above the galaxy

Chapter 287 The princess’ concern!

Chapter 287 The princess’ concern!
"Captain, do you like roasted chestnuts with sugar?"

A new member of the Oversight Yuan who had just joined the company dared to ask him such a question.

This is not stupidity or temptation, it is self-identification.

After all, very few people know that Tang Bandit likes to eat sugar-roasted chestnuts.

Xiaopang is one, and the other is Bai Wuxin.

Before Tang Bandit accompanied his master into the ghost prison, the old man once mentioned to him that Bai Wuxin led a group of talented young people into the No Man's Valley.

Tang Bandit didn't know where the Uninhabited Valley was, but since he dared to call it "Uninhabited", it proved that this place was really not suitable for human survival.

These young people were all soldiers loyal to the Tang clan. Because they were implicated in the Tang annihilation case, their parents and family members were all killed.

Even if someone tries their best to rescue, only a small part of them can be rescued.

Then they were dispersed to various welfare homes and charitable institutions for secret training. The best catalyst was hatred. Because they had a deep hatred in their hearts, everyone practiced with all their strength, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Following Bai Wuxin, a talented young man, into the uninhabited valley for trials, if he could survive in such a place, his strength would be greatly improved.

These talents are his core direct descendants, the real people who can live and die with him.

Because they have a common enemy and a common goal.

The most important thing is that they have the same identity: rebels.

They are the same as themselves, as long as their identity is slightly exposed, death awaits them.

Therefore, Tang Bandit was not worried at all that they would betray him.

Tang Bandit had previously asked Zhong Jiayuan for help. He had transferred several of Pan Yuheng's close confidants to other departments on the grounds that the subordinates were disobedient to discipline, in order to make room for these people.

After all, the number of personnel in each team of the Overwatch Council is limited, and he cannot expand unlimitedly in his second team.

At least not yet.

The other matters were left to the old man and the others to deal with. Sure enough, they quickly brought these newcomers in front of them who had clean identities and seemed to have nothing to do with them.

Of course, this would not be possible without the help of his good sister Gao Xing
The Human Resources Department is really important. They are responsible for recruitment and political review, and then assign people to various departments.

After Tang Bandi reported in and met Gao Xing on the first day, he had already started thinking about how to use this card.

Scheming. Tang!
Once you are called a tall lady, you will always be a tall lady.

At the critical moment, he went to say hello to Sister Gao, and sure enough, she delivered the person he needed.

To whom is it not given?
Through the interaction between Tang Bandi and Zhong Jiayuan, she has already seen the potential of this little brother, and it is also excellent to sell people's favors at this time.

A smile appeared on the corner of Tang Bandit's mouth and he asked aloud: "Is Xiaobai okay?"

The two people's expressions instantly became solemn, and their bodies stood erect. They seemed to have considerable respect and admiration for Bai Wuxin, who was similar to them in age and maybe even a little younger.

"The palace master asked us to say hello to the master on his behalf."

"Palace Master? Master?" Tang Bandit was a little confused.

"Yes, the target of the ghost is the Wuyou Palace, the world's number one killer organization. We are now divided into two groups, one is the intelligence team and the other is the assassination team. The master of the White House is the first master of our ghost palace."

The tall and thin man looked at Tang Bandit with a more respectful attitude and said, "You are the master of the Ghost Palace. Everyone, including the palace master, obeys your orders."

Tang Bandit understood what they meant and said, "Oh, this organization is called Ghost?"

"Yes, he walks in darkness and controls thunder. He stops bleeding with blood and kills with killing. That's why it's named after a ghost." The short man said in a deep voice.

"The palace master said, let us obey the master's order. We will never dare to give up."

Tang Bandit nodded and said: "Don't call me master here, call me captain."

"Yes, Captain." The two bowed and saluted.

Tang Bandit looked at the two of them and asked aloud: "What do you two call each other?" "Lin Hai." The tall and thin man said aloud.

"Li Dezhu." The stocky man said.

The names are very common.
This is good. For people like them, the more common the name, the better. This will be more conducive to their hiding and will not be discovered by the Overwatch Council or the little bees in the hive.

Just like my own name, when I hear it, it sounds like the stars and the moon, which is unique.

Also contains the word "bandit"
What do you want to do?
This is not good, very bad.

I don't know if it was the old man's negligence or his intention, but he didn't change his name.

Your surname is Tang? Close relationship with the Lu family
No wonder the royal family had to take him for a DNA test before using him.

I'm afraid the royal family themselves are afraid of this Tang Lu combination, right?

They don't want to "destroy the Tang Dynasty" again.

"Yes. From today on, let's fight side by side."

"I am willing to die for my master." The two men understood what Tang Bandit meant and immediately expressed their stance.

"I told you, my name is Captain."

"Yes, Captain."

"Okay, I'll ask the confidential secretary to take you to familiarize yourself with the environment and work responsibilities." Tang Bandi said aloud.

He rang the call bell, and Tan Yu opened the door and came in. He asked with a smile: "Captain, is the interview over?"

"What other interviews are needed for the talents recommended by the Human Resources Department?" Tang Biao looked at the secretary in front of him with a first-rate appearance and figure, and said, "Let's take them two to familiarize themselves with the environment."

"Yes, captain." Tan Yu responded, then looked at Lin Hai and Li Dezhu and said, "You two, follow me."

After they left, Bandit Tang was about to study the case again, but the cell phone on his wrist received a message.

"Are you busy? Come back, I'll wait for you in the courtyard."

"I'll be there in half an hour." Tang Bandit replied immediately.

There is no other way. Her Royal Highness the Princess summons her. No matter how big the matter is, she has to rush back.

He didn't need to answer the question of whether he was busy or not, because Her Royal Highness the Princess knew that he must be very busy now.

You didn't say you were busy but rushed to her side as soon as possible, which proves that her priority is first.
The princess is a human being and a woman.

Women all fall into this trap.

Tang Bandit told Shen Yan a few words and told him to be optimistic about Lu Yunhang. No matter who came to greet him, he would not let him go without his own orders.

Shen Yan swore on his life that as long as he lived, he would never allow anyone to take Lu Yunhang away, so Tang Bandit left with peace of mind.

When he reached the gate of the Overwatch Council, he realized once again that he needed a car.

I don’t know when His Highness the Second Prince’s flying car will be delivered, so I’ll look for an opportunity to urge him again.

Of course, even if he was given away, he couldn't drive a flying car to work. It would be too ostentatious.

Which civil servant dares to drive a luxury car to work?

Isn't it a search?
When Tang Bandit rushed back to the courtyard, Fenghuang and Sheng Xinhuai were sitting in the tea room drinking tea.

No words were spoken, and the atmosphere was quite heavy.

Seeing Bandit Tang come back, Fenghuang looked anxious. He didn't even have time to say a few words and directly asked, "Bandit Tang, what are you doing? How did you catch Lu Yunhang?"

"Do you know that the entire Phoenix City, no, the entire Phoenix Empire is in shock right now, and countless pairs of eyes are paying attention to this matter. If you are not careful, you will be in catastrophe."

(End of this chapter)

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