above the galaxy

Chapter 291 I will beat anyone who dares to scold you!

Chapter 291 I will beat anyone who dares to scold you!
  "Are you sure?" Phoenix asked.

"I'm sure." Tang Bandit nodded, looked into Phoenix's eyes and said, "I can't leave, at least not now."

"Okay, okay, don't worry." Sheng Xinhuai knew that Fenghuang was still worried about Tang Bandit, so he took her hand and said, "Didn't I tell you? His master is Xuanyuan Mingjing. When he is really in danger, he will Can a master tolerate his disciples being killed?"

"No matter what, we can save his life after all. I think Tang Bandit is a cat and has at least nine lives."

"Yes." Phoenix nodded and said, "Since you have decided, there is no point in my coming here this time."

"How could it be meaningless?" Tang Bandit pretended to be angry and said, "At least, let me know that Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Empire cares about me. The moonlight grass will bloom immediately when it is illuminated by the moonlight."

Tang Bandit looked at Phoenix and said, "I am that moonlight grass."

The Phoenix is ​​known as one of the "Marchs" of the empire, so she is naturally that moon.

Being praised by Tang Bandit in front of his best friend made him a little shy, but more of a sweet thing.

Fenghuang raised his head and looked at Tang Bandit. His voice was as gentle as water, and he said, "Be careful. If anything happens, you must inform me as soon as possible."

"I will." Tang Bandit nodded with a smile and said, "If you don't hug your thighs, isn't that crazy?"

Phoenix pursed his lips and chuckled, and said, "Then let's go."

Although she is a princess, she is rarely willing to step forward to do things for others.

However, Tang Bandit was an exception.

She always took the initiative to ask him if there was anything he needed to do.
  I am the most noble princess of the empire. Hey, look at me. Look at me.

"Hey, I didn't say I was leaving? Why are we the only ones?" Sheng Xinhuai said angrily.

"Then you can stay here by yourself." Fenghuang rolled his eyes at Sheng Xinhuai, stood up and left.

There was a small fragrant jacket hanging on the clothes rack at the door, which Fenghuang took off when he came in.

This style of coat is particularly suitable for her. It makes her look delicate and charming, and at the same time has the unique reserve and grace of a royal lady.

"Forget it, I'd better go with you." Sheng Xinhuai also stood up and said, "What if he wants to see her breasts?"


Sheng Xinhuai was wearing a long black coat. She originally had a royal and sassy temperament, and after putting on the windbreaker, she became even more aggressive.

When such a woman walks on the street, those little girls may not be able to move their legs.

Women appreciate women better than men.

The windbreaker is tied with a beautiful bow at the waist. Her legs wearing boots are slender and plump, and her chest looks even more majestic.

Tang Bandit couldn't help but glance at his chest, thinking that he was really right in his praise:

Her breasts are really pretty.

After seeing off Fenghuang and Sheng Xinhuai, Xiaopang came out of the gravity cabin sweating profusely. He glanced around and asked aloud: "Brother, where are Sister Fenghuang and Teacher Sheng?"

"They have left beforehand."

Xiaopang looked regretful and said loudly: "Oh, I thought they would stay at home to eat."

Children all like to have guests at home, and it will be more lively when there are more people.

What's more, Fenghuang and Sheng Xinhuai were very good to Xiaopang. When Tang Bandit followed Xuanyuan Mingjing to the ghost prison for training, almost all of Xiaopang's food and clothing were contracted by them, and they sent all kinds of food every now and then. of.

Xiaopang is getting fatter and fatter, and the two of them are indispensable.

"You like them so much, why didn't you just drink tea with them upstairs and go downstairs to practice alone?" Tang Bandit asked with a smile.

"Sister Phoenix asked me to go." Xiaopang said, "Sister Phoenix said she wanted to talk to you about something. I saw that both of them looked bad, so I went down."

Xiaopang looked at Tang Bandit with a worried look on his face and asked, "Brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay. What can happen to me?" Tang Bandit said with a smile.

