Chapter 788 Bishop Minofir
After thinking about it for about a minute, the representative of the Orthodox Alliance signed the document and stamped it with a seal symbolizing the highest power of the Orthodox Alliance.

After returning to the canton of Lucerne, the representative handed over all his powers to the then State Secretary Konstantin Siegvoort.

A month later, tax officials from the Liberal Alliance began to enter the states of the Orthodox Alliance to take over the state taxation.

It was only then that the states of the Legitimacy Union discovered that their representatives had sold their state's financial power to the enemy.

When angry people began to search for the representative, the latter had already arrived in the United States and lived a wealthy and leisurely life.

Of course, the money was naturally taken from the alliance's reserves, and half of the money raised for the war was directly taken away.

In order not to alarm the bank, the representative specifically found a French black marketeer to help. The intermediary fee was close to 100 million Swiss francs.

This incident directly caused the Orthodox Alliance to fall into a passive state, but fortunately, it was only signed by the state representative and not recognized by the states.

The power of finance and taxation is related to the livelihood of the states. Naturally, it is not so easy to give up. As a result, the tax officials of the Liberal Alliance were rejected, and no state in the Orthodox Alliance was willing to give up its power of finance and taxation.

This situation cannot continue forever. The Orthodox Alliance proposed to negotiate a settlement, but the Liberal Alliance obviously did not want to negotiate. When the former thought that things would continue to be deadlocked, the latter issued an ultimatum.

"If the parties cannot agree, the Federation will declare the Legitimacy Union unconstitutional."

When things have developed to this point, both sides have understood that a war is inevitable. The Free Alliance has notified the British ambassador before, so the news of the Swiss Civil War is already on its way to Britain.

In addition to this, the Liberty Alliance has made a lot of deployments, and has been making strenuous efforts over the years. Although it did not meet the expectations of the veteran Dufour, it has also produced an army of 13 people, but the equipment is a bit outrageous.

In order to ensure the victory, the Freedom Alliance will close the mountain passes while the great powers interfere, and at the same time send a fleet to intercept all ships on Lake Geneva and Lake Constance, waiting for the British to deal with the great powers.

But before that, the Free Alliance must win the war, otherwise everything will be in vain.

The Orthodox Alliance was much more chaotic. In addition to a group of idiots who naively believed that the Free Alliance would come to Lucerne (the nominal capital of Switzerland at this time) to negotiate, there were also Jesuit priests from the Papal States who were causing trouble.

That's right!Pius IX came again, and this time he sent the strongest general in the Papal State, Bishop Minofil the "Invincible".

This person had only participated in three battles in his life, one time to wipe out an army of unbelievers who had desecrated the holy city. In fact, he was a criminal gang composed of only three people.

The other was the extermination of a wicked witch and her evil army, who were actually an old woman who couldn't pay her taxes and her five sons.

The last time, and also the greatest victory achieved by the Papal States in recent years, Bishop Minofil, the "Invincible", led an army of 50 Papal States (actually [-]) to put down the rebellion in San Marino.

Note: At that time, the resident population of San Marino was 4300, and less than [-] people participated in the rebellion.

Constantine Sigwater has admired "The Undefeated" for a long time, and Bishop Minofer also decided to show his hand.

"Bring the defense map!" Pastor Belit immediately offered it up respectfully, and Bishop Minofir said after just looking at it twice.

"Garbage! Rubbish! It's all rubbish! Cowardly as a mouse! Short-sighted! How can such a bastard lead you to victory?

Tell me who is that garbage commander?I must make him ashamed. "

As soon as Bishop Minofer said this, the senior leaders of the Orthodox Alliance immediately faltered.Seeing this, Minofel already knew what was going on, and said with a sneer.

"You are still young, war requires experience.

The defense is indeed a little too naive, but you don't need to be ashamed, let alone be afraid, because I, "The Undefeated" Minofer, is here, and I am ordered by Pope Pius IX to lead you to victory.

As long as I'm with you, don't worry! "

After Bishop Minofer finished speaking, the expected voice of admiration did not resound, and everyone in the combat command room looked strange.

"What's going on? Don't you believe me?"

The new State Representative, Constantine Sigwater, pointed awkwardly to the side. "This deployment map was not made by us."

"Who is that?"

"Archduke Karl of the Austrian Empire."

"Crazy Karl?"

"No, the one who fought with Napoleon"

Minofel was speechless for a moment, and then laughed out loud after a long silence.


"Bishop Minofel, why are you laughing?"

"I laughed at Archduke Karl as a generation of famous generals who only knew how to follow the old ways and didn't know how to adapt. No wonder even Napoleon was unable to defeat the child."

In fact, in theory, speaking of such wild and contradictory remarks, even if they are not ridiculed, they will be ignored.

However, the reality is that in the entire Orthodox Alliance, there are very few people who understand military affairs. They are either bishops or nuns, or some businessmen and lawyers.

Except for Pastor Belit and Captain Ulrich Salis, who had studied in Austria, the other senior leaders of the Orthodox Alliance not only did not refute Bishop Minofel's words, but also showed signs of joy.

Everyone praised the famous name of "The Invincible", as if this old man could rub France on the ground if he had been born a few decades earlier.

The most exaggerated performance was a nun named Brandi who actually knelt down and began to pray.

"Please guide us to glorious victory!"

Soon everyone in the house, either infected by it or forced by pressure, knelt down to pray.

Bishop Minofil didn't sue either.

"To win, we must be brave, determined, and unafraid of sacrifice!"

"Yes, Bishop."

"Don't interrupt, I haven't finished yet." Minofir said and walked towards the map.

"Look! Here! Friborg is the key!"

Friborg should be regarded as an enclave of the Legitimacy Alliance. It is surrounded by the forces of the Freedom Alliance, but in terms of terrain, it should be easy to defend and difficult to attack. With its own natural barrier, only a small amount of troops can block the entrance of the valley.

This can be regarded as a microcosm of Switzerland. As long as the roads are destroyed and the roads are clung to, the attacker will really have nothing to do for a while.

But that's not what Minofel wants to say...
"We should concentrate our forces here and take the initiative to attack to achieve the goal of blooming in the center."

"But our troops are not as strong as the separatists," said the new state representative, Constantine Siegvoort.

"Stupid! There are not many soldiers, it depends on whether we are pious. As long as we have God in our hearts, the weapons of those villains will not be able to hurt us!
Moreover, those villains will definitely encircle us from all sides when facing our lone army in Friborg. As long as we focus on a few breakthroughs, we can win!
Once the enemy's defenses show a gap, we can go up the Sarin River and go straight to their lair.

I want to tell you that offense is the best defense! "

Minofir's theory is indeed much more exciting than Archduke Karl's shrinking strategy. Everyone couldn't help applauding and lamenting that the Bishop is indeed the most powerful general in the history of the Papal States.

(End of this chapter)

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