Video: Collectors Flying in the Heavens

Chapter 2317 Climbing a plane? You are awesome!

Chapter 2317 Climbing a plane? You are awesome!
On the quiet street,

People in the community are looking out the window in panic.

Because even if they heard the noise, they didn't dare to come out.

After all, this is no longer a matter of firing a gun, but a grenade!
Who in their right mind would take out this thing and throw it around?

Looking at Ethan who was suppressed in the underground stairs, Lu Yan moved his feet, intending to find an opportunity to kill him.

If he wasn't wearing a custom-made Vasachi suit today, Lu Yan would have probably rushed down directly.
After all, a man may not be handsome, but his suit cannot be dirty!

But just as the two sides were arguing in their minds, Lu Yan stopped, spit out the gum from his mouth, and inserted the detonator.
As a ferocious Tom Cat smile appeared, Lu Yan dropped the plastic bomb.

He turned the corner with a gun pointed at the blind spot. Just when Ethan didn't understand what Lu Yan wanted to do, he saw something like chewing gum with a detonator inside appear.

With a loud curse, Ethan dodged immediately.


In the explosion that was like the collapse of heaven and earth, the entire building began to tilt.

The corners of his mouth twitched as he watched this scene. Lu Yan couldn't help but say, "It's over, it's been demolished by force!"

But before Lu Yan was about to rush down, a vehicle whizzed by in the distance.
Looking at this scene, Lu Yan quickly ran into the alley.

Arriving at the scene, the special forces team immediately began to deploy defenses around the scene.

Climbing out from underneath in a panic, Ethan's face was covered in blood and he said, "Damn it, this guy is not a bodyguard at all, he's a gangster!"

Thinking that the other party not only took out grenades and detonators, but also plastic bombs, Ethan shouted angrily.

Because who the hell would bring this thing to protect a target?
Aren’t you afraid that your employer will be blown up as well?
Gary Weber: Do I have a choice?

Lu Yan: You have no choice!
Intelligence Bureau, Office,

When Clay received Ethan's call, a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

Because even Ethan Hunt couldn't deal with Gary Webber?

Where did that guy find the bodyguard?
Thinking of what Ethan said about the characteristics of the bodyguard, Clay immediately took out his cell phone.

"Drip drip!"

The phone rings,

Lu Yan immediately answered the phone and said, "What do you want to do so late at night? Clay!"

"Where are you?"

After asking Lu Yan, Clay immediately asked the intelligence personnel beside him to investigate the source of the signal.
However, when the location was revealed, Clay showed a hint of doubt.
Because Lu Yan’s location was actually at home!
"Home! Any problem?"

Asked in confusion, Lu Yan smiled.

"Nothing, it's just that while on a mission today, the special forces encountered a guy who looked very similar to you!"

Clay started to doubt as he spoke with a smile.

But Lu Yan's signal was indeed at home, which made people feel strange.

"Very similar to me, in what way?"

Curiously asking, Lu Yan spoke with a puzzled look on his face.
"Style of doing things! Well, I have something else to do here, bye!"

After hanging up the phone, Clay narrowed his eyes and said, "Let Ethan settle this matter as soon as possible!"

Thinking that Ethan had already taken action, Clay did not intend to let Lu Yan intervene.
After all, this matter is a scandal within the Intelligence Bureau.
At first he also planned to let Lu Yan do it, but after thinking about it, he decided it would be better to let his own people do it!
Seeing the call was hung up, Xiao Hei meowed into the phone.
"Okay, hang up!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yan yawned speechlessly. Where is his phone? Of course it's at home!
As for how to chat with Clay, it was because Mr. Lu had prepared another mobile phone at home.
Whenever someone calls, Xiao Hei will dial his number directly.
What positioning? His cat can not only do somersaults, but also make phone calls!

Xiao Hei: It’s not easy to make money from this little cat food!
Wangcai: Woof woof woof!

