Video: Collectors Flying in the Heavens

Chapter 2189 Children can even call them uncle!

Chapter 2189 Children can even call them uncle!

In 1990, the exam ended,

Everyone has set foot on their respective destinations,

Looking at Lu Yan's house who was moving things, the adults around him came to help.
Looking at Lu Yan, Ms. Leopard handed out the prepared things and said: "Studying abroad is a very hard thing. You have to take care of yourself when you are out there, you know?"

"Don't worry, Auntie, I will take care of myself, and I will be back after the holiday!"

Looking at Ms. Leopard with a smile on her face, Lu Yanke knew that she was a cold-faced person with a warm heart.

Even when Li Yihua came to borrow money in the middle of the night, she still chose to put the money into a gift for the other party, and said that she did not need to pay back the money last time.
It seems to be refusing the other party to lend money, but in fact it means, you don’t need to ask, I will give you the money.
"Ah Yigu, President Lu!"

Raising his hand to say hello, Jin Chengjun smiled.

"Ah Yi Gu, President Jin!"

Waving his hands happily, Lu Yan also greeted him very skillfully.

Once alive, twice familiar, three times, four times, follow me home!

Looking at Cheng Dongyi with twitching lips, Lu Yan didn't want to say that your daughter Paula no longer needs to make up her mind!
"I know, uncle!"

"Hahaha, as long as you don't take advantage of my daughter, we will still be good friends, right! When you come back, uncle will treat you to a drink!"


"You have to take care of yourself out there!"


Opening his arms, Lu Yan was about to hug him, but saw Gou Huan next to him rushing over.

But after a circle of adults finished giving instructions, it was the turn of the little friends in front of them.


Nodding firmly, Gou Huan also laughed,

With a smile on his face, Lu Yan looked at Cheng Dongyi who was silent.
Looking at Lu Yan silently, Cheng Dongyi put his arm around Lu Yan's shoulders and said, "Boy, take care of yourself outside, and don't try to trick my daughter, you know?"

Looking at the people in front of him, Lu Yan smiled and said, "When I come back from summer vacation, I'll treat you to dinner!"

Seeing Cheng Dongyi's appearance, Lu Yan also laughed.

Lu Yan was a little shy at first, but now he's comfortable with it!


Looking at Gou Huan with his mouth twitching, Lu Yan couldn't help but hugged him tightly and said, "If you really like Deshan, then be brave and pursue him. As a man, you must never hesitate. Do you understand?"

But at this moment, Liu Donglong came forward and said: "Brother, when you come back, can you bring me some of that."

Just after Lu Yan said these words, Cheng Deshan immediately became happy.
But in the next second, Deshan came to him and said: "Hug one!"

After patting Lu Yan on the shoulder, Jin Chengjun also looked at him seriously.
"Don't worry, President Jin, I'm not a child anymore!"

The moment Gou Huan let go, it was as if some big secret in his heart had been discovered.
Reaching out and pressing Gou Huan's head, Lu Yan smiled and said, "Come on, Gou Zhengba!"

Patting Lu Yan on the shoulder, Cheng Dongyi laughed.

Pushing Liu Donglong away from him, Lu Yan stared at him angrily.
"Just leave, why are you telling me to get out!"

Looking at Lu Yan depressedly, Liu Donglong put his hands in his pockets and went back.

Stepping forward to hug Lu Yan, Paula pressed against his shoulder and said, "Remember to call me, you know?"

"Don't worry, I will always remember you!"

Looking at Paula tenderly, Lu Yan was about to say something when he felt murderous intent behind him.

Quickly letting go of Paula, Lu Yan looked at Cui Ze and Shanyu and said, "See you all during the summer vacation!"

"See you in the summer!"

Waving his hands happily, Lu Yan left in the car.

Looking at Lu Yan walking away, Deshan looked at Paula curiously and said, "Sister, do you like him?"


