Video: Collectors Flying in the Heavens

Chapter 1466: Are you too small? 【2400 monthly tickets plus more updates! 】

Chapter 1466: Are you too small? 【2400 monthly tickets plus more updates! 】

diamond trading center,

When the police officers who kept arriving confirmed their identities, their faces immediately showed an embarrassed expression.


As the handcuffs were opened, the commander leading the team quickly said: "Sorry, sir!"

"Don't be so impulsive next time, you know? It's easy to get hurt accidentally!"

After complaining angrily, Lu Yan twisted his wrist and said, "I'll leave it to you, but half of the case belongs to the Intelligence Bureau!"

"Yes, sir!"

After hearing Lu Yan's words, the other party quickly saluted and spoke,

But just when Lu Yan was about to leave, a man was sitting in a convertible looking at everything.

He just went in to check and didn't find the whereabouts of the black diamond at all, so the thing was taken away!

As he drove away, Lu Yan's phone rang.

Picking up the phone, Lu Yan couldn't help but said: "Yes, I found a group of thieves to take the blame, but I need to share half of the credit!"

"Oh, damn it, who called the police? I'm going to tear him apart!"

Hearing what Lu Yan said, Alexander on the phone shouted angrily,

"Don't care who it is, there's a car following me!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yan glanced at the rearview mirror and raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Drive the car to a remote street,

Lu Yan got off the car directly.

Not long after, a convertible stopped, and the man who got off the car stared at Lu Yan and said, "You have that bag of diamonds, right?"

"You're right, so what? What do you want to do? Compatriot!"

Looking at the other party, Lu Yan laughed.

"Hand over the thing, it belongs to the "Ryukyu" Research Institute!"

Looking at Lu Yan seriously, he saw Su walking forward quickly and putting one hand in his trouser pocket.

But looking at him, Lu Yan couldn't help but smile: "That's not okay, I have promised to give the things to my family! So, your situation is small, isn't it?"

Suddenly hearing Lu Yan's words, Su rushed forward quickly,

Looking at his movements, Lu Yan drew his gun and said, "You still do it? What age is it? How can you be as fast as a gun in a martial arts competition? How can you be the best in the world if you don't have a gun?"

Suddenly being targeted, Su Ze broke into a cold sweat and said, "You can't hand over Ryukyu's things to them!"

"But I am Chinese!"

After saying this, Lu Yan raised his eyebrows and said: "Give you a chance, get in the car and leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened, otherwise I will smash your knees and make you unable to stand up for the rest of your life! "

Just after Lu Yan finished speaking, Su Ze turned around gloomily and got into the car.

Looking at this scene, Lu Yan smiled and said: "Very smart, but your layout should be bigger!"

After saying this, Lu Yan quickly blew out his tires, got in the car and left.

He rarely attacks his compatriots unless you make him feel that he is in trouble!

Back in the hotel, Lu Yan threw the diamond on the table and said, "Let's see if this is what you are looking for!"

Just after Lu Yan finished speaking, someone opened the black bag, looked at the diamonds inside and said, "Yes, this is what we are looking for. Thank you so much!"

"No need to talk about thanks, this is what I should do!"

As he said that, Lu Yan said: "I will send you off with your air tickets when. Ryukyu and the owner of the black diamond are also eyeing you!"

"In the evening, leave immediately!"

The person in charge of inspection next to him said this, and everyone's faces became serious.

Obviously, these black diamonds are very important!

In the evening, a black business car was speeding on the road. Lu Yan looked into the rearview mirror and said, "When you get to the airport, you can take my private jet directly. You will be safe then!"

But just after Lu Yan finished speaking, someone asked in surprise: "You still have a private jet?"

"Who told you that senior agents of the Intelligence Bureau can't have private jets? Our director also likes to have yacht parties!"

He shrugged his shoulders in disbelief, and Lu Yan laughed.

But just as the black business car was speeding, a roar came from the distance,

Seeing the sudden rockets, everyone's first reaction was that it was over.

At this time, Lu Yan quickly stepped on the accelerator and pulled the handbrake.

When the black business car dodged the rockets with a strange drift, a violent explosion suddenly sounded.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yan immediately released the handbrake and said, "It seems they don't intend to let you leave so peacefully!" "Boom!"

The commercial vehicle roared and immediately sped off into the distance.

At this moment, the three cars behind them hurriedly chased after them, seemingly planning to snatch the black diamond back from them.

Looking at this scene, Lu Yan couldn't help but cheered: "Fasten your seat belts, I'm going to race!"


Everyone looked at Lu Yan in shock, and everyone was at a loss because Lu Yan had already reached the fastest speed. How could he still accelerate?

However, as a violent pushing sensation appeared, everyone felt a sudden burst of life and death.

Running fast on the road, Lu Yan kept crossing the traffic lane in front: "Handsome!"

A few minutes later, when the car rushed into the airport, Lu Yan stopped in front of a plane that had been waiting for a long time.


As several people helped him out of the car, he immediately started vomiting on the roadside.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yan couldn't help but said: "No, you still need to practice more!"

"Have you ever driven something before?"

Pointing at Lu Yan, one of them could not help but cover his mouth and asked,

"Do fighter jets count?"

Lu Yan laughed when he thought of how he had flown a fighter jet to escape when he went to save Shao Te.

"Get on the plane first, let me handle it here!"

After arranging for everyone to leave, Lu Yan saw the lights not far away.

"What about you?"

Looking at Lu Yan, he saw one person who couldn't help but stop and speak,

"What do you think they can do to me here?"

With a smile on his face as he explained, Lu Yan took out 40 pieces of fire from the trunk!

Not long after, when everyone left, Lu Yan pointed the rocket in the distance and said, "Yes, that's it."

"call out!"

Raging rockets flew out, blowing up the car at the front.

When he saw this scene, Ling Ye, an international criminal, was stunned because this Intelligence Bureau agent was a little wild!

But before he could finish his words, Lu Yan took out Vulcan Gatling from the trunk and said, "I just wanted to leave a good impression on my family, but now, I'm going to be angry!"

As the fire god Gatling sounded, the bullets tore everyone apart like a storm.

"Boom boom boom!"

Two cars exploded one after another, and flames shot into the sky.

When several people leaving on the plane saw this scene, they immediately said seriously: "He is really a good person!"

"Yes, if he can come back, I will definitely treat him to a drink!"

While everyone was sighing, Lu Yan stepped on his leather shoes and walked up to Ling and said, "Why are you chasing me? Ah, isn't it good to be alive?"

Aiming the gun at his head, Lu Yan kept pulling the trigger.

"Bang bang bang!"

Several gunshots rang out, and after Lu Yan hit Ling's head, he turned around and looked not far away and said, "You have two choices now. One, go back, and two, I'll kill you here!"

Just after Lu Yan finished speaking, Su Ze said: "I will protest to the Intelligence Bureau!"


Lu Yan couldn't help laughing, but Lu Yan covered his face and said, "Protest, whatever, I'm just a temporary worker anyway!"

With that said, Lu Yan got into the black business car and left.

Continuing to communicate with such an idiot will really lower his IQ level!

Well. Although he doesn't use his brain most of the time! But that doesn’t mean there isn’t one!

(End of this chapter)

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