Lu Yan: Speak human language!

New York, John F. Kennedy International Airport,

Amid the busy crowd, Lu Yan was going through security check.

Looking at the hooded man not far away, Lu Yan walked up, sat next to him and said, "Tickets and passports, be careful when you get there!"

"Far East? I don't speak Chinese!"

Looking at Lu Yan in disbelief, Gary Weber quickly spoke up.
But looking at Gary Weber, Lu Yan asked: "Then do you speak Russian?"

"No way!"

Gary Weber couldn't help but smile bitterly as he looked at Lu Yan awkwardly.

"Then learn it. Now, except for these two countries in the Far East, no one can protect you if you offend the Intelligence Bureau!"

Looking at Gary Webber seriously, Lu Yan couldn't help but roll his eyes.

What to do if you provoke the Intelligence Bureau? In a word, run to the Far East.
As long as you go to the Far East, as long as you stand in front of Tiananmen Square, even if you are dancing in the square, not to mention the Intelligence Bureau, even the vengeful Mr. Lu will grit his teeth and applaud you when he sees you.
Gary Weber: Are you so cowardly?
Lu Yan: Tian Wenjing, I
After successfully passing the security check, Lu Yan planned to escort Gary Webber onto the plane.
After all, we have sent the Buddha to the west, so it wouldn’t be a big deal to see Tathagata as well!

Tathagata: I don’t want to see you!

Arriving at the boarding gate, just as Gary Webber was about to go in, Lu Yan turned around because he had noticed something.

Turning around, their eyes met. Ethan was also standing in the crowd, staring at Gary Webber's back.
The two sides did not speak, but dispersed.
It is impossible for the CIA to arrest Gary Webb openly because it involves many things, such as freedom of speech!
And it was impossible for Lu Yan to shoot here because he had prepared a howitzer, which could explode a large area!

After entering the plane, Lu Yan sat next to Gary Webber, but at this moment, he saw a shocking scene, because a face appeared on the window of the plane.

With his eyes wide open, Lu Yan had never expected that this guy would actually climb onto the plane. What was he trying to do?

Taking out the gun, Lu Yan pointed it at the mirror, as if telling him to get out of here.
But facing Lu Yan's threat, Ethan was not afraid, because once he fired the gun, the plane would be grounded.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan also rushed to the boarding gate, and then climbed up directly to the astonishment of the staff.

Arriving above the plane, Ethan looked at Lu Yan and asked, "Who are you?"

"You don't care who I am!"

Looking at Ethan, Lu Yan rushed forward.
Striking a fighting stance, Ethan stared at Lu Yan, intending to finish him off here.
But before Ethan could make a move, Lu Yan rushed forward, hugged him, and then the two of them rolled down together.
The airport security was dumbfounded when they saw the person falling from above and hitting the suitcase truck.

Because these two people can fight anywhere else, why do they have to fight on the airport runway?

He punched Ethan in the face, and then Lu Yan turned over and kicked him away.

Rushing over from a distance, the intelligence agency's special agents also pulled out their batons.
Seeing the support coming, Lu Yan ran forward.
Looking at him, Ethan roared, "Leave this bastard alone and go get Gary Webber!"

However, before Ethan could finish his words, Lu Yan took out a detonator.
"Hey, man, let's talk it over nicely. There's no need for us to do this, right?"

Looking at the thing in Lu Yan's hand, the members of the special forces were dumbfounded, because if this thing was ordered, not to mention them, the intelligence agency from top to bottom would be punished.
"Get this plane off the ground! Or I'll burn it!"

Looking at Gary Webb's plane, Lu Yan couldn't help but become serious.
"no problem!"

Suppressing his inner anger, Ethan could only choose to agree.

Because compared to Gary Webber, Lu Yan is more dangerous.
After all, which bodyguard would choose to carry a detonator to the airport in order to protect his employer?

(End of this chapter)

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