Turning around, Paula's originally cold face immediately became hot,

Looking at this scene, Deshan was stunned and said: "This is not right!"

Departing from the airport, the plane arrived in Beijing a few hours later

When they came here for the first time, both Yin Enxi and Shu Yuan were stunned.
Because how to say? Wherever you look, there are people everywhere, just like mountains and seas.
"So many people!"

Looking at all this in surprise, they all exclaimed, "Yes, this is the capital of the Far East!"

After speaking with sighs, Lu Yan suddenly became a little silent.

Because he remembered what happened back then,

Together they faced the bone-chilling wind, stepped into the ice and snow, and attacked the enemy. Only then did they return to the prosperous world!

Turning to look at the flag fluttering in the wind, Lu Yan smiled brightly and said, "It's so beautiful!"

Come to the registration office of Beijing University,
Lu Yan handed over his admission notice.

Looking at Lu Yan, the senior in front of him couldn't help but said: "Bangzi?"

"I'm not a stick, I'm from the Far East, a purebred!"

After hearing the senior's words, Lu Yan immediately retorted in his native language,

The corners of his mouth twitched as he looked at Lu Yan, while the senior said in shock, "No, you're not a stick, so where did you come from?"

"Okay, I'm a stick, but only for now!"

Turning his head in embarrassment, Lu Yan felt guilty, because with his passport here, he really couldn't refute.

But it's only for this half year. He will definitely find a way to get his ID card in the second half of the year.

In 1994, the university ended,

Walking out of the school gate, Yin Shuyuan, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly stepped forward and said, "Can you go back?"

"Ah, you can go back!"

With Yin Shuyuan on his arm, Lu Yan walked quickly towards the car.

But just after getting on the bus, a cute girl rushed up to him and said, "Dad!"

"Hey, Yan Shu is good!"

Holding his daughter in his arms, Lu Yan teased her happily,

But at this moment, Yin Enxi said angrily: "Did you bring us here with this idea in mind?"

"Otherwise? Enxi!"

Looking at Yin Enxi with a smile on his face, Lu Yan stroked the boy's head and said, "Yan En, has your mother taken your medicine honestly recently?"

"Eat it, I'm staring at her!"

Looking at Lu Yan, he saw that the boy looked like a young adult.
Seeing this scene, Lu Yan couldn't help but smile and said, "That's good, you have to take good care of mom!"

When Yin Enxi, who was driving, heard this, she said with an unhappy look on her face: "I am very healthy and I don't need to take your medicine at all!"

"That's beauty care! Are you sure? Enxi!"

Looking at Yin Enxi in confusion, Lu Yan laughed.

After all, in "Blue Life and Death", it created a precedent for soap operas, that is, car accidents and cancer cannot be cured.
But for Lu Yan, an old Chinese medicine practitioner, this is still a very simple matter. Just take care of your body, but if it doesn’t work, you still have time to do it!

Returning to Seoul on a private jet,

When Liu Donglong came to pick up the plane and rushed forward with a smile on his face, he saw Lu Yan walking down with two children on his arms.

His eyes widened in shock, Liu Donglong said in disbelief: "Are they?"

"Call uncle!"

Looking at the children with a smile on his face, Lu Yan became happy.
"Hello, uncle!"

Looking at the children saying hello to him, Liu Donglong opened his mouth and said: "Uncle? Are your children this old? Brother!"

"Yes, I haven't been idle all these years?"

As he spoke, Lu Yan smiled,

But just after Lu Yan finished speaking, Liu Donglong said in disbelief: "What about Sister Paula?"

"She? She knows!"

Looking at Liu Donglong with a smile on his face, Lu Yan stepped forward and said, "Aren't you awesome?"

"Brother, you are so awesome!"

Thinking that Lu Yan could actually get Paula to agree to this matter, Liu Donglong thought that he was the only "god" in Shuangmen Cave!

Jin Zhengfeng: What about me?
(End of this chapter)

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