people who work here are resolute and intelligent. How can they do such a thing as chasing stars?"

"What we are chasing is not an ordinary star. We are chasing someone who comes from the old land, has no foundation in the new stars, is poor and has nothing, but relies on his own personal efforts and talent to become a dazzling figure step by step."

"Without any foundation? Who doesn't know that I have a close relationship with Her Highness the Princess?" Tang Bandit said with a smile.

"This is one of the reasons why we are proud of you. The fact that you were able to save Her Royal Highness the Princess in a place like the old land proves that you are lucky, and luck is also one of the necessary achievements for success."


As Captain Tang said, the Overwatch Council is a powerful authority in the empire, so those who work in it are cautious and tread on thin ice. Don’t they need some outlets for venting? "

"So, it's actually good to be a lie-downer. Wherever you fall, just lie down there. If you can really achieve this state in life, that would be such a happy thing."

"Don't lie down just yet." Tang Bandit said with a smile: "Let's call everyone for a meeting first, so that I can meet everyone and get to know each other."

"Okay." Tan Yu nodded and said, "I will send you the information of all the members of the team first, so that you can have an understanding of everyone."

"Thank you." Tang Bandi smiled and nodded. It's easy to do things when you have fans.

If you haven't thought of it yet, your fans will think of it for you.

Tang Bandit finally felt a little proud of becoming an idol.
It would be great if I could rely on my face to make a living, but now I mainly rely on my shamelessness to make a living.

Under the leadership of Tan Yu, when Tang Bandi came to the conference room, more than a dozen people were already sitting on both sides of the rectangular table.

Tang Bandi looked at Tan Yu, who reported aloud: "Captain, except for one person who is absent due to sick leave, all the No. 16 members of the second team are here."

"Yes." Tang Bandit nodded, looked around, and said with a smile: "Hello everyone, I am my new colleague Tang Bandit."

No one answered.

Tan Yu's face darkened slightly and he reminded aloud: "Captain Tang is here, let's all applaud and welcome him."

After saying that, he took the lead in clapping his hands.

Only he and Bandit Tang applauded, the others sat there, no one spoke, and there was no movement.

"What do you mean by this?" Tan Yu asked with a sullen face.

Anyone can see that these people are emotional and are very dissatisfied with the new captain.

Tang Bandit took the initiative to say hello, and the secretary made preparations for a long time, but they ignored him. Didn't the captain's face fall to the ground?
A group of lifeless things.

A burly middle-aged man in the middle of the crowd picked up the tea cup, took a slow sip of the hot tea in the cup, and then spat out the tea leaves in his mouth with a "bah" sound.

He glanced at Tan Yu and said sarcastically: "They say Secretary Tan's waistband is relatively loose and his pants will fall down when he walks. I didn't believe it before, but now it seems that it is indeed the case."

"What's wrong? You can't walk on the road when you see a young and beautiful woman, right? Oh, Secretary Tan is wearing a short skirt today, and she doesn't even have a belt on. It seems that Secretary Tan is well prepared."

The man said something obscene, and the men around him laughed.

Tan Yu shouted angrily: "Captain Pan, I respect you, please respect me too."

"Why don't I respect you?" Pan Yuheng looked up at Tan Yu and asked, "What did I say wrong?"

Tang Bandit knew that these people were here for him.

The people at the top want to seize the heir, and the people at the bottom want to fight for the position.

A carrot and a trap, he took the position of captain of the second team, and those who had the chance to rise to the top naturally felt unhappy.

Who can stand out in a quagmire like the Overwatch Council? Who is easy to get along with?
Therefore, when they saw that Bandit Tang had just arrived and was so young, they wanted to give him a try and let him know who was the real talker of the second team.

Pan Yuheng came to show off his muscles. He didn't speak, and no one spoke.He didn't applaud, and no one applauded.

Obviously, he has extremely high prestige in the second team, and everyone is convinced of him.

As for themselves, they think they can give it a try by pinching it.
Tang Bandit looked at Tan Yu and asked, "Who is this?"

"Pan Yuheng, deputy captain of the second team."

"Oh, I understand." Tang Bandit nodded, looked at Pan Yuheng and said, "It turns out to be my deputy. What? Vice Captain Pan has a problem with me?" "Haha." Pan Yuheng sneered and said, "Not a hair. A pretty boy with a long face actually dares to come to our Overwatch Council to show off his authority. Where do you think this is? I'm afraid you're in the wrong place?"

Pan Yuheng did have a problem with the Tang bandits.

The previous captain Gao Sheng was transferred elsewhere. Before leaving, he strongly recommended to his superiors that he take over as captain of the second team.

I have also worked as the deputy captain for several years. I actively cooperated with the work of the previous captain, worked hard and acted like a bully, and made countless contributions to the Overwatch Council. In both emotions and reasons, I should be the one to take over this position. That's right.

He was also ready to take a step up to half a level, but he didn't expect the cooked duck to fly away.

A guy who relied on women to get to his position actually wants to come to the Overwatch Council to wade into troubled waters?I'm afraid you don't know how to write the word "death"?
Tang Bandit looked at Pan Yuheng and said with a smile: "Captain Pan said that I am a pretty boy, and I agree with that. This is a great compliment to a man's appearance, so I accepted it shamelessly. After all, anyone who is qualified to be a pretty boy can How many people are there?”

"As for the fact that my hair has not fully grown, I will not admit that if a lady is present, I will not take off my pants. However, if Captain Pan is interested, you can come and witness the miracle at any time."