"But...why did I hear some bad rumors?"

"Bad rumors?" Tang Bandit looked at Xiaopang and asked, "What did you hear?"

"That's right." Xiaopang hesitated, avoiding Tang Bandit's eyes, and said loudly: "It's just that someone said that you entered the Supervisory Yuan, and it's... it's done."

"running dog?"

"A dog-legger."      .

"What did your classmate say?" Tang Bandit asked.

Although Xiaopang is a disciple of Shang Xiulin, his academic status is still in the ancient martial arts department. When he was completing the training mission of Shang Xiulin, he often had to take some cultural courses.

This is Shang Xiulin's request. He still hopes that his disciples can learn more words.

Just like the students of Bailu Academy, they also have to learn various cultural courses. They are full of poetry and calligraphy. No one wants to become a reckless man who can only wield a sword.

"Yeah." Xiaopang nodded. "You also said that you offended the Lu family this time and sought your own death. Didn't the elder brother have a good relationship with the young lady of the Lu family? Why did you want to arrest their people?"

Tang Bandit smiled bitterly and said, "It's true that good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles."

"I know that's not the case, brother. I know that you must have your own reasons for joining the Overwatch Council." Xiaopang comforted him.

Although I don’t know the reason, my elder brother’s choice will not be wrong.

"Yes." Tang Bandit wanted to reach out and pat Xiao Pang's shoulder, but saw that his clothes were soaked and there were beads of sweat on his shoulders. His outstretched right hand turned in a circle in the air, and then spread his fingers. He smoothed his hair and said, "Don't worry about what they say, we just have to do our own thing."

"No." Xiaopang refused.

Tang Bandit looked at Xiaopang with doubtful eyes and asked, "What did you do?"

"I knocked out their teeth."


"I will beat anyone who dares to scold you." The little chubby boy said with a serious face.


"Brother, didn't you say that? Don't beep blindly if you can do it." Xiaopang said, "Besides, I can't scold them."

Tang Bandit patted the little fat man's head lovingly and said loudly: "What do you want to eat? I'll cook for you."

"Brother, I want to eat steamed pork with steamed rice noodles, poached saury, and pan-fried pork ribs. By the way, there's also a beef rib in the refrigerator. Let's make a charcoal-grilled steak?"

  As soon as Tang Bandit returned to the floor where Section [-] of the Overwatch Council was located, Zhong Jiayuan waved to him furtively.

Tang Bandit walked over with a puzzled expression and asked aloud: "Leader, are you looking for me?"

"Didn't we agree? Brothers are worthy of each other, how can there be any leadership?" Zhong Jiayuan corrected the name of Tang Bandit and said loudly: "But now is not the time to dwell on this topic. Someone from the Lu family is here."

"Is someone coming? It's time for someone to come." Tang Bandit looked at Zhong Jiayuan and asked doubtfully: "Who is coming?"

"Lu Dongsheng."


Tang Bandit's heart sank slightly.

Lu Dongsheng, Minister of Machinery of the Phoenix Empire. This is the official number one figure in the Lu family.

According to the identity assigned to him by the old man, he had to call Lu Dongsheng "Third Grandpa".

"He went to see the dean. You are responsible for this case. I'm afraid I will ask you for questioning soon." Zhong Jiayuan reminded kindly.

"I understand." Tang Bandit nodded.

He knew that the Lu family would come to his door, but he didn't expect that Lu Dongsheng would come directly.

Can he contend with such a person who holds a high position of power and is responsible for a country's artifact?

At this moment, the office phone on Zhong Jiayuan's desk rang.

Zhong Jiayuan glanced at the caller ID and immediately straightened his spine, as if that person was right in front of him.

"What are the instructions from the dean?"

"Tell Bandit Tang to come to my office."

After that, he hung up the phone.

Zhong Jiayuan looked at Tang Bandit and said with a wry smile: "Say the dean, and the dean will be here."

(End of this chapter)

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