Pierre Guiscard said with a snort: "And leather."

"It's not worth two hundred million francs to have your skin off!"

Pierre Guiscard rolled his eyes at the old marshal, tilted his head, and then retorted.

"It's a loan, they're using Alaska as collateral."

"The Russians don't pay back the money?!"

"How do you know they won't pay back the money? Or are you all in collusion?"

Pierre Guiscard's practice of beating back and forth is very common in shopping malls, but Soult is a soldier after all, even in old age and frailty, he still maintains a bit of blood.

"I'll kill you traitor right now!"

Seeing that the old marshal fired a real fire, the onlookers immediately put down the old marshal's gun.

"Mr. Prime Minister, don't get angry. Mr. Guiscard is right. There are still several years left. Let's talk about it then."

"Yes! Mr. Giscard was the first to successfully negotiate with the Russians!"

"Yes! Yes! This is France's victory!"

"Win! Win! We won!"

The people around you say a word, and I say a word.The traitor who Sirte said spent [-] million dollars to buy a freezer became a "hero" among the crowd.

Soult could only throw the scepter in his hand to the ground and walk away, because there were too many Orleanist financial capitalists in the cabinet at this time, and they colluded with each other. Even if Guizot went to North America, he could not restrain this group of people development of.

Soult could only go to King Louis-Philippe, but the big money owners behind the Orleans faction had already communicated with the latter, and the former could only get frustrated.

In the end, under Soulte's repeated requests, Pierre Guiscard was just dismissed from office and did not suffer any substantive punishment.

14 million francs seems to be nothing to the July Dynasty, whose annual fiscal revenue is as high as [-] billion francs, but in fact, the annual property expenditure of the French government at this time is higher than the income.

Moreover, the pressure on the deficit is increasing. If this continues, the entire French government will have to work for those financial capitalists.

At this time, the French government can only continue to borrow [-] million francs, and the interest on the loan is higher than the interest that France lends to the Russians.

In the end, the capitalists at the top of the dynasty won, as did the Russians, but all the burdens were passed on to the state.

Sirte could only sit in his office and sigh. Although he felt that the Orleanists were playing with fire, he also could not accept the Bonapartists who advocated war.

As for those orthodox factions who advocate the traditional monarchy, they are even more a joke in Sirte's eyes, because the Great Revolution was not as simple as beheading a few heads.

Some things can't be killed once they appear, and some things can never come back after they die.

Louis-Philippe actually felt he had won the deal, and he was proud of his exploits.

You must know that Alaska is three times the size of mainland France. Which king can compare with himself in the history of such martial arts and martial arts?
In fact, the French never gave up their struggle for the Rhine region and the three countries of South Germany, but at this time the German Confederation was too strong, so he needed help.

And this obviously cannot be the British, after all, the British would not want any European country to become too strong.

Of course, it can't be Prussia and Austria, because the Rhineland is the land of the former, and it still takes some face for the latter to be the presidency of the German Confederation in name.

As for countries such as Sweden and Poland, they can’t get on the stage at all. Of course, it’s another matter if the Poles can really recover their country, but judging from their performance in the past few months, Louis-Philippe feels that the energy of these people is limited.

Russia also has ambitions for the German region, and is very dissatisfied with what Austria has done in the Balkans, so it is the most suitable ally for France at this time.

In the Caucasus region, the new governor Paskevich was not in a hurry to go deep into the mountains for a decisive battle, but adopted a step-by-step strategy.

Advance step by step with the deep ditch fortress, resolutely carry out a frontal decisive battle, and then take the opportunity to send Cossack cavalry to carry out the plundering mission.

The so-called plundering mission is a barbaric tactic, similar to the three-all policy of the Japanese army during the Anti-Japanese War, only more primitive and barbaric.

The governor of the Caucasus, Paskevich, authorized the Cossacks and soldiers who dared to go deep into the Caucasus mountains to plunder freely.

They can plunder any hostile target and kill all resisters at the same time. The targets of plunder include property and the resisters themselves.

At first, Imam Shamir led his Chechen soldiers to resist tenaciously, and achieved a large number of victories, which did scare some Cossacks back.

But in front of the Russians who believe in difficulties, the iron bars are swept away, the difficulties are increased, and the iron bars are doubled.The heroic resistance of the Imam Khanate only added to the fun for Paskevich.

The executioner who once suppressed the Warsaw Uprising asked for some new toys from Tsar Nicholas I before he came.

They were prisoners from Siberia and criminals from St. Petersburg, among them were thieves, hooligans, con-gang members, murderers, cultists, Decembrists, and ordinary people who took risks.

Paskevich trained the men, gave them weapons, and promised them a chance at redemption.

"Go to fight! You scumbags! Go to kill! Go to destroy! Kill those enemies of Russia! Go to conquer! Go to enslave! Let their wives and daughters cry under your "moon praise"!.
remember!The winner not only gets honor, but also gets freedom! "

"Grandpa wants to fight!"

Although Paskevich's words are simple, they are very clear, targeted and provocative.

Then more criminal legions and Cossack cavalry entered the mountains. They ran amok, their fighting power was far stronger than ordinary gray cattle, and their behavior was even more cattle.

The mountain people in the Caucasus were devastated, the rebels were slaughtered, and those who surrendered became mules and horses for transportation and slaves who were bullied.

Imam Shamir's letter for help did not receive a response, and this time he sent another group of people to Tripoli.

When the Chechens arrived in Tripoli on Ottoman ships, the Karamanli family was ready to receive them as usual.


In 814 BC, the Phoenicians established a city here.Later, the Romans, Arabs, Spaniards, and Turks came here one after another, leaving colorful imprints on it.

The city on this oasis is completely different from the deserts we saw along the way. The blue sea, blue sky, lush city, busy port, and exquisite architecture all make people linger.

However, as the representative of the Imam Khanate, Ibrahim and his subordinates did not have this kind of leisure at all. The housekeeper of the Karamanli family received them warmly as usual.

The sumptuous food and fragrant wine, coupled with the leisurely sea breeze and the hard-working performances of dancers and musicians, made these people from the bitter cold feel a little unreal.

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