above the galaxy

Chapter 293 Planting thorns!

Chapter 293 Planting thorns!

What do you mean?
  First use verbal threats to force me to retreat and be a bad face, and then throw out Lu Xiyu to comfort and win over me and be a good face?

Hard and soft at the same time, one hand is a stick and the other is honey.

You were fished out of the sea, and why are you here changing your face for me?

However, he was telling the truth.

Tang Bandit did have good relations with the Lu family, even better than outsiders imagined.

The old man was kind to him for saving his life, and Lu Xiyu was kind to him for teaching him.

His ability to win the championship in the mechanical competition mainly relied on the new materials and new technologies provided by Lu Whisper, as well as his own thick skin.

Otherwise, with his little knowledge, he would not be able to produce such a powerful weapon as the golden armored unicorn in such a short period of time.

Tang Bandit didn't know if his fat grandfather had told Lu Dongsheng about his life experience. If he had, then he was reminding Tang Bandit that we are a family and you'd better do things in a measured way.

However, judging from his style of speaking and doing things, as well as his attitude towards himself, it should be unsaid.

However, these people have deep thoughts. Who can figure out what is true and what is false, what is false and what is true?

When Tang Bandit was thinking about how to deal with it, Lu Dongsheng changed the topic and said, "Of course, I am not telling you this to ask you to be lenient just because you have an old relationship with our Lu family."

He stood up and strode to Tang Bandit.

After more than a year of experience and growth, Tang Bandi is now [-] meters tall.

However, standing in front of Lu Dongsheng, who was nearly two meters tall, he still looked weak, short, and under great pressure.

Lu Dongsheng's big, thick hand slapped Tang Bandit's shoulder heavily, and said loudly: "The most important thing for the Supervisory Yuan to do is to distinguish between public and private. Public is public, private is private. Although you have always been on good terms with our Lu family, But when someone from the Lu family commits a crime, they should be arrested as they should be, and sentenced as they should be."

"We should take the law as the criterion and facts as the basis, and we will never tolerate criminals."

The Tang bandit followed the good example, straightened his spine, looked at Lu Dongsheng with a serious face and said, "Yes, I listen to Minister Lu."

Minister Lu turned to look at Yan Wenli and said in a deep voice: "Lu Yunhang is the dean of the Mechanical Design Institute, and the Mechanical Design Institute is the core department under the Ministry of Machinery. If you really have any evidence, then we will prepare a new one." Dean selection.”

"If you have no evidence, or insufficient evidence, then put him back and let him continue to shine at his post. The Mechanical Design Institute is an important weapon of the country, how can it be without an owner for a long time? Dean Yan, don't you think so? Is this the truth?"

Yan Wenli also stood up, looked into Lu Dongsheng's eyes with a smile, and said in a silent exchange: "Minister Lu, don't worry, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

"Yes. I believe you." Lu Dongsheng nodded and said, "I know that the Oversight Council has many affairs, so I won't disturb you."

"I will send you."

"Dean, stay here." Lu Dongsheng pointed at the Tang bandit and said, "Let this young man give him a gift."

Yan Wenli nodded and said to Tang Bandit: "Tang Bandit, please give Minister Lu a gift for me."

"Yes, Dean." Tang Bandi bowed and responded.

Under the guidance of Tang Bandi, he walked towards the VIP elevator on one side of the building.

Tang Bandit pressed the elevator button, and the elevator creaked before him.

Like wind and lightning.

Lu Dongsheng stood at the door of the elevator. He did not go in directly. Instead, he turned to look at Tang Bandi and said earnestly: "You should take a broad view. Young people have a bright future, but don't take the wrong path."

"Thank you, Minister Lu, for your teaching. I know what I am doing." Tang Bandit said. "Haha." Lu Dongsheng grinned and said, "It's good to know. It's good to know. I've always thought that you are a smart person."

Lu Dongsheng said no more, turned around and entered the elevator with his secretary.

It wasn't until the elevator door closed and disappeared that Tang Bandi regained his composure and knocked on the door of the dean's office again.

Yan Wenli waved to Tang Bandit and said, "Come, have a drink with me."

"Dean." Tang Bandit wanted to refuse, saying he couldn't drink during work.

However, since the dean had already drank, what else did he have to worry about?
  He walked straight to the sofa in front of Yan Wenli and sat down, saying, "Thank you, Dean."

Yan Wenli poured him half a glass of whiskey, and then poured half a glass for himself. He picked up the wine glass and said, "Here, let me toast you."

"I don't dare, I respect the dean." Tang Bandi lowered the rim of the cup and said respectfully.

Yan Wenli smiled, picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and asked aloud: "How are you? Are you nervous?"

"Nervous." Tang Bandit said, "Minister Lu is majestic and solemn, and it is difficult to get close to him."

"Yes, majestic and solemn, not easy to approach." Yan Wenli was very satisfied with Tang Bandit's description and said loudly: "Not only are you afraid, I am also afraid."

"Is there anyone else the dean is afraid of?" Tang Bandit asked pretending to be surprised.

"How can there be no fearful people in this world? If you want to take away other people's power, others will want to take away your power. If you want other people's lives, others will want your life." Yan Wenli shook gently. He drank the strong wine in the cup, his eyes were dark and deep, and he said: "I have killed so many people, how many people want to kill me?"

"The dean is devoted to public service."

Before Tang Bandit could say his flattery, he was interrupted by Yan Wenli, saying: "No one cares about this. No matter what your intention is or how great your mission is, as long as you hurt others, others will Will come back thinking of revenge."

"Comparing one's heart with one's own is the Buddha's heart. However, how many people are willing to consider things from other people's standpoints? Why should we consider issues from other standpoints?"

"I'm not happy anymore, so you won't be happy either. Officialdom is not only about human relations, but also about fighting and killing."

"Yes, my subordinate has learned a lesson." Tang Bandit said aloud.

Yan Wenli looked at Tang Bandit and asked aloud: "Did Minister Lu say anything to you?"

Tang Bandit was so frightened that he stood up immediately and said loudly: "Just when I was about to report to the dean that I was escorting Minister Lu into the elevator, Minister Lu told me that we should take a broad view of things."

"He also told me that young people have a bright future, but they must not take the wrong path. He also said that I am a smart person and should know the choices."

"Although I have a good relationship with Lu Private, public is public and private is private. I will handle the case impartially and will never be affected by any personal feelings."

"Sit down. Sit down." Yan Wenli raised his hand and pressed down, motioning Tang Bandit to sit down and talk, and said, "Don't be nervous, let's chat casually."

"Yes, Dean."

"Lu Dongsheng said this in front of me just to sow thorns and create conflicts and doubts between us."

"How could such a cheap method be effective?"

"Aren't you already scared?" Yan Wenli squinted his eyes and looked at Tang Bandit, and said with a smile.


(End of this chapter)

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