He looked around, raised his voice and said loudly: "I know, everyone thinks that I am young, that I have no work experience, that I can't do a good job in supervision, and that I can't lead you to handle the case."

"According to the normal process, I should keep a low profile and develop a few shocking cases, so that everyone will be convinced of me and secretly curse myself for being blind at first. But, time is precious, and I really don't have the time and energy to fight with you. "

"So, let's make an accelerated version." Tang Bandit looked at Tan Yu and asked aloud: "Does the Supervisory Yuan have any punishment regulations for such bad behavior as humiliating female colleagues by talking dirty words?"

Tan Yu was stunned for a moment and said, "No."

"From now on, our second team will have one." Tang Bandit said loudly: "I can't be the home of the Supervisory Yuan, but I can be the home of the second team. Anyone who maliciously humiliates a female colleague... From today on, from now on Start by expelling the second team."

"Who do you think you are? Can you control me?" Pan Yuheng sneered and shouted: "I am the deputy captain of the second team. My appointment and dismissal are decided by the director and the dean. You are a small captain, only better than me. Are you even qualified to decide whether I will stay or leave even if you are half a grade above?"

"Stand up." Tang Bandit looked at Pan Yuheng and said.

Pan Yuheng stood up with a sound of "Ouch" and said with a look of disdain: "I stood up, what next?"

"Come up to me."

Pan Yuheng strode towards Tang Bandit and said, "What's the matter? Do you still want to kill people in public?"

Tang Bandit punched out.

No one thought that Tang Bandit would really dare to hurt people, and he would dare to attack his deputy captain on the first day of work.

A normal leader has a little bit of overall perspective. When encountering this kind of thing, he will first try his best to appease the emotions of his subordinates, give them a little sweetness, and then slowly work through the following ideological work.

You come and go, and everyone gets what they want.

Negotiation, only when there is negotiation can there be negotiation.

We haven't even talked about it yet, so we just resort to violence?

Seeing Tang Bandit's behavior, Tan Yu's eyes froze slightly, and then instantly returned to just the right amount of surprise.

Pan Yuheng also didn't expect that the Tang bandits would take action against his own people in the Overwatch Council. Don't you want your head anymore?
Unprepared, he just felt a strong force coming towards his chest.

Then, his body couldn't help but fly up.

While he was in the air, he looked down and saw that his chest sank, like a collapsed mud wall or iron shell.

He knew his bones were broken.

No, the entire ribcage bones collapsed.


It was only then that he spat out his first mouthful of blood.

Pan Yuheng's body hit the wall heavily, and then slowly slid down.


Dead silence!

Everyone stared at Tang Bandit with wide eyes, looking at this reckless man who attacked one of his own people at the slightest disagreement.

Everyone knows that the Overwatch Council is very hierarchical and has many rules.There must be fights in secret, but if you kill your colleagues openly, the Mad Dog Dean will personally rip off your head.
They looked at Tang Bandit as if they were looking at a dead person.

"Does anyone else have any objections?" Tang Bandit asked aloud: "If you have any objections, stand up and walk up to me like Captain Pan."


No one stood up.

No one would walk up to him like Captain Pan.

The people above will deal with him anyway, why should I touch his brow?
"If not." Tang Bandi looked around and said loudly: "Then let's get acquainted again. Hello everyone, I am Tang Bandi, the captain of the second team."

A short and thin young man stood up and said in a deep voice: "Inspector Shen Lian reports to the captain."

Tang Bandi looked at the gloomy man in front of him and said loudly: "Very good, Shen Lian, from now on, you will be the deputy captain of the second team."

"Thank you, Captain, for your cultivation." Shen Lian straightened his body and said loudly, "If you are prompted, I will not hesitate to do so."

"Yeah." Tang Bandit was quite satisfied with Shen Lian's statement.

Spending thousands of gold to buy horse bones, the effect has already been shown.

The person who can be the first to stand up and support himself in this situation is a smart person.

When employing people, make use of their talents first, and then consider whether their character is good or bad, whether they are loyal or not.

Tang Bandit wasn't planning to marry him anyway, so he just wanted to let him finish the things he told him first.

Everyone present saw that Tang Bandit appointed a vice-captain with just one sentence. Regardless of the "life span" of the vice-captain, this was already a huge opportunity.

As long as Tang Bandi can secure his position as captain of the second team, his position as vice-captain will also be secure.

"Inspector Lin An reports to the captain."

"Inspector Wang Hongbing reports to the captain."

"Inspector Huang Hu reports to the captain."
Everyone stood up one by one to say hello to Tang Bandit according to Shen Yan's way.

Since you don't want to confront him face to face, then just go with the flow and become a wave in the sea.

"Confidential Secretary Tan Yu reports to the captain." Tan Yu said crisply.

After everyone introduced themselves to Tang Bandi, Tang Bandit nodded and said, "The meeting will begin now."

He glanced at Pan Yuheng who was lying on the ground vomiting blood with some disgust, and asked aloud: "Who is willing to send him to the hospital?"

Everyone sat there, no one dared to move.

Who knows if this is his test?Want to know who is Captain Pan’s direct descendant?
Do you think I'm an idiot?
"No?" Tang Bandit looked at Tan Yu and said, "You come up with a solution."

"Yes." Tan Yu responded and went out to call the medical staff.

The Overwatch Council often goes out to handle cases, and injuries and deaths are commonplace.

Therefore, the Control Yuan also has its own medical system.

(End of this chapter)

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